5,541 research outputs found

    Brain mechanisms of successful recognition through retrieval of semantic context

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    Episodic memory is associated with the encoding and retrieval of context information and with a subjective sense of reexperiencing past events. The neural correlates of episodic retrieval have been extensively studied using fMRI, leading to the identification of a "general recollection network" including medial temporal, parietal, and prefrontal regions. However, in these studies, it is difficult to disentangle the effects of context retrieval from recollection. In this study, we used fMRI to determine the extent to which the recruitment of regions in the recollection network is contingent on context reinstatement. Participants were scanned during a cued recognition test for target words from encoded sentences. Studied target words were preceded by either a cue word studied in the same sentence (thus congruent with encoding context) or a cue word studied in a different sentence (thus incongruent with encoding context). Converging fMRI results from independently defined ROIs and whole-brain analysis showed regional specificity in the recollection network. Activity in hippocampus and parahippocampal cortex was specifically increased during successful retrieval following congruent context cues, whereas parietal and prefrontal components of the general recollection network were associated with confident retrieval irrespective of contextual congruency. Our findings implicate medial temporal regions in the retrieval of semantic context, contributing to, but dissociable from, recollective experience

    Biocoloniality, governance, and the protection of ‘genetic identities’ in Mexico and Colombia

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    In this article two case studies are compared, Mexico and Colombia, in which the protection of ‘genetic identities’ has generated political and legal systems designed to avoid the unlawful appropriation of biological material and/or DNA in Latin America. The very idea that genetic patrimonies belong to nation-states or ethno-racial groups – framed as genomic sovereignty or the protection of a disappearing indigenous genetic heritage – is the product of a genetically reified understanding of human diversity, which we identify as ‘biocoloniality’. By exploring the common tropes and imaginations with which biocoloniality has been articulated, we argue that governance mechanisms built around ‘genetic identities’ are ineffective in addressing the unequal power relations inherent in contemporary scientific and regulatory practice

    Security Measures on the International Tourism

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    Explaining the visible and the invisible: Public knowledge of genetics, ancestry, physical appearance and race in Colombia

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this record.Using data from focus groups conducted in Colombia, we explore how educated lay audiences faced with scenarios about ancestry and genetics draw on widespread and dominant notions of nation, race and belonging in Colombia to ascribe ancestry to collectivities and to themselves as individuals. People from a life sciences background tend to deploy idioms of race and genetics more readily than people from a humanities and race-critical background. When they considered individuals, people tempered or domesticated the more mechanistic explanations about racialized physical appearance, ancestry and genetics that were apparent at the collective level. Ideas of the latency and manifestation of invisible traits were an aspect of this domestication. People ceded ultimate authority to genetic science, but deployed it to work alongside what they already knew. Notions of genetic essentialism co-exist with the strategic use of genetic ancestry in ways that both fix and unfix race. Our data indicate the importance of attending to the different epistemological stances through which people define authoritative knowledge and to the importance of distinguishing the scale of resolution at which the question of diversity is being posed.This article arises out of two projects: ‘Race, genomics and mestizaje (mixture) in Latin America: a comparative approach’ funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (grant RES-062-23-1914) and ‘Public engagement with genomic research and race in Latin America’ funded by The Leverhulme Trust (grant RPG-044)

    Integrating a gait analysis test in hospital rehabilitation: A service design approach

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    Background Gait analysis with motion capture (MoCap) during rehabilitation can provide objective information to facilitate treatment decision making. However, designing a test to be integrated into healthcare services requires considering multiple design factors. The difficulty of integrating a ''micro-service'' (gait test) within a ''macro-service'' (healthcare service) has received little attention in the gait analysis literature. It is a challenge that goes beyond the gait analysis case study because service design methods commonly focus on the entire service design (macro-level). Objective This study aims to extract design considerations and generate guidelines to integrate MoCap technology for gait analysis in the hospital rehabilitation setting. Specifically, the aim is to design a gait test to assess the response of the applied treatments through pre- and post-measurement sessions. Methods We focused on patients with spasticity who received botulinum toxin treatment. A qualitative research design was used to investigate the integration of a gait analysis system based on inertial measurement units in a rehabilitation service at a reference hospital. The methodological approach was based on contrasted methodologies from the service design field, which materialise through observation techniques (during system use), semi-structured interviews, and workshops with healthcare professionals (13 patients, 10 ''proxies'', and 6 doctors). Results The analysis resulted in six themes: (1) patients'' understanding, (2) guiding the gait tests, (3) which professionals guide the gait tests, (4) gait test reports, (5) requesting gait tests (doctors and test guide communication), and the (6) conceptual design of the service with the gait test. Conclusions The extracted design considerations and guidelines increase the applicability and usefulness of the gait analysis technology, improving the link between technologists and healthcare professionals. The proposed methodological approach can also be useful for service design teams that deal with the integration of one service into another

