20 research outputs found


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    La Península Ibérica, y de forma especial su zona meridional, presenta durante el tercero y parte de la primera mitad del segundo milenio un conjunto de manifestaciones económicas, tecnológicas y culturales íntimamente enlazadas entre sí, tales como el fenómeno megalítico o el complejo del vaso campaniforme, cuyos orígenes, características, desarrollo e incidencias, han sido, y aún continúan siendo, objeto permanente de atención y discusión entre los distintosinvestigadores de este horizonte cultural.Esta problemática, que arranca desde los primeros momentos de estudio y síntesis de la prehistoria de la zona, se va a ir transformando paulatinamente al mismo ritmo que esta ciencia va madurando y consolidándose. No obstante, será a partir de la década de los años cuarenta de este siglo cuando se observará un cambio, que si bien es ligero en los primeros momentos se irá convirtiendo al paso del tiempo en profundo y casi radical, de los planteamientos elaborados en las etapas anteriores y traerá como consecuencia un avance muy importante hacia un conocimiento más adecuado y globalizador de las interconexiones existentes, tanto entre las diferentes zonas peninsulares como entre los diferentes complejos  megalíticos europeos

    Investigating livestock management in the early Neolithic archaeological site of Cabecicos Negros (Almería, Spain) from the organic residue analysis in pottery

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MThis paper seeks to reconstruct the management of food resources in the early Neolithic site of Cabecicos Negros in southeastern Spain. For this purpose, we have studied 29 potsherds from Cabecicos Negros (Andalusia, Spain). Applying the methods of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry we were able to recompose the daily use of the sherds related to the consumption and storage of food products. Among the results obtained in this work, we were able to show new evidence of the exploitation of dairy products in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as provide information on the exploitation and management of the early domestic animals herds. To improve the archaeological results obtained, isotopic results were compared with a modern reference of 53 fat samples from the adipose tissue of domestic pigs and wild boars

    Integrative approaches to the study of animal management practices during the Neolithic of South Iberian Peninsula: the case of El Toro cave (Antequera, Málaga, Spain)

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    The introduction and adoption of livestock played a pivotal role in shaping subsistence strategies of populations in the southern Iberian Peninsula during the Neolithic. However, there is lack of information regarding animal management strategies, such as grazing areas and changes in foddering strategies, and their correlation with the environmental characteristics, type of site and use of the settlement. The study of feeding strategies of domesticates provides a crucial information about the interaction between the management of the environment, husbandry systems and the exploitation of animal products. In this study, we use the archaeozoological data and the δ13C and δ15N stable isotope composition of the faunal bone collagen to understand herding systems and management strategies during the Neolithic in Phases IV and IIIB at El Toro cave (Antequera, Málaga). Archaeozoological and isotopic results revealed diverse husbandry practices and feeding strategies in El Toro cave during the Neolithic. The variability in δ13C and δ15N values suggests the access of domesticates to different grazing areas and foddering strategies. This study contributes new insights into husbandry practices during the Neolithic and opens new perspectives for analysing animal management in mountain areas

    Captación y selección de materias primas en la primera metalurgia del Sureste de la península ibérica

