242 research outputs found
Study on chemical equilibrium in nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic energies
We present a detailed study of chemical freeze-out in nucleus-nucleus
collisions at beam energies of 11.6, 30, 40, 80 and 158A GeV. By analyzing
hadronic multiplicities within the statistical hadronization approach, we have
studied the chemical equilibration of the system as a function of center of
mass energy and of the parameters of the source. Additionally, we have tested
and compared different versions of the statistical model, with special emphasis
on possible explanations of the observed strangeness hadronic phase space
under-saturation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figues, proceedings for '20th Winter Workshop on Nuclear
Developing methods for Doppler lidar to investigate atmospheric boundary layer
Global and in-situ wind field observations are crucial for predicting weather and climate. Air motions within the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) affect aerosol-cloud interactions and are essential in forecasting poor air quality episodes. During the last few decades remote sensing instruments, especially Doppler lidars, have been used to monitor the vertical profile of the ABL with high time and height resolution. Such lidars can measure the vertical velocity directly in vertical pointing mode and with a scanning capability also retrieve horizontal winds. From Doppler lidar measurements profiles of turbulent properties, wind shear, and higher order velocity statistics can be calculated â essential in revealing the vertical structure of the ABL.
Pulsed Doppler lidar systems using heterodyne detection usually operate in the near-infrared spectral region. They transmit a laser pulse, which scatters from atmospheric particles, and record the backscattered part of the pulse. There are significant limitations in the sensitivity of such lidar systems in locations where aerosol load is low and hence the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is low. In theory, sensitivity of a pulsed Doppler lidar system can be improved by averaging the signal and thus increasing the SNR, assuming the noise is Gaussian. If not, the improvement in sensitivity is limited by the noise characteristics. Any bias in SNR is propagated into the velocity uncertainties and further to estimated turbulent properties.
This thesis is comprised of research which aimed to fully characterise the noise in the backscatter signal of a pulsed Doppler lidar system, and to develop methods for correcting any bias detected in the noise. The instrument's sensitivity was improved significantly which increased data availability. Method for classifying ABL turbulent mixing was developed by combining several Doppler lidar quantities, which enables estimating the coupling of turbulence to the surface and/or clouds as well as identifying the sources causing turbulent mixing within the ABL. Data processing methods developed for the Doppler lidar system were applied to detect elevated aerosol layers from measurements of another lidar system. The developed methods were collected into a freely available software toolbox with the ultimate aim of generating harmonized Doppler lidar products across European Doppler lidar sites.SÀÀn ja ilmaston ennustaminen vaativat maailmanlaajuisia mittauksia tuulen suunnista ja nopeuksista. Ilman liikkeen ja sekoittumisen mittaaminen ilmakehÀn alimmissa osissa on tÀrkeÀÀ ennustettaessa ilmanlaatua. Viime vuosikymmenien teknologinen kehitys on mahdollistanut uusia ilmakehÀn mittausmenetelmiÀ ja uusien instrumenttien kehittÀmisen, kuten Doppler siirtymÀÀn perustuvan optisen tutkan, eli Doppler lidarin. Doppler lidarit pystyvÀt havainnoimaan ilmakehÀn alaosia erittÀin suurella tarkkuudella ajan ja korkeuden suhteen. Skannaavat Doppler lidarit pystyvÀt myös tekemÀÀn havainnointeja tuulen nopeudesta ja suunnasta sekÀ niiden havainnoineista voidaan arvioida ilmakehÀn alaosien turbulenttisuutta.
Useimmat Doppler lidarit toimivat infrapunavalon alueella ja ovat turvallisia ihmissilmÀlle. Ne lÀhettÀvÀt laser pulssin taivaalle, joka siroaa ilmakehÀn hiukkasista, sade pisaroista ja pilvipisaroista. Takaisin instrumentille pÀin sironnut osa laser pulssista voidaan mitata. NÀiden instrumenttien mittauskyky on rajoittunut erittÀin puhtaan ilman alueilla, jolloin instrumentin omasta taustakohinasta on erittÀin vaikea erottaa takaisin instrumentille sironnut signaali. TÀllöin mahdolliset taustakohinan poikkeamat saattavat vÀÀristÀÀ signaalia, jonka aiheuttama virhe monistuu edelleen laskettaviin suureisiin, kuten mittauksista arvioituun turbulenttisuuteen.
