4 research outputs found

    Gemini MCAO Control System

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    The Gemini Observatory is planning to implement a Multi Conjugate Adaptive Optics System as a facility instrument for the Gemini-South telescope. The system will include 5 Laser Guide Stars, 3 Natural Guide Stars, and 3 Deformable mirrors optically conjugated at different altitudes to achieve near-uniform atmospheric compensation over a 1 arc minute square field of view. The control of such a system will be split in 3 main functions: the control of the opto-mechanical assemblies of the whole system (including the Laser, the Beam Transfer Optics and the Adaptive Optics bench), the control of the Adaptive Optics System itself at a rate of 800 frames per second and the control of the safety system. The control of the adaptive Optics System is the most critical in terms of real time performance. In this paper, we will describe the requirements for the whole Multi Conjugate Adaptive Optics Control System, preliminary designs for the control of the opto-mechanical devices and architecture options for the control of the Adaptive Optics system and the safety system