27 research outputs found

    Nissaga Canivell, de l'armeria a la medicina i la urologia (s.XVII-s.XX)

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    Opuscle vitalista, historia Medicina catalana, que revisa i traspassa la genealogia Canivell armers de Ripoll, específicament canonaires-barrinadors, segles XVII-XVIII per entrar en el món de la cirurgia urinària científica, amb innovació litotòmica europea i a posteriori, passar al s XX com metges: Forense de Barcelona: guerra civil 36-39 i finalment un altre de Pediatra, co-creador de la Revista Pediatria Catalana de la Societat Catalana Pediatria Acadèmia Ciències Mediques. Amb addenda 16 làmines d’imatges instrumental quirúrgic s.XVIII

    El "meu" TomĂ s Raguer

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    Joan Coromines. L'Ăşltim manuscrit de Mataplana

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    Apuntes de la Armería Española. Siglos XVI a XIX

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    Els Conglomerats de Sant Llorenç del Munt (Eocè mitjà-superior)

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    En aquest treball es presenta la cartografia geològica de detall realitzada al massĂ­s de Sant Llorenç del Munt, situat a la vora sud-est de la Conca Central Catalana, part oriental de la Conca de l?Ebre. Aquest massĂ­s va funcionar durant l?Eocè mitjĂ -superior com un delta aŀluvial alimentat pels relleus dels CatalĂ nids. La zona cartografiada abasta des del contacte meridional amb els materials geològics de la Serralada Prelitoral de Matadepera, fins a les fĂ cies de plana deltaica de Mura, uns 10 km mĂ©s al nord-nord-oest. Les litologies de la zona estudiada sĂłn principalment conglomerats amb interestratificacions de gresos. S?han caracteritzat cartogrĂ ficament per primera vegada les dues grans unitats conglomerĂ tiques de Sant Llorenç del Munt: els conglomerats carbonĂ tics i els poligènics. Els quatre principals nivells de conglomerat carbonĂ tic es reconeixen i cartografien per la totalitat del massĂ­s.E n este trabajo se presenta la cartografĂ­a geolĂłgica de detalle realizada en el macizo de Sant Llorenç del Munt, situado en el borde sureste de la Cuenca Central Catalana, parte oriental de la Cuenca del Ebro. Este macizo funcionĂł durante el Eoceno medio-superior como un delta aluvial alimentado por los relieves de los Catalánides. La zona cartografiada cubre desde el contacto meridional con los materiales de la Cordillera Prelitoral de Matadepera, hasta las fácies de llanura deltaica de Mura, unos 10 Km más al norte-noroeste. Las litologĂ­as de la zona estudiada son principalmente conglomerados con interestratificaciones de areniscas. Se han caracterizado cartográficamente por primera vez las dos grandes unidades conglomeráticas de Sant Llorenç del Munt: los conglomerados carbonáticos i los poligĂ©nicos. Los cuatro principales niveles de conglomerados carbonáticos se reconocen y cartografĂ­an por la totalidad del macizo.In the present work we introduce the detailed geologic mapping of Sant Llorenç del Munt, located in the south-east edge of the Catalan Central Basin, in the eastern part of the Ebro Basin. During the middle-upper Eocene, this massif was a fan delta fed by the reliefs of the Catalan Coastal Ranges. The mapped zone covers from the southern contact with the materials of the Catalan Coastal Ranges at Matadepera, to the delta plain facies at Mura, about 10 km to the north-north-west. The lithologies of the studied area are mainly conglomerates with some alternating sandstones. For the first time we map the two different kinds of conglomerate from Sant Llorenç del Munt: carbonate conglomerate and polygenic conglomerate. The four main carbonate conglomerate levels are tracked and mapped throughout the massif

    Estudi i edició d'una llibreta de remeis de diversos mals de Josep Cubí, de la parròquia de Sant Sadurní de Sovelles

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    «Llibre de Joseph Cubí, de la parròquia de Sovellas» és el títol del document a partir del qual s’ha elaborat aquest article. Es tracta d’un llibret de quart que es podria datar entre el segle xviii i el xix, en el qual es recullen 68 remeis per guarir malalties de tot tipus. L’anàlisi del document permetrà de situar-lo històricament i geogràficament, i l’estudi dels remeis ajudarà a identificar les plantes emprades en aquests tractaments. Això, juntament amb la identificació mèdica dels remeis, permetrà al lector de fer-se una idea de les propostes que ofereix aquest document. Finalment, es mostrarà l’edició del document, respectant-ne al màxim l’escriptura original.«Llibre de Joseph Cubí, de la parròquia de Sovellas» (“Book of Joseph  Cubí, from the parish of Sovellas”) is the title of the document used to produce this article. It is a quarto book that dates from sometime between the xviii and the xix centuries and compiles 68 remedies for curing all kinds of illnesses. Analysis of the document will enable it to be pinpointed historically and geographically, and study of the remedies will help to identify the plants used in these treatments. This, together with medical identification of the remedies, will help readers to shape an idea of the remedies that appear in this document. The article lastly features a transcript of the document, whichhas been produced with maximum respect for the original script

