1,377 research outputs found

    The use of the LANDSAT data collection system and imagery in reservoir management and operation

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    The author has identified the following significant results. An increase in the data collection system's (DCS) ability to function in the flood control mission with no additional manpower was demonstrated during the storms which struck New England during April and May of 1975 and August 1976. It was found that for this watershed, creditable flood hydrographs could be generated from DCS data. It was concluded that an ideal DCS for reservoir regulation would draw features from LANDSAT and GOES. MSS grayscale computer printout and a USGS topographic map were compared, yielding an optimum computer classification map of the wetland areas of the Merrimack River estuary. A classification accuracy of 75% was obtained for the wetlands unit, taking into account the misclassified and the unclassified pixels. The MSS band 7 grayscale printouts of the Franklin Falls reservoir showed good agreement to USGS topographic maps in total area of water depicted at the low water reservoir stage and at the maximum inundation level. Preliminary analysis of the LANDSAT digital data using the GISS computer algorithms showed that the radiance of snow cover/vegetation varied from approximately 20 mW/sq cm sr in nonvegetated areas to less than 4 mW/sq cm sr for densely covered forested area

    Beyond the trial: A systematic review of real-world uptake and engagement with digital self-help interventions for depression, low mood, or anxiety

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    Background: Digital self-help interventions (including online or computerized programs and apps) for common mental health issues have been shown to be appealing, engaging, and efficacious in randomized controlled trials. They show potential for improving access to therapy and improving population mental health. However, their use in the real world, that is, as implemented (disseminated) outside of research settings, may differ from that reported in trials, and implementation data are seldom reported. Objective: We aimed to review peer-reviewed articles reporting user uptake and/or ongoing use, retention, or completion data (hereafter ‘usage data’ or, for brevity, ‘engagement’) from implemented pure self-help (unguided) digital interventions for depression, anxiety, or the enhancement of mood. Methods: We conducted a systematic search of the Scopus, Embase, MEDLINE, and PsychINFO databases for studies reporting user uptake and/or usage data from implemented digital self-help interventions for the treatment or prevention of depression or anxiety, or the enhancement of mood, from 2002 to 2017. Additionally, we screened the reference lists of included articles, citations of these articles, and the titles of articles published in Internet Interventions, Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), and JMIR Mental Health since their inception. We extracted data indicating the number of registrations or downloads and usage of interventions. Results: After the removal of duplicates, 970 papers were identified, of which ten met the inclusion criteria. Hand-searching identified one additional article. The included articles reported on seven publically available interventions. There was little consistency in the measures reported. The number of registrants or downloads ranged widely, from eight to over 40,000 per month. From 21% to 88% of users engaged in at least minimal use (e.g. used the intervention at least once or completed one module or assessment), while 7–42% engaged in moderate use (completing between 40% and 60% of modular fixed-length programs or continuing to use apps after four weeks). Indications of completion or sustained use (completion of all modules or the last assessment or continuing to use apps after six weeks or more) varied from 0.5% to 28.6%. Conclusions: Available data suggest that uptake and engagement vary widely among the handful of implemented digital self-help apps and programs which have reported this, and that usage may vary from that reported in trials. Implementation data should be routinely gathered and reported to facilitate improved uptake and engagement, arguably among the major challenges in digital health

    Land use/vegetation mapping in reservoir management. Merrimack River basin

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    This report consists of an analysis of: ERTS-1 Multispectral Scanner imagery obtained 10 August 1973; Skylab 3 S190A and S190B photography, track 29, taken 21 September 1973; and RB-57 high-altitude aircraft photography acquired 26 September 1973. These data products were acquired on three cloud-free days within a 47-day period. The objectives of this study were: (1) to make quantitative comparisons between high-altitude aircraft photography and satellite imagery, and (2) to demonstrate the extent to which high resolution (S190A and B) space-acquired data can be used for land use/vegetation mapping and management of drainage basins

    Prediction of PID control model on PLC

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    PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) is a control algorithm that mostly used in industry. However, users have never known what the PID model that used inside the PLC. By knowing the PID model that used in PLC, users will have more choice in determining the more appropriate tuning algorithm. Also, users can use MATLAB to perform analysis and can implement it to PLC. Through OPC Server (Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control Server) as a software interface, programs on a windows operating system can communicate with industry devices universally. PID model prediction method is done by comparing the output of the plant controlled by PID model in PLC and PID model in SIMULINK MATLAB using OPC Server intermediaries. Based on comparison result in graph and analysis using integral error method, PLC M221 using Parallel PID model and PLC S7-1200 using Ideal PID model

    Analysis Stego-image Extraction Using Rot13 and Least Significant Bit (Lsb) Algorithm Method on Text Security

