60 research outputs found

    MODEL BIMBINGAN KELOMPOK UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN EMPATI BUDAYA INKLUSIF MAHASISWA BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING : Studi Pengembangan Penerimaan Afektif, Penerimaan Kognitif, Pemahaman Intelektual Isu Multikultural Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling di DKI Jakarta

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan bertitik tolak dari kurangnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman Empati Budaya Inklusif (EBI) pada mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK). Untuk itu diperlukan bimbingan kelompok untuk mengembangkan EBI yang tepat agar meningkat pengetahuan dan pemahamannya. Namun demikian, pengetahuan dan pemahaman EBI pada setiap individu bisa mengalami Up and Down. Bimbingan kelompok merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan segala aspek EBI pada mahasiswa bimbingan dan konseling. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan model bimbingan kelompok untuk mengembangkan EBI mahasiswa BK di DKI Jakarta. Subjek penelitian yang terlibat sebagai konselor dan observer adalah para dosen dari universitas yang menjadi subjek penelitian, serta mahasiswa BK dari 4 Universitas (UNJ, UHAMKA, UKI, dan UIA). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain (subjek tunggal dengan tipe explanatory mixed method) dimana peneliti awalnya mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data kuantitatif terlebih dahulu baru kemudian dilengkapi dengan data kualitatif. Hasil studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan dan pemahaman empati budaya inklusif mahasiswa BK yang cukup namun dalam penguasaan keterampilan mahasiswa BK masih memiliki kendala baik pada aspek pengembangan kognitif, pengembangan afektif dan isu-isu multikultural. Hal ini dapat berdampak pada proses pemberian layanan BK secara umum. Dengan uji pakar, uji kepraktisan serta pelaksanaan di lapangan secara sistematis, dihasilkan model bimbingan kelompok untuk mengembangkan EBI mahasiswa BK di DKI Jakarta. Temuan penelitian ini berupa: (1) Rumusan strategi bimbingan kelompok untuk mengembangkan EBI pada mahasiswa BK di DKI Jakarta, (2) Upaya pengembangan EBI pada aspek pengembangan afektif, pengembangan kognitif dan pemahaman intelektual isu multikultural, (3) Strategi Bimbingan Kelompok untuk mengembangkan EBI model ini terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan aspek pengembangan kognitif, pengembangan afektif dan isu-isu multikultural. Efektifitas peningkatan EBI pada mahasiswa BK di DKI Jakarta ditunjukkan dengan adanya peningkatan rata-rata skor pada aspek pengembangan kognitif, pengembangan afektif dan pemahaman intelektual isu multikultural setelah diterapkan bimbingan kelompok untuk mengembangkan EBI. Rekomendasi peneliti ditujukan kepada beberapa pihak yang terkait dengan pengembangan EBI, diantaranya Prodi S1 BK, dan peneliti lanjutan.----------The background of this study is students of Guidance and Counselling (GC) lack knowledge and understanding on Inclusive Cultural Empathy (ICE). For this reason, it needs a group guidance to improve the appropriate ICE to develop them. However, their knowledge and understanding of ICE on each individual could be up and down. Group guidance is one of methods to enhance and develop all aspects of ICE for Guidance and Counselling students. This study aims to produce a model of group guidance to develop ICE of Guidance and Counselling students in DKI Jakarta. The subjects who participated in this study as the counsellors and observers are the lecturers and the GC students of four universities (UNJ, UHAMKA, UKI, and UIA). This study used a design (single subject with the explanatory mixed method type) which the researcher, at the beginning, collected and analyzed the quantitative data and, then, accomplished it by the qualitative one. Preliminary results show that Guidance and Counselling students have sufficient knowledge and understanding of inclusive cultural empathy but, in mastering skill, they have problems on developing cognitive aspect, affective aspect and multicultural issues. These can impact on the process of providing Guidance and Counselling services in general. By conducting expert test, practical test and field research systematically, the study found a model of group guidance to develop ICE of GC students in DKI Jakarta. The findings of this study are (1) formulation of ICE Group Guidance strategies for GC students in DKI Jakarta, (2) The Effort to enhance ICE on aspects of affective, cognitive, and intellectual developments and multicultural issues, (3) Strategy of Group Guidance to develop ICE such this is proved effective to improve aspects of cognitive, affective development and multicultural issues. The effectiveness of the ICE enhancement on GC students in DKI Jakarta is shown by the increase of average scores on aspects of cognitive, affective development, and intellectual understanding on multicultural issues after this group guidance is applied to develop ICE. The researcher recommends her study to some parties that are involved in developing ICE, among others undergraduate Guidance and Counselling study program (Prodi S1 BK) and the following researchers

