47 research outputs found

    Mapping the impact of crossbreeding in smallholder cattle systems in Indonesia

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    ABSTRACT In response to increasing demand for meat, Indonesia’s government has been implementing crossbreeding with European beef breeds to improve the meat production of local cattle. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the benefits and consequences of crossbreeding in smallholder cattle farming systems in Madura and Central Java. The study used participatory approaches, observations during cultural events in Madura, and measurements of cattle performances, feeding practices and farm inputs and outputs. In Madura, crossbreeding is not a threat to the two cultural events involving cattle, sonok (cow conformation contest) and karapan (bull racing), nor to the sub-populations of Madura cattle in the specific areas where these events are organised. Farmers outside the sonok and karapan areas, prefer Limousin crossbreds (madrasin) to conventional Madura cattle. The current breeding and conservation approaches do not distinguish between different Madura cattle types and do not consider the specific needs of the farmers in the sonok and karapan areas. In Java, farmers perceive that crossbreeding of Simmental with local Ongole cattle is beneficial for them. Crossbreeding was not accompanied with changes in the cattle farming systems. Crossbred cattle reached a higher body weight and therefore had a higher market price, but they also required more feed. This resulted in comparable Gross Margins for farms with crossbred and Ongole stock. Farmers preferred the crossbreds because of their nice appearance, high growth rate and the higher market price for progeny compared to Ongole. Crossbreeding as a tool of intensification did not reduce the carbon footprint and land use per kilogram liveweight produced. The advantage from the faster growth of crossbreds was counteracted by the higher emissions and land use from feed production for crossbreds. The dualism in crossbreeding is that policy makers promote crossbreeding to meet the increasing demand for beef, whereas farmers are concerned with their livelihoods and the multi-functionality of cattle. Crossbreeding contributes to increased meat production at the national level, however, it has limited possibilities to improve cattle production at farm level. Crossbreeding is also not reducing rural poverty. Participatory approaches should ensure that farmers’ views are considered in national crossbreeding policies and practices. In Madura and Central Java, farmers identified economic benefits, feed availability, cattle management, animal performances, additional functions of cattle, and health and fertility as issues to be considered beforehand in a genetic impact assessment of crossbreeding. Other stakeholders mentioned meat production, environmental quality and diversity in farm animal genetic resources as important issues. Crossbreeding will inevitably continue in Java and Madura. Breeding strategies, have to be adjusted, however, as farmers do not want to upgrade their local cattle to Simmental or Limousin. Viable populations of local cattle are needed to ensure sustainable crossbreeding strategies.</p

    Rearing business analysis of Brahman Cross Breed ex import cattle with a partnership between corporations and smallholder farms

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    The objective of the research was to study the partnership rearing scheme of Brahman Cross (BX) cattle ex import between corporations and smallholder farmers to determine the financial and economic feasibility of the business and the factors that affected the production of rearing cattle. The research was conducted in farmers groups in West Java, Central Java, and Yogyakarta, which developed a partnership with feedlot importer, PT.X. Twenty-eight farmer respondents were determined by purposive sampling. Each of them kept ten male and female calves of BX. Collecting data was done by survey method through interviews using a questionnaire. The investment feasibility criteria were NPV, IRR, B/C ratio and payback period, followed by a sensitivity analysis. Analysis of the factors that affect the production of rearing cattle using multiple linear regression. The results showed that the parties involved in the partnership, PT X, were banks that fund all financing, insurance services, and farmers. The average initial weight, final weight, maintenance time, and ADG were 145.75 ± 34.54 kg, 318.50 ± 52.27 kg, 9.65 ± 1.7 months, 0.61 ± 0.17 kilograms. The results of the analysis of the feasibility with an investment period of 5 years and an interest rate of 9%, micro-credit 13.5%, and commercial 18% are financially and economically feasible to run. Provision of concentrate and initial body weight significantly (P <0.5) had a positive effect on the production (ADG) of rearing cattle. The partnership scheme developed by PT X can be beneficial to all parties involved

    Sustainability Indicators of Kalang Buffalo Production Systems in Swamp Ecosystems in South Kalimantan