TÀmÀ vÀitöskirja koostuu tutkimuksesta, jonka yhtenÀ tavoitteena oli mÀÀrittÀÀ Doppler lidar instrumentin taustakohinan ominaisuudet ja kehittÀÀ menetelmiÀ taustakohinan poikkeamien korjaamiseen. Tuloksena instrumentin mittauskykyÀ pystyttiin parantamaan huomattavasti ja sen kÀyttöÀ erittÀin puhtaan ilman alueilla parantamaan merkittÀvÀsti. VÀitöskirjaan johtaneessa tutkimuksessa kehitettiin menetelmÀ, jolla voidaan automaattisesti luokitella onko ilmakehÀn alaosa sekoittunut ja ettÀ sekoittuuko ilmamassat maanpinnan ja pilvien vÀlillÀ sekÀ mikÀ sekoittumisen aiheuttaa. Osana vÀitöskirjaa tutkittiin myös hyvin sekoittuneen alailmakehÀn osan ylÀpuolella olevia hiukkaskerrostumia. Kehitetyt menetelmÀt koottiin kaikille avoimeen ohjelmistopakettiin, joka tarjoaa työkalut Doppler lidar mittausten prosessointiin, mittausten mahdollisiin korjauksiin ja mittauksista laskettavien korkeamman asteen suureiden arvioimiseen. Ohjelmistopaketin perimmÀinen tarkoitus on tuottaa harmonisoituja ja yhdenvertaisia Doppler lidar suureita kaikilta eurooppalaisilta Doppler lidar mittausasemilta
Persoonallisuuden vaikutus virtuaalitiimien dynamiikkaan
Tutkielmassa selvitettiin sitÀ, miten virtuaalitiimien jÀsenten persoonallisuus selittÀÀ tiimin toimivuutta, ja mihin tekijöihin persoonallisuus vaikuttaa tiimeissÀ. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena, jossa tutkimusaineisto kerÀttiin lÀhettÀmÀllÀ sÀhköiset kyselylomakkeet kohdeyrityksen työntekijöille ja esimiehille. Tilastollisina analyysimenetelminÀ tutkimuksessa kÀytettiin kahden riippumattoman muuttujan t-testiÀ ja yksittÀisten muuttujien keskiarvojen vertailua.
Tutkimuksen kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ilmeni, ettÀ tiimin toiminnan kannalta tÀrkeÀt tekijÀt ja niiden muodostuminen tai muodostumatta jÀÀminen ovat riippuvaisia tiimijÀsenten persoonallisuudesta. Tiimidynamiikan oleellisista tekijöistÀ persoonallisuuden havaittiin vaikuttavan erityisesti tiimijohtamiseen, jÀsenten vÀliseen kommunikaatioon ja luottamuksen syntymiseen, mitkÀ seikat puolestaan lisÀsivÀt jÀsenten kokemaa tunnetta tiimiharmoniasta. NÀitÀ neljÀÀ teorian pohjalta muodostunutta tekijÀÀ tutkittiin tarkemmin tutkielman empiria-osuudessa.
Tutkielman empiiristen tulosten perusteella persoonallisuuden vaikutus virtuaalitiimien neljÀÀn ulottuvuuteen jĂ€i pieneksi. T-testissĂ€ ainoastaan preferenssi-parilla jĂ€rjestelmĂ€llinen ja spontaani oli tilastollinen merkitsevyys johtajuus â ulottuvuudessa. YksittĂ€isiĂ€ muuttujia tarkastelemalla löydettiin useampi tilastollisesti merkitsevĂ€ ero kaikkien persoonallisuuspreferenssien osalta. Erityisesti henkilön ekstravertiydella tai introvertiydella voidaan tutkimustulosten valossa todeta olevan vaikutusta virtuaalitiimien toimintaan.fi=OpinnĂ€ytetyö kokotekstinĂ€ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LĂ€rdomsprov tillgĂ€ngligt som fulltext i PDF-format
Prosessilouhinnan periaatteiden hyödyntÀminen suomalaisessa terveydenhuollossa
Terveydenhuollon jÀrjestelmiin tallennettavat potilastietokannat sisÀltÀvÀt suuren mÀÀrÀn dataa, mutta tÀtÀ dataa ei useinkaan hyödynnetÀ systemaattisesti prosessien kehityksessÀ. Organisaatiorajat ylittÀvÀ tieto prosessien tilasta on usein epÀselvÀ. Prosessilouhinta (process mining) on tekniikka, jolla prosessitietoa kerÀtÀÀn ohjelmallisesti tietokannoista. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa kÀsitellÀÀn Suomen terveydenhuoltojÀrjestelmistÀ poimittuja potilastietokantoja ja sovelletaan prosessilouhintaa nÀihin kantoihin. Data on kerÀtty HelsingissÀ sijaitsevista Meilahden ja Töölön sairaaloista.