    Etika Profesi Konselor Dalam Pelaksanaan Layanan Konseling Online Abad 21

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    Perkembangan teknologi telah mengubah kehidupan dunia begitu juga dengan dunia konseling. Pengembangan dari teknologi komunikasi di era 4.0 menjadikan konselor lebih mengenal, memanfaatkan dan menerapkan media konseling online. Perkembangan komunikasi teknologi menuntut konselor untuk berinovasi, terutama dalam memberikan layanan e-counseling sebagai wadah bagi konselor untuk memberikan alternatif pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi konseli,. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan layanan konseling online abad 21 serta memberikan gambaran dan pemahaman di beberapa kalangan. Adapun dalam teknik pengumpulan data dengan memakai metode dokumentasi berupa jurnal-jurnal ilmiah yang di muat dalam penerbit nasional dan internasional yaitu google scholer. Sedangkan kajian analisis data yang diterapkan adalah dengan analisis  isi. Hasil yang di dapat dari penelitian ini di antaranya, 1) etik pelaksanaan layanan konseling online, 2) implementasi layanan konseling online

    Identification of counselors competencies in family therapy with symptomatic cycle based on Joseph A. Micucci’s Theory

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    In implementing guidance and counseling services at schools, adolescent problems have been a classic problem for a long time. During adolescence, known as the storm and stress period, emotions tend to be explosive and uncontrollable. They tend to blow up their feelings towards their parents or siblings. For some families, the situation brings them into family conflict. Families who only deal with the problem behavior will make the symptoms more persistent, known as the symptomatic family cycle. Micucci argues that the root of the problem is not in the problematic behavior of adolescents but in the patterns of interaction within the family. This article uses a literature review focusing on debriefs on the Micucci book. We found that the most crucial role of the counselor is to help families change symptom-related patterns of interaction. The main principle: The therapist or counselor replaces automatic and reactive responses among family members with more thoughtful and planned responses. Family therapy has five stages: beginning, identification, reframing, core treatment, and addition. Based on Micucci’s guidelines, the family therapy process requires all the competencies: pedagogic, personality, social, and professional. Personal competence and professional competence become the basis of the therapy process, while pedagogic competence and social competence complement and support the success of the family therapy process. Family therapy can be an alternative for the counselor to help adolescents with symptomatic problems

    Penerapan Microskills dalam Domain Multicultural

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    Konselor multikultural menggunakan microskills yang bertujuan untuk memodifikasi interaksi konselor dalam membuat perbedaan yang signifikan pada kehidupan konseli dengan: (1) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor dari respon nonverbal untuk diri konselor sendiri dan konseli, (2) memahami dasar intervieu microskills dalam proses menerima (attending), mendengarkan (listening), dan mempengaruhi (influencing), serta dampak potensial pada konseli untuk berubah, (3) mencatat fokus microskills, dan perhatian secara selektif yang merupakan dasar untuk masalah keluarga dan konseling multikultural, (4) mengetahui bagaimana dan kapan menggunakan konfrontasi microskill, dan (5) mengetahui keterampilan intervieu sebagai acuan frame multikultural. Sedangkan domain kompetensi konseling multikultural untuk pendidikan dan praktek, antara lain: (1) Counselor Awareness of Own Cultural Values and Biases), (2) Counselor Awareness of Client’ Worldview), dan (3) Culturally Appropriate Intervention Strategies

    Kondisi Empati Dasar Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling Se-DKI Jakarta

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    The research objective is to identify the conditions of basic empathy student Counseling in DKI Jakarta. This research used a descriptive study with 294 sample of students counseling from 5 universities in Jakarta; Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr Hamka Jakarta (UHAMKA), Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah Jakarta, Universitas  Atma Jaya and Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI). The research instrument used Basic Empathy Scale (BES) from Jollive & David (2006) with r 0.857.  The analysis of the level of basic empathy was in percentage (descriptive analysis) with SPSS version 20. This study has found condition of basic empathy of students counseling in Jakarta at the high level category of 16.91%, middle category of 67.98%, and 15.11% lower. From these findings indicate necessary to improvement and development of basic empathy students' condition