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    This study aims to identify problems, identify and analyze stakeholders and determine indicators (qualitative and quantitative) for the sustainability of kalang buffalo production systems in swamp ecosystems in South Kalimantan. The kalang buffalo is a type of mud buffalo that is reared using the kalang system. In the local language, kalang is an enclosure built in the middle of swamp waters. This study is expected to be a source of information for academics, farmers, communities and policymakers in South Kalimantan Province regarding the strategic function of Kalang buffalo for the people of South Kalimantan. Data collection was done by describing the problem and determining relevant stakeholders. The literature study was conducted with expert discussion. FGDs were also conducted to explore important issues, followed by SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis and to determine relevant issues. Situation analysis and secondary data showed that the Kalang buffalo population is declining. Stakeholder identification identified the central and local governments as primary stakeholders; secondary stakeholders were scientists/academics, butchers, sellers, and consumers. The primary stakeholders selected were buffalo farmers, central and local governments, while secondary stakeholders consisted of scientists/academics, butchers, farmer sellers, and consumers. The selected indicators on the EES issue are economic indicators such as gross margin (GM), body weight, weaning weight, and reproduction (calf crop (%)); environmental indicators such as total grazing land use and waste disposal; and social indicators such total of buffalo, feeding procedures, mating system, cages, record keeping, time allocation for maintenance, social status and land use conflicts

    Karakteristik dan Kinerja Induk Sapi Silangan Limousin-Madura dan Madura di Kabupaten Sumenep dan Pamekasan (Characteristic and Performance of Limousin-Madura Grade and Madura Cows in Sumenep and Pamekasan Regencies)

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    The research was conducted to investigate the characteristic and performance of Limura grade and Madura cows. The research was conducted in Sumenep and Pamekasan Regencies East Java Province within the period of May until August 2008. The method being used was an interview method on the farmer as respondents, continued by observing the exterior characteristics and the cattle measurements. The data of exterior characteristic were analyzed bydescriptive patterns. The data of vital measurements of the body were analyzed by independent sample t-test. The result showed that the general characteristics Limura crossbred cows had a dominant color of a reddish brown, with thebuttock color was a reddish brown. The general characteristics Madura cows had a dominant color of a light red, with the buttock color was a white smear. The vital characteristics of Limura crossbred cows was higher than Madura cows,at the 2 to 4 years old group cows the result showed that girth of chest, height at hip of Limura crossbred cows were 172.63±2.33 cm; 125.07±1.40 cm. while those of Madura cows were 140.81±3.01 cm; 114.77±1.29 cm. At older than 4years old group cows the result showed that heart girth, height at hip of Limura crossbred cows were 172.85±4.12 cm; 126.15±1.84 cm. while those of Madura cows were 157.57±2.55 cm; 118.54±1.53 cm. The performance of Limuracrossbred cows and Madura cows related to calving interval were 15.90±0.47 vs 14.39±0.23 months. The result showed that the general characteristics Limura crossbred cows and Madura cows had a different color at the dominant color ofbody and the buttock color, and Limura crossbred cows had a vital characteristics size higher than Madura cows, but the Madura’s reproductive performance showed better than Limura crossbred cows.(Key words: Characteristics, Performance, Limura crossbred cows, Madura cows

    Conceptual Framework for Assessing Sustainability of Swamp Buffalo Production Systems

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    Swamp Buffalo farming plays an important role in farmers' livelihood and in satisfying red meat demand in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The extensive (wetland) swamp buffalo production system (SPS) and the extensive and semi-intensive dryland system (DPS) are two production systems. The production systems have high complexity and require the integrated sustainability assessment approach to measure the contribution level of sustainability indicators. This study aimed to demonstrate the conceptual framework for analyzing the sustainability of buffalo production systems in South Kalimantan. The buffalo production systems in South Kalimantan were analyzed using the comprehensive assessment framework from September-December 2021. A literature review and discussion with experts, followed by a focus group discussion to perform a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis was conducted. The complex problem identifies and defines the relevant Economic, Ecological, and Societal (EES) issues, and inclusive identification and analysis of relevant stakeholders were described. Issues identified during the process were translated into relevant indicators in the EES sustainability dimensions then indicators possible for EES issues were proposed. Situation analysis in this study described and identified swamp buffalo in South Kalimantan, which is currently experiencing a population decline. The gross margin and growth and reproduction performances of the buffaloes were selected for economic benefit in both systems. Total land use and soil fertility were the possible indicators in the dimension of environment relevant for DPS, while swamp sedimentation and water pollution were considered important environmental indicators in SPS. Feed availability was measured in both systems. Social dimension indicators in both systems were focused on keeping management, the function of buffalo for livelihood, time allocation to keep buffalo, characteristics of livelihood, and possible land use conflicts

