385 research outputs found

    Two-ballot versus plurality rule: an empirical investigation on the number of candidates

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    Duverger claimed more than 50 years ago that the number of candidates in elections should be a function of electoral rules. Both his “law” and “hypothesis” suggest the number of candidates vying for seats in elections to be tightly linked to characteristics of the electoral process such as its degree of proportionality and the presence of runoffs. Here we test the validity of Duverger’s claim using data from municipal elections in Brazil. Our study differs from others in the field in two important dimensions. First, by using municipal data we avoid the usual problems that plague statistical analysis using cross-country data. Secondly, we have a truly exogenous source of variation due to a change in electoral legislation introduced by the constitutional reform of 1988: simple plurality remained the rule only in municipalities with less than 200,000 voters, and a second-ballot became mandatory for the others above that threshold. This allows for a neat identification strategy using panel data. Our main finding is that elections with runoffs lure greater numbers of candidates in municipalities with sufficiently high levels of heterogeneity.Duverger's law, runoff, heterogeneity

    Os Solos da República de Cabo Verde - Considerações Gerais sobre o seu Conhecimento

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    Identificam-se os principais estudos respeitantes à cartografia e à classificação dos solos da República de Cabo Verde. A partir desses estudos analisam-se as principais características morfológicas, físicas e químicas, o enquadramento taxonómico e, de forma muito geral, a distribuição dos solos de Cabo Verde. Consideram-se as principais lacunas a este respeito e algumas acções a empreender para aumentar o respectivo conhecimento. Finalmente, definem-se acções fundamentais a desenvolver para a organização funcional da informação disponível sobre os solos da República de Cabo Verde, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento agrário, o ordenamento do território, a gestão dos recursos naturais e a qualidade ambiental.Major studies regarding mapping and classification of soils in Cap Verde territory, published between 1962 and 1987, are identified. Take into account these studies, the main soil physical and chemical characteristics are highlighted, as well as their taxonomy and distribution. The main deficiencies are described and actions to deepen its knowledge are identified. Finally, crucial actions needed for a functional organization of the available information on Cape Verde soils are outlined, considering territory management, agrarian development, natural resources management and conservation and environmental quality

    Os Solos da República de Cabo Verde - Considerações Gerais sobre o seu Conhecimento

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    Identificam-se os principais estudos respeitantes à cartografia e à classificação dos solos da República de Cabo Verde. A partir desses estudos analisam-se as principais características morfológicas, físicas e químicas, o enquadramento taxonómico e, de forma muito geral, a distribuição dos solos de Cabo Verde. Consideram-se as principais lacunas a este respeito e algumas acções a empreender para aumentar o respectivo conhecimento. Finalmente, definem-se acções fundamentais a desenvolver para a organização funcional da informação disponível sobre os solos da República de Cabo Verde, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento agrário, o ordenamento do território, a gestão dos recursos naturais e a qualidade ambiental.Major studies regarding mapping and classification of soils in Cap Verde territory, published between 1962 and 1987, are identified. Take into account these studies, the main soil physical and chemical characteristics are highlighted, as well as their taxonomy and distribution. The main deficiencies are described and actions to deepen its knowledge are identified. Finally, crucial actions needed for a functional organization of the available information on Cape Verde soils are outlined, considering territory management, agrarian development, natural resources management and conservation and environmental quality

    Análise das mudanças no desenho do Relógio em pacientes com Perturbação Neurocognitiva Major

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    O objetivo principal do estudo de investigação é comparar o desempenho no teste do desenho do relógio (TDR) em sujeitos com demência de alzheimer (DA), demência frontotemporal (DFT) e demência vascular cerebral (DVC). Adicionalmente, o estudo que propomos desenvolver pretende responder à seguinte questão: qual o perfil diferencial do TDR em pacientes com DA com DFT e com DVC.N/

