85 research outputs found

    “Soy lo mismo que tú” Presencia del discurso de identidad trans en Una mujer fantástica, obra cinematográfica de Sebastián Lelio

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    La presente tesis de maestría constituye un análisis de la presencia del discurso de identidad trans en el cine chileno. A partir del caso que ofrece la película Una mujer fantástica (2017) se examina la identidad trans de una mujer en Chile. La película de Sebastián Lelio se centra en la vida de Marina, una mujer trans (interpretada por Daniela Vega, una actriz trans) y aborda los desafíos que la protagonista tiene que enfrentar por su identidad de género después de la muerte de su pareja. El objetivo de esta investigación es mostrar con qué elementos y cómo está representada la identidad de la mujer trans a través de la película. También trata de responder cómo la película puede contribuir a la discusión pública. El marco teórico se crea con la ayuda de estudios queer, las ideas postestructuralistas de los teóricos Michael Foucault, Judith Butler y Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick y la reflexión en torno al género fantástico de Tzvetan Todorov. Además, la teoría del cine semiótico y psicoanalítico forma una base importante para la investigación. El análisis de los distintos elementos muestra que los componentes como los ajustes de la cámara en primer plano de la protagonista, la música y los símbolos como la cascada o el espejo son importantes para la representación de la identidad de la mujer trans. En mi opinión, la película crea una imagen versátil y auténtica de una mujer trans en Chile. Sin una actuación exagerada, violencia explícita o llanto hiper dramático, se muestra una serie de retos que una mujer trans tiene que enfrentar en su vida cotidiana.This thesis is an investigation of the presence of the trans identity discourse in Chilean cinema. Based on the case offered by the film A Fantastic Woman (2017), the trans identity of a woman in Chile is examined. The film directed by Sebastián Lelio, focuses on the life of Marina, a trans woman (played by Daniela Vega, a trans actress) and addresses the challenges that the protagonist must face because of their gender identity after the death of her partner. The objective of this research is to show with what elements and how the identity of a trans women is represented through the film. It also tries to answer how the film can contribute to the public discussion. The theoretical framework is created with the help of queer theory, the ideas of the poststructuralist theorists Michael Foucault, Judith Butler and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick as well as Tzvetan Todorov's assumption about the fantasy genre. Furthermore, the theory of semiotic and psychoanalytic film analysis forms an important basis for the research. The analysis of the elements shows that components such as the camera settings like close-ups of the protagonist, the music, and symbols such as the waterfall or the mirror are important for the representation of the identity of the trans woman. In my opinion, the film, creates a versatile and authentic image of a trans woman in Chile. Without exaggerated acting, explicit violence, or over the top crying, the film shows what a trans woman must face in her daily life.Mastergradsoppgave i spansk og latinamerikastudierMAHF-SPLAMAHF-LÆFRSPLA35

    Spleen tyrosine kinase Syk is critical for sustained leukocyte adhesion during inflammation in vivo

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    Background: During inflammation, beta(2)-integrins mediate leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium accompanied by the activation of the spleen tyrosine kinase Syk. Results: We investigated leukocyte adhesion and rolling in cremaster muscle venules before and during stimulation with fMLP using mice with a Syk(-/-) hematopoietic system. In unstimulated venules, Syk(-/-) leukocytes adhered less efficiently than control leukocytes while rolling was similar between Syk(-/-) and control leukocytes. During fMLP-superfusion, control mice showed significantly increased adhesion accompanied by reduced rolling. For Syk(-/-) leukocytes, an increase in adhesion with a concomitant decrease in rolling was only observed during the first three minutes during fMLP stimulation, but not at later time points. We also investigated leukocyte spreading against the vessel wall during fMLP stimulation and found a significant impairment of spreading for Syk(-/-) leukocytes. Additional in vitro experiments revealed that the adhesion and spreading defect seen in Syk(-/-) chimeric mice was due to compromised beta(2)-integrin-mediated outside-in signaling. Conclusion: We provide substantial evidence for an important role of Syk in mediating beta(2)-integrin dependent outside-in signaling leading to sustained leukocyte adhesion and spreading during the inflammatory response in vivo

    A Control Architecture For Energy Systems With Multiple-Energy Carrier Devices

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    As energy systems become increasingly complex with integrating multiple-energy carrier devices, there is a growing need for advanced energy management systems that can effectively coordinate and control the diverse elements within the system. This paper presents a novel architecture for energy management systems explicitly designed for energy systems with multiple-energy carrier devices. The proposed control architecture encompasses three distinct levels: the device level, the subsystem level, and the system level. Each level incorporates operation models that are the foundation for implementing use cases in operation targets. The overall concept combines a bottom-up and top-down approach, where operational goals are transferred from the upper to the lower levels and, conversely, the lower levels communicate state adjustments to their respective upper levels, enabling feedback based on the established goals. A unified input-output data exchange is introduced to increase the control architecture's applicability. The interaction between the individual levels of the control architecture makes it possible to implement use case-dependent operation targets. Their execution is carried out through dedicated operation models representing devices and logical control structures capturing state-change processes. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the proposed control architecture by applying it to the energy system of the industrial research platform WAVE-H2, with multiple-energy carriers, heat, hydrogen, and electricity. This work highlights the proposed architecture's potential for adaptability regarding complex energy systems and facilitating efficient operation

