34 research outputs found

    Информация о смерти клеток необходима для жизни всего организма

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    In present paper we give the review of own experimental and literary data, devoted to programmed cells destruction— apoptosis in animal and plants. We show, that the inheritable information about cell death is necessary for life and evolutionary prosperity of multicellular organisms.В настоящей статье мы даем обзор собственных экспериментальных и литературных данных, посвященных запрограммированной гибели клеток — апоптозу у животных и растений, показываем, что наследственная информация о смерти необходима для жизни и эволюционного процветания многоклеточных организмов. За эти работы группе американских и английских учёных в 2002 г. была присуждена Нобелевская премия по физиологии и медицине. Апоптоз — центральная проблема современного комплекса наук о жизни

    A change in the optical polarization associated with a gamma-ray flare in the blazar 3C 279

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    It is widely accepted that strong and variable radiation detected over all accessible energy bands in a number of active galaxies arises from a relativistic, Doppler-boosted jet pointing close to our line of sight. The size of the emitting zone and the location of this region relative to the central supermassive black hole are, however, poorly known, with estimates ranging from light-hours to a light-year or more. Here we report the coincidence of a gamma-ray flare with a dramatic change of optical polarization angle. This provides evidence for co-spatiality of optical and gamma-ray emission regions and indicates a highly ordered jet magnetic field. The results also require a non-axisymmetric structure of the emission zone, implying a curved trajectory for the emitting material within the jet, with the dissipation region located at a considerable distance from the black hole, at about 10^5 gravitational radii.Comment: Published in Nature issued on 18 February 2010. Corresponding authors: Masaaki Hayashida and Greg Madejsk

    AGILE detection of a rapid γ-ray flare from the blazar PKS 1510-089 during the GASP-WEBT monitoring

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    We report the detection by the AGILE satellite of a rapid gamma-ray flare from the powerful gamma-ray quasar PKS 1510-089, during a pointing centered on the Galactic Center region from 1 March to 30 March 2008. This source has been continuosly monitored in the radio-to-optical bands by the GLAST-AGILE Support Program (GASP) of the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT). Moreover, the gamma-ray flaring episode triggered three ToO observations by the Swift satellite in three consecutive days, starting from 20 March 2008. In the period 1-16 March 2008, AGILE detected gamma-ray emission from PKS 1510-089 at a significance level of 6.2-sigma with an average flux over the entire period of (84 +/- 17) x 10^{-8} photons cm^{-2} s^{-1} for photon energies above 100 MeV. After a predefined satellite re-pointing, between 17 and 21 March 2008, AGILE detected the source at a significance level of 7.3-sigma, with an average flux (E > 100 MeV) of (134 +/- 29) x 10^{-8} photons cm^{-2} s^{-1} and a peak level of (281 +/- 68) x 10^{-8} photons cm^{-2} s^{-1} with daily integration. During the observing period January-April 2008, the source also showed an intense and variable optical activity, with several flaring episodes and a significant increase of the flux was observed at millimetric frequencies. Moreover, in the X-ray band the Swift/XRT observations seem to show an harder-when-brighter behaviour of the source spectrum. The spectral energy distribution of mid-March 2008 is modelled with a homogeneous one-zone synchrotron self Compton emission plus contributions from inverse Compton scattering of external photons from both the accretion disc and the broad line region. Indeed, some features in the optical-UV spectrum seem to indicate the presence of Seyfert-like components, such as the little blue bump and the big blue bump


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    Purpose. To conduct an analysis of the epidemic situation of influenza and acuterespiratory diseases among children in the 2018-2019 season.Material and methods. The morbidity of children with influenza and acute respiratorydiseases in the epidemic season 2018-2019 has been studied. The analysis of thedynamics of the morbidity, age structure of patients, vaccine status has been carried out.Results. It has been established that during the epidemic period 15,459 people were ill.10186 cases of the disease were registered in children under the age of 18, accountingfor 65.2%. The epidemic season 2018 - 2019 was the longest period - 6 weeks. The results of virological studies are indicative of influenza A viruses circulation, in particular, A (H1N1) and A (H3N2).Conclusions. Influenza immunization did not affect the morbidity of the populationbecause of the very low vaccination level both adults and children.Цель работы - проведение анализа епидемической ситуации с гриппом и острымиреспираторными заболеваниями среди детей в сезоне 2018-2019 годов.Материал и методы. Изучено заболеваемость детей гриппом и острыми респираторными заболеваниями в епидемический сезон 2018-2019 годов. Проведеноанализ динамики заболеваемости, возрастной структуры заболевших, вакцинального статуса.Результаты. Установлено, что за период эпидемии заболело 15459 человек.Зареестрировано10186 случаев заболевания у детей до 18 лет, что составляет65,2%. Эпидемический сезон 2018 - 2019 годов имел наиболее длительный период -6 недель. Результаты вирусологических исследований свидетельствуют о циркуляции вирусов гриппа типа А, а именно А (H1N1) и А (H3N2).Выводы. Иммунизация против гриппа не повлияла на заболеваемость населения взвязи с очень низким уровнем вакцинации как взрослых, так и детей.Мета роботи - проведення аналізу епідемічної ситуації на грип та гостріреспіраторні захворювання серед дітей у сезоні 2018-2019 років.Матеріал і методи. Вивчено захворюваність дітей на грип та гострі респіраторні захворювання в епідемічний сезон 2018-2019 років. Проведено аналіздинаміки захворюваності, вікової структури дітей, що захворіли, вакцинальногостатусу.Результати. Встановлено, що за період епідемії захворіло 15459 осіб. Зареєстровано 10186 випадків хвороби у дітей до 18 років, що становить 65,2%. Епідемічний сезон 2018 - 2019років мав найбільш тривалий період - 6 тижнів. Результати вірусологічних досліджень засвідчують, що циркулювали віруси грипу типуА, зокрема А (H1N1) та А (H3N2).Висновки. Імунізація проти грипу не вплинула на захворюваність населення узв'язку із дуже низьким відсотком вакцинації як дорослих, так і дітей


