13 research outputs found

    Oestrogen, an evolutionary conserved regulator of T cell differentiation and immune tolerance in jawed vertebrates?

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    In teleosts, as in mammals, the immune system is tightly regulated by sexual steroid hormones, such as oestrogens. We investigated the effects of 17ÎČ-oestradiol on the expression of several genes related to T cell development and resulting T cell subpopulations in sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, for a primary lymphoid organ, the thymus, and two secondary lymphoid organs, the head-kidney and the spleen. In parallel, the oxidative burst capacity was assessed in leucocytes of the secondary lymphoid organs. Apoptosis- and proliferation-related genes, indicative of B and T cell clonal selection and lymphoid progenitor activity, were not affected by elevated oestrogen-levels. Sex-related oestrogen-responsiveness in T cell and antigen-presenting cell markers was observed, the expression of which was differentially induced by oestrogen-exposure in the three lymphoid organs. Remarkably, in the spleen, oestrogen increased regulatory T cell-related gene expression was associated with a decrease in oxidative burst capacity. To the best of our knowledge, this study indicates for the first time that physiological levels of oestrogen are likely to promote immune tolerance by modulating thymic function (i.e., T cell development and output) and peripheral T cells in teleosts, similar to previously reported oestrogenic effects in mammals.CCMAR/Multi/04326/2013; ANRfinanced project ETaT(ANR-15-CE32-0014); FR CNRS 3730 SCALE scholarshipinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Developmental immunotoxicology: What underlies the critical windows of exposure?

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    Endocrine disruptors in general and oestrogenic compounds in particular have been widely investigated in view of their effects on several physiological processes and, therefore, their ecotoxicologic relevance. [...

    Immunomodulation de la fonction thymique et de la différentiation des lymphocytes T chez le bar européen, Dicentrarchus labrax : une perspective évolutive et écotoxicologique

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    Chez les vertĂ©brĂ©s gnathostomes, le systĂšme immunitaire repose en grande partie sur les lymphocytes T qui se dĂ©veloppent dans un organe conservĂ© Ă©volutivement : le thymus. Chez les mammifĂšres, cet organe constitue une cible privilĂ©giĂ©e pour les ƓstrogĂšnes. La question soulevĂ©e ici est donc de savoir si c’est Ă©galement le cas chez les poissons tĂ©lĂ©ostĂ©ens. Dans ce but, la distribution des diffĂ©rents sous-types de rĂ©cepteurs aux ƓstrogĂšnes a d’abord Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e dans le contexte d’une description de l’anatomie fonctionnelle du microenvironnement thymique. Par la suite, l’expression de gĂšnes relatifs Ă  la fonction thymique et aux diffĂ©rents sous-types de lymphocyte T a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©e dans le thymus, le rein-antĂ©rieur et la rate de bars exposĂ©s au 17ß-Ɠstradiol. De plus, la capacitĂ© de flambĂ©e oxydative a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e sur des leucocytes du rein-antĂ©rieur et de rate Ă  la suite d’expositions in vivo et in vitro. Finalement, la variation du nombre de thymocytes a Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©e sur des bars capturĂ©s durant trois ans. La thĂšse fournit de nouvelles connaissances concernant l’évolution des fonctions immunomodulatrices des ƓstrogĂšnes sur la diffĂ©renciation des cellules T. En effet, en plus d’une organisation morpho-fonctionnelle fortement conservĂ©e, la distribution des sous-types de rĂ©cepteurs aux ƓstrogĂšnes ainsi que les effets ƓstrogĂ©niques apparaissent conservĂ©s au cours de l’évolution. Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que, chez le bar comme chez les mammifĂšres, les ƓstrogĂšnes (1) stimulent une voie alternative de maturation des lymphocytes T ayant des propriĂ©tĂ©s similaires aux cellules immunitaires innĂ©es, (2) augmentent la tolĂ©rance immunitaire et (3) rĂ©gulent la plasticitĂ© du thymus.Jawed vertebrates have developed an efficient adaptive immune system partly based on T lymphocytes. They develop in an evolutionarily conserved organ, the thymus. In mammals, endogenous oestrogens are well known to regulate thymus function and plasticity. The question is, therefore, whether this is also the case in lower vertebrates, such as teleosts. To achieve these aims, firstly the distribution of oestrogen receptor subtypes was investigated on the background of a detailed description of the functional anatomy of the thymic microenvironment. Secondly, thymic function- and T cell-related gene expression was analysed in the thymus, the head-kidney and the spleen of sea bass exposed to 17ß-oestradiol. Moreover, the oxidative burst capacity in the two latter organs was evaluated in vivo and in vitro in leucocytes of the head-kidney and spleen following exposure to oestrogen. Eventually, age- and size-dependent variations in thymocyte number were examined in sea bass caught at various time points over three years. The thesis provides new insights into the evolution of the immunomodulatory function of oestrogen with respect to the thymic and peripheral T cell differentiation in vertebrates. As a matter of fact, in addition to a highly conserved morpho-functional organisation, the distribution of oestrogen receptor subtypes as well as the oestrogenic effects appear to be evolutionarily conserved. Our results suggest that in sea bass, similar to mammals, oestrogen (1) stimulates a thymic alternative pathway of T cell maturation with innate-like properties, (2) enhances immune tolerance by promoting Treg differentiation, and (3) actively regulate thymic plasticity

