56 research outputs found

    Análise do processamento de relações conceituais em pacientes com afasia

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    Post stroke brain damage can affect the semantic system. This happens particularly in aphasic patients. The aim of this paper is to analyze in such patients the processing of two types of conceptual relations: taxonomic and thematic. We administered a series of tasks to assess the ability to establish and recognize conceptual relations by means of verbal and pictorial presentation. The results indicated that patients with non-fluent aphasia have greater difficulty recognizing the thematic relations, whereas fluent aphasics have greater difficulty in tasks requiring the recognition and establishment of taxonomic relationships. These results support the dissociation of both types of conceptual relations not only with respect to their modes of processing but also in its neuroanatomical substrate. In turn, the results provide information regarding the dissociation between a conceptual and a linguistic system. They also show the difference that can be seen according to the type of task (free choice vs. forced choice).El daño cerebral producto de un accidente cerebrovascular puede alterar el sistema semántico. Esto se ha observado particularmente en pacientes con afasia. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar en dichos pacientes el procesamiento de dos tipos de relaciones conceptuales: taxonómicas y temáticas. Se administraron tareas para evaluar la capacidad de establecer y reconocer las relaciones conceptuales mediante vías de presentación verbal y pictórica. Los resultados indicaron que los pacientes con afasia no fluente tienen mayores dificultades para reconocer las relaciones temáticas; mientras que los afásicos fluentes las tienen en tareas que precisan el reconocimiento y el establecimiento de relaciones taxonómicas. Estos resultados apoyan la disociación de los dos tipos de relaciones conceptuales no solo con respecto a sus modos de procesamiento, sino también en su sustrato neuroanatómico. Además, los resultados avalan la disociación entre un sistema conceptual y uno lingüístico. También muestran las diferencias que se pueden observar en función del tipo de tarea (elección libre vs. forzada). O dano cerebral produto de um Acidente Vascular Cerebral pode produzir alterações do sistema semântico. Isto tem se observado particularmente em pacientes com afasia. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar em ditos pacientes o processamento de dois tipos de relações conceituais: taxonômicas e temáticas. Administraram-se uma série de tarefas para avaliar a capacidade de estabelecer e reconhecer as relações conceituais através de vias de apresentação verbal e pictórica. Os resultados indicaram que os pacientes com afasia não fluente têm maiores dificuldades para reconhecer as relações temá- ticas, enquanto que os afásicos fluentes as têm em tarefas que requerem o reconhecimento e estabelecimento de relações taxonômicas. Estes resultados apoiam a dissociação dos dois tipos de relações conceituais não só com respeito a seus modos de processamento, mas também em seu substrato neuroanatômico. Além disso, os resultados avalizam a dissociação entre um sistema conceitual e um sistema linguístico. Também mostram as diferenças que podem se observar em função do tipo de tarefa (eleição livre vs. Forçada)

    Relação entre funções executivas e transtornos neuropsiquiátricos em pacientes com Alzheimer de diferentes estágios de gravidade

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    The aim of the study was to investigate Executive Functions (EF) and Neuropsychiatric Disorders (ND in patients with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) according to the degree of severity, compared to Subjects without cognitive impairment (SWCI). Fifty patients with AD and 60 SWCI were studied in a non-experimental-cross-sectional study with non-probabilistic sampling based on a series of inclusion criteria. The frontal evaluation battery and the neuropsychiatric inventory were applied and the results showed that there is a negative relationship of moderate intensity between EF and ND, regardless of the degree of severity of AD. It can be concluded that, in the mild phase, euphoria is related both to sensitivity towards interference and to inhibitory control; in moderate phase irritability is positively related to sensitivity towards interference and; in the moderately severe phase, motor programming is negatively related to agitation.  El objetivo del estudio consistió es investigar las Funciones Ejecutivas (FE) y los Trastornos neuropsiquiátricos en pacientes con Enfermedad de Alzheimer en función del grado de severidad, en comparación con Sujetos sin deterioro cognitivo (SSDC). Se estudiaron 50 pacientes con EA y 60 SSDC en un estudio no experimental- transversal con un muestreo no probabilístico en base a una serie de criterios de inclusión. Se aplicó la batería de evaluación frontal y el inventario neuropsiquiátrico y los resultados mostraron que existe una relación negativa de intensidad moderada entre las FE y los TN, con independencia del grado de severidad de la EA. Se puede concluir que, en fase leve, la euforia se relaciona tanto con la sensibilidad hacia la interferencia como con el control inhibitorio; en fase moderada la irritabilidad se relaciona de manera positiva con la sensibilidad hacia la interferencia y; en la fase moderadamente grave, la programación motora se relaciona de manera negativa con la agitación.O objetivo do estudo foi investigar as funções executivas (FE) e os transtornos neuropsiquiátricos (TN) em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer (DA) de acordo com o estágio de gravidade, em comparação com sujeitos sem comprometimento cognitivo (SSCC). Foram avaliados 50 pacientes com DA e 60 SSCC em um estudo transversal não experimental com amostragem não probabilística baseada em uma série de critérios de inclusão. A bateria de avaliação frontal e o inventário neuropsiquiátrico foram aplicados e os resultados mostraram que existeuma relação negativa de intensidade moderada entre a FE e os TN, independente do estágio de gravidade da DA. Pode-se concluir que, na fase leve, a euforia está relacionada tanto à sensibilidade à interferência quanto ao controle inibitório; na fase moderada, a irritabilidade está positivamente relacionada à sensibilidade à interferência e; na fase moderadamente grave, a programação motora está negativamente relacionada à agitação

