130 research outputs found

    Rare extracranial localization of primary intracranial neoplasm

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    Meningioma, craniopharyngeoma and glioma are mainly intracranial lesions. Nevertheless, in rare cases these entities may occur solely as extracranial lesions that may present as intranasal/sinusoidal masses, with headaches and nasal obstruction. We present three cases of common intracranial tumors, with purely extracranial extension. The three described cases demonstrate, that preoperative MRI and CT imaging is important for differential diagnosis to exclude intracranial connections of the tumors. A definitive diagnosis requires specialized immunohistochemical examinations. In all cases of intranasal or pharyngeal neoplasm the diagnosis of meningioma, craniopharyngeoma and glioma should be considered as differential diagnosis to optimize the surgical procedure

    Assignment of glial brain tumors in humans by in vivo 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy and multidimensional metabolic classification

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    This study presents a simple approach for the noninvasive assignment of glial brain tumors according to malignancy by single-voxel proteon magnetic resonance spectroscopy at short echo times (TE≦50 milliseconds). Based on peak area ratios, a five-dimensional data set was obtained for each investigated subject. This vector was then projected along metabolic coordinates in a two-dimensional metabolic space. These coordinates had been determined in a previous study (Hagberg G et al., 1995,Magn Reson Med 34: 242-252). Tumor assignment was done without any knowledge of histology by comparing the location of the new cases to the features of the previous study. All 11 investigated glioblastomas multiforme, as well as 4 of 5 astrocytomas grade II, could easily be assigned to the groups of high- and low-grade tumors, respectively. Classification was more difficult in the case of a cystic astrocytoma grade II and one astrocytoma grade III. Two spectra measured in normal-appearing matter of glioblastoma patients were not classified as healthy. Using single-voxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy at short echo times with the knowledge of a base study, a straightforward, fast, and noninvasive differential diagnosis of glial brain tumors is possibl

    Subacute degeneration of fibers after vertical parasagittal hemispherotomy

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    Purpose After vertical parasagittal hemispherotomy a restricted diffusion is often seen ipsilaterally and even distant from the adjacent resection margin. This retrospective cohort study analyses the anatomic site and the time course of the diffusion restriction after vertical parasagittal hemispherotomy. Methods Fifty-nine patients were included into this study, all of them having had one pre-operative and at least one post-operative MRI, including diffusion imaging at b‑values of 0 and 1000 s/mm2 with a calculated ADC. Results Diffusion restriction occurred exclusively on the operated site in all patients. In the basal ganglia, diffusion restriction was present in 37 of 38 patients at the first postoperative day with a duration of 38 days. In the midbrain, the posterior limb of the internal capsule and the thalamus, a restricted diffusion became postoperatively prominent at day 9 in all three localizations, with a duration of 36, 34 and 36 days, respectively. The incidence of thalamic lesions was lower if a preoperative damage had occurred. Conclusion The restricted diffusion in the basal ganglia resembles direct effects of the operation at its edges, whereas the later appearing diffusion restriction in the midbrain and the posterior limb of the internal capsule rather belong to a degeneration of the descending fibers being transected by the hemispherotomy in the sense of a Wallerian degeneration. The presence of preoperative hemispheric lesions influences the development of diffusion restriction at subacute fiber degeneration

    Imaging of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)

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    Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) is a condition characterised by calcification and ossification of ligaments and entheses. The condition usually affects the axial skeleton, in particular, at the thoracic segment, though also other portions of the spine are often involved. DISH often involves also peripheral tendinous and/or entheseal sites either alone, or in association with the involvement of peripheral joints. At times, new bone formation involves the bone itself, but sometimes it involves joints not usually affected by osteoarthritis (OA) which result in bony enlargement of the epiphysis, joints space narrowing and a reduced range of motion. Because of the entheseal involvement, DISH can be mistaken for seronegative spondyloarthropathies or for a "simple" OA. Furthermore, other implications for the recognition of DISH include spinal fractures, difficult intubation and upper endoscopies, decreased response rates in DISH with concomitant spondyloarthritides, and increased likelihood to be affected by metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. This Atlas is intended to show the imaging finding in DISH in patients diagnosed with the condition by the Resnick classification criteria

