342 research outputs found

    Poliomielite associada à vacina: descrição de caso por transmissão domiciliar

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    Poliomyelitis associated with live strain vaccine is defined as the paralytic form of the acute anterior poliomyelitis related to the vaccine strain. Since these strains behave similarly to the wild-type virus, we can differentiate, epidemiologically, two types of vaccine-associated poliomyelitis: cases in which the patient was vaccinated and cases in which the patient had had contact with vaccinated individuals. We herein present the case of an unvaccinated child, with a clinical picture of an acute anterior poliomyelitis associated with the live strain vaccine, whose brother received the Sabin vaccine 20 days before the onset of the symptoms. Vaccine strain of the type 3 poliovirus was isolated in fecal culture and a presented mutation in nucleotide 472 (C;®;U) in the 5' non-coding region, which is strongly related to the higher strain virulence.A poliomielite associada à vacina oral é definida como a forma paralítica da poliomielite anterior aguda decorrente da cepa vacinal. Uma vez que o comportamento da cepa vacinal é semelhante ao do vírus selvagem, epidemiologicamente podemos distinguir dois tipos de poliomielite associada à vacina, os casos em que o paciente foi vacinado e os casos em que o paciente teve contato com pessoas que receberam a vacina. Apresentamos o caso de um lactente não vacinado, que apresentou quadro de poliomielite anterior aguda associada à vacina oral, cujo irmão havia recebido a vacina Sabin 20 dias antes do início do quadro clínico. Na cultura de fezes do paciente foi isolado o poliovírus tipo 3, cepa vacinal, que apresentava mutação do nucleotídeo 472 (C;®;U) na região 5' não codificadora, a qual está significativamente relacionada com a maior virulência da cepa

    In vitro maturation impacts cumulus–oocyte complex metabolism and stress in cattle

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOThe influence of in vitro maturation (IVM) in oocytes is still not totally understood. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of IVM on the metabolism and homeostasis of bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes. In the present study, we demonstrated1546881893FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO2014/21034-32014/03281-32014/22887-02013/08135-22012/50533-2306978/2014-8The authors would like to thank the staff and students at the LMMD, Marcos Chiaratti, Gustavo Duarte, Marcel Nakashima, Hélio Alves Martins Júnior, José Luis Paz Jara, Patricia Kubo Fontes and Augusto de Castro Netto for their assistance with the sample

    A hybrid bi-objective optimization approach for joint determination of safety stock and safety time buffers in multi-item single-stage industrial supply chains

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    In material requirements planning (MRP) systems, safety stock and safety time are two well-known inventory buffering strategies to protect against supply and demand uncertainties. While the role of safety stocks in coping with uncertainty is well studied, safety time has received only scarce attention in the supply chain management literature. Particularly, most previous operations research models have typically considered the use of such inventory buffers in a separate fashion, but not together. Here, we propose a decision support system (DSS) to address the problem of integrating optimal safety stock and safety time decisions at the component level, in multi-supplier multi-item single-stage industrial supply chains under dynamic demands and stochastic lead times. The DSS is based on a hybrid bi-objective optimization approach that simultaneously optimizes upstream inventory holding costs and β-service levels, suggesting multiple non-dominated Pareto-optimal solutions to decision-makers. We further explore a weighted closed-form analytical expression to select a single Pareto-optimal point from a set of non-dominated solutions, thereby enhancing the practical application of the proposed DSS. We describe the implementation of our approach in a major automotive electronics company operating under a myriad of components with dynamic demand, uncertain supply and requirements plans with different degrees of sparsity. We show the potential of our approach to improve β-service levels while minimizing inventory-related costs. The results suggest that, in certain cases, it appears to be more cost-effective to combine safety stock with safety time compared to considering each inventory buffer independently.This work has been supported by the European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Pro-gram (COMPETE 2020) [Project No. 39479, Funding reference: POCI-01–0247-FEDER-39479]

    Heterogeneity of Multifunctional IL-17A Producing S. Typhi-Specific CD8+ T Cells in Volunteers following Ty21a Typhoid Immunization