    Perceraian Karena Pernikahan atas Kehamilan Diluar Nikah (Studi pada Kasus dengan Pola Asuh Permisif)

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    The research was conducted to reveal the various facts about the permissive parenting parents against the impact of a single female parent’s teenager the end. Use case study in qualitative approach. On two of the respondents which of its characteristics are single parents teenager pregnant outside wedlock end then married in a short time and eventually divorced. Data were collected through interviews; observation and documentation study. Analyzed data qualitative descriptive usage through case studies and served in the form of narratives with earlier in Triangulation. Research results shows that the problem is becoming a single parent woman have an impact on the lives of young women as single parents. Respondents subjected to stress, standard of living is low a negative view of society and childcare; aspect role overload, poverty, loneliness and isolation, and felt to be a burden not affect the respondents. A family of permissive parenting causes the marriage is seen as a mere status only, so that after their child's birth status was not considered important, and they choose to become single parents. Further research showed the presence of moral deterioration and the difference in the impact of being a single parent on this research is influenced strongly by self resiliensi respondents. Counseling service to help explore the issues and deal with cases of teenagers as a single parent is indispensable


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    Mental health is an important component that is closely related to social life, productivity, peace and stability in the environment, contributing to sosial life and economic development in Indonesian society. Mental health literacy is knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders that help to recognize, manage and prevent a person’s mental disorder. Mental helath literacy is also knowledge related to actions to provide mental helath benefits to individuals and others. Mental helath literacy is the ability to gain knowledge or information about mental health for adolescents, understand and can maintain good mental health. Mental health literacy includes the ability to recognize specific mental health disorders, knowing how to seek mental health information, knowledge of risks and causes of health disorders. The aim of this study is to improve mental health literacy in students and meet the criteria for eligibility aspects. This study used Reeves Design Based Research model. The subjects in this study were students of class IX SMP Negeri 2 Kramatwatu. Collecting data using a questionnaire, in the form of an adaption instrument from a mental helath literacy question (MHLq). The results of this study indicate the level of mental health literacy in students obtained a value of 49% which is included in the moderate category.

    The Development of Self Help Book for Counseling Guidance’s Teacher Experiencing Burnout Symptoms with Counseling Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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    Self help book is believed as an alternative method to help someone in order to help himself dealing with the psychological problems that they had experienced. One of the psychological problems which very vulnerable to be experienced by someone that working is emersion of burnout symptoms. The researcher has interviewed Counseling Guidance’s (BK) teacher to find the factor that caused emersion of burnout symptoms of work, from the interview some informations has gathered about the causes of Counseling Guidance's teacher experienced burnout symptoms, among others because the number of Counseling Guidance teachers in the school with an unbalanced number of students and unclear duties and roles assigned to Counseling Guidance teachers. Other that, there were many Counseling Guidance teachers did not have an appropriate knowledge with the qualification that have been determined. Every individual has a different level of burnout symptoms and the impact that they experienced was also different. The level of burnout symptoms could be reduced or even eliminated by determining the appropriate method, one of them by counseling approach of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) using guided imagery technique

    Konseling Behavioral Teknik Self-Management untuk Meningkatkan Penyesuaian Diri pada Siswa

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    The problem in this study is the lack of self-adjustment in first year students at public junior high schools. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of individual counseling with a behavioral approach to self-management techniques to improve self-adjustment in first-year students at state junior high schools. The experimental research design used in this study was Single Subject Research (SSR) with a single subject type (single subject design). The subjects of this study were two class VII students of SMP Negeri 2 Kelapa Dua. Data collection techniques used the Adjustment Inventory for School Students (AISS) instrument and interviews. The results showed that there was an increase in self-adjustment to students who were given individual counseling services using a behavioral approach to self-management techniques to improve self-adjustment in first-year students at state junior high schools. This is evidenced by the changes in the two subjects after the implementation of counseling. It can be concluded that individual counseling with a behavioral approach to self-management techniques is effective in improving self-adjustment in first-year students at public junior high schools. &nbsp
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