248 research outputs found

    Inter-site Coulomb interaction and Heisenberg exchange

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    Based on exact diagonalization results for small clusters we discuss the effect of inter-site Coulomb repulsion in Mott-Hubbard or charge transfer insulators. Whereas the exchange constant J for direct exchange is substantially enhanced by inter-site Coulomb interaction, that for superexchange is suppressed. The enhancement of J in the single-band models holds up to the critical value for the charge density wave (CDW) instability, thus opening the way for large values of J. Single-band Hubbard models with sufficiently strong inter-site repulsion to be near a CDW instability thus may provide `physical' realizations of t-J like models with the `unphysical' parameter ratio J/t=1.Comment: Revtex file, 4 PRB pages, with 5 embedded ps-files. To appear in PRB, rapid communications. Hardcopies of figures or the entire manuscript may also be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]

    Migraine and vascular disease biomarkers: A population-based case-control study.

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    Background The underpinnings of the migraine-stroke association remain uncertain, but endothelial activation is a potential mechanism. We evaluated the association of migraine and vascular disease biomarkers in a community-based population. Methods Participants (300 women, 117 men) were recruited as a part of the Dutch CAMERA 1 (Cerebral Abnormalities in Migraine, an Epidemiologic Risk Analysis) study. Participants were aged 30-60 (mean 48) years, 155 migraine had with aura (MA), 128 migraine without aura (MO), and 134 were controls with no severe headaches. Plasma concentrations of fibrinogen, Factor II, D-dimer, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and von Willebrand factor antigen were compared between groups, also stratifying by sex. Results Fibrinogen and hs-CRP were elevated in migraineurs compared to controls. In logistic regression analyses, MO and MA had increased likelihood of elevated fibrinogen, and MA had increased likelihood of elevated Factor II and hs-CRP. Fibrinogen and Factor II were associated with MA in women but not men. In the migraine subgroup, the total number of years of aura, but not headache, predicted elevated hs-CRP, and the average number of aura, but not headache, attacks predicted all biomarkers but Factor II. Conclusions Elevated vascular biomarkers were associated with migraine, particularly MA, as well as with years of aura and number of aura attacks

    Adsorption of colloidal particles in the presence of external field

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    We present a new class of sequential adsorption models in which the adsorbing particles reach the surface following an inclined direction (shadow models). Capillary electrophoresis, adsorption in the presence of a shear or on an inclined substrate are physical manifestations of these models. Numerical simulations are carried out to show how the new adsorption mechanisms are responsible for the formation of more ordered adsorbed layers and have important implications in the kinetics, in particular modifying the jamming limit.Comment: LaTex file, 3 figures available upon request, to appear in Phys.Rev.Let

    Ectopic Fat and Insulin Resistance: Pathophysiology and Effect of Diet and Lifestyle Interventions

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    The storage of triglyceride (TG) droplets in nonadipose tissues is called ectopic fat storage. Ectopic fat is associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Not the triglycerides per se but the accumulation of intermediates of lipid metabolism in organs, such as the liver, skeletal muscle, and heart seem to disrupt metabolic processes and impair organ function. We describe the mechanisms of ectopic fat depositions in the liver, skeletal muscle, and in and around the heart and the consequences for each organs function. In addition, we systematically reviewed the literature for the effects of diet-induced weight loss and exercise on ectopic fat depositions

    Phase diagram of the extended Hubbard chain with charge-dipole interactions

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    We consider a modified extended Hubbard model (EHM) which, in addition to the on-site repulsion U and nearest-neighbor repulsion V, includes polarization effects in second-order perturbation theory. The model is equivalent to an EHM with renormalized U plus a next-nearest-neighbor repulsion term. Using a method based on topological quantum numbers (charge and spin Berry phases), we generalize to finite hopping t the quantum phase diagram in one dimension constructed by van den Brink et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4658 (1995)). At hopping t=0 there are two charge density-wave phases, one spin density-wave phase and one intermediate phase with charge and spin ordering, depending on the parameter values. At t \neq 0 the nature of each phase is confirmed by studying correlation functions. However, in addition to the strong-coupling phases, a small region with bond ordering appears. The region occupied by the intermediate phase first increases and then decreases with increasing t, until it finally disappears for t of the order but larger than U. For small t, the topological transitions agree with the results of second order perturbation theory.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, two columns latex version. Accepted for publication in Physical Review B. Mistaken reference 16 has been correcte

    Quantum-Dense Metrology

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    Quantum metrology utilizes entanglement for improving the sensitivity of measurements. Up to now the focus has been on the measurement of just one out of two non-commuting observables. Here we demonstrate a laser interferometer that provides information about two non-commuting observables, with uncertainties below that of the meter's quantum ground state. Our experiment is a proof-of-principle of quantum dense metrology, and uses the additional information to distinguish between the actual phase signal and a parasitic signal due to scattered and frequency shifted photons. Our approach can be readily applied to improve squeezed-light enhanced gravitational-wave detectors at non-quantum noise limited detection frequencies in terms of a sub shot-noise veto-channel.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; includes supplementary material

    Optimized Effective Potential for Extended Hubbard Model

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    Antiferromagnetic and charge ordered Hartree-Fock solutions of the one-band Hubbard model with on-site and nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsions are exactly mapped onto an auxiliary local Kohn-Sham (KS) problem within a density-functional theory. The mapping provides a new insight into the interpretation of the KS equations. (i) With an appropriate choice of the basic variable, there is a universal form of the KS potential, which is applicable both for the antiferromagnetic and the charge ordered solutions. (ii) The Kohn-Sham and Hartree-Fock eigenvalues are interconnected by a scaling transformation. (iii) The band-gap problem is attributed to the derivative discontinuity of the basic variable as the function of the electron number, rather than a finite discontinuity of the KS potential. (iv) It is argued that the conductivity gap and the energies of spin-wave excitations can be entirely defined by the parameters of the ground state and the KS eigenvalues.Comment: 21 page, 3 figure

