34 research outputs found

    Association between proton pump inhibitor therapy and clostridium difficile infection: a contemporary systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Abstract Introduction Emerging epidemiological evidence suggests that proton pump inhibitor (PPI) acid-suppression therapy is associated with an increased risk of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI). Methods Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus were searched from 1990 to January 2012 for analytical studies that reported an adjusted effect estimate of the association between PPI use and CDI. We performed random-effect meta-analyses. We used the GRADE framework to interpret the findings. Results We identified 47 eligible citations (37 case-control and 14 cohort studies) with corresponding 51 effect estimates. The pooled OR was 1.65, 95% CI (1.47, 1.85), I2 = 89.9%, with evidence of publication bias suggested by a contour funnel plot. A novel regression based method was used to adjust for publication bias and resulted in an adjusted pooled OR of 1.51 (95% CI, 1.26–1.83). In a speculative analysis that assumes that this association is based on causality, and based on published baseline CDI incidence, the risk of CDI would be very low in the general population taking PPIs with an estimated NNH of 3925 at 1 year. Conclusions In this rigorously conducted systemic review and meta-analysis, we found very low quality evidence (GRADE class) for an association between PPI use and CDI that does not support a cause-effect relationship

    Fast and Accurate Resonance Assignment of Small-to-Large Proteins by Combining Automated and Manual Approaches

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    The process of resonance assignment is fundamental to most NMR studies of protein structure and dynamics. Unfortunately, the manual assignment of residues is tedious and time-consuming, and can represent a significant bottleneck for further characterization. Furthermore, while automated approaches have been developed, they are often limited in their accuracy, particularly for larger proteins. Here, we address this by introducing the software COMPASS, which, by combining automated resonance assignment with manual intervention, is able to achieve accuracy approaching that from manual assignments at greatly accelerated speeds. Moreover, by including the option to compensate for isotope shift effects in deuterated proteins, COMPASS is far more accurate for larger proteins than existing automated methods. COMPASS is an open-source project licensed under GNU General Public License and is available for download from http://www.liu.se/forskning/foass/tidigare-foass/patrik-lundstrom/software?l=en. Source code and binaries for Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows are available.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council [Dnr. 2012-5136]</p

    Problems Concerning External Data Incorporation in Data Warehouses

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    Data warehouses (DWs) have become one of the largest investments in the past years for organisations, and incorporating external data into a DW can give organisations huge possibilities. Organisations that successfully manage to incorporate external data into a DW have an advantage over those who do not, but there are problems with incorporating data acquired from outside the organisation, and there is a lack of research aimed at these problems. The comprehensive aim of this dissertation is to characterise and categorise problems with incorporating external data. The available literature was scanned to find problems and an interview study was conducted to validate the problems found in the literature. Respondents from five well-known organisations in Sweden participated and the result is a list of problems backed up by both literature and empirical finding

    Automation proposal for handling of bobbins around a washing machine

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    AH Automation har fĂ„tt i uppdrag frĂ„n DahrĂ©ntrĂ„d AB att genomföra en förstudie och ta fram ett automationskoncept för automatisk hantering av spolar runt en spoltvĂ€tt. DahrĂ©ntrĂ„d har för avsikt att upphandla en ny spoltĂ€vtt. Detta examensarbete Ă€r genomfört med avsikten att genomföra denna förstudie för AH Automation med mĂ„lsĂ€ttningen att det leder till ett effektivt system för automatisk hantering runt tvĂ€tten. Resultatet i denna rapport Ă€r ett koncept och krĂ€ver ytterligare arbete innan projektet kan realiseras. MĂ„nga timmar arbete har spenderats pĂ„ rundvandringar, diskussioner, möten, analys och ”trial &amp; error” iteration framtagning. Detta har lett fram till en helautomatiserad lösning. Resultatet innefattar en robot som lastar in spolar i tvĂ€tten och en robot pĂ„ en linjĂ€renhet som lastar spolar frĂ„n tvĂ€tten. Roboten innan spoltvĂ€tten sorterar pallar och mellanlĂ€gg samtidigt som den förser roboten efter tvĂ€tten med pallar och mellanlĂ€gg. BĂ„da robotarna Ă€r utrustade med ett vakuumgripdon som har för avsikt att kunna hantera samtliga spole modeller, pallar och mellanlĂ€gg. Konceptet tillĂ„ter att spolar kan plockas manuellt nĂ€r packningen inte Ă€r kompatibel med robotplock. Resultatet presenteras som en 3D layout skapad i Inventor Autodesk.AH Automation has been commissioned by DahrĂ©ntrĂ„d AB to carry out a pilot study and develop an automation concept for automatic handling of bobbins around an industrial bobbin washer. DahrĂ©ntrĂ„d intends to buy a new bobbin washing machine. This thesis report is made with the intention of carrying out this pilot study for AH Automation with the aim that it leads to a effective automation system. The result in this report is a concept and requires further work before the project can be realized. Many hours of work have been spent on tours, discussions, meeting, analysis and trial &amp; error iteration development. These steps have led to a fully automated solution. The result includes a robot that loads bobbins into the washing machine and one robot on a linear unit, that unloads the bobbins from the washing machine. The first robot is sorting pallets and slipsheets at the same time as it supplies the other robot with pallets and slipsheets. Both robots are equipped with a vacuum gripper that aims to handle all bobbin models, pallets and slipsheets. This concept also allows bobbins to be picked manually with lifting assistance when the bobbins are packed in such a way that that the robot can’t handle it

