28 research outputs found

    Study of preparation of ceramic membranes

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    V bakalářské práci byla vypracována literární rešerše zabývající se přípravou keramických membrán vhodných pro energetické aplikace (membránové reaktory, palivové články) a materiálů vhodných pro jejich přípravu. Na základě literární rešerše byla provedena polymerační glycinová syntéza vybraných keramických materiálů. Jako výchozí materiál byly zvoleny zirkonáty (Ba-Zr-O), které byly dopovány cerem, železem, hliníkem a manganem. Výsledné připravené prášky byly dále zpracovány na tuhé membrány pomocí uniaxálního lisování a slinování (relativní hustota těles až 93% t. h.). Poté byl studován vliv dopantů na vlastnosti (jako fázové složení, morfologie prášků a mikrostruktura keramik) připravených prášků i keramických membrán. K vyhodnocení byla použita rentgenová analýza, rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie, analýza specifického měrného povrchu a simultánní termická analýza.In this bachelor thesis the literature retrieval concerning the preparation of ceramic membranes suitable for power applications (membrane reactors, fuel cells) and materials suitable for their preparation, was summarised. Based on that literature retrieval the glycine-nitrate syntheses of selected ceramic materials were performed. As starting material was chosen zirconate structure (Zr-Ba-O), which was doped by cerium, iron, aluminium and manganese ions. The resulting powders were further processed to solid membranes by unaxial pressing and sintering (density of sintered bodies about 93 % t. d.). Then the influence of dopants on the properties of the powders and ceramic membranes were studied. The evaluation of properties (as phase composition, powders morphology and microstructure of ceramic bodies) was performed by x-ray analysis, scanning electron microscopy, a specific surface analysis and simultaneous thermal analysis.

    Production of hydroxyapatite-titanium composite powders by high-energy ball milling suitable for spark plasma sintering processes

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    Hydroxyapatite-titanium (HA-Ti) composite powders were prepared by high-energy ball milling for subsequent production of samples by spark plasma sintering (SPS). Different milling times for the preparation of HA-Ti composite powders were used. The microstructural properties and phase composition of the composite powders were studied by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray analysis. The results showed no formations of new phases in the structure during high-energy ball milling and a gradual reduction of the particles size with increasing milling time. Sintered samples from HA-Ti composite powder were prepared. A cross section analyzed by SEM and phase composition obtained by X-ray diffraction was studied. The results showed changes of phase compositions in the structure.

    Design of ussing of OPAVLEN Opava a.s. area

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    Import 05/08/2014Cílem bakalářské práce byl návrh využití areálu bývalého závodu textilní továrny OPAVLEN v Opavě – Předměstí. Na základě analýzy stávajícího stavu území a objektů, jsem navrhla dvě varianty řešení. Pro detailní zpracování byla vybrána druhá varianta, která obsahuje urbanistický návrh a návrh komunikací, vedení technické infrastruktury, městské zeleně a sportoviště. Ve studii jsem navrhla zástavbu bytovými domy se všemi náležitostmi, tak aby nová zástavba splňovala požadavky na kvalitní a klidné bydlení.The aim of the thesis was a design of using of the area of the former textile factory OPAVLEN in Opava – Předměstí. Based of an analysis of the existing status of area and objects I proposed two alternatives. For a detailed processing was chosen the second alternative that includes urban study and design of the communications, technical infrastructure, green areas and sports facility. In the study I proposed the housing project including all essentials so that a new development meets the requirements for a quality and quiet living.Prezenční222 - Katedra městského inženýrstvídobř

    Preventive program focused on strengthening mental resilience of lower-secondary school students