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    Cryptography is both a science and an art to keep the message confidential. While steganography is the science and art of hiding secret messages in other messages so that the existence of such secret messages is unknowable and generally serves to disguise the existence of confidential data making it difficult to detect and protect the copyright of a product. Steganography requires two properties, namely container media and secret messages. The application of steganographic and cryptographic combination is done by Least Significant Bit (LSB) and ROT13 algorithm. Steganography with the LSB method is one of the methods used to hide messages on digital media by inserting it to the lowest bits or the most right bits of the pixel data that compile the file. In this research, the authors propose the technique of securing Steganography secret messages with layered security, by adding Cryptography to secret messages that will be inserted into digital images and then messages inserted into digital images through Steganography using LSB method

    Pengaruh Pelapisan Akrilik Terhadap Kualitas Papan Partikel Dari Limbah Batang Kelapa Sawit

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    To reduce the waste of oil palm trunks can be done by changing oil palm trunks into particle board. One way to improve the quality of particle board is by doing coating treatment of acrylic. This study evaluated the best acrylic level in improving the quality of oil palm trunk particle board with isocyanate as the adhesive. Boards were made with size 25 cm x 25 cm x 1 cm with a target density of 0.7 g/cm3, felts temperature 160º and pressure 25 kg/cm2 for 3 minutes. Physical and mechanical properties were compared with SNI 03-2105-2006. The treatment variations were acrylic levels (0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%) with 3 repetitions. Results showed that the values of the density, moisture content, water absorption, thickness swelling, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and internal bond were respectively 0,46-0,60 g/cm3, 10,52-11,01%, 5,32-55.35%, 2,37-6,40%, 26,45-60,87 kg/cm2, 2619,15-5092,82 kg/cm2 and 2,28-4,61 kg/cm2. All result values of physical properties testing except value of the moisture content achieved the standards of SNI 03-2105-2006. Instead, all result values of mechanical properties testing did not achieve the standards of SNI 03-2105-2006. The results showed that the particle boards with acrylic coating treatment has better quality than the particle boards without the acrylic coating treatment for the entire physical properties testing in addition to moisture content. Best acrylic level for the coating treatment of oil palm trunk particle board is 15%

    The ‘Ombuds Watchers’: Collective Dissent and Legal Protest Among Users of Public Services Ombuds

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    This article examines the phenomenon of the ‘ombuds watchers’. These are groups of dissatisfied users of public service ombuds schemes who engage in legal protest against the current system of redress for citizen-state complaints. Through the lens of legal consciousness scholarship we propose a framework that conceptualizes the collectivized protest of the ombuds watchers. Based on an empirical dataset, our analysis has shown that the ombuds watchers meet each of the defining characteristics of dissenting collectivism and demonstrates the existence of forms of legal consciousness which present ‘opportunities to build alternative imaginaries and institutions’ (Morgan and Kutch 2015, p. 567). Our case study provides an insight into the potential for dissenting collectives to challenge the hegemonic structures of state law, while at the same time emphasising the continuing power of legal ideology in shaping popular understandings of justice. The article also suggests a pathway for future empirical research into ombuds


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    Kinerja pegawai dapat dilaksanakan salah satunya melalui upaya mendorong semangat kerja dari pegawai yang bersangkutan. Pegawai yang memiliki semangat dalam bekerja akan tergerak untuk melakukan semua tugas dan tanggung jawabnya secara baik dan tepat waktu. Faktor yang bisa mempengaruhi kinerja adalah motivasi, kemampuan dan lingkungan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi kerja dengan kinerja dari para pekerja di rumah kopi Kawangkoan Kabupaten Minahasa. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian survei analitik dengan desai cross-sectional study dan jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 85. Variabel yang di teliti adalah motivasi kerja dan kinerja. Instrument penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dan menggunakan Uji Chi Square. Berdasarkan uji hubungan antara motivasi dengan kinerja dari para pekerja di rumah kopi Kawangkoan Kabupaten Minahasa dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Chi-square dengan nilai p = 0,000 atau (p < 0,05). Terdapat hubungan antara motivasi kerja dan kinerja dari para pekerja di rumah kopi Kawangkoan Kabupaten Minahasa. Kata Kunci : Motivasi Kerja, Kinerja ABSTRACTEmployee performance can be carried out one of them through efforts to encourage the spirit of work of the employee concerned. Employees who have a passion in work will be moved to perform all their duties and responsibilities in a good and timely manner. Factors that can affect performance are motivation, ability and work environment. This study aims to find out the relationship between work motivation and the performance of workers in Kawangkoan coffee house Minahasa Regency. This research is included in the research category of analytical surveys with cross-sectional study and the number of samples taken as many as 85. The variables examined are work motivation and performance. This research instrument is a questionnaire and uses the Chi Square Test. Based on the relationship test between motivation and performance of the workers in Kawangkoan coffee house Minahasa Regency by using chi-square correlation test with value p = 0.000 or (p < 0.05). There is a relationship between work motivation and performance of the workers at Kawangkoan coffee house in Minahasa Regency. Keywords: Work Motivation, Performanc