8,230 research outputs found

    Morphological Classification of Galaxies by Shapelet Decomposition in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II: Multiwavelength Classification

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    We describe the application of the `shapelet' linear decomposition of galaxy images to multi-wavelength morphological classification using the u,g,r,i,u,g,r,i, and zz-band images of 1519 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We utilize elliptical shapelets to remove to first-order the effect of inclination on morphology. After decomposing the galaxies we perform a principal component analysis on the shapelet coefficients to reduce the dimensionality of the spectral morphological parameter space. We give a description of each of the first ten principal component's contribution to a galaxy's spectral morphology. We find that galaxies of different broad Hubble type separate cleanly in the principal component space. We apply a mixture of Gaussians model to the 2-dimensional space spanned by the first two principal components and use the results as a basis for classification. Using the mixture model, we separate galaxies into three classes and give a description of each class's physical and morphological properties. We find that the two dominant mixture model classes correspond to early and late type galaxies, respectively. The third class has, on average, a blue, extended core surrounded by a faint red halo, and typically exhibits some asymmetry. We compare our method to a simple cut on u−ru-r color and find the shapelet method to be superior in separating galaxies. Furthermore, we find evidence that the u−r=2.22u-r=2.22 decision boundary may not be optimal for separation between early and late type galaxies, and suggest that the optimal cut may be u−r∌2.4u-r \sim 2.4.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figs, revised version in press at AJ. Some modification to the technique, more discussion, addition/deletion/modification of several figures, color figures have been added. A high resolution version may be obtained at http://bllac.as.arizona.edu/~bkelly/shapelets/shapelets_ugriz.ps.g

    The Antarctic dry valley lakes: Relevance to Mars

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    The similarity of the early environments of Mars and Earth, and the biological evolution which occurred on early Earth, motivates exobiologists to seriously consider the possiblity of an early Martian biota. Environments are being identified which could contain Martian life and areas which may presently contain evidence of this former life. Sediments which were thought to be deposited in large ice-covered lakes are present on Mars. Such localities were identified within some of the canyons of the Valles Marineris and more recently in the ancient terrain in the Southern Hemisphere. Perennially ice-covered Antarctic lakes are being studied in order to develop quantitative models that relate environmental factors to the nature of the biological community and sediment forming processes. These models will be applied to the Martian paleolakes to establish the scientific rationale for the exobiological study of ancient Martian sediments

    Displaced geostationary orbit design using hybrid sail propulsion

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    Because of an increase in the number of geostationary spacecraft and the limits imposed by east–west spacing requirements, the geostationary orbit is becoming congested. To increase its capacity, this paper proposes to create new geostationary slots by displacing the geostationary orbit either out of or in the equatorial plane by means of hybrid solar sail and solar electric propulsion. To minimize propellant consumption, optimal steering laws for the solar sail and solar-electric-propulsion thrust vectors are derived and the performance in terms of mission lifetime is assessed. For comparison, similar analyses are performed for conventional propulsion, including impulsive and pure solar electric propulsion. It is shown that hybrid sails outperform these propulsion techniques and that out-of-plane displacements outperform in-plane displacements. The out-of-plane case is therefore further investigated in a spacecraft mass budget to determine the payload mass capacity. Finally, two transfers that enable a further improvement of the performance of hybrid sails for the out-of-plane case are optimized using a direct pseudospectral method: a seasonal transit between orbits displaced above and below the equatorial plane and a transit to a parking orbit when geostationary coverage is not needed. Both transfers are shown to require only a modest propellant budget, outweighing the improvements they can establish

    Spectra of sparse non-Hermitian random matrices: an analytical solution

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    We present the exact analytical expression for the spectrum of a sparse non-Hermitian random matrix ensemble, generalizing two classical results in random-matrix theory: this analytical expression forms a non-Hermitian version of the Kesten-Mckay law as well as a sparse realization of Girko's elliptic law. Our exact result opens new perspectives in the study of several physical problems modelled on sparse random graphs. In this context, we show analytically that the convergence rate of a transport process on a very sparse graph depends upon the degree of symmetry of the edges in a non-monotonous way.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 12 pages supplemental materia

    Quantum affine Cartan matrices, Poincare series of binary polyhedral groups, and reflection representations