    Aplicação de sensores em processos de medida de misturas gasosas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia do ambienteA preocupação com o rigor das medições químicas envolvendo os princípios e as metodologias da ciência metrológica é relativamente recente, sendo que ainda se encontra em desenvolvimento. A realização do presente trabalho teve por objecto o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de um sistema de preparação e medição de misturas gasosas, assente numa infra-estrutura experimental já existente no laboratório, incluindo de programação (software) necessário para a respectiva operação. Operando quer com gases quer com vapores preparados a partir de líquidos puros ou soluções, o sistema de preparação de misturas gasosas desenvolvido neste trabalho dispõe de um conjunto de sensores, nomeadamente de temperatura, pressão e caudal mássico de gases, que são essenciais à determinação da composição da mistura. No âmbito dos estudos realizados foram preparados modelos de equilíbrio para vapores de água e de amoníaco. As incertezas das medidas efectuadas foram processadas de acordo coma metodologia GUM de avaliação de incertezas. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o modelo de equilíbrio considerado é adequado à preparação de misturas gasosas contendo vapores e que em conjunto com um procedimento de diluição dinâmica foi possível preparar misturas gasosas com um amplo registo de concentrações. O cálculo da incerteza expandida relativa às medidas efectuadas, mostrou que a temperatura era uma das mais importantes variáveis de medida. Neste trabalho foi ensaiada uma tecnologia de medida de amónia com base em sensores electroquímicos que mostrou algumas dificuldades de aplicação e que necessita de esclarecer melhor o modelo de resposta tendo em vista a sua aplicação em processos de medida.Chemical measurements involving principles and methodologies of science metrology is relatively recent and is still under development. The present work was developed with a rig of hardware and software already prepared from a preliminary version. Operated with gas mixtures and vapours prepared from evaporation of pure liquids and solutions, the current measuring system allows the preparation of gas mixtures of known composition using a set of different sensors, namely temperature, pressure and gas mass flow. Within the framework of the studies it was studied and developed models of measurement for the different gas mixtures based on equilibrium of vapours from pure water and from ammonia solution. For uncertainties evaluation the GUM methodology was applied. The experimental results show that the models of measurement are appropriate for preparation of gas mixtures, under certain conditions the principles of equilibrium was verified for vapours species in gas mixtures and that it was possible to prepare gaseous mixtures with a large range of concentrations, by dynamic volumetric methods using gas mass flow meters. The calculation of the expanded uncertainty of vapour gas mixtures composition shows that the temperature is the most important variable. An ammonia electrochemical sensor was tested and it was found that some application difficulties that require some additional work in order to be useful in a straightforward way

    Análise do jus postulandi sob a ótica do projeto de lei federal nº 33/2013 e o papel da Defensoria Pública da União

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    Jus Postulandi in the labor process has existed since the creation of the Labor Court in 1941, when, even under the administrative aegis and with little structure, it had remarkable features being fast and informal, besides being free. The intention of the legislator, at the time, was to allow the employee, hyposufficient, to seek their rights in person, without the assistance of a lawyer. At that time, the causes were not as complex as they are today, dealing, for example, with issues such as annotation in the CTPS and vacations. Since the Federal Constitution of 1988, it has been discussed the obligation of the presence of lawyer in the labor cases, since, art. 133 of the Constitution states that such a professional is "indispensable to the administration of justice". With this, in 2013, was presented in the Chamber of Deputies, Bill No. 33, which amends art. 791, of the CLT, forcing the presence of a lawyer in labor proceedings. In addition, it imposes on the Public Defender of the Union the obligation to represent the party that is underweight in the Labor Court. The DPU, therefore, needs to be equipped so that it can absorb such demand, if the end of jus postulandi is effective.O Jus Postulandi no processo do trabalho existe desde a criação da Justiça do Trabalho, em 1941, quando, ainda sob a égide administrativa e com pouca estrutura, tinha por traços marcantes ser célere e informal, além de ser gratuita. O intuito do legislador, à época, era permitir que o empregado, hipossuficiente, buscasse seus direitos pessoalmente, sem a assistência de advogado. Naquele momento, as causas não eram complexas como atualmente, ocupando-se, por exemplo, de questões como anotação na CTPS e férias. Desde a Constituição Federal de 1988, discute-se a obrigatoriedade da presença de advogado nas causas trabalhistas, pois, o art. 133, da Carta Magna diz que tal profissional é “indispensável à administração da justiça”. Com isso, em 2013, foi apresentado na Câmara dos Deputados, o Projeto de Lei nº 33, que altera o art. 791, da CLT, obrigando a presença de advogado nas ações trabalhistas. Ademais, impõe à Defensoria Pública da União a obrigação de representar a parte hipossuficiente na Justiça do Trabalho. A DPU, portanto, precisa ser aparelhada para que possa absorver tal demanda, caso efetive-se o fim do jus postulandi

    Are the effects of informational interventions driven by salience?

