118 research outputs found

    Investigando la percepción de las ventajas medioambientales de un producto adaptable

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    The aim of adaptable design is to create products that can easily adapt to different needs. The objective if this study is to analyze the effectivenes in communication to promote an adaptable baby stroller, in order to know the user perception of the advantages derived from its adaptability, as well as the environmental ones, and if there is correlation between them. It is also intended to determine whether age or previous experience with this type of product can influence this perception. To this effect, a study with 54 participants has been conducted. Results show that users percieve the advantages and find the adaptable design interesting. Valuation of the advantages of the product is affected by previous user experience with the need for adaptability. Valuation of the environmental benefits is independent from the degree of experiense, as well as from the age of the participants (between 30 and 45 years old).El diseño adaptable tiene como objetivo crear productos que puedan adaptarse fácilmente a diferentes necesidades. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la efectividad en la comunicación realizada para promover un cochecito de bebé adaptable, en aras de conocer la percepción que tienen los usuarios tanto de las ventajas derivadas de su adaptabilidad como de las medioambientales y si existe una correlación entre ambas. También se pretende determinar si la edad o experiencia previa con este tipo de productos influyen en esta percepción. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio con 54 participantes. Los resultados muestran que los usuarios perciben las ventajas y consideran interesante el diseño adaptable. La estimación de las ventajas del producto se ve afectada por la experiencia previa del usuario con la necesidad de adaptabilidad. La estimación de los beneficios ambientales es independiente tanto del grado de experiencia como de la edad de los participantes (entre 30 y 45 años)

    Idea creativa y plan de comunicación para ACNUR. Ser refugiado no es un juego

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Relación entre el grado de creatividad y la calidad de los resultados de diseño

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    This work analyses the relationship between the degree of creativity, measured through the level of novelty and the level of usefulness, and the quality of the design outcomes. To do so, a total of twelve conceptual designs obtained in a design experiment were measured and compared. In this experiment, four teams of three designers solved different design problems, applying brainstorming, SCAMPER and functional analysis as design methods. The quality of the design solutions have been evaluated in terms of feasibility and effectiveness by experts through a questionnaire. Feasibility and effectiveness were then compared with the novelty, usefulness and creativity, the results showing that as novelty increases, feasibility tends to be lower, and the more usefulness the design offers, the more effective it isEste trabajo analiza la relación entre el grado de creatividad, medido a través del nivel de novedad y el nivel de utilidad, con la calidad de las soluciones del diseño. Para ello, un total de doce soluciones conceptuales obtenidas en un experimento de diseño han sido medidas y comparadas. En el experimento cuatro equipos de tres diseñadores cada uno, resolvieron distintos problemas de diseño aplicando el brainstorming, el SCAMPER y el análisis funcional como métodos de diseño. La calidad de las soluciones de diseño se ha evaluado por expertos en términos de factibilidad y efectividad usando un cuestionario. La factibilidad y la efectividad se comparado con la novedad, la utilidad y la creatividad, observando que cuando aumenta la novedad, la factibilidad tiende a reducirse y que, cuando mayor es la utilidad mayor es el grado de efectividad también.This study has been possible thanks to the research projects P1·1B2010-51 “Estimulación y evaluación de la creatividad en el diseño de productos en equipos de diseño distribuidos” and P11A2008-04 “Determinación de la influencia de métodos creativos en el proceso de diseño y del grado de novedad y utilidad de las soluciones”, funded by the Universitat Jaume

    Influence of the dominant thinking style in the degree of novelty of designs in virtual and traditional working environments.

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    One's thinking and reasoning style defines individual preferences when interacting and communicating with others. This work aims to analyse whether the thinking and reasoning style of the design teams exerts an influence on the degree of novelty of the design outcomes in two working environments: a face-to-face environment and a virtual environment. To address this, an experiment was set up in which 21 teams, each made up of 3 design students, were asked to obtain new solutions to 2 design problems, one of them in a face-to-face environment and the other in a virtual environment. The teams were defined according to their thinking and reasoning style, and the novelty of the design outcomes was measured with the SAPPhIRE model of causality. The results show that, overall, the degree of novelty is very similar in both environments, although it is a little higher in virtual environments. Teams with a rational style produce more novel results when using information and communication technologies than in a face-to-face environment. Teams with an interpersonal style, on the other hand, generate the least novel solutions when using technologies and produce the most novel solutions when they work in a face-to-face environment.His work has been carried out thanks to the research project with code P11B2010-51 entitled "Estimulación y evaluación de la creatividad en el diseño de productos en equipos de diseño distribuidos", and funded by Universitat Jaume

    ¿Influye la experiencia docente en la resolución de problemas no rutinarios?