    Immunomodulation de la fonction thymique et de la différentiation des lymphocytes T chez le bar européen, Dicentrarchus labrax : une perspective évolutive et écotoxicologique

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    Jawed vertebrates have developed an efficient adaptive immune system partly based on T lymphocytes. They develop in an evolutionarily conserved organ, the thymus. In mammals, endogenous oestrogens are well known to regulate thymus function and plasticity. The question is, therefore, whether this is also the case in lower vertebrates, such as teleosts. To achieve these aims, firstly the distribution of oestrogen receptor subtypes was investigated on the background of a detailed description of the functional anatomy of the thymic microenvironment. Secondly, thymic function- and T cell-related gene expression was analysed in the thymus, the head-kidney and the spleen of sea bass exposed to 17ß-oestradiol. Moreover, the oxidative burst capacity in the two latter organs was evaluated in vivo and in vitro in leucocytes of the head-kidney and spleen following exposure to oestrogen. Eventually, age- and size-dependent variations in thymocyte number were examined in sea bass caught at various time points over three years. The thesis provides new insights into the evolution of the immunomodulatory function of oestrogen with respect to the thymic and peripheral T cell differentiation in vertebrates. As a matter of fact, in addition to a highly conserved morpho-functional organisation, the distribution of oestrogen receptor subtypes as well as the oestrogenic effects appear to be evolutionarily conserved. Our results suggest that in sea bass, similar to mammals, oestrogen (1) stimulates a thymic alternative pathway of T cell maturation with innate-like properties, (2) enhances immune tolerance by promoting Treg differentiation, and (3) actively regulate thymic plasticity.Chez les vertĂ©brĂ©s gnathostomes, le systĂšme immunitaire repose en grande partie sur les lymphocytes T qui se dĂ©veloppent dans un organe conservĂ© Ă©volutivement : le thymus. Chez les mammifĂšres, cet organe constitue une cible privilĂ©giĂ©e pour les ƓstrogĂšnes. La question soulevĂ©e ici est donc de savoir si c’est Ă©galement le cas chez les poissons tĂ©lĂ©ostĂ©ens. Dans ce but, la distribution des diffĂ©rents sous-types de rĂ©cepteurs aux ƓstrogĂšnes a d’abord Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e dans le contexte d’une description de l’anatomie fonctionnelle du microenvironnement thymique. Par la suite, l’expression de gĂšnes relatifs Ă  la fonction thymique et aux diffĂ©rents sous-types de lymphocyte T a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©e dans le thymus, le rein-antĂ©rieur et la rate de bars exposĂ©s au 17ß-Ɠstradiol. De plus, la capacitĂ© de flambĂ©e oxydative a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e sur des leucocytes du rein-antĂ©rieur et de rate Ă  la suite d’expositions in vivo et in vitro. Finalement, la variation du nombre de thymocytes a Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©e sur des bars capturĂ©s durant trois ans. La thĂšse fournit de nouvelles connaissances concernant l’évolution des fonctions immunomodulatrices des ƓstrogĂšnes sur la diffĂ©renciation des cellules T. En effet, en plus d’une organisation morpho-fonctionnelle fortement conservĂ©e, la distribution des sous-types de rĂ©cepteurs aux ƓstrogĂšnes ainsi que les effets ƓstrogĂ©niques apparaissent conservĂ©s au cours de l’évolution. Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que, chez le bar comme chez les mammifĂšres, les ƓstrogĂšnes (1) stimulent une voie alternative de maturation des lymphocytes T ayant des propriĂ©tĂ©s similaires aux cellules immunitaires innĂ©es, (2) augmentent la tolĂ©rance immunitaire et (3) rĂ©gulent la plasticitĂ© du thymus

