3,052 research outputs found

    Os centros de línguas como política linguística em um instituto federal

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    This paper analyzes the contexts of influence and design of the reference text for implementing a Language Center as part of the language policy (LP) and internationalization process of a Federal Institute of Education (FI) in the Northeastern Region of Brazil. The critical analysis based on Critical Applied Linguistics (CAL) and the Policy Cycle Approach (PCA) made it possible to perceive that the reference text points to a favorable and strongly driving environment for the design of Language Centers in the FI. Thus, the FI can institutionalize the LP actions already carried out unsystematically and individually by teachers of the mother-tongue and additional ones. The document allows the teaching agency to develop and implement projects that meet the local realities of the FI campuses. However, the reference text is involved in a naturalized-top-down internationalization perspective and focuses mainly on the offer of English courses. Moreover, we perceived the lack of investments for the document to be constituted in concrete actions and to assume a transforming role in the educational community.Este artículo analiza los contextos de influencia y elaboración del texto de referencia para la implementación de un Centro de Idiomas como parte de la política lingüística (PL) y la internacionalización de un Instituto Federal de Educación (IF) en la Región Nordeste de Brasil. El análisis crítico que realizamos con base en la Lingüística Crítica Aplicada (LAC) y en el Enfoque del Ciclo de Políticas (ACP) permitió percibir que el texto de referencia apunta a un entorno favorable y fuertemente impulsor para el diseño de Centros de Idiomas en FI. De esta forma, la FI puede institucionalizar acciones de PL ya en marcha realizadas de manera asistemática e individual por docentes de lengua materna y adicionales. El documento permite a la agencia de enseñanza diseñar e implementar proyectos que respondan a las realidades locales de los campus de la IF. Sin embargo, también percibimos una naturalización del proceso de imposición de la internacionalización y de enseñanza principalmente del inglés, así como la falta de inversiones para que el documento se constituya en acciones concretas y asuma un papel transformador en la comunidad educativa.Cet article analyse les contextes d'influence et d'élaboration du texte de référence pour la mise en place d'un Centre de Langues dans le cadre de la politique linguistique (PL) et de l'internationalisation d'un Institut Fédéral d'Éducation (IF) dans la Région Nord-Est du Brésil. L'analyse critique que nous avons menée sur la base de la Linguistique Critique Appliquée (LAC) et de l'Approche du Cycle Politique (ACP) a permis de percevoir que le texte de référence pointe vers un environnement favorable et fortement moteur pour la conception de Centres de Langues en IF. De cette façon, l'IF peut institutionnaliser des actions de LP déjà en cours menées de manière non systématique et individuellement par des enseignants de la langue maternelle et d'autres. Le document permet à l'agence d'enseignement de concevoir et mettre en œuvre des projets qui répondent aux réalités locales des campus de l'IF. Cependant, on perçoit aussi une naturalisation du processus d'imposer l'internationalisation et d'enseigner principalement l'anglais, ainsi que le manque d'investissements pour que le document se constitue en actions concrètes et assume un rôle transformateur dans la communauté éducative.Esse artigo analisa os contextos de influência e de elaboração do texto de referência para a implementação de um Centro de Línguas como parte da política linguística (PL) e de internacionalização de um Instituto Federal de Educação (IF) na Região Nordeste do Brasil. A análise crítica que realizamos com base na Linguística Aplicada Crítica (LAC) e na Abordagem do Ciclo de Políticas (ACP) possibilitou perceber que o texto de referência aponta para um ambiente favorável e fortemente impulsionador da concepção dos Centros de Línguas nos IF. Desse modo, os IF podem institucionalizar ações de PL já em andamento realizadas assistemática e individualmente por professores de língua materna e adicionais. O documento permite agência docente para a elaboração e implementação de projetos que atendam as realidades locais dos campi dos IF. Contudo, percebemos também uma naturalização do processo de internacionalização impositiva e do ensino principalmente de língua inglesa, bem como, a falta de investimentos para que o documento se constitua em ações concretas e possa assumir um papel transformador da comunidade educacional