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    Informational interventions have been shown to significantly change behavior across a variety of settings. Is that because they lead subjects to merely update beliefs in the right direction? Or, alternatively, is it to a large extent because they increase the salience of the decision they target, affecting behavior even in the absence of inputs for belief updating? We study this question in the context of an informational intervention with school parents in Brazil. We randomly assign parents to either an information group, who receives text messages with weekly data on their child’s attendance and school effort, or a salience group, who receives messages that try to redirect their attention without child-specific information. We find that information makes parents more accurate about student attendance, and has large impacts on their test scores and grade promotion relative to the control group. Even though salience messages, in contrast, do not make parents more accurate about attendance levels, learning outcomes in the salience group improve by at least as much. Why? We show that treated parents across both conditions become more accurate about changes in their children’s grades over time, although not about grade levels. Such coarse belief updating is consistent with independent information acquisition in response to salience effects from both interventions. Our results have implications for the design and interpretation of informational interventions across a range of domains


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    The empiric literature regarding on technological innovation suggests that cooperation has a highly positive effect on the performance of firms’ technological innovation, however, very little is known about its impact on the organizational innovation. To fill this gap, the present study aims to analyze the impact of the external relationships with business and science partners about the capacity of firms to introduce organizational innovation. To reach the objective proposed, a quantitative investigation was chosen, based on a sample of 684 firms. Data were obtained through the inquiry CIS 2010 – Community Innovation Survey 2010. There came evident the external relationships established with business partners and with science partners on the performance of organizational innovation of the firms. This study contributes for the development of the existent theory when analyzing the external relationships of firms and the innovating development on the organizational level, considering that the investigation that has been carried out about innovation has been focused, in general, on the technological innovation

    Galhadores (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera) em Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae): descrições e biologia

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    Five new species of gall makers (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera) associated with Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae) are described and illustrated from Carapebus, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil : Lopesia caulinaris, L.conspicua, L. elliptica, L. linearis and Contarinia gemmae. Some biological and ecological data are given.Cinco espécies novas galhadoras (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera) associadas com Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae) são descritas e ilustradas de Carapebus, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Lopesia caulinaris, L. conspicua, L. elliptica, L. linearis and Contarinia gemmae. Algumas informações biológicas e ecológicas são fornecidas

    Thermal tolerance limits and physiological traits as indicators of Hediste diversicolor's acclimation capacity to global and local change drivers

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    We would like to acknowledge project AquaMMIn (MAR-02.01.01- FEAMP-0038), co-funded by Portugal (2020) and the European Union through Mar2020 , the Operational Programme (OP) for the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) in Portugal . We also acknowledge financial support to CESAM by FCT/MCTES (LA/P/0094/2020 ), through national funds, to L'Oreal/FCT/UNESCO for the prize L'Oreal Medals for Women in Science Portugal awarded to D.M., to FCT, MEC through Scientific Employment Stimulus. PhD scholarship call 2021 ( 2021.04675 .BD to JFF). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The AuthorsGlobal projections predict significant increases in ocean temperature and changes in ocean chemistry, including salinity variations by 2100. This has led to a substantial interest in the study of thermal ecophysiology, as temperature is a major factor shaping marine ectotherm communities. However, responses to temperature may be influenced by other factors such as salinity, highlighting the relevance of multiple stressor studies. In the present work, we experimentally evaluated the thermal tolerance of the marine ragworm Hediste diversicolor under predicted global change scenarios. Organisms were subjected to an experimental trial under control (24 °C), and two temperature treatment scenarios (ocean warming +3 °C – (27 °C) and heat wave +6 °C – (30 °C)), combined with salinity variations (20 and 30) in a full factorial design for 29 days. Environmental data from the field were collected during 2019 and 2020. At day 30 post exposure, upper thermal limits (Critical Thermal Maximum - CTMax), thermal safety margins (TSM) and acclimation capacity were measured. Higher acclimation temperatures led to higher thermal tolerance limits, confirming that H. diversicolor features some physiological plasticity, acclimation capacity and a positive thermal safety margin. This margin was greater considering in situ temperature data from 2019 than maximum temperatures for 2020 (CTMax > maximum habitat temperature–MHT). Moreover, smaller organisms displayed higher upper thermal limits suggesting that thermal tolerance is size dependent. Ragworms subjected to higher salinity also showed a higher CTMax than those acclimated to lower salinity. However, temperature and salinity showed an additive effect on CTMax, as no significant interaction was detected. We conclude that H. diversicolor can easily acclimate to increased water temperature, independently of salinity variations. Given the key role of ragworms in food webs in estuaries and coastal lagoons, substrate bioturbation and aquaculture, this information is relevant to support conservation actions, optimize culture protocols and identify thermal resistant strains.publishersversionpublishe