    Gall-bladder dysmotility - A risk factor for gall-stone formation in hypertriglyceridaemia and reversal on triglyceride-lowering therapy with bezafibrate and fish oil

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    Doel: Onderzoeken van de pathofysiologische mechanismen die de kans op galstenen verhogen bij hypertriglyceridemie (HTG) en het vergelijken van de effecten van triglycerideverlagende therapie met bezafibraat en visolie op determinanten van cholelithiasis (biliaire lipidesamenstelling en galblaasmotoriek) bij HTG-patiënten.Opzet: Gekruiste opzet met ‘random’-volgorde.Patiënten en methoden: De galblaasmotoriek werd postprandiaal en tijdens cholecystokinine(CCK)-infusie echografisch onderzocht. De determinanten van cholelithiasis en de serumlipiden werden vergeleken tussen 9 HTG-patiënten en 10 normolipidemische controlepersonen van hetzelfde geslacht, dezelfde leeftijd en ‘body mass’-index. Bij de HTG-patiënten werden de effecten van bezafibraat en gezuiverde omega-3-olie (‘visolie’) bepaald.Resultaten: De serumtriglyceride(TG)-spiegel van de HTG-patiënten was 14-voudig verhoogd, vergeleken met de controlepersonen. De lipidesamenstelling van de gal, de nuchtere galblaasvolumen en de serum-CCK-spiegels verschilden niet tussen HTG-patiënten en controlepersonen. De galblaaslediging was verminderd bij HTG-patiënten versus controlepersonen tijdens CCK-infusie (–22) en ook na een maaltijd (–37; beide p &lt; 0,001). De postprandiale serum-CCK-spiegels waren significant hoger bij HTG-patiënten. Zowel bezafibraat als visolie verlaagde de serum-TG-spiegel (–68 en –51 ten opzichte van de uitgangswaarde; beide: p &lt; 0,01). Nuchtere CCK-spiegels verschilden niet, terwijl de CCK-geïnduceerde galblaaslediging onder bezafibraat toenam met 29 (p &lt; 0,001) en met visolie met 13 (p = 0,07). De postprandiale galblaasmotoriek verbeterde tijdens zowel bezafibraat- (+47) als visoliebehandeling (+25; beide: p &lt; 0,02), waarschijnlijk gedeeltelijk door een toegenomen gevoeligheid van de galblaas voor CCK (voor beide: p &lt; 0,05 vergeleken met de uitgangsfase). Bezafibraat, in tegenstelling tot visolie, verhoogde de molaire cholesterol-galzuurratio (+40; p ≤ 0,05), terwijl beide behandelingen geen effect hadden op de cholesterolsaturatie-index.Conclusies: De verminderde galblaasmotoriek bij HTG-patiënten lijkt het gevolg te zijn van verminderde gevoeligheid voor CCK, wat kan bijdragen aan het verhoogde risico op galsteenvorming. Bij HTG-patiënten verbetert triglycerideverlagende therapie met visolie of bezafibraat de verminderde galblaasmotoriek zonder nadelig effect op de biliaire cholesterolverzadiging.Objective. To unravel the mechanisms responsible for the increased risk of gall-stone disease in hypertriglyceridaemia (HTG) and to compare the effects of triglyceride-lowering therapy with bezafibrate and fish oil on determinants of cholelithiasis (biliary-lipid composition and gall-bladder motility) in HTG patients. Design. Randomised cross over. Patients and methods. Gall-bladder motility (ultrasonography) was studied postprandially and during infusion of cholecystokinin (CCK). Determinants of cholelithiasis and serum lipids were compared between 9 HTG patients and 10 age, sex and body-mass index matched normolipidaemic controls. The effects of bezafibrate and purified omega-3-oil ('fish oil') in HTG patients were studied. Results. HTG patients showed 14-fold higher serum-triglyceride (TG) levels than controls. Biliary-lipid composition, fasting gall-bladder volumes, and CCK levels did not differ between HTG patients and controls. Gall-bladder emptying was reduced in HTG patients compared with controls during CCK infusion (-22%) as well as in response to a meal (-37%; both p &lt; 0.001). Postprandial CCK levels were significantly higher in HTG patients. Both bezafibrate and fish oil reduced serum TG levels (-68 and -51% versus baseline, respectively; both p &lt; 0.01). Fasting CCK levels were not affected whereas CCK-induced gall-bladder emptying increased during bezafibrate (+29%; p &lt; 0.001) and tended to increase upon fish-oil therapy (+13%; p = 0.07). Postprandial gall-bladder motility improved at least partly with bezafibrate and fish oil (+47 and +25% versus baseline, respectively; both p &lt; 0.02) due to increased gallbladder sensitivity to CCK (both p &lt; 0.05 versus baseline). Bezafibrate but not fish oil increased the molar ratio of cholesterol to bile acids (+40%; p ≤ 0.05), but no effects on the cholesterol-saturation index were seen with either treatment. Conclusions. We suggest that impaired gall-bladder motility occurs in HTG patients due to decreased sensitivity to CCK, which may add to the enhanced risk of gall-stone disease in HTG patients. Triglyceride-lowering therapy by both fish oil and bezafibrate improves gall-bladder dysmotility without adversely affecting biliary-cholesterol saturation.</p