    Automation proposal for handling of bobbins around a washing machine

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    AH Automation har fĂ„tt i uppdrag frĂ„n DahrĂ©ntrĂ„d AB att genomföra en förstudie och ta fram ett automationskoncept för automatisk hantering av spolar runt en spoltvĂ€tt. DahrĂ©ntrĂ„d har för avsikt att upphandla en ny spoltĂ€vtt. Detta examensarbete Ă€r genomfört med avsikten att genomföra denna förstudie för AH Automation med mĂ„lsĂ€ttningen att det leder till ett effektivt system för automatisk hantering runt tvĂ€tten. Resultatet i denna rapport Ă€r ett koncept och krĂ€ver ytterligare arbete innan projektet kan realiseras. MĂ„nga timmar arbete har spenderats pĂ„ rundvandringar, diskussioner, möten, analys och ”trial &amp; error” iteration framtagning. Detta har lett fram till en helautomatiserad lösning. Resultatet innefattar en robot som lastar in spolar i tvĂ€tten och en robot pĂ„ en linjĂ€renhet som lastar spolar frĂ„n tvĂ€tten. Roboten innan spoltvĂ€tten sorterar pallar och mellanlĂ€gg samtidigt som den förser roboten efter tvĂ€tten med pallar och mellanlĂ€gg. BĂ„da robotarna Ă€r utrustade med ett vakuumgripdon som har för avsikt att kunna hantera samtliga spole modeller, pallar och mellanlĂ€gg. Konceptet tillĂ„ter att spolar kan plockas manuellt nĂ€r packningen inte Ă€r kompatibel med robotplock. Resultatet presenteras som en 3D layout skapad i Inventor Autodesk.AH Automation has been commissioned by DahrĂ©ntrĂ„d AB to carry out a pilot study and develop an automation concept for automatic handling of bobbins around an industrial bobbin washer. DahrĂ©ntrĂ„d intends to buy a new bobbin washing machine. This thesis report is made with the intention of carrying out this pilot study for AH Automation with the aim that it leads to a effective automation system. The result in this report is a concept and requires further work before the project can be realized. Many hours of work have been spent on tours, discussions, meeting, analysis and trial &amp; error iteration development. These steps have led to a fully automated solution. The result includes a robot that loads bobbins into the washing machine and one robot on a linear unit, that unloads the bobbins from the washing machine. The first robot is sorting pallets and slipsheets at the same time as it supplies the other robot with pallets and slipsheets. Both robots are equipped with a vacuum gripper that aims to handle all bobbin models, pallets and slipsheets. This concept also allows bobbins to be picked manually with lifting assistance when the bobbins are packed in such a way that that the robot can’t handle it

    Coding to cure : NMR and thermodynamic software applied to congenital heart disease research

