163 research outputs found

    ? la recherche des conditions de r?f?rence des lacs italiens

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    Compairison between two methods for inferring past trohic status of lake

    Indagini sui sedimenti del Lago Maggiore. Campionamento, preparazione dei campioni e datazione

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    Not availableIndagini su DDT e sostanze pericolose nell\u27ecosistema del Lago Maggiore. Programma 2013-2015. Rapporto annuale 2014 - Indagini sui sedimenti del Lago Maggiore. Campionamento, preparazione dei campioni e datazion

    Raman Pumping as an Energy Efficient Solution for NyWDM Flexible-grid Elastic Optical Networks

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    This paper investigates transparent wavelength routed optical networks using three different fiber types NZDSF, SMF and PSCF - and validates the effectiveness of Hybrid Raman/EDFA Fiber Amplification (HFA) with different pumping levels, up to the moderate 60% pumping regime. Nodes operate on the basis of flexible-grid elastic NyWDM transponders able to adapt the modulation format to the quality-of-transmission of the available lightpath, exploiting up to five 12.5 GHz spectral slots. Results consider a 37- node Pan-European network for variable Raman pumping level, span length and average traffic per node. We show that HFA in moderate pumping regime reduces the power consumption and enhances spectral efficiency for all three fiber types with particular evidence in NZDSF. In essence to that, introduction of HFA is also beneficial to avoid blocking for higher traffic loads

    Model simulations of the ecological dynamics induced by climate and nutrient load changes for deep subalpine Lake Maggiore (Italy/Switzerland)

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    Climate warming affects lake ecosystems both through its direct effect on the phenology of species and through the alteration of the physical and chemical environments, which in turn affect community composition. In deep lakes, stratification enhancement and mixing reduction have already been observed, leading to hypolimnetic anoxia and to the rise of cyanophytes. The increase in stability depends on the rise of air temperature due to global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). Primary production could then either increase with rising epilimnetic temperature and buoyancy or decrease as fewer nutrients are upwelled from deep layers. The prevailing outcome, as well as the quantitative and temporal dynamics of all climate-induced modifications, depend on the specific lake characteristics. Individual analyses are then needed, one-dimensional coupled hydrodynamic-ecological numerical models being suitable tools for such predictions. Here, we simulated with GLM-AED2 (General Lake Model – Aquatic EcoDynamics) the 2020-2085 dynamics of the oligomictic and oligotrophic deep subalpine Lake Maggiore (Italy/Switzerland), according to the Swiss Climate Change Scenarios CH2011. Multiple realisations were performed for each scenario with random meteorological series obtained from the Vector-Autoregressive Weather Generator (VG), highlighting the uncertainties related to meteorology. Increase and decrease of nutrient loads were also tested. Results show that anoxia would occur in the hypolimnion regardless of nutrient input reduction, unless global GHG emissions were immediately reduced. Total phytoplankton biomass would be weakly affected by climate change, strongly depending on nutrient input, yet water warming would cause cyanophytes to compete with diatoms. Therefore, the fate of Lake Maggiore would be tied to both global and local environmental policies

    Optical mapping of neuronal activity during seizures in zebrafish

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    Mapping neuronal activity during the onset and propagation of epileptic seizures can provide a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying this pathology and improve our approaches to the development of new drugs. Recently, zebrafish has become an important model for studying epilepsy both in basic research and in drug discovery. Here, we employed a transgenic line with pan-neuronal expression of the genetically-encoded calcium indicator GCaMP6s to measure neuronal activity in zebrafish larvae during seizures induced by pentylenetretrazole (PTZ). With this approach, we mapped neuronal activity in different areas of the larval brain, demonstrating the high sensitivity of this method to different levels of alteration, as induced by increasing PTZ concentrations, and the rescuing effect of an anti-epileptic drug. We also present simultaneous measurements of brain and locomotor activity, as well as a high-throughput assay, demonstrating that GCaMP measurements can complement behavioural assays for the detection of subclinical epileptic seizures, thus enabling future investigations on human hypomorphic mutations and more effective drug screening methods. Notably, the methodology described here can be easily applied to the study of many human neuropathologies modelled in zebrafish, allowing a simple and yet detailed investigation of brain activity alterations associated with the pathological phenotype

    The history of Lake Maggiore industrial pollution traced through lake sediment and long term monitoring of the biota

