20 research outputs found
Akibat Hukum Perceraian Terhadap Perlindungan Hak Asuh Anak (Studi Putusan Perkara Nomor 264/Pdt.G/2020/PA.Pwr)
Hak asuh anak merupakan suatu kewajiban orang tua untuk memberikan pelayanan, melindungi, mendidik, dan mengasuh anak hingga dewasa, baik dalam masa ikatan perkawinan atau orangtua yang sudah cerai atau putus perkawinan. Hak Asuh Anak jika Bercerai Mengacu pada Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, meski telah bercerai, mantan suami dan istri tetap berkewajiban memelihara dan mendidik anak-anak mereka berdasarkan kepentingan anak. Kewajiban ini berlaku sampai anak itu menikah atau dapat berdiri sendiri. Hak asuh anak diatur dalam Pasal 14 Undang-Undang Nomor 23 tahun 2002. Anak yang menjadi korban perceraian mendapatkan perlindungan hukum yaitu perlindungan akan harkat dan martabat, serta pengakuan hak-hak asasi yang dimiliki oleh subyek hukum berdasarkan ketentuan hukum
Keharmonisan keluarga merupakan keinginan dari setiap individu dalam membentuk keluarga. Kesadaran peran dan fungsi serta menerima keadaan dan keberadaan menjadi pondasi yang kuat dalam menjalankan rumah tangga. Dalam mewujudkan rumah tangga yang harmonis sering terjadi fenomena problematika dalam keluarga seperti pertengkaran, cemburu, perselingkuhan, perbedaaan pendapatan, perbedaan prinsip hidup dan sampai pada tindakan mengakhiri pernikahan atau bercerai. Problematika yang terjadi di dalam kehidupan rumah tangga harus segera di selesaikan agar keharmonisan keluarga tetap terjaga dan terwujud. Konseling keluarga dengan pendekatan behavioral digunakan sebagai proses intervensi terhadap masalah yang menggangu keharmonisan keluarga. Konseling keluarga dengan pendekatan behavioral dalam mewujudkan keharmonisan keluarga meliputi konsep keharmonisan keluarga, konseling keluarga, pendekatan behavioral
Reforming Mathematic Through The Concept Of Cooperative Learning By Using The Technique Think-Pair-Share Focusing On Cube And Cuboid To Improve The Study Result And Activity Of Students From Banyubiru 1 State Middle School Class Of Viiie In Semarang District On Their Second Semester Year Of 2010/2011
Determining the use of mathematical model is very influential on studentsâ study outcomes and activity. In deciding the mathematical model, teacher should consider studentsâ characteristic, the material, and also the studentsâ habits. So far, mathematics teacher of class VIII E SMP Negeri I Banyubiru Kabupaten Semarang tend to use the method of lecture and mechanistic structural because he feel that this is the easiest method for the students to digest. Furthermore, the teacher only uses props on materials that are considered hard. This style of teaching from the teacher has an impact on students. Students tend to be passive when lecture is in process resulting in less student activity and also minimum result on their study. This is proven by their average mark which is 60.51 and the limit to pass is 38.7%. Because of this, reforming mathematic through the concept of cooperative learning by using the technique think-pair-share is needed. This research of typeâPenelitian Tindakan Kelasâ (PTK) with 3 trialwhereas in trial 1, the average increases to 89,9 and the limit to pass is 96,77% and the student activity is 28,35%; for the second trial, the results are the average of 92,55 with the limit to pass 100% and the student activity is 41,38%; and for the last trial the results are the average of 96,29 with the limit to pass 100% and the student activity is 52,12%.
Key Words: classroom action research, Cooperative Learning Tipe Think-Pair-Share, space cube and cuboid
Pengukuran Konsentrasi Uranium dari Industri Fosfat Menggunakan Spektrometer Gamma
ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan pengukuran konsentrasi uranium (U-238) pada yellowcake dan pupuk TSP yang berasal dari industri pupuk fosfat PT. PETRO KIMIA Gresik menggunakan spektrometer gamma dengan detektor HPGe. Untuk dapat melakukan pengukuran ini, maka perlu untuk mengkalibrasi dan menentukan Batas Deteksi Terendah (BDT) dari detektor HPGe. Lima buah sampel yang mengandung konsentrasi yellowcake yang berbeda-beda ditempatkan dalam wadah dengan diameter 10,2 cm dan tinggi 3,3 cm. Selanjutnya dilakukan pencacahan menggunakan spektrometer gamma, dengan waktu pencacahan masing-masing sampel adalah 1800 detik. Sampel pupuk TSP diletakkan pada wadah yang sama dan dicacah selama 17 jam. Hasil pengukuran konsentrasi uranium yellowcake dengan metode ini menunjukkan bahwa sampel yellowcake dengan konsentrasi tertinggi yaitu 100% mengandung uranium dengan konsentrasi sebesar 59.255,34 Bq/kg dan sampel yellowcake dengan konsentrasi terendah yaitu 38,84% sebesar 24.994,78 Bq/kg. Untuk pupuk TSP besarnya konsentrasi uranium adalah 27,89 Bq/kg. Â ABSTRACT The concentration of uranium (U-238) in yellowcake and TSP fertilizers sample from phosphate fertilizer industry PT. PETRO KlMIA Gresik by gamma spectrometer with HPGe detector has been done. In order to do this measurement, it is needed to calibrate and calculate the minimum detectable limit of detector HPGe. From the five samples that contain different yellowcake concentration were placed on basin with 10,2-cms of diameter and 3,3-cms of depth. After that, each of samples counted by gamma spectrometer for 1800 second. TSP fertilizers samples is also placed with similar basin and counted for 17 hours. The result of this method shows that sample with highest concentration of yellowcake (100%) have uranium concentration is 59.255,34 Bq/kg and the sample with lowest concentration of yellowcake (38,84%) have uranium concentration is 24.994,78 Bq/kg. TSP fertilizer have uranium concentration is 27,89 Bq/kg.
