1,445 research outputs found

    Crossed extensions of the corepresentation category of finite supergroup algebras

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    We present explicit examples finite tensor categories that are C_2-graded extensions of the corepresentation category of certain finite-dimensional non-semisimple Hopf algebras.Comment: 26 pages. An error in the product given in definition 4.7 was correcte

    Computational model of the fetal heart with Coarctation of the Aorta

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Biomèdica. Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2021-2022. Directors: Patricia Garcia Cañadilla & Bart Bijnens. Tutora: Fátima Crispi.It is thought that altered intrauterine hemodynamics may lead to congenital heart defects, such as aortic arch abnormalities. Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) is one of the most difficult cardiac defects to diagnose before birth, because of the patency of the ductus arteriosus (DA). It consists of a narrowing in the aortic isthmus (AoI) causing a decrease of blood flow. Prenatal diagnosis is important to reduce mortality and morbidity. Nonetheless, prenatal diagnosis has a high rate of false-positive and false-negatives and local hemodynamics in the CoA is not fully understood. The aim of this project was to improve our understanding of the underlying cause of CoA using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools. We have implemented a computational model with an idealized geometry of the fetal aorta to investigate the relationship between flow unbalance and wall shear stress (WSS) at the isthmus-ductus. An imbalanced flow was imposed in the ascending aorta (AscAo) and ductus to study if a progressive aortic flow reduction suggests the “flowdependency” of the fetal aortic arch development. As a result, when aortic flow diminished from 50% to 10% progressively, velocity and WSS decreased in the aortic arch and increased in the distal arch. A redistribution of flow could be observed in the model and a “zero flow zone” could be noticed between the brachiocephalic artery and left carotid when the flow decreased to from 50% to 10%. Additionally, another “zero flow zone” could be observed in the AoI when the aortic flow decreased from 50% to 30%

    Engineering accessible Web applications : An Aspect-Oriented approach

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    Every day more and more users with different abilities and/or temporally or permanent disabilities are accessing the Web, and many of them have difficulties in reaching the desired information. However, the development of this kind of software is complicated for several reasons. Though some of them are technological, the majority are related with the need to compose different and, many times, unrelated design concerns which may be functional as in the case of most of the application’s requirements, or non- functional such as Accessibility. Even though, there is a huge number of tools and proposals to help developers assess Accessibility of Web applications, looking from the designer perspective, there is no such a similar situation. It seems that creating accessible Web sites is more expensive and complicated than creating Web sites and then assessing/modifying them. Although this feeling somehow seems to be true, addressing Accessibility at early design, not only has a significant impact on Web site quality, but also avoids subsequent efforts to return accessible fully developed applications. In this thesis, we present a novel approach to conceive, design and develop Accessible Web applications using concepts from Aspect-Orientation. In order to accomplish our goal, we provide some modelling techniques that we explicitly developed for handling the non-functional, generic and crosscutting characteristics of Accessibility. Specifically, we have enriched the UID technique with integration points to record Accessibility concerns that will be taken into account when designing the user interface. Then, by instantiating the SIG template with association tables, we work on an abstract interface model with Accessibility softgoals to obtain a concrete and accessible interface model for the Web application being developed. We use a real application example to illustrate our ideas and point out the advantages of a clear separation of concerns throughout the development life-cycle. Thus, our proposal is based on recognized design techniques, which we embedded in a software tool, in order to facilitate the transfer of the approach to the industry.Desarrollar aplicaciones Web Accesibles es en la actualidad una necesidad. Cada día más y más usuarios con capacidades diferentes y/o discapacidades temporales o permanentes acceden a la Web, y muchos de ellos tienen dificultades especiales para obtener la información deseada. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de este tipo de software Web es complicado por varias razones. Si bien algunas de estas son de índole tecnológicas, la mayoría están relacionadas con la necesidad de componer intereses de diseño distintos y muchas veces no relacionados entre sí, los cuales a su vez pueden ser funcionales, como lo son la mayoría de los requerimientos específicos de una aplicación, o no-funcionales, como lo es la Accesibilidad. Aún existiendo hoy en día un gran número de herramientas y propuestas para ayudar a los desarrolladores en la evaluación de la Accesibilidad de las aplicaciones Web, la situación no es la misma al observar desde la perspectiva del diseñador Web. Parece ser que diseñar sitios Web accesibles es más costoso y complejo que crear sitios Web y luego evaluarlos/modificarlos. A pesar de que este sentimiento puede ser ciertamente verdadero, los beneficios al modelar la Accesibilidad en etapas tempranas del diseño superan ampliamente las necesidades de un desarrollador al implementar esa Accesibilidad. En esta tesis, presentamos un enfoque original para concebir, diseñar y desarrollar aplicaciones Web Accesibles con una modalidad Orientada a Aspectos. Para alcanzar nuestro objetivo, ofrecemos algunas técnicas de modelado que desarrollamos específicamente para manejar las características no-funcionales, genéricas y transversales de la Accesibilidad como un interés de factor de calidad. Específicamente, enriquecimos los “User Interaction Diagrams” (UIDs) con puntos de integración, los cuales usamos durante el diseño de la interfaz de usuario, para razonar y documentar la Accesibilidad en la actividad de modelado. Luego, instanciando la plantilla del “Softgoal Interdependency Graph” (SIG) con las tablas de asociación, trabajamos en el modelo de interfaz abstracta (compuesta por “ontology widgets”) para obtener un modelo de interfaz concreta y accesible de la aplicación Web en desarrollo. Para ilustrar nuestras ideas y señalar las ventajas de una clara separación de intereses durante el ciclo de vida de desarrollo, utilizamos un ejemplo de aplicación real.Facultad de Informátic

