701 research outputs found
The objective of this research is the evident positive vocal development in pre-lingual deaf children, who underwent a Cochlea Implantation in early age. The presented research compares the vocal speech expressions of three hearing impaired children and two children with normal hearing from 10 months to 5 years. Comparisons of the spontaneous vocal expressions were conducted by sonagraphic analyses. The awareness of the own voice as well as the voices of others is essential for the child’s continuous vocal development from crying to speech. Supra-segmental factors, such as rhythm, dynamics and melody play a very important role in this development
Aggression and growth of different populations of Atlantic salmon parr
In order to study aggression and growth of salmon parr of different populations and the possible effect of fin-clipping on these traits hatchery reared parr originating from three populations (2 Norwegian, 1 Swedish) were stocked in three aquaria with 90 unmarked fish in each. Three aquaria were stocked with a mixed group of 30 each of the populations. These fish were fin-clipped (adipose or pelvic fins) in order to enable identification of groups. Observation time was 15 min/day/aquarium, altogether 28 days of observation were made. Total experimental time was 8 weeks. Significant differences in agonistic behaviour as well as in growth (p<0,001) was found between the populations. An effect of fin-clipping could also be detected in this study. At least one fish per aquarium established dominancy for part of the time. Most of the dominants in the mixed groups came from the same population
Effects of pre-release acclimatization period on salmon return rates
42.000 1+smolts of Atlantic salmon were size graded into two size groups and released
during three weeks in spring 1993; one group of small and one of large smolts on each
of the four release days. Approximately 25% of the fish had been individually tagged
using Carlin-tags. The fish were transferred to net pens in a small marine bay in which
estuarine salinity gradients had been established by a tarpaulin barrier. The smolts were
held in the net pens for three days prior to the first and third release day and seven days
before the second and fourth release day. Total recoveries of Carlin-tagged grilse in 1994
showed higher return rates for smolts acclimatized for three days compared with seven
days. The difference was small for large smolts, but significant for small smolts, as return
rate for the three days acclimatization was twice that of seven days acclimatization. The
retum of precocious mature males, males that were mature prior to release, were clearly
higher than that of other smolts. Possible causes for these differences are discussed
Trigonometria Suomen kouluopetuksessa 1950-2000-luvuilla
Tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin, kuinka trigonometrian opetus on muuttunut Suomessa 1950-2000-lukujen aikana. Tutkielman ensimmäisessä osassa on tutustuttu kouluopetuksessa esiintyvien trigonometrian oppisisältöjen matemaattiseen teoriaan. Tutkielman toisessa osassa tutustutaan trigonometrian kouluopetukseen tutkittavan ajanjakson aikana. Kouluissa opetettaviin trigonometrian oppisisältöihin on perehdytty oppiennätysten, opetussuunnitelmien sekä oppikirjojen avulla. Trigonometrian oppimäärä on aikojen saatossa opetussuunnitelmauudistusten myötä vähentynyt huomattavasti. Trigonometrian opetuksen kehityksen kannalta selkein murros tutkittavalla ajanjaksolla on tapahtunut 1970-luvulla, jonka jälkeen trigonometristen oppisisältöjen määrät ovat supistuneet vähitellen
Lise Paulsen Galal & Inge Liengaard (red.): At være muslim i Danmar
Anmeldes af Marianne Holm Petersen
Store og små fortællinger: Ritual og fællesskab blandt irakiske kvinder i København
Inden for den antropologiske migrationsforskning har studier af fællesskab primært beskæftiget sig med fællesskaber relateret til migranternes nationale, religiøse eller politiske identiteter. Det er dog vigtigt også at inddrage de konkrete, sociale relationer, der opstår mellem migranterne det sted, hvor de bor. Denne artikel diskuterer, hvordan shia-muslimske irakiske kvinder i København igennemderes religiøse aktiviteter skaber forskellige former for fællesskab. Med udgangspunkt i en analyse af kalenderritualet muharram undersøger den, hvordan kvinderne i selve ritualet relaterer sig til religiøse og nationale fællesskaber, og hvorledes kvindernes øvrige sociale samvær kan lede til mere konkrete fællesskaber, der dog også har deres begrænsninger.Great and Small Stories: Ritual and Community among Iraqi Women in CopenhagenAnthropological research on migration has primarily studied the topic of community in relation to migrants' national, religious, or political identities. Yet, it is important to also explore the concrete, social relations that develop among imigrants at the place where they are currently living. This article investigates how Shia Muslim Iraqi women in Copenhagen use religious rituals and stories to construct different kinds of community. Based on an analysis of the calendrical rite of Muharram, it examines the ways in which the women through the ritualrelate to abstract communities drawing on their religious and national identities. It also explores how women's other social interactions may lead to more concretecommunities that are based on shared presence, activities, and the exchange of gossip and personal stories. The religious milieu gains its importance because women can negotiate their sense of belonging in relation to both their socio-culturalbackground and their everyday lives as part of an ethnic minority in Denmark. Nevertheless, the sense of community constructed among women does not necessarily extend outside of the religious activities. The article argues that it is necessary to thoroughly examine the sometimes contingent forms of community and belonging constructed among ethnic minorities rather than taking for granted that such communities exist on the basis of people's shared point of origin
Marita Eastmond & Lisa Åkesson (red.): Globala familjer. Transnationell migration och släktskap
Anmeldes af Marianne Holm Pedersen
Foreldre til barn med utviklingshemning i møte med det offentlige hjelpeapparatet.
Jeg har valgt å intervjue foreldre til 6 barn med utviklingshemning. Jeg har fått høre deres opplevelser og erfaringer med deres møte med det offentlige hjelpeapparatet
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