    DCJ-indel and DCJ-substitution distances with distinct operation costs

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    BACKGROUND: Classical approaches to compute the genomic distance are usually limited to genomes with the same content and take into consideration only rearrangements that change the organization of the genome (i.e. positions and orientation of pieces of DNA, number and type of chromosomes, etc.), such as inversions, translocations, fusions and fissions. These operations are generically represented by the double-cut and join (DCJ) operation. The distance between two genomes, in terms of number of DCJ operations, can be computed in linear time. In order to handle genomes with distinct contents, also insertions and deletions of fragments of DNA – named indels – must be allowed. More powerful than an indel is a substitution of a fragment of DNA by another fragment of DNA. Indels and substitutions are called content-modifying operations. It has been shown that both the DCJ-indel and the DCJ-substitution distances can also be computed in linear time, assuming that the same cost is assigned to any DCJ or content-modifying operation. RESULTS: In the present study we extend the DCJ-indel and the DCJ-substitution models, considering that the content-modifying cost is distinct from and upper bounded by the DCJ cost, and show that the distance in both models can still be computed in linear time. Although the triangular inequality can be disrupted in both models, we also show how to efficiently fix this problem a posteriori

    Desenho e validação de iniciadores microssatélites SSR para mamoneira

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    The objective of this work was to design, validate, and optimize pairs of SSR microsatellite primers for castor bean. The design of the primer pairs was done by means of the Websat application from sequences deposited in the GenBank of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (GenBank/NCBI), and its quality was assessed using the NetPrimer web application. Different concentrations of DNA, magnesium chloride, primer pairs, dNTPs, and annealing temperatures were used for the optimization of PCR conditions. A total of 30 primer pairs were designed, synthesized, and optimized. Agarose gel was used for detection of the amplified products, and denaturing polyacrylamide gel for the optimization of PCR conditions and the identification of polymorphism. The primer pairs presented average guanine/cytosine (GC) percentage of 47.29% and amplified fragment sizes varying from 128 to 381 bp. Twenty‑nine pairs of SSR primers (96.7%) were validated, of which nine were polymorphic (23.3%). The concentrations optimized for amplification are: DNA, 25 ng; magnesium chloride, 1.2 mmol L‑1; Forward and Reverse primers, 0.4 mmol L‑1; dNTPs, 0.1 mmol L‑1; and annealing temperature, 62 to 64°C. The bioinformatic tools Websat and Net Primer can be used to develop quality microsatellite primers for castor bean from sequences deposited at the GenBank/NCBI.O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenhar, validar e otimizar pares de iniciadores microssatélites SSR para mamoneira. O desenho dos pares de iniciadores foi feito por meio do aplicativo Websat, a partir de sequências depositadas no GenBank do National Center for Biotechnology Information (GenBank/NCBI), e a sua qualidade foi aferida com uso do aplicativo web NetPrimer. Foram utilizadas diferentes concentrações de DNA, cloreto de magnésio, pares de iniciadores, dNTPs e temperatura de anelamento para otimização das condições de PCR. Um total de 30 pares de iniciadores SSR foi desenhado, sintetizado e otimizado. O gel de agarose foi utilizado para detecção dos produtos amplificados, e o gel desnaturante de poliacrilamida, na otimização das condições de PCR e na identificação de polimorfismo. Os pares de iniciadores apresentaram percentagem média de guanina/citosina (GC) igual a 47,29% e produtos amplificados com tamanhos entre 128 e 381 pb. Vinte e nove pares de iniciadores SSR (96,7%) foram validados, dos quais nove foram polimórficos (23,3%). As concentrações otimizadas para amplificação são: DNA, 25 ng; cloreto de magnésio, 1,2 mmol L‑1; iniciadores Forward e Reverse, 0,4 mmol L‑1; dNTPs, 0,1 mmol L‑1; e temperatura de anelamento, 62 a 64ºC. As ferramentas de bioinformática Websat e Net Primer podem ser utilizadas para desenvolver iniciadores microssatélites de qualidade, para a mamoneira, a partir de sequências depositadas no GenBank/NCBI


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    O GEAS (Grupo de Estudos em Medicina, Manejo e Conservação de Animais Selvagens) foi fundado em 19 de setembro de 2012, sendo inspirado em grupos de outras universidades. Tem como objetivo contribuir com fóruns de discussão, promover palestras, simpósios e eventos, difundir conhecimentos e desenvolver projetos de pesquisa e extensão que estejam ligados à medicina, ao manejo e à conservação de animais selvagens. O GEAS possui também o intuito de promover a união dos alunos e professores interessados neste campo; promover a interação entre alunos dos diversos cursos de nosso campus e de outras instituições; assim como promover a interação dos membros do grupo com profissionais atuantes na área

    Pedagogical models focused on the integration of ICT in basic education : a systematic review