    Determination of any pure spatial qudits from a minimum number of measurements by phase-stepping interferometry

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    We present a proof-of-principle demonstration of a method to characterize any pure spatial qudit of arbitrary dimension d, which is based on the classic phase-shift interferometry technique. In the proposed scheme a total of only 4d measurement outcomes are needed, implying a significant reduction with respect to the standard schemes for quantum-state tomography which require on the order of d^2. By using this technique, we have experimentally reconstructed a large number of states ranging from d=2 up to 14 with mean fidelity values higher than 0.97. For that purpose the qudits were codified in the discretized transverse-momentum position of single photons, once they are sent through an aperture with d slits. We provide an experimental implementation of the method based in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, which allows one to reduce the number of measurement settings to four since the d slits can be measured simultaneously. Furthermore, it can be adapted to consider the reconstruction of the unknown state from the outcome frequencies of 4d−3 fixed projectors independently of the encoding or the nature of the quantum system, allowing one to implement the reconstruction method in a general experiment.Fil: Pears Stefano, Quimey Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física; ArgentinaFil: Rebón, Lorena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Ledesma, Silvia Adriana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física; ArgentinaFil: Iemmi, Claudio César. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física; Argentin

    Improving web personalization re-engineering processes using cognitive knowledge management

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    A re-design process implies dealing with complex interactions between stakeholders, especially if we are talking about a personalization re-engineered process, which can be applied to an existing web application. In this context, knowledge becomes a main factor of influence, but the tacit acquisition and application of valuable knowledge is not a simple task. Discovering new ways to achieve, share and re-use available knowledge is a key concern for improving re-design environments. To support this challenge, we address Cognitive Informatics concepts and principles that might help improve knowledge specification and communication.Eje: Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Studies on electromagnetic turbulence and edge phenomena in fusion plasmas

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    The magnetic well depth if one of the principal actors when the stability of a confined plasma is analysed. It is the main stabilising mechanism in the TJ-II stellarator, as this is an almost shearless device. This and TJ-II's ability for changing the currents of its coils make the Spanish stellarator a perfect candidate for magnetic well studies. This thesis presents an exhaustive study on plasma performance and stability under theoretically unstable magnetic well conditions. NBI-heated reproducible plasmas were successfully produced even for the most stability adverse conditions and a link between the Alfén Eigenmodes and magnetic well depth was found. Visible light emission at the plasma edge of the JET tokamak has been studied with an intensified fast visible camera since the installation of its ITER-Like Wall. A method to characterize the evolution of ELMs in the divertor and relate the recorded signal with other diagnostics at JET has been developed. A large Matlab library orientated to treat and share the data produced by the intensified fast visible camera has been made available to the users of this diagnostic.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Plasmas y Fusión NuclearPresidente: Enrique Ascasibar Zubizarreta.- Secretario: Luis García Gonzalo.- Vocal: Antonio López Fragua