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    In Lake Maggiore large watershed (ca. 6,600 sq. km), industrial activities along the XX century led to the discharge into the lake or its tributaries of several pollutants, such as DDT, PCBs and mercury. Other pollutants, such as PAHs and flame retardants (such as PBDEs) are still reaching the lake. Analyses of some of these pollutants in lake biota were performed continuously since 1998 and form a unique time series. We used in parallel lake sediment cores to infer the history of lake contamination, and analyses of biological samples to describe the distribution of these pollutants in the lake food web and its year-to-year variability. Furthermore, analysis of the sediment of the main rivers flowing towards Lake Maggiore was used to get information on present sources of pollution. Results also show that legacy pollutants, which are no more used nor produced, still reach the lake from polluted soils located around the industrial sites, in particular during heavy rainfall. In particular, we paid special attention to Hg and to DDT and its metabolites, because of the presence of a large pollution source close to the River Toce, one of the main inlets of Lake Maggiore. Although DDT production ended in 1996, p,p\u27-DDT is still found in river sediment and in molluscs collected in Lake Maggiore, deriving probably from polluted soils. On the contrary, p,p\u27-DDE prevails in fish tissues, zooplankton and molluscs. Finally, high values of the concentration of some pollutants in the sediment of Lake Maggiore outlet (River Ticino) show that the lake does not act as a perfect sink for these compounds. Considering present day pollution, PAHs derive from diffuse sources and are found in the sediment of all tributaries, while PBDEs where found only in the sediment of two inlets, revealing the presence of active point sources

    Inhibition of Larval Development of Marine Copepods Acartia tonsa by Neonocotinoids

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    Neonicotinoids (NEOs) are neurotoxic pesticides widely used in agriculture due to their high effectiveness against pest insects. Despite their widespread use, very little is known about their toxicity towards marine organisms, including sensitive and ecologically relevant taxa such as copepods. Thus, we investigated the toxicity of five widely used NEOs, including acetamiprid (ACE), clothianidin (CLO), imidacloprid (IMI), thiacloprid (THI), and thiamethoxam (TMX), to assess their ability to inhibit the larval development of the copepod Acartia tonsa. The more toxic NEOs were ACE (EC50 = 0.73 μg L−1), TMX (EC50 = 1.71 μg L−1) and CLO (EC50 = 1.90 μg L−1), while the less toxic compound was IMI (EC50 = 8.84 μg L−1). Early life-stage mortality was unaffected by NEOs at all of the tested concentrations. The calculated toxicity data indicated that significant effects due to ACE (EC20 = 0.12 μg L−1), THI (EC20 = 0.88 μg L−1) and TMX (EC20 = 0.18 μg L−1) are observed at concentrations lower than established chronic aquatic life benchmarks reported by USEPA for freshwater invertebrates. Nevertheless, since environmental concentrations of NEOs are generally lower than the threshold concentrations we calculated for A. tonsa, the effects may be currently of concern only in estuaries receiving wastewater discharges or experiencing intense runoff from agricultur

    Indagine sui sedimenti lacustri. Campionamento, preparazione dei campioni e datazione

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    Not availableIndagine sui sedimenti lacustri. Campionamento, preparazione dei campioni e datazion

    Advanced cellular models for rare disease study: exploring neural, muscle and skeletal organoids

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    Organoids are self-organized, three-dimensional structures derived from stem cells that can mimic the structure and physiology of human organs. Patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and 3D organoid model systems allow cells to be analyzed in a controlled environment to simulate the characteristics of a given disease by modeling the underlying pathophysiology. The recent development of 3D cell models has offered the scientific community an exceptionally valuable tool in the study of rare diseases, overcoming the limited availability of biological samples and the limitations of animal models. This review provides an overview of iPSC models and genetic engineering techniques used to develop organoids. In particular, some of the models applied to the study of rare neuronal, muscular and skeletal diseases are described. Furthermore, the limitations and potential of developing new therapeutic approaches are discussed

    Fourteen years of palaeolimnological research of a past industrial polluted lake (L. Orta, Northern Italy): an overview

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    The first sediment core analyses were carried out in 1958, but it is only from 1985 onward that a modern palaeolimnological approach was applied to the study of Lake Orta, a large and deep lake in North Italy, heavily polluted by ammonia and copper for about 50 and 30 years, respectively. Thus, we summarise those studies from a variety of sediment cores, collected in different years and sites, using both published and unpublished data. Changes in algal pigments (mainly chlorophyll derivatives, total and single carotenoids), inorganic geochemistry, especially heavy metals (e.g. Cu), diatoms, Cladocera, and thecamoebians were studied and related to the stressed environment. The whole picture reveals a close relationship between modifications in algal biomass, density, taxonomic composition and organisms size on the one hand, and water chemistry changes on the other hand. Long-term history of this lake over 7-8 centuries, including invertebrate and terrestrial vegetation dynamics (pollen stratigraphy), reveals close relationship with natural (climate) and anthropogenic forces
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