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    The authors are grateful for the technical and human support provided by SGIker of UPV/EHU and European funding (ERDF and ESF). We are also in debt with Eduardo Galán, Ruth Maicas and Carmen Cacho, curators of the Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) for facilitating the sampling and study of metal objects as well as with Ignacio Soriano Llopis for his help on the selection and sampling of the Palmela points, with Massimo Chiaradia who performed the analyses of the Palmela points at the Department of Earth Sciences (University of Geneva, Switzerland) and with Óscar García Vuelta for his pictures of some assemblages. We also appreciate and the careful work of editing and style of the TP editorial team.The role of metallurgy in the Copper Age communities of the Iberian Southeast is a recurrent question of archaeological research in western Europe. Based on lead isotope and trace element analyses of archaeometallurgical remains, this paper addresses the territorial organisation of metallurgical production during the Copper Age (3100-2200 cal BC) in the Vera Basin (Almería, Spain), the region with the earliest metallurgical evidence in western Europe. This paper comprises the study of materials from the three main settlements with metallurgical activity in the area (Las Pilas, Santa Bárbara and Almizaraque), as well as some metal objects from these and other sites (La Encantada I, Loma de Belmonte and Las Churuletas 1). The results support a model of small-scale regional production whereby settlements exploited the resources of their nearby surroundings (up to 30 km as the crow flies). However, metallurgical exploitation prioritised mineralisations rich in arsenic and other elements, even when other sources were more readily accessible: for the case of Las Pilas, the exploitation of Pinar de Bédar sources instead of Sierra Cabrera, closer to the site; for the cases of Santa Bárbara and Almizaraque, the sources of Cerro Minado. The possibility that Almizaraque and Las Pilas also exploited the minerals of Herrerías, although to a lesser extent, remains open. Broader exchange networks are indicated by the data from finished objects, from which greater mobility can be inferred.El papel de la metalurgia en las comunidades de la Edad del Cobre del Sureste de la península ibérica es una cuestión recurrente en la investigación arqueológica en Europa occidental. A partir del análisis de isótopos de plomo y elementos traza de restos arqueometalúrgicos, este artículo aborda la organización territorial de la producción metalúrgica durante la Edad del Cobre (3100-2200 cal aC) en la cuenca de Vera (Almería, España); la región con las primeras evidencias metalúrgicas en Europa Occidental. Este artículo incluye el estudio de materiales de los tres principales asentamientos con actividad metalúrgica en la zona (Las Pilas, Santa Bárbara y Almizaraque), así como algunos objetos metálicos de estos y otros sitios (La Encantada I, Loma de Belmonte y Las Churuletas 1). Los resultados sustentan un modelo de producción regional a pequeña escala mediante el cual los asentamientos explotaron varios de los recursos de su entorno cercanos (hasta 30 km en línea recta). Se priorizaron las mineralizaciones ricas en arsénico y otros elementos, incluso cuando otras fuentes eran más accesibles: para el caso de Las Pilas, la explotación de las fuentes de Pinar de Bédar en lugar de las de Sierra Cabrera, más cercanas al yacimiento; y para los casos de Santa Bárbara y Almizaraque, las fuentes de Cerro Minado. La posibilidad de que tanto Almizaraque como Las Pilas también explotaran los minerales de Herrerías, aunque en menor medida, permanece abierta. La existencia de redes de intercambio más amplias queda reflejada por los datos de los objetos, a partir de los cuales se puede inferir una mayor movilidad.European funding (ERDF)European funding (ESF)This study was suported by the following sources of funding: a Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship (PN623183) funded within the 7th European Community Framework Programme; two Research and Development (R&D) projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities: “Metal and amber: Models of raw materials circulation in Iberian Recent Prehistory” (HAR2017-82685-R) and “Tecnología y Sociedad. Las primeras artesanías de las comunidades neolíticas en Andalucía oriental entre el VI y el III milenio a.n.e” (HAR 2016-78197-P); and a Research Excellence Chair 2011-2016 “Activités minières et métallurgiques: anthropisation des milieux et productions matérielles”, funded by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

    Shepherding the past: High-resolution data on Neolithic Southern Iberian livestock management at Cueva de El Toro (Antequera, Málaga)