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    Regardless of scientific field computers have become pivotal tools for data analysis and the field of structural biology is not an exception. Here, computers are the main tools used for tasks including structural calculations of proteins, spectral analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy data and fitting mathematical models to data. As results reported in papers heavily rely on software and scripts it is of key importance that the employed computational methods are robust and yield reliable results. However, as many scientific fields are niched and possess a small potential user base the task to develop necessary software often falls on researchers themselves. This can cause divergence when comparing data analyzed by different measures or by using subpar methods. Therein lies the importance of development of accurate computational methods that can be employed by the scientific community. The main theme of this thesis is software development applied to structural biology, with the purpose to aid research in this scientific field by speeding up the process of data analysis as well as to ensure that acquired data is properly analyzed. Among the original results of this thesis are three user-friendly software: COMPASS - a resonance assignment software for NMR spectroscopy data capable of analyzing chemical shifts and providing the user with suggestions to potential resonance assignments, based on a meticulous database comparison. CDpal - a curve fitting software used to fit thermal and chemical denaturation data of proteins acquired by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy or fluorescence spectroscopy. PINT - a line shape fitting and downstream analysis software forNMRspectroscopy data, designed with the important purpose to easily and accurately fit peaks in NMR spectra and extract parameters such as relaxation rates, intensities and volumes of peaks. This thesis also describes a study performed on variants of the life essential regulatory protein calmodulin that have been associated with the congenital life threatening heart disease long QT syndrome (LQTS). The study provided novel insights revealing that all variants are distinct from the wild type in regards to structure and dynamics on a detailed level; the presented results are useful for the interpretation of results from protein interaction studies. The underlying research of this paper makes use of all three developed software, which validates that all developed methods fulfil a scientific purpose and are capable of producing solid results

    Current and future application areas for external data in data warehouses

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    External data is data that a company could acquire outside their internal systems. This external data could bring another dimension for the companies, and allow them to further understand the environment. External data incorporated into a data warehouse makes it possible to exploit a number of application areas. The comprehensive aim of this dissertation is to outline what application areas that companies exploits today and what the future will bring. To achieve this, an interview study among people working with external data and DWs have been conducted. Based on the information gathered through the study, the most common application areas are address updates, credit information, and marketing. Some smaller application areas have also been identified. A discussion on what application areas that will come in the future, are also to be found

    Making shipping energy efficient : A study regarding implementing mandatory guidelines

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    Vi lever i en vÀrld av klimatförÀndringar dÀr det stÀndigt söks efter lösningar för att minska utslÀppen av vÀxthusgaser. IMO har infört SEEMP:en med mÄlet att reducera utslÀppen frÄn vÀrldshandelsflottan och dÀrmed öka dess energieffektivitet. Med denna bakgrund har syftet varit att undersöka hur svenska tankrederier implementerat och tillÀmpat SEEMP:en samt kartlÀgga Äsikter kring den. En kvalitativ metod har anvÀnts för att pÄ djupet undersöka rederiernas tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt. Undersökningen omfattar fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt sex personer ifrÄn tvÄ rederier dÀr bÄde ombord- och landanstÀllda finns representerade. Resultatet visade att rederierna implementerat SEEMP:en efter IMO:s riktlinjer, i samrÄd med sitt klassningssÀllskap, dÀr rederierna ocksÄ har försökt ta tillvara möjligheten att energieffektivisera sin organisation. BÄda rederierna sÄg positivt pÄ införandet av SEEMP:en och menade att den borde införts tidigare. Det framkommer dock faktorer som anses motverka SEEMP:ens fulla potential, bland annat att strukturen i branschen mÄste Àndras för att kunna applicera SEEMP:en fullt ut.We live in a world of climate change where finding a solution to reducing the emission of GHG is a continuous pursuit. To reduce the emission from global shipping IMO has adopted the SEEMP consequently making the shipping industry more energy efficient. With this in mind the purpose of this study has been to review the implementation and usage of the SEEMP among Swedish shipping companies trading oil. Furthermore, the views of the involved parties with regard to the SEEMP were also investigated. In order to deeply analyze the companiesŽ approach to the SEEMP a qualitative research method has been used. The study consists of four semi-structured interviews with sex persons from two shipping companies including both onshore and ship-based personnel. The result shows that the implementation has been carried out in consultation with their own classification societies and with the IMO guidelines in mind. They have also tried to take the opportunity to make their organization more energy efficient. Both companies welcomed the adoption of the SEEMP and were of the opinion that it shouldhave been introduced at an earlier stage. However, some barriers to the SEEMP have been found, for example the operational structure of the shipping industry

