24 research outputs found


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    This study examined the relationship between social identity and prejudice against ethnic Papuan students with intergroup anxiety as mediators and quantity of contact and belief as moderators. This study using a quantitative cross-sectional survey design. Respondents (n=452) were students in Surabaya selected using accidental sampling. Data were collected online using Google Forms by employed several scales that were RIVEC (Rejection, Intimacy, Values, Emotions, and Culture) prejudice scale, a-three factors social identity scale, intergroup anxiety scale, contact quantity scale, and belief scale. The results of hypothesis testing showed that intergroup anxiety significantly mediates the relationship between social identity and prejudice against ethnic Papuan students (β= -0.25; p<0.001). The results also revealed the moderator roles of belief (β = -0.13; p<0.05) and quantity of contact (β = 0.07; p<0.05) in predicting prejudice. This finding can be concluded that the emotions associated with low intergroup anxiety play a role in mediated high social identity with low prejudice scores. Increased contact with outgroups did not guarantee a decrease in prejudice scores in people with high social identities. Still, the involvement of cognitive processes through positive beliefs by individuals acts as a buffer effect so that people with high social identities can decrease prejudice scores

    Karakterisasi Sediaan Topikal Anti Aging dari Kombinasi Ekstrak Pegagan dan Kulit Buah Manggis

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    CHARACTERIZATION OF ANTI AGING TOPICAL PREPARATION FROM COMBINATION OF CENTELLA ASIATICA AND MANGOSTEENS PEEL EXTRACT. Gotu kola contain triterpenoid active agent that has activity as wound healing and asiaticoside which can repair and strengthen skin tissue cell, also reduce schlerosis, stimulating nail growth, hair and tissue. Mangosteens peel which rich with xanton group and the most active agent is alfa-mangostina, gamma-mangostin dan garsinon-E has farmacological activity as anti inflamation and anti oxidant. These two extract combination are expected to reduce the aging indications. These combination are made in a topical preparation which are expected to form a nano emulsion which cause a faster active agent penetration into skin tissue. Thus, it is necessary to do a characterization to know and make sure the nano particle size from the emulsion and the stability topical preparation based on pH and refractive index parameter. The results showed emulsion system resulting product is still in the form of micro- emulsion with particle size among 7-20 μm. The refractive index did not show significant changes to a wide variety of homogenization treatments. Based on the parameters of the system pH, anti aging cream emulsion is proved to be stable for 20 days with a pH value in the range of 4.42 - 4.8


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    KARAKTERISASI SEDIAAN TOPIKAL ANTI AGING DARI KOMBINASI EKSTRAK PEGAGAN DAN KULIT BUAH MANGGIS. Pegagan mengandung bahan aktif triterpenoid yang mempunyai aktivitas penyembuh luka dan asiaticoside yang berfungsi meningkatkan perbaikan dan penguatan sel-sel jaringan kulit, mengurangi sklerosis, menstimulasi pertumbuhan kuku, rambut dan jaringan ikat. Kulit buah manggis yang mengandung senyawa aktif alfa-mangostina, gamma-mangostin dan garsinon-E memiliki aktifitas farmakologi sebagai anti inflamasi dan anti oksidan. Kombinasi kedua ekstrak diharapkan dapat mengurangi tanda-tanda penuaan. Kedua bahan aktif ini diracik dalam sediaan topikal dan diharapkan memiliki bentuk nano emulsi yang akan mengakibatkan cepat terserapnya kandungan bahan aktif ke jaringan kulit. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan karakterisasi untuk mengetahui dan memastikan ukuran partikel dari sistem emulsi serta kestabilan sediaan topikal berdasarkan parameter pH dan indeks bias. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan sistem emulsi produk yang dihasilkan dalam bentuk emulsi mikro dengan ukuran partikel antara 7-20 µm. Nilai indeks bias tidak menunjukkan perubahan yang signifikan untuk produk krim emulsi dengan variasi perlakuan homogenisasi. Berdasarkan parameter dari sistem pH yang diamati selama 20 hari terbukti krim emulsi anti aging yang dihasilkan stabil dengan nilai pH di antara 4,42 sampai dengan 4,85


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    Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) adalah karet silikon yang stabil secara fisik dan kimia dan telah tersedia komersial. PDMSmerupakanmaterial polimer dengan rentang indeks bias 1,47-1,55 danmempunyai karakter transparansi yang tinggimencapai 95%sehingga bahan ini baik digunakan sebagai alat optik sederhana berupa lensa invers. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat lensa invers dari polimer PDMS serta mengetahui sifat optik dan termalnya.Tahapan penelitian lensa invers meliputi: pencampuran antara base PDMS dengan curing agent PDMS dengan perbandingan 10 :1, kemudian dilakukan proses penetesan diatas slide kaca lalu dibalikkan (invers) dengan variasi jumlah tetesan 2,3 dan 4 drop dan terakhir dilakukan proses curing dengan variasi suhu curing 70 °C, 80 °C, dan 90 °C. Karakterisasi bahanmeliputi analisismorfologi lensamenggunakan SEM/EDX, intensitas cahaya menggunakan luxmeter serta analisis nilai transtition glass (Tg) menggunakan TGA/DTA. Hasil karakterisasi analisis luxmeter menunjukkan semakin rendah suhu curing semakin tinggi intensitas cahaya yang dapat menembus lensa. Foto SEM memeperlihatkan adanya gelembung pada lensa. Semakin besar volume lensa maka semakin sedikit gelembung pada lensa. Hasil analisis menggunakan TGA memperlihatkan untuk rentang suhu pemanasan antara 70 °C hingga 90 °C nilai suhu degradasi (Td) lensa invers tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lensa yang baik adalah pada variasi 4 tetes dan suhu curing70 °C dengan nilai intensitas 177 lux dan nilai Td sebesar 301,5 °