    Memoria de trabajo, control inhibitorio y flexibilidad cognitiva en pacientes con diferentes grados de severidad en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    Executive Functions (EF) are a series of processes of high cognitive hierarchy that mediate behavior for problem solving. Alzheimer`s Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that produces executive impairment in the components of Working Memory (WM), inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility. The objective of the study was to investigate the executive components affected in patients with AD according to the degree of severity, in comparison with Subjects without cognitive impairment (SWCI). 50 patients with AD and 60 SWCI were studied in a non-experimental-cross-sectional study with non-probabilistic sampling based on a series of inclusion criteria. After the application of the digit subtest (WAIS-III), Stroop test, abbreviated Wisconsin classification card test, Trail making test, part B, the results showed that the WM did not differentiate between patients with mild AD and those with SWCI, inhibitory control makes it possible to differentiate between patients with AD in a moderate and severe phase, in contrast to those in a mild state, and with regard to cognitive flexibility, there are no inconsistent differences between the different degrees of severity, with the exception of those found among those with mild and moderate AD and among the moderately severe with SWCI. In conclusion, patients with AD have greater impairment in WM, inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility, regardless of the degree of severity and age, compared to SWCI.El objetivo del estudio consistió en investigar las Funciones Ejecutivas (FE) en pacientes con Enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) en función del grado de severidad. Se estudiaron 50 pacientes con EA y 60 Sujetos sin deterioro cognitivo (SSDC) en un estudio no experimental- transversal con un muestreo no probabilístico. Los resultados demostraron que: la ejecución del test de dígitos que valora memoria de trabajo, no diferencia entre los pacientes con EA leve y los SSDC; el control inhibitorio, evaluado mediante el test de Stroop, permite diferenciar a los pacientes con EA en fase moderada y grave; y en la flexibilidad cognitiva, medida a través de diferentes variables, existen diferencias inconsistentes. Los pacientes con EA tienen mayor afectación en tareas que evalúan memoria de trabajo, control inhibitorio y la flexibilidad cognitiva, con independencia del grado de severidad y de la edad, en comparación con SSDC

    Gestural praxis in young adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities

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    [EN] Background: Praxis functioning in the population with intellectual disabilities (ID) has been poorly studied. The goal of this research was to look for a starting point to study the praxic functioning in young adults with mild to moderate ID. Method: Thirty young adults with ID and 30 young adults without ID, between the ages of 18 and 35 years, participated in this study. All participants completed tests that assessed gestural praxis. Results: It was possible to observe similar praxis behaviour in the group with ID in almost all domains studied, albeit showing statistical values lower than those of the group without ID. Discussions: Despite the high number of errors committed, the sample of participants with ID was able to reach the goal of praxic tasks performed; such errors may be associated with a deficit in the development of various brain functions and not only with praxis functioning, mainly related to a lower yield in terms of planning, monitoring and correcting intentional movement

    The 5 Objects Test: Normative data from a Spanish community sample

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    [EN]Objective: The objective of this study was to provide normative data for the 5 Objects Test in a large Spanish community sample, as well as some validity evidence. Methods: The sample was composed of 427 participants (of which 220 females, age 15 to 95 years old; educational level range: 2–17 years). Normative data are provided, as well as correlations with test scores from Benton Visual Retention test, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure and Mini Mental State Examination. Results: No association was found between delayed recall score and level of education, age or gender. Immediate recall score was correlated with age. Both immediate and delayed recall significantly correlated with the criteria, evidencing concurrent validity. Conclusions: It is recommended that the 5 Objects Test be used for assessing persons in primary care, including those from different linguistic backgrounds or with limited language use. Delayed recall scores are especially recommended given the lack of association with demographic variables

    Riesgo de mortalidad asociado al deterioro cognitivo, alteración de la funcionalidad y otros factores clínicos en personas mayores de 65 años

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    [ES]Objetivo: Analizar el riesgo de mortalidad en personas mayores de 65 años asociado al deterioro cognitivo, alteración de la funcionalidad y otros factores clínicos. Métodos: Para la realización de esta revisión se siguió los pasos de la Declaración PRISMA. Se utilizaron 32 artículos científicos consultados en las bases de datos PubMed, PsycINFO y Scopus. Se utilizó la combinación de las palabras claves: “Mortality” AND “Cognitive impairment”, “Mortality risk” AND “Cognitive impairment”, “Mortality risk” AND “Cognitive functioning”, “Cognitive performance” AND “Risk of mortality”; así como las palabras “Functionality”, “Impairment” AND “Mortality”, “Functionality impairment”, “Dependency” AND “Risk of mortality”. Resultados: El riesgo de mortalidad en personas mayores de 65 años de edad con deterioro cognitivo y alteración de la funcionalidad es mayor sin importar edad, género, nivel educacional y estilo de vida. Los casos de deterioro cognitivo severo tienen mayor riesgo de mortalidad, aunque se resalta que el riesgo de mortalidad es 2,415 veces mayor en personas con demencia. La asociación entre deterioro cognitivo y dependencia mostró mayor riesgo de mortalidad en los casos que no existen alteraciones sensoriales. Conclusión: La heterogeneidad metodológica proporciona una amplia variedad de elementos a tomar en cuenta en la valoración del funcionamiento cognitivo y la autonomía de las personas mayores de 65 años. Sin embargo, es evidente que esta población con deterioro cognitivo y alteración de la funcionalidad presentan un riesgo significativo de mortalidad