Background âUncontrolled diabetes mellitus will cause various complications, one of which is diabetic ulcers. The incidence of diabetic ulcers in DM patients is still high, namely in 2020 it has reached 25% throughout their lives. Patients will be susceptible to severe infections if they do not understand how to properly care for wounds, so that patients with diabetic ulcers can experience problems in the form of impaired tissue integrity. The development of wound care with modern dressing methods has become a trend now, because this wound treatment uses the moist concept so that it speeds up the wound drying process.Objectives âThe case study aims to provide nursing care to patients with grade III diabetic ulcers with the main problem being impaired tissue integrity.Method âThis type of case study uses a qualitative research design with a case study approach. The sample in this study consisted of 2 diabetic ulcer patients with conventional wound care for 6 days.Results âThe results of case management for 6x8 hours showed that the wound condition had decreased in the BJWAT assessment score, but the wound healing process had not been resolved, namely patient 1 on the first day the BJWAT score was 38 then the sixth day it became 28 , while patient 2 on the first day was 39 then days sixth to 27. The wound healing process does take quite a long time, which can reach 12-20 weeks.Conclusionâ The conclusion of this scientific paper is that after treating the wound using 0.9% NaCl solution compressed with metronidazole and gentamicin ointment for 6x8 hours, the wound healing process has not been resolved, but the BJWAT wound assessment score has decrease
Pengukuran Konsentrasi Uranium dari Industri Fosfat Menggunakan Spektrometer Gamma
ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan pengukuran konsentrasi uranium (U-238) pada yellowcake dan pupuk TSP yang berasal dari industri pupuk fosfat PT. PETRO KIMIA Gresik menggunakan spektrometer gamma dengan detektor HPGe. Untuk dapat melakukan pengukuran ini, maka perlu untuk mengkalibrasi dan menentukan Batas Deteksi Terendah (BDT) dari detektor HPGe. Lima buah sampel yang mengandung konsentrasi yellowcake yang berbeda-beda ditempatkan dalam wadah dengan diameter 10,2 cm dan tinggi 3,3 cm. Selanjutnya dilakukan pencacahan menggunakan spektrometer gamma, dengan waktu pencacahan masing-masing sampel adalah 1800 detik. Sampel pupuk TSP diletakkan pada wadah yang sama dan dicacah selama 17 jam. Hasil pengukuran konsentrasi uranium yellowcake dengan metode ini menunjukkan bahwa sampel yellowcake dengan konsentrasi tertinggi yaitu 100% mengandung uranium dengan konsentrasi sebesar 59.255,34 Bq/kg dan sampel yellowcake dengan konsentrasi terendah yaitu 38,84% sebesar 24.994,78 Bq/kg. Untuk pupuk TSP besarnya konsentrasi uranium adalah 27,89 Bq/kg. Â ABSTRACT The concentration of uranium (U-238) in yellowcake and TSP fertilizers sample from phosphate fertilizer industry PT. PETRO KlMIA Gresik by gamma spectrometer with HPGe detector has been done. In order to do this measurement, it is needed to calibrate and calculate the minimum detectable limit of detector HPGe. From the five samples that contain different yellowcake concentration were placed on basin with 10,2-cms of diameter and 3,3-cms of depth. After that, each of samples counted by gamma spectrometer for 1800 second. TSP fertilizers samples is also placed with similar basin and counted for 17 hours. The result of this method shows that sample with highest concentration of yellowcake (100%) have uranium concentration is 59.255,34 Bq/kg and the sample with lowest concentration of yellowcake (38,84%) have uranium concentration is 24.994,78 Bq/kg. TSP fertilizer have uranium concentration is 27,89 Bq/kg.