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    The feeding strategies of the first domesticated herds had to manage the risks arising from the novelty of livestock practices in territories often distant from the animals’ primary habitats. The Iberian Peninsula is characterised by a great diversity of environments, which undoubtedly influenced these dynamics. At the beginning of the Neolithic period these led the possibility to combine diverse livestock farming practices based on different animal feeding habits. This variability is also consistent with the rythms of adoption of domesticated animals, being later on the northern area. In order to address this issue, this work focuses on the dietary regimes of early sheep herds from southern Iberia, an area for which information is currently scarce. This study utilises high-resolution radiocarbon dating and stable isotope data on teeth to investigate sheep husbandry management strategies in Cueva de El Toro (Antequera, Málaga). The radiocarbon dates on the analysed remains evidenced they were deposited at the site over a short period, supporting the recurrent use of the cave. The sequential analysis of oxygen and carbon isotopes in tooth enamel reveals distinct livestock management strategies, reproduction patterns, feeding habits, and mobility during this short period. This variability demonstrates that livestock management practices in the western Mediterranean are more diverse than previously considered. Furthermore, these findings support the hypothesis that early Neolithic communities in the southern Iberian Peninsula were able to adopt different feeding strategies within the same herd, depending on their ecological and productive needs


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    El poblado de Campos se encuentra situado en el borde sudoeste de un espigón amesetado que se orienta en dirección sur y flanquea por su vertiente occidental la vega del mismo nombre y el río Almanzora, a unos 1.500 m. al nordeste de Cuevas del Almanzora (Almería). Sus coordenadas geográficas son: 37° 18' 03" lat. norte y 01° 49' 15" long. oeste. Su altura esde 110 m. sobre el nivel del mar.Hasta el momento se han realizado cuatro campañas de excavación, las únicas después de su descubrimiento y trabajos allí efectuados por E. y L. Siret a fines del siglo pasado. No obstante, si atendemos a las circunstancias de la historia del poblado a lo largo de est ainvestigación, hemos de considerar las realizadas en 1985 y 1986 como derivadas de una nueva etapa de su estudio, conflictiva, pero no menos interesante, pues demuestra que un yacimiento, y con especial incidencia en los de habitación, a pesar de tener zonas destruidas, puede aportar una valiosa información

    Aproximación a la Economía de la Mitad Meridional de la Península Ibérica durante el Eneolítico

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    [ES] Pese a la uniformidad del proceso de culturizacíón Eneolítico, su desarrollo supone cambios sensibles en el ámbito de las comunidades indígenas peninsulares. Las distintas fases de domesticación y cultivo racional de especies animales y vegetales respectivamente informarían el quehacer de los pueblos eneolíticos y la difusión de sus nuevas formas de vida alcanzaría el occidente mediterráneo y más ampliamente la parte suroccidental de Europa. A través de la costa mediterránea se difundieron conocimientos agrícolas que coincidieron en su momento de expansión con la corriente neolítica de cerámica impresa.[EN] Considering the uniformity of the process of the Neolithic culturisation, its development supposes noticeable changes among the indigenous communities of the peninsula. The different phases of the domestication of certain species of animals and the rational culture of certain vegetable plants would tell us about the work of neolithic people and the diffusion of its new ways of life would reach the western part of the Mediterránea and more widely South-western Europe. The agricultural knowledge which was diffused accross the Mediterranean coast coincided —at the time of its expansion— with the neolithic current of printed ceramics

    A traceological and quantitative assessment of the function of the bone awls from the Late Neolithc of the Cueva del Toro (Antequera, Malaga).

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    In this communication we present the results of the experimental and traceological analysis of some of the bone awls from the site of Cueva del Toro (Antequera, Malaga, Spain), proceeding from the Late Neolithic layers dated to the last quarter of the fourth millennium cal BC. The cave is one of the most important Neolithic sites of the southern façade of the Iberian Peninsula with human occupations spanning, basically, from the Early to Late Neolithic. In order to quantitatively approach the use of the archaeological tools, a reference collection of the use-wear traces from different materials and different kinematics have been included: boring hide, scraping wood, scraping pottery, drilling bark, working linen and wool, scraping fish skin, etc. Each experimental tool has been measured with a Sensofar S Neox confocal microscope, and sampled images processed with Mountains@ software. After that, this quantitative reference collection has been used to statistically classify the archaeological tools. Results confirm previous analysis through optical reflected-light microscopy suggesting that the awls from Cueva del Toro were used for textile activities