1,258 research outputs found

    Family and research: gender-based and family strategies by Spanish female researchers

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    Los valores relacionados con la familia y la estructura familiar son decisivos para consolidar las trayectorias profesionales de las mujeres científicas. Al mismo tiempo, las condiciones laborales y profesionales en ciencia (movilidad, implicación en el trabajo, etc.) condicionan las estructuras familiares de estas mujeres. Los resultados de este trabajo revelan que las investigadoras españolas muestran un fuerte compromiso con la familia pero también con sus aspiraciones profesionales. Para lograr ambos objetivos, las mujeres desarrollan diferentes estrategias familiares que son analizadas en este trabajo.Values related to family and family structure are decisive to the professional progression of women scientists. At the same time, professional and labour conditions in science (mobility, working intensity, etc.) influence family structures of these women. The results of this work show that Spanish researchers display a strong commitment to the family and also their professional aspirations. To achieve both goals, women develop different family strategies which are analysed in this work

    Flavonoid and Antioxidant Capacity of Propolis Prediction Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy

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    [EN] The use of propolis as a dietary supplement or as an ingredient in different food products is increasing, due to its antioxidant and bactericidal properties. These nutritional properties directly depend on its phenolic composition. For this reason, this study analysed the total contents of flavones and flavonols, flavanones and dihydroflavonols, and the antioxidant capacity by using the methods of ABTS and linoleic acid/β-carotene in 99 samples of propolis from Spain and Chile. A rapid method was developed for quantifying these parameters in raw propolis using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy with a remote reflectance fibre-optic probe applied directly to the ground-up sample. The models developed allow for the determination of the total flavones and flavonols (0–183 mg quercetin/g propolis and 0–72 mg rutin/g propolis), of the total flavanones and dihydroflavonols (9–109 mg pinocembrin/g propolis extract), and of its antioxidant capacity by the ABTS method based on the reduction of the 2.2-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical cation(0–3212.6 nmol Trolox/mg of propolis) and of linoleic acid/β-carotene (22–86% inhibition). The NIR spectroscopy models were applied in external validation to different samples of the calibration group, which led to the conclusion that the methods developed provide significantly identical data to the initial chemical data of reference

    Decoding Gene Expression Signatures Underlying Vegetative to Inflorescence Meristem Transition in the Common Bean

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    The tropical common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an obligatory short-day plant that requires relaxation of the photoperiod to induce flowering. Similar to other crops, photoperiod-induced floral initiation depends on the differentiation and maintenance of meristems. In this study, the global changes in transcript expression profiles were analyzed in two meristematic tissues corresponding to the vegetative and inflorescence meristems of two genotypes with different sensitivities to photoperiods. A total of 3396 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified, and 1271 and 1533 were found to be up-regulated and down-regulated, respectively, whereas 592 genes showed discordant expression patterns between both genotypes. Arabidopsis homologues of DEGs were identified, and most of them were not previously involved in Arabidopsis floral transition, suggesting an evolutionary divergence of the transcriptional regulatory networks of the flowering process of both species. However, some genes belonging to the photoperiod and flower development pathways with evolutionarily conserved transcriptional profiles have been found. In addition, the flower meristem identity genes APETALA1 and LEAFY, as well as CONSTANS-LIKE 5, were identified as markers to distinguish between the vegetative and reproductive stages. Our data also indicated that the down-regulation of the photoperiodic genes seems to be directly associated with promoting floral transition under inductive short-day lengths. These findings provide valuable insight into the molecular factors that underlie meristematic development and contribute to understanding the photoperiod adaptation in the common bean.MCIN/AEI PDI2020-114115RB-100MAPAERDF A way of making Europe European Commission European Union NextGenera-tionEU/PRT

    Analysis of expression of politeness of International RTVE for teaching spanish as a foreign language

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    El fenómeno de la cortesía como contenido sociocultural de la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera ha sido objeto de estudio de muchas investigaciones actuales bajo la justificación de que el desconocimiento de sus elementos y normas puede generar un choque cultural entre un aprendiz de una lengua extranjera y un nativo de la misma. En este trabajo se aborda el estudio descriptivo de este fenómeno a través de cinco series de RTVE emitidas por Internet con el objeto de ofrecer un recurso válido para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera (ELE). Se analiza de forma cualitativa la expresión de la cortesía mediante diferentes elementos lingüísticos, paralingüísticos, quinésicos, proxémicos y cronémicos de los actos de habla contenidos en la muestra seleccionada y, de forma cuantitativa, la presencia de estos elementos. Se concluye en la necesidad de trabajos pragmáticos parecidos con el fin de dotar al alumno de ELE de estrategias diferentes de las de su lengua materna que le permitan adecuarse a una situación comunicativa concreta.The politeness principle as sociocultural content in the teaching of foreign languages has been the topic of many current research works, because the ignorance of its elements and rules can generate a culture shock between a trainee of a foreign language and a native speaker. This paper approaches the descriptive study of this phenomenon through five RTVE series broadcasted on the Internet in order to provide a valuable resource for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. We analyze qualitatively the expression of politeness through different linguistic, paralinguistic, kinesic, proxemic and chronemic elements of speech acts in the selected sample, and quantitatively the presence of these elements in the serials. We conclude on the need of pragmatic works similar to this type in order to provide Spanish foreign language students with different strategies from those in their mother tongue that allow them to fit a particular communicative situation.El artículo se enmarca en la línea de investigación denominada “La investigación en Didáctica del español como L2 o LE” (Cod.703.99.254), vinculada al Programa de Doctorado de la Universidad de Granada “Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura” (Cód. 100.56.8)