    Developing Tadpole <i>Xenopus laevis</i> as a Comparative Animal Model to Study <i>Mycobacterium abscessus</i> Pathogenicity

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    Mycobacterium abscessus (Mab) is an emerging, nontuberculosis mycobacterium (NTM) that infects humans. Mab has two morphotypes, smooth (S) and rough (R), related to the production of glycopeptidolipid (GPL), that differ in pathogenesis. To further understand the pathogenicity of these morphotypes in vivo, the amphibian Xenopus laevis was used as an alternative animal model. Mab infections have been previously modeled in zebrafish embryos and mice, but Mab are cleared early from immunocompetent mice, preventing the study of chronic infection, and the zebrafish model cannot be used to model a pulmonary infection and T cell involvement. Here, we show that X. laevis tadpoles, which have lungs and T cells, can be used as a complementary model for persistent Mab infection and pathogenesis. Intraperitoneal (IP) inoculation of S and R Mab morphotypes disseminated to tadpole tissues including liver and lungs, persisting for up to 40 days without significant mortality. Furthermore, the R morphotype was more persistent, maintaining a higher bacterial load at 40 days postinoculation. In contrast, the intracardiac (IC) inoculation with S Mab induced significantly greater mortality than inoculation with the R Mab form. These data suggest that X. laevis tadpoles can serve as a useful comparative experimental organism to investigate pathogenesis and host resistance to M. abscessus

    Prepubertal gonad investment modulates thymus function: evidence in a teleost fish

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    Thymus plasticity following gonadectomy or sex hormone replacement has long since exemplified sex hormone effects on the immune system in mammals and, to a lesser extent, in 'lower vertebrates', including amphibians and fish. Nevertheless, the underlying physiological significances as well as the ontogenetic establishment of this crosstalk remain largely unknown. Here, we used a teleost fish, the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, to investigate: (1) whether the regulation of thymus plasticity relies on resource trade-off with somatic growth and reproductive investment and (2) if the gonad-thymus interaction takes place during gonadal differentiation and development. Because gonadal development and, supposedly, thymus function in sea bass depend on environmental changes associated with the winter season, we evaluated thymus changes (foxn1 expression, and thymocyte and T cell content) in juvenile D. labrax raised for 1 year under either constant or fluctuating photoperiod and temperature. Importantly, in both conditions, intensive gonadal development following sex differentiation coincided with a halt of thymus growth, while somatic growth continued. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study showing that gonadal development during prepuberty regulates thymus plasticity. This finding may provide an explanation for the initiation of the thymus involution related to ageing in mammals. Comparing fixed and variable environmental conditions, our work also demonstrates that the extent of the effects on the thymus, which are related to reproduction, depend on ecophysiological conditions, rather than being directly related to sexual maturity and sex hormone levels.FCT: UIDB/04326/2020/ DL57/2016/CP1361/CT0015info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proteomic changes in the extracellular environment of sea bass thymocytes exposed to 17α-ethinylestradiol in vitro

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    The thymus is an important immune organ providing the necessary microenvironment for the development of a diverse, self-tolerant T cell repertoire, which is selected to allow for the recognition of foreign antigens while avoiding self-reactivity. Thymus function and activity are known to be regulated by sex steroid hormones, such as oestrogen, leading to sexual dimorphisms in immunocompetence between males and females. The oestrogenic modulation of the thymic function provides a potential target for environmental oestrogens, such as 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2), to interfere with the cross-talk between the endocrine and the immune system. Oestrogen receptors have been identified on thymocytes and the thymic microenvironment, but it is unclear how oestrogens regulate thymic epithelial and T cell communication including paracrine signalling. Much less is known regarding intrathymic signalling in fish. Secretomics allows for the analysis of complex mixtures of immunomodulatory signalling factors secreted by T cells. Thus, in the present study, isolated thymocytes of the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, were exposed in vitro to 30 nM EE2 for 4 h and the T cell-secretome (i.e., extracellular proteome) was analysed by quantitative label-free mass-spectrometry. Progenesis revealed a total of 111 proteins differentially displayed between EE2-treated and control thymocytes at an α-level of 5% and a 1.3- fold change cut off (n = 5-6). The EE2-treatment significantly decreased the level of 90 proteins. Gene ontology revealed the proteasome to be the most impacted pathway. In contrast, the abundance of 21 proteins was significantly increased, with cathepsins showing the highest level of induction. However, no particular molecular pathway was significantly altered for these upregulated proteins. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first study of the secretome of the fish thymus exposed to the environmental oestrogen EE2, highlighting the impact on putative signalling pathways linked to immune surveillance, which may be of crucial importance for fish health and defence against pathogens.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The influence of 17ÎČ-oestradiol on lymphopoiesis and immune system ontogenesis in juvenile sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax