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    Diplomová práce zpracovává téma podpory duševní odolnosti u žáků II. stupně. Stručně shrnuje protektivní i rizikové faktory, charakteristiku zátěžových situací adolescentů a podrobně pak možnosti rozvoje a posilování duševní odolnosti. Dále je zde popsáno zastoupení problematiky duševního zdraví v kurikulárních dokumentech. Cílem této práce je vytvořit preventivní program, realizovat jej na vybrané ZŠ a účinnost programu následně ověřit metodou opětovného dotazníkového šetření. Součástí programu je též podrobná metodika s přílohami pro vyučující, již budou žáky programem provázet a portfolio pro zúčastněné žáky. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA Prevence, program, duševní odolnost, II. stupeň základní školy.This thesis discusses the topic of supporting the mental resilience of lower-secondary school students. It starts with a brief summary of the protective and risk factors and adolescent stress situations characteristics followed by a thorough overview of methods for development and further strengthening of mental resilience. Next, it describes the role of mental health in curricular documents. The work aims to develop a preventive program, put it in practice at a selected secondary school and evaluate its efficiency using repetitive questionnaires. The program further includes a thorough description of the methodology with attachments for teachers, who will guide the students throughout the program, as well as a portfolio for the student participants. KEYWORDS Prevention, program, mental resilience, lower-secondary school students.Katedra pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Congenital malformations - laboratory screening options in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá možnostmi laboratorního screeningu vrozených vývojových vad. Cílem práce je podat přehled o tom, co je vrozená vada, o screeningu v prvním a druhém trimestru těhotenství a o biochemických markerech, které jsou považovány za indikátory možného těhotenství s vrozenou vývojovou vadou. Budou popsány další neinvazivní i invazivní metody prenatálního testování. Dále bude stručně popsán klinický obraz nejčastějších syndromů, které lze laboratorním screeningem zjistit, což jsou syndromy Downův, Edwardsův a Patauův. Budou zmíněny i základní principy genetické konzultace s klinickým genetikem v případě pozitivního screeningu. Na závěr teoretické části jsou uvedeny nejnovější směry - neinvazivní prenatální testování, u něhož lze očekávat, že v budoucnu nahradí invazivní techniky testování. Cílem práce v praktické části je přehled statistických informací o výskytu třech výše zmiňovaných syndromů, a to v letech 2006 až 2015 a bude uveden průchod gravidní ženy napříč zmiňovanými vyšetřeními.The thesis deals with the possibilities of laboratory screening of congenital defects. The aim of the work is to give an overview of what a birth defect is, of screening in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, and of biochemical markers that are considered as indicators of a pregnancy with a possible congenital defect. Other noninvasive and invasive methods of prenatal testing are listed. A brief description of the most common clinical syndromes, the Down's, Edwards' and Patau's syndromes, is provided. These syndromes can be detected by laboratory screening. Basic principles of genetic counseling with a clinical geneticist in case of positive screening will be mentioned. At the end of the theoretical part, the latest trends are presented, i.e. the noninvasive prenatal testing, which can be expected to replace invasive testing techniques in the future. The aim of the practical part is to provide an overview of statistical information on the occurrence of three of the above-mentioned syndromes, between 2006 and 2015, and a pregnant woman's passing through the mentioned examinations will be described

    Fatigue Properties of Materials with Protective Thermally Deposited Layers

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    Na nízkouhlíkové ocelové vzorky byl žárovými technologiemi nanesen titanový prášek. Byly použity technologie plasma, cold (USA, Singapur) a warm spray (označované PS, CS-U, CS-S, WS). Cílem bylo porovnat vliv jednotlivých nástřiků na únavovou životnost. Při únavových experimentech bylo využíváno symetrického cyklického zatížení v ohybu. Únavové experimenty byly provedeny na elektromagnetickém počítačem řízeném zatěžovacím zařízení nazývaném „SF-Test“. Dále byla pomocí elektronového mikroskopu zkoumána morfologie lomových ploch, mikrostruktura a pórovitost nástřikuTitanium powder was deposited into low-carbon steel specimens using three thermal spray technologies: plasma spray, cold spray (USA, Singapore) and warm spray (denoted as PS, CSU, CS-S, and WS, respectively, in further text). The aim was to determine the influence of the coatings on the fatigue lives of the specimens. The experimental work was carried out in a symmetrical cantilever-beam bending setup using a computer-controlled SF-Test loading device. Further to that, the micro-morphology of coatings structure, their respective porosity content and the fracture surfaces of both coatings and substrate materials was carried out.