    Stratigraphic and structural controls on groundwater flow in an outcropping fossil fan delta: the case of Sant Llorenç del Munt range (NE Spain)

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10040-017-1618-9Hydrogeological models of mountain regions present the opportunity to understand the role of geological factors on groundwater resources. The effects of sedimentary facies and fracture distribution on groundwater flow and resource exploitation are studied in the ancient fan delta of Sant Llorenç de Munt (central Catalonia, Spain) by integrating geological field observations (using sequence stratigraphy methods) and hydrogeological data (pumping tests, hydrochemistry and environmental isotopes). A comprehensive analysis of data portrays the massif as a single unit, constituted by different compartments determined by specific layers and sets of fractures. Two distinct flow systems—local and regional—are identified based on pumping test analysis as well as hydrochemical and isotopic data. Drawdown curves derived from pumping tests indicate that the behavior of the saturated layers, whose main porosity is given by the fracture network, corresponds to a confined aquifer. Pumping tests also reflect a double porosity within the system and the occurrence of impervious boundaries that support a compartmentalized model for the whole aquifer system. Hydrochemical data and associated spatial evolution show the result of water–rock interaction along the flow lines. Concentration of magnesium, derived from dolomite dissolution, is a tracer of the flow-path along distinct stratigraphic units. Water stable isotopes indicate that evaporation (near a 5% loss) occurs in a thick unsaturated zone within the massif before infiltration reaches the water table. The hydrogeological analysis of this outcropping system provides a methodology for the conceptualization of groundwater flow in similar buried systems where logging and hydrogeological information are scarce.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    El GEOCAMP : un sitio web y una herramienta de ediciĂłn para las actividades de campo en GeologĂ­a

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    El GEOCAMP es un portal informático de apoyo a las actividades de campo en Geología. Es un sitio web de libre acceso a disposición de docentes y estudiantes que realizan prácticas de campo como parte de sus enseñanzas o aprendizajes. Es un espacio hipermedia que contiene materiales didácticos de producción propia y numerosos enlaces a todo tipo de informaciones relacionadas con las prácticas de campo en asignaturas de Ciencias de la Tierra. El portal incorpora una herramienta de autoedición - el GEOCAMP-EDITOR -, una aplicación informática que permite introducir desde cualquier lugar del mundo los textos y figuras que conforman la descripción de un punto o itinerario de interés geológico. A partir de la información proporcionada, se genera un documento con una maquetación propia que puede ser consultado en formato HTML o descargado como PDF y utilizado como guía de campo.GEOCAMP is a website devoted to field activities in Geology. It is a free access web site available for both teachers and students who carry out field exercises as part of their teaching or learning. It is a hypermedia resource containing original teaching materials and several links with all kind of topics related to field exercises in subjects of Earth Sciences. The website includes a desktop publishing tool - the GEOCAMP-EDITOR -, a software application that allows to download from anywhere in the world the text and images that describe a point or route of geological interest. Once the information has been downloaded, a document is automatically generated. This document can be accessed in HTML format or downloaded as a PDF document to be used as a field guide

    Pornography Use in Adolescents and Its Clinical Implications

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    (1) Background: The Differential Susceptibility to Media Effects Model (DSMM) suggests that pornography use effects are conditional and they depend on dispositional, developmental, and social differential susceptibility variables. This framework also highlights that the differential susceptibility variables act as predictors of pornography use and as moderators of the effect of pornography on criterion variables. (2) Methods: By administering a survey to n = 1500 adolescents, we tested whether these assumptions were met. (3) Results: Pornography use was related to being male and older, having a bisexual or undefined sexual orientation, higher substance use, being non-Muslim, and reporting sexual interest and the use of the media to obtain sexual information. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) showed that higher levels in the criterion variables were directly related to pornography use, older age, substance use, and being women. Some mediational links also emerged. Pornography use mediated between the age and criterion variables. Moreover, substance use mediated the association between age and gender with the criterion variables. (4) Conclusions: Our findings support the clinical applicability of the theoretical DSMM framework. Knowing adolescent pornography consumers' profiles and the impact of pornography on this population would allow for the designing of more effective prevention and regulation proposals