44 research outputs found


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    Education is one of the media that is Able to help develop the potential of all human beings. Over time the implementation of many educational experience problems when the role of education has a significant influence on improving the quality of human life. Islamic education as an agent of social change should be Able to hit the problem that move dynamically and proactively to the advancement and improvement of Muslims. Das sollen, the purpose of education in Islam as the process of formation of human beings to conform with the nature of existence. Therefore, we need an alternative thinking in an effort to minimize the various educational failure. Democratization of education Considered as a solution capable of Islamic education in creating a humanist. Education that does not justify the existence of intimidation, repression and restrictions on the creativity of teachers and students can be Realized with the Efforts to create a democracy marked by education teaching-learning process that is open and full of healthy and responsible dialogue between teacher and pupil. Humanist atmosphere in education will deliver the achievement of educational goals of Islam. Islamic education is basically the Democratization of space, the which is where the education is directed at a dialogical space. Moreover, the ultimate goal of Islamic education directs its final destination on the behavior and attitude changes, the quality and variety of aspects that promote humanism space. Islamic education should be oriented to instill democratic values in the learning process, such as openness, mutual respect, sympathy, empathy, solidarity, and their understanding of pluralism in a pluralistic life

    Pendidikan Islam, Pendidikan Politik, Dan Dialog Antar Umat Beragama Di Indonesia

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    Islamic education generates sufficient intellectual abilities muslim political culture that gave birth to the humanistic-theocentric, humanistic-patriotic, and if they fail to cultivate the intellect will give birth to a political culture that hedonistic-egoistic. Seeing the current political conditions, the reconstruction of political education to strengthen the social contract-religious dimension in Islamic education is very urgent to be held. Repair religious education aims to crystallize the mono-religious experience of being an open attitude that is important to prepare future generations for public order dialogue. Political education requires the democratization of space as a means to build a society of dialogue with the orientation changes in behavior and attitudes, the quality and variety of aspects. Political education is oriented to instill democratic values such as openness, mutual respect, sympathy, empathy, solidarity, and their understanding of pluralism in Indonesia is a pluralistic community life. That the concept of moderation which avoids extremes in the two sides, in order to create al-ummatan wasathan. Order harmonious religious life based on religious values will be realized through dialogue faiths. Inter-religious dialogue as a vehicle find the idea of a progressive and avoid manipulative ways and aggressiveness of religious communities. It should, dialogue functioned as the main way to build mutual understanding religious communities. Routines dialogue conducted by government agencies, social institutions, and religious leaders must be improved. This is because the results of the next dialog will apllicate in religious life, nation, and state in Indonesia

    Utilization of The Thrasher and Rice Mill Machines in Composition Function Learning: A Hypothetical Learning Trajectory Design

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    The study aims to design mathematics learning in composite function concepts with farm tools, which are thrasher and rice mill machines; this farm’s tool is used as to starting point in the learning process. The research method used is design research with a  preliminary design, design experiment, and analysis retrospective stages. This study describes the design of the thrasher and rice mill machine to facilitate a real contribution for student understanding of the composite function concept. The participant of this research is 10 eleventh-grade students from one of the senior high school in East Java. The results of this study reveal that students are able to make associations from the thrasher and rice mill machine through the determination of the input and output of the machines to the formula of the composite function concept. So, the stages in the learning trajectory have an important role in understanding the composition function concept from informal level to formal level and also make the study of mathematics more easy, simple, fun, and comfortable

    Eksplorasi Aktivitas Matematis Pada Tradisi Methik Pari

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    Etnomatematika merupakan konsep matematika yang terdapat di dalam suatu budaya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji etnomatematika pada tradisi methik pari yang ada di Desa Pamotan, Kecamatan Dampit, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Desain penelitian ini yaitu etnografi. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tradisi methik pari telah menjadi kepercayaan dan kebiasaan yang dilaksanakan secara turun temurun oleh masyarakat tani Desa Pamotan. Tradisi ini juga dilakukan sebagai bentuk ucapan syukur atas kelancaran dalam bercocok tanam. Aktivitas fundamental matematis yang diperoleh meliputi menghitung yang memuat konsep peluang, penjumlahan, pengurangan dan pembagian, menempatkan yang memuat konsep perbandingan, mendesain yang memuat bentuk-bentuk geometri seperti persegi, persegipanjang, lingkaran dan kerucut, bermain yang memuat konsep penentuan nilai optimum dan menjelaskan yang memuat konsep himpunan


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmenelaah peningkatan kemampuan berpikir reflektif matematis siswa, sebagai akibat dari penggunaan pembelajaran berbasis masalah ditinjau dari kemampuan awal matematika. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain kelompok kontrol non ekuivalen (The Non Equivalent Control Group Design). Penelitian ini dilakukan di MAN Ngawi. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa peningkatan kemampuan berpikir reflektif matematis siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran berbasis masalah lebih baik secara signifikan dibanding dengan siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional ditinjau dari kemampuan awal matematika siswa. Selain itu, merujuk pada N-Gain tes kemampuan berpikir reflektif matematis ditemukan adanya interaksi yang menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran mempengaruhi peningkatan kemampuan berpikir reflektif matematis berdasar pada kemampuan awal matematika siswa