    Synthesis and Properties of Ethoxylated Glycerol Monooleate as Palm Oil Based Nonionic Surfactants

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    Palm oil based nonionic surfactants were synthesized by reacting glycerol monooleate with ethylene oxide at 80 ºC in the prescence of an alkaline catalyst. Purification of the products was conducted by use of acetic acid and black carbon which gave ethoxylated products (EGMO) with a higher level of viscocity and greater solubility in water. Physical and chemical properties of the product such as surface activity, cloud point, acid value, ester value, hydroxyl value, and hydrophilic-lipophilic balance was also determined and results varied depending on the reagent molar ratio. The synthesized EGMO were soluble in water and therefore show potential use as surface active agents in personal care and cosmetic products

    Innovation Readiness Assessment toward Research Commercialization: Case of Surfactants for Food Processing

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    Determining the readiness of research toward commercialization becomes significant issues encountered by the institution working on research, innovation and technology development. Particularly in food processing area, the issue is much more involving other aspects aside from technological matter, hence, an assessment tool should be consider these aspects altogether to capture integrated perspective. This study explored the use of Innovation Readiness Level to measures the maturity of research from the perspective of technology, market, organization, partnership and risk. Case of surfactant researches in the Research Center for Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences will be deployed as examples of study. According to the assessment, it has been obtained the surfactant recommended for further development towards commercialization of R & D results for food processing, i.e. Glycerol Mono Stearate (GMS), which has reached the level of IRL 3. This finding resulted some implications for improvements strategies to foster the research toward commercialization

    Sintesis Asam Oleat Terepoksidasi dengan Katalis Asam Asetat

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    Pada penelitian ini, sintesis asam oleat terepoksidasi dilakukan dengan tujuan mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi asam asetat dan hidrogen peroksida pada proses epoksidasi asam oleat tanpa menggunakan katalis. Reaksi epoksidasi asam oleat dilakukan pada suhu 60 °C selama 5 jam dengan kecepatan pengadukan sekitar 525 rpm. Karakterisasi terhadap produk asam oleat terepoksidasi dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis bilangan iod, analisis bilangan oksiran, analisis Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) dan Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). Hasil analisis bilangan oksiran menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak mol asam asetat dan mol hidrogen peroksida yang ditambahkan akan cenderung meningkatkan nilai oksiran asam oleat terepoksidasi. Kondisi optimum sintesis asam oleat terepoksidasi tanpa menggunakan katalis diperoleh pada saat perbandingan mol antara asam oleat : asam asetat : hidrogen peroksida sebesar 1:4:9 dengan nilai bilangan oksiran sebesar 1,95 dengan konversi bilangan oksiran 62,30 % dan bilangan iod 17,23 g I2/g sampel. Hasil analisis FTIR menunjukkan terbentuknya gugus epoksida pada bilangan gelombang 837 cm-1. Hasil analisis NMR juga menunjukkan adanya pergeseran kimia baru pada 2,32 ppm sampai 2,35 ppm (H-NMR) dan 72,72 ppm (C-NMR) yang berkaitan dengan proton dan karbon yang terikat pada gugus oksiran

    Prejudice toward Papuan students: The role of intergroup anxiety, belief, contact quantity, and social identity

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    This study examined the relationship between social identity and prejudice against ethnic Papuan students with intergroup anxiety as mediators and quantity of contact and belief as moderators. This study using a quantitative cross-sectional survey design. Respondents (n=452) were students in Surabaya selected using accidental sampling. Data were collected online using Google Forms by employing several scales that were RIVEC (Rejection, Intimacy, Values, Emotions, and Culture) prejudice scale, a-three factors social identity scale, intergroup anxiety scale, contact quantity scale, and belief scale. The results of hypothesis testing showed that intergroup anxiety significantly mediates the relationship between social identity and prejudice against ethnic Papuan students (β= -0.25; p<0.001). The results also revealed the moderator roles of belief (β = -0.13; p<0.05) and quantity of contact (β = 0.07; p<0.05) in predicting prejudice. This finding can be concluded that the emotions associated with low intergroup anxiety play a role in mediated high social identity with low prejudice scores. Increased contact with outgroups did not guarantee a decrease in prejudice scores in people with high social identities. Still, the involvement of cognitive processes through positive beliefs by individuals acts as a buffer effect in reducing prejudice among people with high social identities

    Aplikasi analisa Break Even Point untuk perencanaan laba dan volume penjualan di V-Resto Yogyakarta

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    Saat ini, V-Resto belum menerapkan Analisa Break Even Point (BEP). Melalui analisa BEP, V-Resto dapat mengetahui volume penjualan yang harus terjual agar dapat mencapai laba. Dengan demikian V-Resto merasa perlu adanya alat bantu yang dapat memberi informasi bagi manajemen. Analisa BEP adalah suatu alat manajemen yang dapat membantu manajer untuk melihat hubungan antara bermacam-macam biaya, pendapatan dan volume penjualan. Melalui analisa BEP, manajer juga dapat menentukan jumlah pendapatan yang diperlukan pada suatu tingkat pencapaian laba yang diinginkan yang juga biasa disebut Analisis Biaya -Volume-Laba. Oleh karena itu penulis memberikan alternatif pemecahan masalah dengan menyarankan aplikasi analisa BEP kepada manajemen V-Resto untuk memperoleh informasi yang berguna supaya perusahaan tidak menderita kerugian