Tutkimuksessa kehitetÀÀn tuoteprototyyppi, jonka avulla prosessilouhinta-algoritmin toimintaa voidaan validoida. TÀmÀ prototyyppi tuottaa prosessimallin tietokannasta löytyvistÀ aktiviteeteista ja niiden vÀlisistÀ siirtymistÀ. LisÀksi se ryhmittelee datasta löytyvÀt prosessi-instanssit keskenÀÀn samankaltaisiin luokkiin. Tuloksena syntyvÀt prosessimallit esitetÀÀn graafisesti. Analyysimalleihin lasketaan myös erilaisia tunnuslukuja prosessianalyysin helpottamiseksi.
Prosessilouhinnan tuottama prosessimalli perustuu puhtaasti tosiasioihin ja kuvaa prosessia potilaan kokeman episodin kautta. TÀmÀ periaate prosessimallien piirtÀmiseen on huomattavan erilainen perinteiseen, asiantuntijalÀhtöiseen prosessimallinnukseen verrattuna. TÀllÀ tavalla tehtyjÀ prosessimalleja voidaan kÀyttÀÀ esimerkiksi mallien validointiin tai prosessin nykytilan kartoitukseen.
Tuoteprototyypin saama vastaanotto on ollut positiivista ja sen avulla piirretyt prosessimallit ovat herÀttÀneet vilkasta keskustelua. PrototyypissÀ on toki edelleen joitakin haasteita, liittyen pÀÀasiassa prosessimallien graafisiin ominaisuuksiin sekÀ algoritmin suorituskykyyn. Tuotteen kaupallinen potentiaali vaikuttaisi kuitenkin varsin suurelta ja hyödyt selkeiltÀ.Healthcare patient records contain a large amount of data, but this data is not used in a systematic, process development oriented way. The picture of what happens in the process across organizational boundaries is often unclear. Process mining is a technique for programmatically extracting process information from event logs. This study takes event logs from Finnish healthcare sector and applies process mining to these logs. The logs are taken from Meilahti and Töölö hospitals, both located in the Helsinki area.
In this study a product prototype applying a refined process mining algorithm is developed and validated. This prototype produces process model based on the activities and transitions found from the log and groups the separate process instances found from the log to classification groups. The resulting models are presented graphically. Statistics and figures are shown in the resulting analysis models to enable fast analysis of processes.
The process model created by process mining is a fact-based model describing patient episodes. This principle of drawing a process model is fundamentally different from traditional, expert driven process modeling. Process models created this way could be used, for example, for validation or to give insight into the current status of the processes.