    Pesantren dan Pendidikan Perdamaian

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    Surakarta was a city that had a high intensity of religious social conflict that has to be managed as well as possible, transformed, and developed peace. This research is about the roles of Pesantren of Al Muayyad Windan in which its capacity to transform the conflict in Surakarta. The research findings showed that religious conflict transformation that could be done and based on the principle of the admission existence and the empowerment existence. The principles were based on the theology that was perceived and become as the motivation to do social changes and developed the transformative Islam unto the multiculturalism.&nbsp

    Utilization of the thrasher and rice mill machines in composition function learning: a hypothetical learning trajectory design

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    The study aims to design mathematics learning in composite function concepts with farm tools, which are thrasher and rice mill machines; this farm’s tool is used as to starting point in the learning process. The research method used is design research with a preliminary design, design experiment, and analysis retrospective stages. This study describes the design of the thrasher and rice mill machine to facilitate a real contribution for student understanding of the composite function concept. The participant of this research is 10 eleventh-grade students from one of the senior high school in East Java. The results of this study reveal that students are able to make associations from the thrasher and rice mill machine through the determination of the input and output of the machines to the formula of the composite function concept. So, the stages in the learning trajectory have an important role in understanding the composition function concept from informal level to formal level and also make the study of mathematics more easy, simple, fun, and comfortable

    Project based-learning based on I-STEM (Islamic, Science, Technology, and Mathematics) to facilitate the development of geometric critical thinking skills of first middle students

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    In line with the 21st century, mathematics learning innovations continue to be developed to facilitate students' critical thinking skills by adjusting the context of their religious life. The purpose of this study is to provide ideas that teachers can do to implement Project Based Learning (PjBL) with a STEM (I-STEM) approach that is used to facilitate the development of students' critical thinking skills. The pattern of integration that is designed lies in the flat plane geometry material with the integration of the verses of the Koran and the internalization of Islamic values, with the hope of being able to create meaningful learning activities for students. This research is a qualitative research with library research. Data collection techniques are carried out through reviewing the literature, both from articles, books, and other documents that can be used to describe theories and information needed in research. The data analysis technique used is content analysis (content analysis). The results of this study are the I-STEM-based PjBL syntax includes 1) basic questions (integration with the verses of the Koran presented in the LKPD); 2) designing project plans (miniature Kaaba); 3) draw up a project completion schedule; 4) monitor project progress; 5) test project results (and compare with other problems); and 6) evaluate the learning experience. I-STEM-based PjBL was developed to facilitate the development of students' critical thinking skills through syntax and LKPD which were developed adapted to the context of Islamic life and the Koran at the junior high school level

    Experimentation of problem-based learning model assisted by Islamic-integrated LKPD on students' mathematical literacy skills

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    This study aims to analyze integrated student worksheets on flat-side geometry material (cubes and blocks) inproblem-based learning to improve students' mathematical literacy. Teachers' use of contextual learning madesome students need more mathematical literacy abilities. This is proved by PISA 2018 data which shows thaIndonesia is still ranked at the bottom. The method of this research is quasi-experimental with a non-equivalencontrol group design. The independent variable of this research is a problem-based learning model assisted by student activity sheets, and the dependent variable is mathematical literacy. The population of this study is thestudents at MTs Surya Buana Malang City, with a sample of the research is two classes of nine-grade studentsThe A class of nine-grade students will be the experimental class, and the B class as the control class. The researchinstrument used descriptive text. The data analysis technique uses an independent sample t-test. The results othe study concluded that the increase in the mathematical literacy of students who received problem-based learning assisted by Integrated Worksheets was significantly better than students who received conventional learning, asindicated by a significant result of 0.000 < 0.005 (H0 rejected)

    Strategi Self-Regulated Learning Untuk Menurunkan Tingkat Prokrastinasi Akademik Siswa Pada Tugas Program Linier

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    This study aimed to reduce the level of students' academic procrastination on mathematical tasks in linear programming materials through the Self-Regulated Learning strategy. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consists of two cycles. One cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The study was conducted on students of class XI IPA 4 MAN 1 Blitar. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. Data analysis used descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis showed that the average level of academic procrastination of students at the pre-cycle stage was 80.896%, the average level of student academic procrastination at the stage of the first cycle was 75.66%, and the average level of student academic procrastination at the stage of the second cycle was 62.23%. The three data indicate a decrease in students' academic procrastination on mathematics assignments on linear programming material from pre-cycle to cycle I by 5.236% and from cycle I to cycle II by 13.43%. Thus, using the Self-Regulated Learning strategy in learning impacts the academic procrastination of class XI IPA 4 MAN 1 Blitar students. The positive effects of implementing Self-Regulated Learning in the classroom are shown by students being more active in doing math tasks, thereby reducing academic procrastination, especially in linear programming