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    Purpose. The resonant overvoltage arises in main electrical networks as a result of random coincidence of some parameters of circuit and its mode and it may exist for a relatively long time. Therefore, the traditional means of limitation of short duration commutation surges are not effective in this case. The study determines conditions of appearance and development of non-sinusoidal mode after switching idle autotransformer to the overhead line of extra high voltage. The purpose of the paper is to choice measures for prevention overvoltage, too. Methodology. The study has used the result of extra high voltage line testing, the methods of electric circuit theory and the simulation in the MATLAB & Simulink package. Results. The simulation model of the extra high voltage transmission line for the study of resonant non-sinusoidal overvoltage is developed. The conditions for the appearance of resonant circuits in the real power line are found and harmonic frequency in which overvoltage arises are obtained. The study proposes using the controlled switching device as a measure to prevent resonance surges and determines the appropriate settings. Originality. The expression for calculation of resonant length of extra high voltage line was derived. The special investigation of processes in the resonant circuit of the extra high voltage transmission line for higher harmonic components of voltage is carried out. The program of switching for control apparatus that prevents non-sinusoidal overvoltage has been developed at the first time. Practical value. The using of the proposed settings of controlled switchgear will prevent the occurrence of hazardous resonant surge on higher harmonic components of voltage.Резонансні перенапруги в магістральних електричних мережах виникають внаслідок випадкового збігу параметрів схеми та режиму і можуть існувати порівняно тривалий час. Тому традиційні засоби для обмеження короткочасних комутаційних перенапруг в даному випадку не є ефективними. Метою статті є дослідження перенапруг, що виникають у магістральних електричних мережах на вищих гармонійних складових. Для цього використовувалися імітаційне та математичне моделювання в середовищі MATLAB&Simulink . Показано, що несинусоїдальні спотворення виникають при ввімкненні лінії електропередачі на невантажений автотрансформатор. Визначені частоти, при яких виникають перенапруги на вищих гармонійних складових. Запропоновано використання пристрою керованої комутації для запобігання перенапругам даного класу і розроблена модель для визначення відповідних налаштувань


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    Purpose. The resonant overvoltage arises in main electrical networks as a result of random coincidence of some parameters of circuit and its mode and it may exist for a relatively long time. Therefore, the traditional means of limitation of short duration commutation surges are not effective in this case. The study determines conditions of appearance and development of non-sinusoidal mode after switching idle autotransformer to the overhead line of extra high voltage. The purpose of the paper is to choice measures for prevention overvoltage, too. Methodology. The study has used the result of extra high voltage line testing, the methods of electric circuit theory and the simulation in the MATLAB & Simulink package. Results. The simulation model of the extra high voltage transmission line for the study of resonant non-sinusoidal overvoltage is developed. The conditions for the appearance of resonant circuits in the real power line are found and harmonic frequency in which overvoltage arises are obtained. The study proposes using the controlled switching device as a measure to prevent resonance surges and determines the appropriate settings. Originality. The expression for calculation of resonant length of extra high voltage line was derived. The special investigation of processes in the resonant circuit of the extra high voltage transmission line for higher harmonic components of voltage is carried out. The program of switching for control apparatus that prevents non-sinusoidal overvoltage has been developed at the first time. Practical value. The using of the proposed settings of controlled switchgear will prevent the occurrence of hazardous resonant surge on higher harmonic components of voltage

    Influence of adhesion on measurement of viscoelastic characteristics of whole blood using resonant-acoustic method

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    The effect of blood adhesion on the amplitude-frequency characteristics of a piezoelectric sensor in the method of low-frequency piezothromboelastography is studied. As a result of adhesion, a layer of blood cells can accumulate on the surface of the resonator needle immersed in blood, which changes its configuration and mass and, as a consequence, its amplitude-frequency characteristics. Experiments showed that during coagulation, the free frequency of the resonator needle oscillations decreases in direct proportion to the increase in the mass of adhered blood. To confirm this regularity, we carried out a numerical experiment on the basis of 3D-mathematical model of a piezoelectric sensor used in the piezotromboelastograph ARP-01M Mednord. The experiment was performed with the help of the COMSOL Multiphysics® 4.2 software package and the finite element method. We calculated the change in the free frequency of the resonator needle oscillations as a function of the adhered blood mass and their time dependence in the blood coagulation process. It is shown that during coagulation, the mass of adhered blood increases starting from the third minute and reaches its maximum of 0.42 milligram in 15 minutes, which leads to a noticeable shift in the resonance frequency of the piezoelectric sensor towards lower frequencies

    Dependence of the multiplicity of relativistic charged particles on the atomic number in interactions between pi /sup -/ mesons with a 17 GeV/sec pulse and between protons with 60 GeV/sec and 67 GeV/sec pulses on photoemulsion nuclei

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    Full account of experiments with the photo-emulsion G5 being irradiated by pi /sup -/ mesons by the CERN accelerator and the photo- emulsions BR-2 and BRx4y being irradiated by protons by the Serpukhov accelerator is presented, supported by tables and histograms. Nuclear interactions, discovered along the trace, and the division criteria between interactions of light nuclei (CNO) and heavy nuclei (AgBr) are studied. All interactions are grouped under quasi-nuclear, light nuclei and heavy nuclei, and their distribution with differing quantities of relativistic particles n/sub s/ and heavily ionized particles N/sub h/ is explained and discussed. (5 refs)