The reception caused by the process mining based product prototype has been positive and the resulting process models drawn using it have aroused interesting discussions. Some challenges still exist, especially with visual properties of the drawn models as well as with the performance of the algorithm, but it looks clear that the tool would provide clear business benefits
Chemical equilibrium study in nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic energies
We present a detailed study of chemical freeze-out in nucleus-nucleus collisions at beam energies of 11.6, 30, 40, 80 and 158A GeV. By analyzing hadronic multiplicities within the statistical hadronization approach, we have studied the strangeness production as a function of centre of mass energy and of the parameters of the source. We have tested and compared different versions of the statistical model, with special emphasis on possible explanations of the observed strangeness hadronic phase space under-saturation. We show that, in this energy range, the use of hadron yields at midrapidity instead of in full phase space artificially enhances strangeness production and could lead to incorrect conclusions as far as the occurrence of full chemical equilibrium is concerned. In addition to the basic model with an extra strange quark non-equilibrium parameter, we have tested three more schemes: a two-component model superimposing hadrons coming out of single nucleon-nucleon interactions to those emerging from large fireballs at equilibrium, a model with local strangeness neutrality and a model with strange and light quark non-equilibrium parameters. The behaviour of the source parameters as a function of colliding system and collision energy is studied. The description of strangeness production entails a non-monotonic energy dependence of strangeness saturation parameter gamma_S with a maximum around 30A GeV. We also present predictions of the production rates of still unmeasured hadrons including the newly discovered Theta^+(1540) pentaquark baryon
Controlling Single Microwave Photons:A New Frontier in Microwave Engineering
In microwave engineering we are accustomed to thinking of the electromagnetic energy in our circuits as transmitted by waves. Now, new technologies are being developed that deal with signals at the level of single photons where this is no longer valid. Here we describe some of the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly developing field
Forest mosses sensitively indicate nitrogen deposition in boreal background areas
Mosses take up nitrogen (N) mainly from precipitation through their surfaces, which makes them competent bioindicators of N deposition. We found positive relationships between the total N concentration (mossN%) of common terrestrial moss species (feather mosses Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splendens, and a group of Dicranum species) and different forms of N deposition in 11-16 coniferous forests with low N deposition load in Finland. The mosses were collected either inside (Dicranum group) or both inside and outside (feather mosses) the forests. Deposition was monitored in situ as bulk deposition (BD) and stand throughfall (TF) and detected for ammonium (NH4+-N), nitrate (NO3--N), dissolved organic N (DON), and total N (N-tot, kg ha(-1)yr(-1)). N-tot deposition was lower in TF than BD indicating that tree canopies absorbed N from deposition in N limited boreal stands. However, mossN % was higher inside than outside the forests. In regression equations, inorganic N in BD predicted best the mossN% in openings, while DON in TF explained most variation of mossN% in forests. An asymptotic form of mossN% vs. TF N-tot curves in forests and free NH4+-N accumulation in tissues in the southern plots suggested mosses were near the N saturation state already at the N-tot deposition level of 3-5 kg ha(-1) yr(-1). N leachate from ground litterfall apparently also contributed the N supply of mosses. Our study yielded new information on the sensitivity of boreal mosses to low N deposition and their response to different N forms in canopy TF entering moss layer. The equations predicting the N-tot deposition with mossN% showed a good fit both in forest sites and openings, especially in case of P. schreberi. However, the open site mossN% is a preferable predictor of N deposition in monitoring studies to minimize the effect of tree canopies and N leachate from litterfall on the estimates. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
Microelectromechanical components in electrical metrology
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) can offer a competitive alternative for
conventional technology in electrical precision measurements. This article
summarises recent work in development of MEMS solutions for electrical
metrology. MEMS-based voltage references, RMS-to-DC converters, high frequency
power sensors, and reference oscillators are discussed. The main principle of
operation of the components is the balance between electrical forces and
mechanical spring forces in micromachined silicon structures. In RMS sensors
and RMS-to-DC converters, the quadratic voltage dependence of the force between
plates of a moving-plate capacitor is utilised, and the operation of the MEMS
voltage reference is based on the pull-in phenomenon of a moving-plate
capacitor. Advantages of MEMS devices compared to more conventional solutions
include small size, low power consumption, low price in mass production, and
stability. The drift caused by electrostatic charging effects has turned out to
be a major problem. This problem has not yet been solved in DC applications,
but it can be circumvented by using AC actuation instead of DC and by
compensating the internal DC voltages of the component. In this way, an AC
voltage reference with relative drift rate below 2 ppm during a three-week test
period has been constructed. Even better stability has been demonstrated with a
MEMS-based reference oscillator: no changes in resonance frequency were
observed at relative uncertainty level of about 0.01 ppm in a measurement which
was continued for more than a month. MEMS components have also been developed
for measuring RF and microwave power up to frequencies of about 40 GHz. Unlike
conventional high frequency power sensors, which measure the absorbed power,
the MEMS device measures the power that is transmitted through the sensor
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