    Use of Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying of bi-metallic powder mixtures as alternative to classic powder metallurgy route for producing intermetallic materials

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    The paper presents cold gas dynamic spraying (or Cold Spray) as a novel surface treatment technology capable not only of surface modifications but also being used as bulk creating technology. This is demonstrated on numerous samples where bi-metallic powder feedstock is deposited into bulk, self-standing pieces of material that does not need the support of substrate. Mixtures from the group of Fe, Al, Ti, Ni, Cu were used for the initial bi-metallic mixtures. The deposited samples were then subjected to annealing at temperatures ranging from 300 to 1100°C in protective atmosphere and resulting morphologies and microstructures were analysed. Generally materials with high proportion of intermetallic phase content were obtained. These are discussed as potential scaffolds for metal or polymer matrix composites or as hi temperature resistive supports for catalysts with filter functions.

    Use of Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying of bi-metallic powder mixtures as alternative to classic powder metallurgy route for producing intermetallic materials

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    The paper presents cold gas dynamic spraying (or Cold Spray) as a novel surface treatment technology capable not only of surface modifications but also being used as bulk creating technology. This is demonstrated on numerous samples where bi-metallic powder feedstock is deposited into bulk, self-standing pieces of material that does not need the support of substrate. Mixtures from the group of Fe, Al, Ti, Ni, Cu were used for the initial bi-metallic mixtures. The deposited samples were then subjected to annealing at temperatures ranging from 300 to 1100°C in protective atmosphere and resulting morphologies and microstructures were analysed. Generally materials with high proportion of intermetallic phase content were obtained. These are discussed as potential scaffolds for metal or polymer matrix composites or as hi temperature resistive supports for catalysts with filter functions.

    The corrosion effect of fly ash from biomass combustion on andalusite refractory materials

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    The main problem affecting the life of refractory linings in furnaces is alkaline corrosion formed during biomass combustion, especially in systems with SiO2–Al2O3 . This corrosion effect is very intensive compared to using conventional technologies designed for burning traditional fuels. This study focuses on the development of a new type of andalusite refractory material with a higher corrosion resistance to K2CO3 and fly ash after biomass combustion. The original andalusite refractory material is labeled A60PT0, with an oxide content of 60 wt.% Al2O3 and 37 wt.% SiO2 , a compressive strength parameter of 64 MPa, and an apparent porosity of 15%. In the experiment, four mixtures (labeled A60PT1–A60PT4) were modified primarily using the raw materials and granulometry. The fly ash was characterized by an X-ray diffraction analysis with the following phases: quartz, calcite, microcline, leucite, portlandite, and hematite. According to the X-ray fluorescence analysis, the samples contained the following oxides: 47 wt.% CaO, 12 wt.% K2O, 4.6 wt.% SiO2 , 3.5 wt.% MgO, and some minority oxides such as P2O5 , MgO, MnO, and Fe2O3 between 2 and 5 %. The tendency for slagging/fouling of the ash was determined with the help of the indexes B/A, TA, Kt , and Fu. The final material was a shaped andalusite refractory material labeled A60PT4 with a content of 65 wt.% Al2O3 and 36 wt.% SiO2. The properties of the andalusite material were a compressive strength of 106.9 MPa, an apparent porosity of 13%, and the recommended temperature of use up to 1300 ◦C. For corrosion testing, a static crucible test was performed according to the norm CSN CEN/TS 15418 and ˇ the company’s internal regulation. The exposure time of the samples was 2 h and 5 h at temperatures of 1100 ◦C and 1400 ◦C for K2CO3 and ash, respectively. For the evaluation of tested samples, an X-ray powder differential analysis, an X-ray fluorescence analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy were used.Web of Science133art. no. 35

    Author's animated film (Through my eyes)

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    Příběh o holčičce a jejích rodičích, kteří spokojeně tráví svůj poklidný den, až do chvíle kde se holčičky otec začne chovat více a více podivněji. pohádka která nabírá strašidelného konce.ObhájenoA story about a little girl and her parents who happily spend their peaceful day, until the moment when the little girl's father starts behaving more and more strangely. A fairy tale that takes on a spooky ending