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi), the causative agent of typhoid fever, continues to cause significant morbidity and mortality world-wide. CD8+ T cells are an important component of the cell mediated immune (CMI) response against S. Typhi. Recently, interleukin (IL)-17A has been shown to contribute to mucosal immunity and protection against intracellular pathogens. To investigate multifunctional IL-17A responses against S. Typhi antigens in T memory subsets, we developed multiparametric flow cytometry methods to detect up to 6 cytokines/chemokines (IL-10, IL-17A, IL-2, interferon-γ (IFN-γ), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and macrophage inflammatory protein-1β (MIP-1β)) simultaneously. Five volunteers were immunized with a 4 dose regimen of live-attenuated S. Typhi vaccine (Ty21a), peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated before and at 11 time points after immunization, and CMI responses were evaluated. Of the 5 immunized volunteers studied, 3 produced detectable CD8+ T cell responses following stimulation with S. Typhi-infected autologous B lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCL). Additionally, 2 volunteers had detectable levels of intracellular cytokines in response to stimulation with S. Typhi-infected HLA-E restricted cells. Although the kinetics of the responses differed among volunteers, all of the responses were bi- or tri-phasic and included multifunctional CD8+ T cells. Virtually all of the IL-17A detected was derived from multifunctional CD8+ T cells. The presence of these multifunctional IL-17A+ CD8+ T cells was confirmed using an unsupervised analysis program, flow cytometry clustering without K (FLOCK). This is the first report of IL-17A production in response to S. Typhi in humans, indicating the presence of a Tc17 response which may be important in protection. The presence of IL-17A in multifunctional cells co-producing Tc1 cytokines (IL-2, IFN-γ and TNF-α) may also indicate that the distinction between Tc17 and Tc1 responses in humans is not as clearly delineated as suggested by in vitro experiments and animal models

    Spatio-Temporal Differentiation and Sociality in Spiders

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    Species that differ in their social system, and thus in traits such as group size and dispersal timing, may differ in their use of resources along spatial, temporal, or dietary dimensions. The role of sociality in creating differences in habitat use is best explored by studying closely related species or socially polymorphic species that differ in their social system, but share a common environment. Here we investigate whether five sympatric Anelosimus spider species that range from nearly solitary to highly social differ in their use of space and in their phenology as a function of their social system. By studying these species in Serra do Japi, Brazil, we find that the more social species, which form larger, longer–lived colonies, tend to live inside the forest, where sturdier, longer lasting vegetation is likely to offer better support for their nests. The less social species, which form single-family groups, in contrast, tend to occur on the forest edge where the vegetation is less robust. Within these two microhabitats, species with longer-lived colonies tend to occupy the potentially more stable positions closer to the core of the plants, while those with smaller and shorter-lived colonies build their nests towards the branch tips. The species further separate in their use of common habitat due to differences in the timing of their reproductive season. These patterns of habitat use suggest that the degree of sociality can enable otherwise similar species to differ from one another in ways that may facilitate their co-occurrence in a shared environment, a possibility that deserves further consideration

    Evolutionism and genetics of posttraumatic stress disorder

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    The authors discuss, from the evolutionary concept, how flight and fight responses and tonic immobility can lead to a new understanding of posttraumatic stress disorder. Through the analysis of symptom clusters (revivals, avoidance and hyperexcitation), neurobiological and evolutionary findings are correlated. The current discoveries on posttraumatic stress disorder genetics are summarized and analyzed in this evolutionary perspective, using concepts to understand the gene-environment interaction, such as epigenetic. The proposal is that the research of susceptibility factors in posttraumatic stress disorder must be investigated from the factorial point of view, where their interactions increase the risk of developing the disorder, preventing a unique search of the cause of this disorder. The research of candidate genes in posttraumatic stress disorder must take into consideration all the systems associated with processes of stress response, such as the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and sympathetic axes, mechanisms of learning, formation and extinguishing of declarative memories, neurogenesis and apoptosis, which involve many systems of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and neurohormones.Os autores discutem, a partir do conceito evolutivo, como a resposta de estresse, nas suas possibilidades de fuga e luta e de imobilidade tônica, pode levar a uma nova compreensão etiológica do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. Através da análise dos agrupamentos de sintomas desse diagnóstico - revivência, evitação e hiperexcitação -, procuram correlacionar os achados neurobiológicos e evolutivos. As descobertas atuais sobre a genética do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático são resumidas e colocadas nessa perspectiva evolutiva, dentro de conceitos que possibilitam o entendimento da interação gene/ambiente, como a epigenética. Propõem que a pesquisa dos fatores de risco do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático deva ser investigada do ponto de vista fatorial, onde a somatória destes aumenta o risco de desenvolvimento do quadro, não sendo possível a procura da causa do transtorno de forma única. A pesquisa de genes candidatos no transtorno de estresse pós-traumático deve levar em consideração todos os sistemas associados aos processos de respostas ao estresse, sistemas dos eixos hipotálamo-hipofisário-adrenal e simpático, mecanismos de aprendizado, formação de memórias declarativas, de extinção e esquecimento, da neurogênese e da apoptose, que envolvem vários sistemas de neurotransmissores, neuropeptídeos e neuro-hormônios.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)(UNIFESP)UNIFESP Departamento de PsiquiatriaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicin Hospital de ClínicasUNIFESP, Depto. de PsiquiatriaSciEL