    Head and neck paragangliomas: clinical and molecular genetic classification

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    Head and neck paragangliomas are tumors arising from specialized neural crest cells. Prominent locations are the carotid body along with the vagal, jugular, and tympanic glomus. Head and neck paragangliomas are slowly growing tumors, with some carotid body tumors being reported to exist for many years as a painless lateral mass on the neck. Symptoms depend on the specific locations. In contrast to paraganglial tumors of the adrenals, abdomen and thorax, head and neck paragangliomas seldom release catecholamines and are hence rarely vasoactive. Petrous bone, jugular, and tympanic head and neck paragangliomas may cause hearing loss. The internationally accepted clinical classifications for carotid body tumors are based on the Shamblin Class I–III stages, which correspond to postoperative permanent side effects. For petrous-bone paragangliomas in the head and neck, the Fisch classification is used. Regarding the molecular genetics, head and neck paragangliomas have been associated with nine susceptibility genes: NF1, RET, VHL, SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, SDHAF2 (SDH5), and TMEM127. Hereditary HNPs are mostly caused by mutations of the SDHD gene, but SDHB and SDHC mutations are not uncommon in such patients. Head and neck paragangliomas are rarely associated with mutations of VHL, RET, or NF1. The research on SDHA, SDHAF2 and TMEM127 is ongoing. Multiple head and neck paragangliomas are common in patients with SDHD mutations, while malignant head and neck paraganglioma is mostly seen in patients with SDHB mutations. The treatment of choice is surgical resection. Good postoperative results can be expected in carotid body tumors of Shamblin Class I and II, whereas operations on other carotid body tumors and other head and neck paragangliomas frequently result in deficits of the cranial nerves adjacent to the tumors. Slow growth and the tendency of hereditary head and neck paragangliomas to be multifocal may justify less aggressive treatment strategies

    Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis: a review

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    Coined in 1975 by Resnick et al., diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis describes a systemic condition that is mainly characterized by flowing ossification of the spine and, less frequently, peripheral entheses. Its overall incidence is 6-12%, but it is more frequently observed in males than in females and subjects aged >50 years, and its increased prevalence in people aged >70 years suggests that the course of the disease begins between the third and fifth decade of life but its clinical manifestations do not appear until later. Its pathogenesis and etiology remain unknown, but it has been reported to be associated with a number of genetic, metabolic, and constitutional factors. The aim of this review is to describe the main features of the disease and stimulate research into its pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment

    Возможность использования высокочастотного CuBr-лазера для создания скоростного лазерного монитора

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    Представлены оценки максимальных температур источников как внешней, так и собственной засветки, при которых будут иметь место искажения изображений, формируемых посредствам активных оптических систем. Показана возможность использования высокочастотного CuBr-лазера в качестве усилителя яркости лазерного монитора

    A narrative review

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 Couto, Parreira, Power, Pinheiro, Madruga Dias, Novofastovski, Eshed, Sarzi-Puttini, Pappone, Atzeni, Verlaan, Kuperus, Bieber, Ambrosino, Kiefer, Khan, Mader, Baraliakos and Bruges-Armas.Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) and Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL) are common disorders characterized by the ossification of spinal ligaments. The cause for this ossification is currently unknown but a genetic contribution has been hypothesized. Over the last decade, many studies on the genetics of ectopic calcification disorders have been performed, mainly on OPLL. Most of these studies were based on linkage analysis and case control association studies. Animal models have provided some clues but so far, the involvement of the identified genes has not been confirmed in human cases. In the last few years, many common variants in several genes have been associated with OPLL. However, these associations have not been at definitive levels of significance and evidence of functional significance is generally modest. The current evidence suggests a multifactorial aetiopathogenesis for DISH and OPLL with a subset of cases showing a stronger genetic component.publishersversionpublishe

    Changes in the Optic Nerve Head and Choroid Over 1 Year of Spaceflight

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    Importance: While 6-month data are available regarding spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome, manned missions for 1 year and beyond are planned, warranting evaluation for spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome beyond 6 months. Objective: To determine if the manifestation of spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome worsens during International Space Station missions exceeding the present 4- to 6-month duration. Design, Setting, and Participants: The One-Year Mission Study used quantitative imaging modalities to investigate changes in ocular structure in 2 crew members who completed a 1-year-long spaceflight mission. This study investigated the ocular structure of crew members before, during, and after their mission on the International Space Station. Two crew members participated in this study from March 2015 to September 2016. Analysis began in March 2015 and ended in May 2020. Exposures: Crew members were tested before, during, and up to 1 year after spaceflight. Main Outcomes and Measures: This study compares ocular changes (peripapillary retinal edema, axial length, anterior chamber depth, and refraction) in two 1-year spaceflight mission crew members with cohort crew members from a 6-month mission (n = 11). Minimum rim width (the shortest distance between Bruch membrane opening and the internal limiting membrane) and peripapillary total retinal thickness were measured using optical coherence tomography. Results: Both crew members were men. Minimum rim width and total retinal thickness increased in both participants throughout the duration of spaceflight exposure to the maximal observed change from preflight (minimum rim width: participant 1, 561 [+149 from preflight] μm at flight day 270; participant 2, 539 [+56 from preflight] μm at flight day 270; total retinal thickness: participant 1, 547 [+135 from preflight] μm at flight day 90; participant 2, 528 [+45 from preflight] μm at flight day 210). Changes in peripapillary choroid engorgement, axial length, and anterior chamber depth appeared similar between the 1-year mission participants and a 6-month mission cohort. Conclusions and Relevance: This report documents the late development of mild optic disc edema in 1 crew member and the progressive development of choroidal folds and optic disc edema in another crew member over the duration of 1 year in low Earth orbit aboard the International Space Station. Previous reports characterized the ocular risk associated with 4 to 6 months of spaceflight. As future spaceflight missions are planned to increase in duration and extend beyond low Earth orbit, further observation of astronaut ocular health on spaceflight missions longer than 6 months in duration may be warranted