28 research outputs found

    Paradoxes i met脿fores : reflexions sobre teoria i arts esc猫niques

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    Coeditat amb el M脿ster Oficial Interuniversitari d'Estudis Teatral

    "Sereu pobres tota la vida ... ". Una lectura de llegendes menorquines

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    Il testo propone una lettura di un gruppo di narrazioni minorchine, chiamate "Ieggende", il cui tratto piu caratteristico e la loro conclusione comune: "Sarete poveri tutta la vita". L'analisi delle narrazioni, connettendo elemnti diversi, permette di vedere che queste storie, che si presemano sotto la forma di una prova (sfida) che un personaggio "Ieggendario" o misterioso pone ad un antagonista popolare ingenuo, in realta hanno come nucleo profondo il tema della - "paura", vecchio tema mitico, che probabilmente potrebbe essere interpretato come una manifestazione di antichi rituali di iniziazione, sebbene nella loro struttura attuale si accostino di piu alle tradizionali "favole morali"

    Menorca en los ritos de paso tradicionales

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    Una proposta d'an脿lisi de l'imaginari cultural del cos i de la corporalitat t貌xica

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    Aquest article vol dibuixar una marc general de l'estructura de l'imaginari cultural del cos en la cultura occidental i, m茅s concretament, algunes de les categories i met脿fores que determinen la percepci贸 social de la toxicitat corporal. La majoria de les reflexions exposades, en especial les referides a la toxicitat, s贸n producte de debats i di脿legs mantinguts en el s铆 del del grup de recerca sobre corporalitat i toxicitat del Departament d鈥橝ntropologia Social i Cultural de la Universitat de Barcelona, que estan sent objecte de contrastaci贸 en l'an脿lisi emp铆rica dels discursos actuals sobre la toxicitat derivada de la contaminaci贸, en general, i de la contaminaci贸 interna, en particular. Despr茅s d'explicar el concepte d'imaginari cultural, es plantegen algunes de les principals met脿fores de l'imaginari del cos i s'analitzen les creences b脿siques sobre la toxicitat, en funci贸 del seu suposat origen, extern o intern. Finalment es planteja una reflexi贸 sobre els significats que els consumidors associen amb la disjuntiva eco (ecol貌gic)/trans (transg猫nic) com a formulacions sint猫tiques sovint emprades en l鈥檈tiquetatge comercial d鈥檃liments. Abstract This article offers a general framework for the structure of the cultural imaginary of the body in Western culture and, more specifically, some of the categories and metaphors that shape the social perception of body toxicity. Most of the ideas expressed here, especially those related to toxicity, emerged from discussion and debate among the members of the University of Barcelona Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology research group on corporality and toxicity, which is carrying out an empirical study comparing current discourses on toxicity resulting from chemical contamination in general and from internal contamination in particular. The concept of cultural imaginary facilitates identification of the principal metaphors of the body and analysis of basic beliefs about toxicity in terms of its assumed origins, both external and internal. Finally, the meanings consumers associate with the abbreviations eco (ecological) and trans (transgenic), frequently used commercially in food labeling, are explored. Key words: cultural imaginary, body imaginary, toxic corporality, Western cultur

    La vuelta al mundo...en 55 entradas

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    La volta al m贸n... en 55 entrades

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    Introducci贸 al dossier cossos en risc

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    Cuerpos t贸xicos: la percepci贸n del riesgo de la contaminaci贸n interna por compuestos qu铆micos en Espa帽a

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    Este art铆culo analiza la percepci贸n social de la exposici贸n humana a los compuestos qu铆micos, y los discursos y las pr谩cticas sobre las fronteras corporales ante la contaminaci贸n interna. A partir de una investigaci贸n cualitativa e interdisciplinar en Catalu帽a, se exploran los significados sociales que se atribuyen a los peligros y riesgos ambientales y alimentarios de los compuestos qu铆micos que afectan a la salud humana y el lugar que el cuerpo ocupa en la producci贸n de estos discursos. Entre junio y noviembre de 2011 se realizaron 43 entrevistas semiestructuradas a trabajadores con alguna conciencia sobre contaminantes qu铆micos, en las que se profundiz贸 c贸mo estas personas (re)interpretan los diferentes discursos existentes sobre la contaminaci贸n interna, sus percepciones sobre la introducci贸n de compuestos qu铆micos en el cuerpo y los peligros que estas sustancias representan para la salud.This article analyses the social perception of human exposure to chemical compounds and discourses and practices regarding bodily boundaries when faced with internal contamination. Based on qualitative and interdisciplinary research carried out in Catalonia, the social meanings attributed to the environmental and food dangers and risks related to chemical compounds that affect human health, and the place that the body takes in the production of these discourses, were explored. In order to do so, between June and November 2011, 43 semi-structured interviews with workers with some awareness of chemical contaminants were carried out, emphasizing how these people (re)interpret the different existing discourses about internal contamination as well as their perceptions regarding the introduction of chemical compounds into the body and the dangers that these substances pose to health

    Body Representations of Internal Pollution: The Risk Perception of the Circulation of Environmental Contaminants in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women in Spain

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    In this article, we analyze how pregnant and breastfeeding women perceive the inside of their bodies as well as their thoughts regarding the accumulation and elimination of chemical compounds present in food, and how these are then transmitted to the fetus. We explore different social perceptions of risk regarding the circulation of chemical compounds inside the body using qualitative research based on the technique of body mapping, comprised of women's figures of their bodies in combination with comments on the figures, food diaries and narratives from in-depth interviews. We examine how these 41 women (21 pregnant and 20 breastfeeding) perceive the body's internal mechanisms during the stages of pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as the circulation of chemical contaminants within it. The body mapping technique allowed us to analyze participants' knowledge of internal pollution, a little-understood process in society. Thanks to these pregnant and breastfeeding women, who made an effort to represent and reflect on these new risks, this study shows that scientists and obstetricians need to collaborate with women in order to better understand and publicize the risks of internal pollution