Pengelolaan Sarana Dan Prasarana Pendidikan Di SMP Negeri 9 Surakarta
The aim of the research is to describe the process of procurement, utilization, and maintenance of educational facilities in Junior High School 9 of Surakarta. The type of the research qualitative research with ethnographic design. The place of the reserach in Junior High School 9 Surakarta. The time of the research is started from May to December 2015. The research subjects are, teachers, business Infrastructure, and students. Technique in collecting the data was by interviews, observation, and documentation. Validity of the data with source triangulation, triangulation techniques, triangulation time. The interview process with the first order and second order understanding understanding. Data analysis of techniques with methods groove. Results of the study are (1) The procurement process facilities and infrastructure that is done with consultation with a team of schools developers, adjusted for allocation and priority program activities school (2) Utilization of facilities and infrastructure that many students who misuse the facilities and infrastructure available, although the utilization not optimal, but it has been used by the entire school community, and (3) treatment facilities and infrastructure that is conducted periodically based on reporting from the management of facilities and infrastructure, and by all study groups as well as having a special service officer for the division of a particular area
Keywords: facilities, infrastructure, maintenance, procurement, utilization
Media pembelajaran yang baik dan berkualitas memiliki fungsi untuk mengaktifkan peserta didik di dalam kelas serta meningkatkan pemahaman peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Namun dalam proses pembelajaran hanya menggunakan bahan ajar buku cetak dan tidak dilengkapi media interaktif seperti video. Sehingga peserta didik kurang antusias dalam belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan videoscribe terintegrasi nilai keislaman sebagai media pembelajaran ekonomi kelas X yang valid dan praktis. Videoscribe dikembangkan sesuai dengan sistematika dan standar kriteria kelayakan media pembelajaran. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah jenis penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan ADDIE (Ananlisis, Design, Development, Implementastion, Evaluation). Proses untuk menghasilkan videoscribe diawali dengan tahap validasi oleh ahli media, ahli materi dan ahli agama. Videosribe juga diujicobakan ke sekolah untuk mengukur respon peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Sribawono. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa videosribe ini layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil validasi dari ahli media dengan persentase sebesar 84% dengan kriteria sangat kuat, hasil penilaian oleh ahli materi dengan persentase 88% dengan kriteria sangat kuat, hasil penilaian oleh ahli agama dengan persentase 82% dengan kriteria sangat kuat dan hasil pengujian dengan kelompok kecil yaitu 7 orang peserta didik dengan persentase 87% dengan kriteria sangat kuat. Berdasarkan presentase yang diperoleh dari rata-rata validasi ahli sebesar 84,6% dengan kriteria sangat kuat dan respon peserta didik sebesar 87% dengan kriteria sangat kuat maka videoscribe dinyatakan valid dan praktis untuk digunakan sebagai referensi dalam proses pembelajara
Soursop Leaf Nanoparticles On Blood Glucose Levels And Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) Values In Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Chronic hyperglycemia will cause legs and blood circulation disorders. Treatment with insulin is still quite expensive and with some side effects of oral hypoglycemic drugs. This experience made the management of DM switch to herbal treatment, namely soursop leaves (Annona muricata). The study used a pre and post test control group design with random allocation. Quasy experimental study with a two group pre tpost-testest â post tepost-testst design at 36type-2 DM patients in the Pekalongan City area. Blood glucose levels in the treatment group were measured before and after administration of soursop leaf nanoparticles500 ml/20 gBB 3 times a day for 6 days and 500 mg metformin. Giving soursop leaf nanoparticles at a dose of 500 ml/20 grBW 3 times a day for 6 days is effective on fasting blood glucose levels clinically with a change in value of 65 mg/dL, and has a statistically significant effect on reducing fasting glucose levels (p=0.035)
During the storage process, blood will experience changes in blood components such as hemoglobin levels. The longer blood is stored, the more red blood cells will be destroyed because blood that is stored for too long will experience a shift in the oxygen dissociation curve to the left. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of blood storage on the levels of platelets, erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the whole blood component of blood for 0 days, 7 days, 15 days and 30 days at the blood donor unit (UUD) of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Semarang Regency. The type of research used is descriptive research, where this research aims to describe or provide an overview of the effect of storing blood in whole blood components on changes in platelet, erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels in PMI Semarang Regency. The population and research samples are donors in PMI Semarang Regency. Data analysis: Data processing is carried out by: Editing, namely selecting and correcting hemoglobin level data collected from the measurement results during each experiment. Tabulating is the presentation of research data in the form of tables of Hemoglobin reading results or descriptive or analytical analysis results. Processing is the activity of processing data so that it can be analyzed by entering data on hemoglobin levels. Cleaning or data checking is checking the hemoglobin level data that has been entered again to see if there are errors or no