    Life cycle assessment of local and crossbred cattle production systems in Central Java, Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a prominent example where crossbreeding with European breeds has been promoted to intensify beef production. It is implemented throughout the country regardless of the different agro-ecological conditions, of which the available feed resources are the main element. Crossbreeding at farm level in Central Java showed that crossbreeding has not changed the farming systems or motivations for keeping cattle. These results lead to our hypothesis that we expect no differences in global warming potential (GWP) of local and crossbred cattle production systems in Central Java. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is acknowledged method to assess the contribution of livestock production to GWP. Expressed per kg live weight, GWP of local and crossbred cattle was 29.1 kg CO2 and 32.1 kg CO2. These results were higher compared to the GWP of beef cattle production systems in European countries. Future LCA’s of smallholder systems should pay more attention to the multi-functional aspects of a production system, because the GWP’s mitigation depending on the multi-functions included

    Kinerja Anak Kambing Bligon Setelah Introduksi Pejantan Unggul di Kelompok Ternak Purwo Manunggal, Gunungkidul

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    Goats have become increasingly popular among smallholder mixed-crop-livestock farmers, such as in Gunungkidul District. Farmers in this district have good access to the market. However, farmers keep local breed, Bligon, without any improvement within breed. This study was started by introducing superior bucks to local does and aimed to evaluate the productivity of their progenies. Nineteenth kids, resulted from mating of local does and local bucks and 28 kids, resulted from mating of local does and superior Ettawa crossbred bucks were used in this study. Birth and weaning weights, average daily gain and body size of pre-weaning kids were measured. Birth and weaning weights of pre-weaning crossbred kids tended to be higher than local those of local kids but not significantly different. The average daily gain of crossbred kids were significantly higher than local kids. Body sizes in terms of girth of chest (GC), height at the wither (HW) and length of the body (LB) of crossbreed kids were significantly higher than those of local kids. Productivity of pre-weaning kids in the preliminary phase of the introduction of superior bucks were highly varied. Continuous improvement of breeding system is then needed. Introduction of superior bucks has to be supported by good keeping management

    Body Size of Aceh Cattle in Smallholder Farm Level and in Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul Dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak Indrapuri Aceh

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    The study aimed to identify the body size differences of Aceh Cattle maintained in smallholder farm level and Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak (BPTU HPT)  Indrapuri  Aceh.  The research  was  conducted  in  North Aceh  Regency  for  smallholder  farm  level  and  at  BPTU  HPT Indrapuri from December 2016 until January 2017. Data were collected  by  measurements  of  70  head  Aceh  Cattle,  35  head from  the  smallholder  farmers  and  35  head  from  BPTU HPT Indrapuri  respectively.  Aceh  cattle  were  categorized  by  age and sex as young male and female (aged 1.5 until 3 years) and adult male and female (aged above 3 years). The data of body size are body length, chest girth, and shoulder height, the data were analyzed  using  a  T-test.  The  results  showed  that  young male  Aceh  Cattle  maintained  in  the  BPTU  HPT  Indrapuri Aceh was significantly (P&lt;0.05) having higher shoulder height (101.95±2.08  vs  92.76±5.11  cm)  and  higher  chest  girth (124.60±5.48  vs  115.40±6.93  cm),  whereas,  in  females,  the shoulder  height  was  also  significantly  higher  (P&lt;0.05).  On adult Aceh Cattle, female Aceh Cattle that were maintained on smallholder farms was significantly (P&lt;0.05) had a longer body size (107.41±3.82 vs 100.50±1.31 cm), but lower shoulder height (95.28±4.26  vs  101.33±2.79  cm)  compared  to  Aceh  Cattle  in BPTU HPT Indrapuri Aceh. It was concluded that Aceh cattle maintained in BPTU HPT Indrapuri Aceh had better body size than  those  maintained  on  smallholder  farms,  especially  in young males and female

    Paper " Life cycle assessment of local and crossbred cattle production systems in Central Java, Indonesia" in 16th AAAP Congress (10-14 November 2014) in Yogyakarta

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    Indonesia is a prominent example where crossbreeding with European breeds has been promoted to intensify beef production. It is implemented throughout the country regardless of the different agro-ecological conditions, of which the available feed resources are the main element. Crossbreeding at farm level in Central Java showed that crossbreeding has not changed the farming systems or motivations for keeping cattle. These results lead to our hypothesis that we expect no differences in global warming potential (GWP) of local and crossbred cattle production systems in Central Java. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is acknowledged method to assess the contribution of livestock production to GWP. Expressed per kg live weight, GWP of local and crossbred cattle was 29.1 kg CO2 and 32.1 kg CO2. These results were higher compared to the GWP of beef cattle production systems in European countries and Japanese. Future LCA’s of smallholder systems should pay more attention to the multi-functional aspects of a production system, because the GWP’s mitigation depending on the multi-functions included. Keywords: Local cattle, Crossbred cattle, Life Cycle Assessment, Global Warming Potential, Indonesi

    Bab II. Sapi Potong

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