    On the Limits of Liberalism in Participatory Environmental Governance: Conflict and Conservation in Ukraine\u27s Danube Delta

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    Participatory management techniques are widely promoted in environmental and protected area governance as a means of preventing and mitigating conflict. The World Bank project that created Ukraine’s Danube Biosphere Reserve included such ‘community participation’ components. The Reserve, however, has been involved in conflicts and scandals in which rumour, denunciation and prayer have played a prominent part. The cases described in this article demonstrate that the way conflict is escalated and mitigated differs according to foundational assumptions about what ‘the political’ is and what counts as ‘politics’. The contrasting forms of politics at work in the Danube Delta help to explain why a 2005 World Bank assessment report could only see failure in the Reserve’s implementation of participatory management, and why liberal participatory management approaches may founder when introduced in settings where relationships are based on non-liberal political ontologies. The author argues that environmental management needs to be rethought in ways that take ontological differences seriously rather than assuming the universality of liberal assumptions about the individual, the political and politics

    The Nucleocapsid Region of HIV-1 Gag Cooperates with the PTAP and LYPXnL Late Domains to Recruit the Cellular Machinery Necessary for Viral Budding

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    HIV-1 release is mediated through two motifs in the p6 region of Gag, PTAP and LYPXnL, which recruit cellular proteins Tsg101 and Alix, respectively. The Nucleocapsid region of Gag (NC), which binds the Bro1 domain of Alix, also plays an important role in HIV-1 release, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here we show that the first 202 residues of the Bro1 domain (Broi) are sufficient to bind Gag. Broi interferes with HIV-1 release in an NC–dependent manner and arrests viral budding at the plasma membrane. Similar interrupted budding structures are seen following over-expression of a fragment containing Bro1 with the adjacent V domain (Bro1-V). Although only Bro1-V contains binding determinants for CHMP4, both Broi and Bro1-V inhibited release via both the PTAP/Tsg101 and the LYPXnL/Alix pathways, suggesting that they interfere with a key step in HIV-1 release. Remarkably, we found that over-expression of Bro1 rescued the release of HIV-1 lacking both L domains. This rescue required the N-terminal region of the NC domain in Gag and the CHMP4 binding site in Bro1. Interestingly, release defects due to mutations in NC that prevented Bro1 mediated rescue of virus egress were rescued by providing a link to the ESCRT machinery via Nedd4.2s over-expression. Our data support a model in which NC cooperates with PTAP in the recruitment of cellular proteins necessary for its L domain activity and binds the Bro1–CHMP4 complex required for LYPXnL–mediated budding

    Erosão hídrica pós-plantio em florestas de eucalipto na bacia do rio Paraná, no leste do Mato Grosso do Sul

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    Nas regiões tropicais, o desgaste provocado no solo por ação das águas da chuva, ou seja, a erosão hídrica é a mais importante forma de degradação do solo. Visto que os plantios florestais de eucalipto estão inseridos em ecossistemas sensíveis às perturbações antrópicas em razão de ocorrência de plantações em solos com baixos teores de argila, com baixa fertilidade natural e grande parte das plantações estabelecidas em antigas áreas agrícolas e de pastagens degradadas, surge a necessidade do entendimento dos processos que regem a erosão hídrica e suas relações com as perdas de solo e água nos sistemas florestais. Objetivaram-se com este trabalho calcular os valores de erosividade da chuva (fator R - EI30), estimar a tolerância de perda de solo (T) para as classes representativas nas áreas de estudo, avaliar as perdas de solo e água por erosão hídrica e verificar a influência, por meio de análise de componentes principais (ACP), de atributos físicos e matéria orgânica do solo sobre a erosão hídrica em florestas de eucalipto no estádio de pós-plantio. Os tratamentos constituíram de diferentes sistemas de manejo dos resíduos e da disposição de plantio (nível e desnível), em dois biomas distintos, Cerrado e Floresta, e solo descoberto. Os solos foram classificados como Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico textura média-alta fase floresta (LVd1) e Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico textura média-baixa fase cerrado (LVd2). O estudo foi realizado em áreas experimentais de plantio de eucalipto localizadas no município de Três Lagoas, na bacia do Rio Paraná, no leste do Mato Grosso do Sul. O índice de erosividade anual obtido foi de 6.792,7 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1. Os valores de T variaram de 9,0 a 11,0 Mg ha-1 ano-1, para o LVd2 e LVd1, respectivamente. As perdas de solo apresentaram valores em torno de 0 a 0,505 Mg ha-1 no LVd1 e de 0 a 0,853 Mg ha-1, no LVd2. A ACP evidenciou-se eficiente na discriminação dos sistemas de manejo em razão da interação entre os atributos físicos e matéria orgânica do solo e suas relações com a erosão hídrica, possibilitando visualizar de forma clara a influência do manejo sobre esses atributos e a relação de ambos com as perdas de solo e água