    Equi-atracción y dependencia continua de atractores para ecuaciones con retardo

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    En esta comunicación se presentan brevemente los resultados del trabajo [P. E. Kloeden & P. Marín-Rubio. Equi-Attraction and the continuous dependence of attractors on time delays. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. A.]: condiciones de equivalencia sobre la continuidad de atractores para semiflujos generados por ecuaciones diferenciales con retardo planteadas en (potencialmente) distintos espacios de fase. Dichas condiciones, basadas en el concepto de equi-atracción, son una extensión de trabajos previos debidos a Li y Kloeden (e.g. [D.S. Li & P.E. Kloeden, Equi-attraction and the continuous dependence of attractors on parameters, Glasgow Math. J., 46 (2004), 131–141]), y requieren previamente la inmersión de todos los sistemas dinámicos en un marco que los englobe, y la reinterpretación correcta de las condiciones entre los espacios originales y éste último. Se añaden ejemplos que ilustran la teoría.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Negatively Invariant Sets and Entire Trajectories of Set-Valued Dynamical Systems

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    Strongly negatively invariant compact sets of set-valued autonomous and nonautonomous dynamical systems on a complete metric space, the latter formulated in terms of processes, are shown to contain a weakly positively invariant family and hence entire solutions. For completeness the strongly positively invariant case is also considered, where the obtained invariant family is strongly invariant. Both discrete and continuous time systems are treated. In the nonautonomous case, the various types of invariant families are in fact composed of subsets of the state space that are mapped onto each other by the set-valued process. A simple example shows the usefulness of the result for showing the occurrence of a bifurcation in a set-valued dynamical system

    Resistance training physiological and methodological aspects.

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    Un buen estatus estructural (desarrollo muscular) y funcional (niveles de fuerza) del musculo esquelético (ME) constituye un pilar fundamental para la salud. El papel del ME, a luz del conocimiento actual, va más allá de la mera locomoción, destacándose la acción secretora (autocrina, paracrina y endocrina) y la comunicación cruzada que tiene con otros tejidos (e.g adiposo, nervioso, óseo) a través de las mioquinas, que son un conjunto de citocinas producidas y secretadas por el ME. De esta manera, independientemente a los propósitos particulares que se buscan con el entrenamiento fuerza (RT), tener una adecuada cantidad y calidad de masa muscular debe ser un objetivo de toda la población. Sin embargo, factores como el envejecimiento, el comportamiento sedentario, la inactividad física y la alimentación inadecuada, conducen a alteraciones en el recambio proteico muscular, es decir, disminución en la síntesis de proteína muscular e incremento en la degradación de las mismas. No obstante, para optimizar los efectos del RT y minimizar los riesgos de lesión, es necesario que se tengan en cuenta aspectos metodológicos de la planificación, como es la adherencia a los programas de acondicionamiento físico, componentes de la carga (e.g. volumen, intensidad, frecuencia), la progresión, selección de ejercicio, entre otras variables. En conclusión, el RT es un componente fundamental dentro de los programas de acondicionamiento físico, no siendo exclusivo para incrementar el rendimiento deportivo, sino también para la salud y la calidad de vida; adicionalmente, los especialistas en ciencias del ejercicio, tiene la responsabilidad de educar a las personas para que adopten hábitos y estilos de vida saludables que, en general, contemplen la práctica regular de actividad física y, específicamente, la realización de RT

    Equi-Attraction and The Continuous Dependence of Attractors on Time Delays

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    Under appropriate regularity conditions it is shown that the continuous dependence of the global attractors \mathcal{A}_\tau of semi dynamical systems S^{(\tau)}(t) in C([-\tau,0];Z) with Z a Banach space and time delay \tau \in [T_*,T^*], where T_* > 0, is equivalent to the equi-attraction of the attractors. Examples and counter examples posed in this right framework are provided

    Weak Pullback Attractors of Non-Autonomous Difference Inclusions

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    Weak pullback attractors are defined for non-autonomous difference inclusions and their existence and upper semi continuous convergence under perturbation is established. Unlike strong pullback attractors, invariance and pullback attraction here are required only for (at least) a single trajectory rather than all trajectories at each starting point. The concept is thus useful, in particular, for discrete time control systems
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