    Cooperation networks: a tool to minimize gender inequalities in science

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    Los mensajes triunfalistas sobre la incorporación de mujeres en ámbitos científicos, sin embargo, ocultan una realidad invisible, que sólo los estudios feministas han abordado y demostrado con evidencias. Estos estudios aportan perspectivas analíticas que revelan las complejas relaciones entre mujeres y hombres, marcadas por las estructuras del poder masculino. Un examen crítico de la realidad, revelará que la igualdad formal no ha supuesto una igualdad real y que, al contrario, sirve de justificación de las actuales discriminaciones de género. La objetividad y la meritocracia ocultan desigualdades entre los hombres y las mujeres en la ciencia. Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la situación de las mujeres investigadoras y en las estrategias para alcanzar mayores metas en sus carreras. En ese sentido, analizamos la utilidad de las redes de cooperación, que pueden ser institucionales, como las unidades de igualdad, institutos y grupos de estudios de género, o informales, donde un grupo de mujeres capitaliza su experiencia, mediante la información o apoyo emocional en beneficio de otras mujeres. Para desarrollar estas tesis, nos hemos apoyado en distintas fuentes bibliográficas, en los resultados de la encuesta realizada a 700 mujeres y hombres que desempeñan trabajos de investigación en las universidades y centros de investigación, y en diez estudios de casos dentro del proyecto Genera: Generación de una economía del conocimiento más inclusiva y competitiva. Los resultados muestran que, si bien no son la única estrategia, las redes basadas en la sororidad y la cooperación proporcionan ventajas para mejorar sus logros y también para reducir los costes personales de perseguir una carrera altamente competitiva y fuertemente marcada por una estructura de poder masculina.The triumphalist messages on the incorporation of women in scientific fields however, it hides an invisible reality that only the feminist studies have addressed and displayed evidence. These studies provide analytical perspectives that reveal complex relationships between women and men shaping by male perspective of the power structures. A critical examination will reveal that formal equality does not yield real equality and, on the contrary, justifies the current discrimination based on gender. Objectivity and meritocracy veils men and women inequalities in science. This article focuses on the analysis of the situation of women researchers and the strategies to pursue high goals in their careers. In that sense, we analyze the usefulness of cooperation networks, institutional such as equality units, gender, or informal where a group of women capitalizes on their experience, through information or emotional support for other women’s benefits. For developing this argument, we are based on different bibliographic sources, the results of the survey of 700 women and men who perform research in universities and research centers, and ten case studies carried out in the project Genera: Generation of a more inclusive and competitive knowledge economy. The findings show that it is not the unique strategy, the networks based on sorority and cooperation provide advantages to improve achievements and to reduce personal costs of pursuing a high competitive career shaping by male-dominated structure of power

    Cosificación y mercantilización de las mujeres: las tecnologías como instrumento de violencia

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    In this introductory text the editors present the monograph about the objectification and marketisation of womenEn este texto introductorio las editoras presentan el monográfico sobre la cosificación y la mercantilización de las mujeres

    Correlation between Spectroscopic and Mechanical Properties of Gold Nanocrystals under Pressure

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    The effects of nonhydrostatic pressure on the morphology and stability of gold nanorods (AuNRs) and nanospheres (AuNSs) in 4:1 methanol-ethanol mixtures were studied by optical absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy at pressures of up to 23 and 30 GPa, respectively. Solvent solidification and associated nonhydrostatic stresses were found to have a negligible effect on the shape and size of AuNSs. On the contrary, while AuNRs maintained their initial morphology in the hydrostatic range, the uniaxial stress component induced under nonhydrostatic conditions had a shearing effect on the AuNRs, breaking them into smaller particles. Interestingly, colloidal stability was maintained in all cases, and the particles showed no sign of aggregation, despite the severe nonhydrostatic conditions to which both AuNR and AuNS colloids were subjected.Financial support from Projects PGC2018-101464−B-I00 (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades) and MALTA-Consolider Team (RED2018-102612-T) is acknowledged. We acknowledge J. A. Barreda-Argüeso and J. RuizFuertes for support with high-pressure measurements. P.M. thanks the ARC for grant CE170100026. L.M.L.-M. acknowledges grant PID2020-117779R and the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Program (grant MDM-2017-0720) from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    Moderate intake of red wine promotes a significant increase of phenolic metabolites in human faeces

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    With the final aim of ascertaining consistent data about the changes of phenolic metabolites in faeces after a regular wine consumption, the present paper compiles the data from two previous human intervention studies: a) a pilot study (n = 8), that compared the ingestion of de-alcoholised red wine (272 mL/day), red wine (272 mL/day), or gin (100 mL/day) during 20 days, and b) a large trial study (n = 41, 33 cases and 8 controls), that assessed variability among individuals after the intake of red wine (250 mL/day, 28 days). Great coincidence was observed in the main phenolic metabolites identified in the faecal samples from both studies that included benzoic acids, phenols, hippuric acids, phenylacetic acids, phenylpropionic acids, valeric acids, valerolactones and cinnamic acids. However, significant differences (P < 0.05) in the total phenolic content between faecal samples before and after the wine intervention was only observed for the large trial study (358 ± 270 and 625 ± 380 μg/g faeces, corresponding to the mean values before and after the intervention, respectively), emphasizing the large variability in the phenolic-metabolizing gut-microbial capacity among individuals. The overall results confirm that consumption of wine enhances phenolic metabolism, which might have physiological relevancy at the gut level.This work was funded by the MINECO (AGL2009-13361-C02-01, AGL2012- 04172-C02-01, and CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 (FUN-C-FOOD, CSD2007-063, Projects), and the Comunidad de Madrid (ALIBIRD P2009/AGR-1469 Project). AJ-G and IM-G would like to thank the European Social Fund and Jae-Doc (CSIC) and FPI Programs for their research contracts, respectively.Peer Reviewe