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    The female sex steroid 17ÎČ-oestradiol (E2) is involved in the regulation of numerous physiological functions, including the immune system development and performance. The role of oestrogens during ontogenesis is, however, not well studied. In rodents and fish, thymus maturation appears to be oestrogen-dependent. Never theless, little is known about the function of oestrogen in immune system development. To further the under standing of the role of oestrogens in fish immune system ontogenesis, fingerlings of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) were exposed for 30 days to 20 ng E2⋅L− 1 , at two ages tightly related to thymic maturation, i.e., 60 or 90 days post hatch (dph). The expression of nuclear and membrane oestrogen receptors was measured in the thymus and spleen, and the expression of several T cell-related gene markers was studied in both immune organs, as well as in the liver. Waterborne E2-exposure at 20.2 ± 2.1 (S.E.) ng⋅L− 1 was confirmed by radioimmunoassay, leading to significantly higher E2-contents in the liver of exposed fish. The majority of gene markers presented age-dependent dynamics in at least one of the organs, confirming thymus maturation, but also suggesting a critical ontogenetic window for the implementation of liver resident γΎ and αÎČ T cells. The oestrogen receptors, however, remained unchanged over the age and treatment comparisons with the exception of esr2b, which was modulated by E2 in the younger cohort and increased its expression with age in the thymus of the older cohort, as did the membrane oestrogen receptor gpera. These results confirm that oestrogen-signalling is involved in thymus maturation in European sea bass, as it is in mammals. This suggests that esr2b and gpera play key roles during thymus ontogenesis, particularly during medulla maturation. In contrast, the spleen expressed low or non-detectable levels of oestrogen receptors. The E2-exposure decreased the expression of tcrÎł in the liver in the cohort exposed from 93 to 122 dph, but not the expression of any other immune-related gene analysed. These results indicate that the proliferation/migration of these innate-like T cell populations is estrogensensitive. In regard to the apparent prominent role of oestrogen-signalling in the late thymus maturation stage, the thymic differentiation of the corresponding subpopulations of T cells might be regulated by oestrogen. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study investigating the dynamics of both nuclear and membrane oestrogen receptors in specific immune organs in a teleost fish at very early stages of immune system development as well as to examine thymic function in sea bass after an exposure to E2 during ontogenesis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Developmental immunotoxicology: What underlies the critical windows of exposure?

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    Trabajo presentado en 3rd International Conference on Fish and Shellfish Immunology (ISFSI), celebrado en Gran Canaria (España), del 16 al 20 de junio de 2019Endocrine disruptors in general and oestrogenic compounds in particular have been widely investigated in view of their effects on several physiological processes and, therefore, their ecotoxicologic relevance. The modulation of the immune system by oestrogens has increasingly sparked interest in the research community, that previously had been mainly centered on the reproductive effects of these hormones. In fact, since the industrialization an increasing variety of endocrine disruptors, such as oestrogenic endocrine disruptors, are retrieved in the environment. These oestrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EEDCs) have also been suggested to increase the prevalence of autoimmune diseases and cancer. With regard to the high degree of similarities in the immune system of jawed vertebrates as well as the conserved immunomodulatory roles of oestrogen, environmental EEDCs possibly have the capacity to alter immune system functions of teleost fish, which may impair their capacity to fight infectious diseases and eventually may contribute, together with overfishing, to wild stock losses. Importantly, the most deleterious effects of EEDCs, both in mammals and teleosts, appear to arise when the exposure occurs during specific periods of the immune system ontogenesis, commonly referred as critical windows of exposure. However, in mammals and especially in teleost fish, these stages of the immune system development as well as the EEDC-action remain to be fully identified and characterised. The concept and the importance of developmental immunotoxicity is presented by addressing the mechanisms of oestrogenic regulation and the mode of action of EEDCs from an immunological perspective. Emphasis is given to the critical windows of development of the immune system during which EEDCs may alter the immune system development and function with long-term consequences on immunocompetence. Results from different classes of vertebrates are compiled, highlighting studies on teleost fish and their relevance for the human immune system. Additionally, new results on the effects of environmentally relevant concentration of exogenous estradiol exposure during European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) development will be presented with regard to oestrogen's ability to trigger effects on immunocompetence, contributing to fill the gaps on vertebrate immunotoxicology