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    We first review some invariant theoretic results about the finite subgroups of SU(2) in a quick algebraic way by using the McKay correspondence and quantum affine Cartan matrices. By the way it turns out that some parameters (a,b,h;p,q,r) that one usually associates with such a group and hence with a simply-laced Coxeter-Dynkin diagram have a meaningful definition for the non-simply-laced diagrams, too, and as a byproduct we extend Saito's formula for the determinant of the Cartan matrix to all cases. Returning to invariant theory we show that for each irreducible representation i of a binary tetrahedral, octahedral, or icosahedral group one can find a homomorphism into a finite complex reflection group whose defining reflection representation restricts to i.Comment: 19 page

    New Technology/Old Technology: Comparing Lunar Grain Size Distribution Data and Methods

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    Laser diffraction technology generates reproducible grain size distributions and reveals new structures not apparent in old sieve data. The comparison of specific sieve fractions with the Microtrac distribution curve generated for those specific fractions shows a reasonable match for the mean of each fraction between the two techniques, giving us confidence that the large existing body of sieve data can be cross-correlated with new data based on laser diffraction. It is well-suited for lunar soils, which have as much as 25% of the material in the less than 20 micrometer fraction. The fines in this range are of particular interest because they may contain a record of important space weathering processes

    Lunar resources: Oxygen from rocks and soil

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    The first set of hydrogen reduction experiments to use actual lunar material was recently completed. The sample, 70035, is a coarse-grained vesicular basalt containing 18.46 wt. percent FeO and 12.97 wt. percent TiO2. The mineralogy includes pyroxene, ilmenite, plagioclase, and minor olivine. The sample was crushed to a grain size of less than 500 microns. The crushed basalt was reduced with hydrogen in seven tests at temperatures of 900-1050 C and pressures of 1-10 atm for 30-60 minutes. A capacitance probe, measuring the dew point of the gas stream, was used to follow reaction progress. Experiments were also conducted using a terrestrial basalt similar to some lunar mare samples. Minnesota Lunar Simulant (MLS-1) contains 13.29 wt. percent FeO, 2.96 wt. percent Fe2O3, and 6.56 wt. percent TiO2. The major minerals include plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, ilmenite, and magnetite. The rock was ground and seived, and experiments were run on the less than 74- and 500-1168-micron fractions. Experiments were also conducted on less than 74-micron powders of olivine, pyroxene, synthetic ilmenite, and TiO2. The terrestrial rock and mineral samples were reduced with flowing hydrogen at 1100 C in a microbalance furnace, with reaction progress monitored by weight loss. Experiments were run at atmospheric pressure for durations of 3-4 hr. Solid samples from both sets of experiments were analyzed by Mossbauer spectroscopy, petrographic microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, tunneling electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Apollo 17 soil 78221 was examined for evidence of natural reduction in the lunar environment. This sample was chosen based on its high maturity level (I sub s/FeO = 93.0). The FeO content is 11.68 wt. percent and the TiO2 content is 3.84 wt. percent. A polished thin section of the 90-150 micron size fraction was analyzed by petrographic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy

    The solar maximum satellite capture cell: Impact features and orbital debris and micrometeoritic projectile materials

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    The physical properties of impact features observed in the Solar Max main electronics box (MEB) thermal blanket generally suggest an origin by hypervelocity impact. The chemistry of micrometeorite material suggests that a wide variety of projectile materials have survived impact with retention of varying degrees of pristinity. Impact features that contain only spacecraft paint particles are on average smaller than impact features caused by micrometeorite impacts. In case both types of materials co-occur, it is belevied that the impact feature, generally a penetration hole, was caused by a micrometeorite projectile. The typically smaller paint particles were able to penetrate though the hole in the first layer and deposit in the spray pattern on the second layer. It is suggested that paint particles have arrived with a wide range of velocities relative to the Solar Max satellite. Orbiting paint particles are an important fraction of materials in the near-Earth environment. In general, the data from the Solar Max studies are a good calibration for the design of capture cells to be flown in space and on board Space Station. The data also suggest that development of multiple layer capture cells in which the projectile may retain a large degree of pristinity is a feasible goal