    Brandplan för Gotska Sandön

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    Föreliggande arbete Ă€r en plan för att införa skyddsavbrĂ€nning som ett verktyg för att minska risken för okontrollerbara skogsbrĂ€nder samt för att bibehĂ„lla naturvĂ€rdena pĂ„ Gotska Sandön. Ön hĂ€rbĂ€rgerar en unik fauna som starkt gynnas av brand. Tidigare undersökningar har visat att fram till Ă„r 1760 brann öns skogar med ungefĂ€r 25 Ă„rs intervall, dĂ€refter har endast tvĂ„ större brĂ€nder intrĂ€ffat (1880 och 1917). Den lĂ„nga frĂ„nvaron av brand har medfört bĂ„de igenvĂ€xning och ackumulering av stora brĂ€nslemĂ€ngder (humus, förna, mossor och fĂ€ltskiktsarter, frĂ€mst ljung) över stora omrĂ„den. IgenvĂ€xningen har lett till minskning av arealen öppen sandmark. De mycket speciella förhĂ„llandena pĂ„ Gotska Sandön med frĂ„nvaro av naturliga brandhinder (vĂ„tmarker, öppet vatten, större dynomrĂ„den) i kombination med i princip ett sammanhĂ€ngande ljungtĂ€cke skapar förutsĂ€ttningar för mycket stora skogsbrĂ€nder med hög trĂ€dmortalitet och stor risk för bebyggelsen pĂ„ ön (fyrbyn). BrĂ€nderna 1880 och 1739 har delvis haft denna karaktĂ€r. IgenvĂ€xningen Ă€r ocksĂ„ negativ för en stor mĂ€ngd arter (skalbaggar, fjĂ€rilar, kĂ€rlvĂ€xter m fl artgrupper) som Ă€r hotade och tillbakatrĂ€ngda eller överhuvudtaget inte alls finns idag pĂ„ det svenska fastlandet. För att minska risken för okontrollerade brĂ€nder med katastrofala effekter samt för att vĂ€nda den negativa pĂ„verkan av igenvĂ€xningen föreslĂ„s införande av kontrollerad brĂ€nslereducerande skydds­avbrĂ€nningar och naturvĂ„rdsbrĂ€nningar som skötselmetod pĂ„ delar av ön. Tack vare öns isolerade lĂ€ge i havet finns pĂ„ lĂ„ng sikt goda förutsĂ€ttningar för en framtida i huvudsak mĂ€nniskostyrd brandregim som kontinuerligt minskar risken för okontrollerade, oönskat stora och bestĂ„ndsdödande brĂ€nder. MĂ„nga unika och hotade arter gynnas av dessa skydds- och naturvĂ„rdsbrĂ€nningar.   I brandplanen har ön delats in i fem olika omrĂ„den utifrĂ„n ett sĂ€kerhets- och restaureringsperspektiv. 1. OmrĂ„den som behöver skyddas frĂ„n eld (egendom och kulturvĂ€rden, 150 ha). 2. OmrĂ„den dĂ€r brand skall undvikas och skall om möjligt skyddas i hĂ€ndelse av brand eller brĂ€nning (450 ha). 3. SkyddsavbrĂ€nning i restaureringssyfte med lĂ€gre prioritet (1900 ha). 4. SkyddsavbrĂ€nning i restaureringssyfte med högre prioritet (800 ha). 5. SkyddsavbrĂ€nning i syfte att drastiskt reducera brĂ€nslemĂ€ngderna i en bred zon runt fyrbyn som ett skydd mot okontrollerade brĂ€nder (ca 10 ha)

    Biophysical characterization of the calmodulin-like domain of Plasmodium falciparum calcium dependent protein kinase 3

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    Calcium dependent protein kinases are unique to plants and certain parasites and comprise an N-terminal segment and a kinase domain that is regulated by a C-terminal calcium binding domain. Since the proteins are not found in man they are potential drug targets. We have characterized the calcium binding lobes of the regulatory domain of calcium dependent protein kinase 3 from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Despite being structurally similar, the two lobes differ in several other regards. While the monomeric N-terminal lobe changes its structure in response to calcium binding and shows global dynamics on the sub-millisecond time-scale both in its apo and calcium bound states, the C-terminal lobe could not be prepared calcium-free and forms dimers in solution. If our results can be generalized to the full-length protein, they suggest that the C-terminal lobe is calcium bound even at basal levels and that activation is caused by the structural reorganization associated with binding of a single calcium ion to the N-terminal lobe.Funding Agencies|Vetenskapsradet [Dnr. 2012-5136, Dnr. 2012-5270]; Swedish e-science</p