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    La importancia de resolver problemas durante las clases de matemáticas ha despertado el interés por su investigación. En esta ocasión, presentamos un estudio en el que comparamos las interacciones verbales entre dos maestros ‒ uno experto y otro en formación ‒ y sus alumnos, producidas durante la resolución de un problema no rutinario en una clase de matemáticas. Para ello, analizamos los procesos promocionados y la participación del alumnado durante la resolución y comprobamos la influencia de la experiencia docente en ambos aspectos. Los resultados obtenidos reflejaron una promoción de procesos semejante para ambas interacciones y una participación mayor por parte de los alumnos de la maestra en formación

    NFkB in the development of endothelial activation and damage in uremia: an in vitro approach

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    Impaired hemostasis coexists with accelerated atherosclerosis in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The elevated frequency of atherothrombotic events has been associated with endothelial dysfunction. The relative contribution of the uremic state and the impact of the renal replacement therapies have been often disregarded. Plasma markers of endothelial activation and damage were evaluated in three groups of patients with CKD: under conservative treatment (predialysis), on hemodialysis, and on peritoneal dialysis. Activation of p38 MAPK and the transcription factor NFκB was assessed in endothelial cell (EC) cultures exposed to pooled sera from each group of patients. Most of the markers evaluated (VCAM-1, ICAM-1, VWF, circulating endothelial cells) were significantly higher in CDK patients than in controls, being significantly more increased in the group of peritoneal dialysis patients. These results correlated with the activation of both p38 MAPK and NFκB in EC cells exposed to the same sera samples, and also to the peritoneal dialysis fluids. Hemodialysis did not further contribute to the endothelial damage induced by the uremic state observed in predialysis patients, probably due to the improved biocompatibility of the hemodialysis technique in recent years, resulting in lower cellular activation. However, peritoneal dialysis seemed to exert a significant proinflammatory effect on the endothelium that could be related to the high glucose concentrations and glucose degradation products present in the dialysis fluid. Although peritoneal dialysis has been traditionally considered a more physiological technique, our results raise some doubts with respect to inflammation and EC damage

    What format of treatment do patients with emotional disorders prefer and why? Implications for public mental health settings and policies

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    Objective We analyzed the preference of three psychological intervention formats—individual, group, and online—in a sample of 267 patients with a primary diagnosis of emotional disorder in Spanish public mental health settings. Method We studied patients’ preferences considering sociodemographic characteristics, diagnoses, history of psychological treatments, number of sessions, and satisfaction with past interventions. Results Most participants (85.4%) preferred psychological treatment in an individual format, 14.2% in group, and 0.4% online. When comparing the people who chose individual and group treatment, no demographic or clinical differences were found. The arguments against group format were the lack of privacy and expression difficulties. Regarding online format, these included being considered impersonal and ineffective. Conclusion The rejection of group and online psychotherapy formats allows us to define the actions we should carry out in public mental health settings to improve the acceptance of more costeffective therapy formats

    miRNA profiling during antigen-dependent T cell activation: A role for miR-132-3p

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) are tightly regulated during T lymphocyte activation to enable the establishment of precise immune responses. Here, we analyzed the changes of the miRNA profiles of T cells in response to activation by cognate interaction with dendritic cells. We also studied mRNA targets common to miRNAs regulated in T cell activation. pik3r1 gene, which encodes the regulatory subunits of PI3K p50, p55 and p85, was identified as target of miRNAs upregulated after T cell activation. Using 3'UTR luciferase reporter-based and biochemical assays, we showed the inhibitory relationship between miR-132-3p upregulation and expression of the pik3r1 gene. Our results indicate that specific miRNAs whose expression is modulated during T cell activation might regulate PI3K signaling in T cells.We thank Miguel Vicente-Manzanares for help with English editing and Almudena R. Ramiro for helpful discussions. We appreciate help from Gloria Martinez del Hoyo on DCs experiments set up. We also thank the CNIC Genomics, Bioinformatics and Cellomics Units for technical support. This work was supported by grants SAF2014-55579R from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Spain, ERC-2011-AdG 294340-GENTRIS, CIBER CARDIOVASCULAR (FEDER and Instituto de Salud Carlos III), PIE-13-00041 and INDISNET S2011-BMD-2332 (F.S.M.). The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC, Spain) is supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Spain and the Pro-CNIC Foundation.S