    Identifying cognitive aspects to improve business process reengineering

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    Knowledge-intensive processes are widely used to recover from errors, handle exceptional cases and complaints, and to improve or adapt a process itself. In this context, evolved Business-Process Reengineering (BPR) techniques are changing to give some answers to this reality. In this paper, we identify some cognitive aspects used by traditional and recent reengineering models. We provide a framework highlighting how cognitive aspects might improve reengineering through knowledge and perception modelling.Eje: I - Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Arteterapia y educación emocional Mini Artistas: Viaje al centro del corazón

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    Dissetenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2012)En nuestro proyecto de innovación trabajamos el arte como terapia para fomentar la educación emocional puesto que creemos que esta técnica es un buen modo para trabajar las emociones en el aula. El proyecto está dirigido al alumnado de Educación Infantil y a los profesionales que ejercen docencia en esta etapa educativa, de un centro educativo de la localidad de Burriana (Castellón) Mediante ella, podemos conseguir el dominio de las habilidades emocionales y de esa manera, potenciar un desarrollo evolutivo y socio-emocional adecuado del alumnado. Lo que queremos conseguir mediante la arteterapia es el trabajo y la expresión de las emociones, sentimientos, pensamientos, frustraciones, miedos… para que el alumnado de Educación Infantil, a quién va dirigido este proyecto, sea capaz de reconocerlos y aprenda a gestionarse a sí mismo/a y a expresar las sensaciones que experimenta de forma verbal. Todo ello se cuestiona para que el alumnado consiga ser más hábil socialmente y desarrollar su inteligencia emocional, así como el conjunto de habilidades sociales y necesarias para desenvolverse en la sociedad en la que vive

    Equivalence classes of exact module categories over graded tensor categories

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    We describe equivalence classes of indecomposable exact module categories over a finite graded tensor category. When applied to a pointed fusion category, our results coincide with the ones obtained in [11].Fil: Mejía Castaño, Adriana. Universidad del Norte; ColombiaFil: Mombelli, Juan Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigación y Estudios de Matemática. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigación y Estudios de Matemática; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentin

    Perspectivas para la biopsicología de la sprimeras décadas del siglo XXI

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    The paper sketches the potential developments of biopsychology during the beginning of the 21st century from the perspective of the senior author who started his career as a bsiologist and is ending it as a psychologist. The projections are developed along the concept that any act of behaviour or conscience shown by any organism is always the final product of three historical processes: phylogeny, ontogeny and physiogeny. It is argued that the theory of biological evolution, supplemented by the newer theory of cultural evolution, will gain un increasing explanatory role in psychology. Genes, the molecular condensates of phylogeny, will be increasingly recognised as the most important determinant of neural ontogeny. The improved understanding of their action will allow a more precise characterisation of the influence that experience has upon behaviour. The physiogenic accounts of behaviour and conscience will be increasingly based on the description of thefunctioning of neural nets. The complexity of natural neural nets will in turn encourage the study of artificial neural net models. It is recommended that academic psychology should not estrange itself institutionally from what increasingly will be its most important scientific root, biopsychology.El trabajo traza esquemáticamente el probable desarollo de la biopsicologia durante los comienzos del siglo xx desde el punto de vista del primer autor quien comenzó su carrera como biólogo y la está terminando como psicólogo. Las anticipaciones de futuro son desarolladas a partir del concepto de que cualquier acto de conducta o de conciencia de un organismo es siempre el producto final de tres procesos históricos: filogenia, ontogenia y fisiogenia. Se considera que la teoria de la evolución biológica, suplementada por la más novel teoria de la evolución cultural cobrará un creciente valor explicativa en la psicologia. Los genes, como productos moleculares de la filogenia, van a ser progresivamente reconocidos como los más importantes determinantes de la ontogenia neural. La mejorada comprensión de sus acciones ayudará a caracterizar más certeramente la influencia que la experiencia tiene sobre la conducta. Las explicaciónes fisiogénicas del comportamiento y la conciencia se basarán más y más en la descripción del funcionamiento de redes neurales. La complejidad de redes neurales naturales a su vez promoverá el estudio de redes neurales artificiales como modelos. Se recomienda que la psicologia académica no se despegue institucionalmente de lo que será de forma creciente su más importante fundamento científico, la biopscologia