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    A pedagogical model is a system of theoretical premises that organize a curricular approach, being incorporated into teaching practice and the interactions between teacher, student, and learning object. In teaching practice, their interaction with students should be based on activities that seek to contextualize with reality. On the other hand, pedagogical practices, based on the implementation of Digital Information and Communication Technologies, improve the performance of teachers who develop skills to plan modern and technology-integrated learning processes. This article presents a systematic review of works published in the period 2018-2022 that dealt with the use of pedagogical models based on the integration of TDIC in basic education. From the 10 works identified, it was possible to conclude that a pedagogical model must use the technological approach to meet the needs of the teacher and their students. The research contributed to finding the main and most recent studies on the subject. In this way, the article serves as a summary of publications on pedagogical models in TDIC carried out in the period 2018-2022

    A pedagogical model for integrating digital technologies in education : workshops on sustainable development goals (SDGS)

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    A proposal for a pedagogical model that integrates digital technologies in teaching Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in K-12 Education. The research is developed within project InTecEdu (Integration of Technology in Education), developed by the research group since 2008, and focusing on social inclusion for highly socially vulnerable K-12 students. The research was exploratory and qualitative; data was collected through a questionnaire and participant observation, with 253 students and 9 teachers from 5 Brazilian public schools. The research contributes by bringing a pedagogical model for integrating SDGs and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in K-12 education. All analyzed aspects received a high level of approval, although some opportunities for improvement were identified, such as the duration and frequency of the session. We recommend the reuse of the pedagogical model, since our intention is for it to be open-source, and free to use. The paper is aligned with the fourth SDG: Quality Education. It directly contributes with the education of 253 socially vulnerable students from a south American public school, and indirectly contributes with improvement of education. To improve the pedagogical model based on the feedback from the questionnaires and apply it with a more extensive scenario

    Competencies for STEAM areas : a focus on teacher

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    This article aims to present a mapping of teaching skills for STEAM areas. Society is constantly changing, and Education needs to make changes that enable the formation of the subject integrally. From this perspective, STEAM areas are increasingly present in classrooms, intending to prepare future professionals for this connected and technological world. Thus, to embrace this new society, it is pertinent to build new teaching skills that can contemplate the integral formation of the student. Methodology: The research had a qualitative approach of the interpretive type, of an applied nature, being exploratory regarding the objectives and using the case study as a procedure. The instruments were the productions of the participants of an online course and participant observation. Results and conclusions: In this study, 80 teachers participated, and the data presented denote a concern of teachers to build pedagogical competencies in the pedagogical perspective, with methodologies and action strategies, as well as technological ones, from basic training in the use of technologies. Thus, in total, 11 teaching competencies were mapped to work in STEAM areas. In addition, it was possible to glimpse suggestions of educational and digital tools that can be used in pedagogical practices, as well as active methodologies that apply in the presented context

    Relato de experiência sobre os processos educativos de uma oficina de piano em grupo para crianças

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    This article is an experience report about the outreach project for kids Oficina de Piano em Grupo, performed by two members of the research group Música e Educação. Classes were offered at the Group Piano Laboratory, one-hour a week for one semester. The workshop aimed to offer lessons on collective teaching mode for interested children of the community in order to offer an experience in musical theoretical questions linked to the practice of playing the piano.Este artigo é um relato de experiência sobre o projeto de extensão para crianças Oficina de Piano em Grupo, realizado por duas integrantes do grupo de pesquisa Música e Educação. As aulas foram oferecidas no Laboratório de Piano em Grupo, com duração de uma hora por semana, durante um semestre. A oficina teve por objetivo ofertar aulas de piano na modalidade de ensino coletivo para as crianças interessadas da comunidade, a fim de oferecer uma vivência em questões teóricas musicais atreladas à prática de tocar piano


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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma formulação de macarrão com qualidade nutricional e que não contenha glúten em sua composição. Tal produto foi escolhido para o desenvolvimento deste estudo por ser um alimento popular, amplamente consumido e barato. Em seu desenvolvimento serão utilizados como ingredientes majoritários, a mandioca cozida e o amido de milho, que são produtos agroindustriais de baixo custo e abundantemente produzidos no País. Este será uma nova alternativa de macarrão, sem glúten, que todos poderão consumir. O foco do trabalho é demonstrar a qualidade do macarrão de mandioca e propor análises sensoriais para verificar alguns atributos do macarrão e testar sua aceitação