10 research outputs found

    Estructura Productiva de Nicaragua : Análisis del financiamiento que reciben los protagonistas del parque Nacional de Ferias durante el primer trimestre 2016

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    Esta investigación analiza el origen del financiamiento, que utilizan los Protagonistas que participan en las instalaciones del Parque Nacional de Ferias de Managua, durante el periodo del primer trimestre del 2016, en el que desarrollamos cuatro aspectos. Las estrategias del Gobierno van en función de desarrollar la economía nacional a través de la creación del MEFCCA con sus direcciones y funciones orientadas al crecimiento, desarrollo económico rural y la economía familiar. Continuamente el Parque Nacional de Ferias es la alternativa de promoción y fomento para dar respuestas a las necesidades de comercialización del micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas. El parque tiene una capacidad de 256 módulos, distribuidos en terrazas y otros espacios diseñados para desarrollar el comercio nacional. Dentro del contexto económico se definen dos actores que participan en este parque: Protagonistas y Pequeños Negocios. Se caracterizan por el tamaño pequeño de sus negocios, por participar activamente en el desarrollo de sus propias iniciativas con el acompañamiento de algunos programas emblemáticos del Gobierno para estos fines. Estos vienen de diferentes departamentos, en su mayoría rurales y en menor proporción urbanos. Están distribuidos en diferentes actividades debidamente conceptualizadas por el parque de Ferias, sobresaliendo la gastronomía. Las principales fuentes de financiamiento disponible para estos agentes son los programas de gobierno como Usura cero, Crissol; organismo no gubernamental, y algunos programas de crédito pyme de dos Bancos (BANPRO y BDF). Entre las principales limitantes para acceder a créditos son los requisitos, sobre todo el tema de garantías y plazos. No obstante, se ha identificado mejoras en las actividades de los negocios a través de la reinversión de este financiamiento. Los negocios generan lo suficiente ingresos para cumplir los compromisos de crédito, y gracias a este espacio de comercialización han logrado potencial las ventas necesarias para ello

    PCDD/PCDF, PCB, and Hexachlorobenzene in soil, bottom ash and products from brickmaking sites in developing countries - Results from surveys in Kenya, Mexico, and South Africa. A contribution to the Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases in support to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

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    The report combines the results from soil sampling campaigns executed in Mexico, South Africa and Kenya in order to assess the impact of artisanal brick making on local environments. Moreover the study serves indirectly (through the comparison of the impact on soils), whether the emission factors for brick kilns obtained in in a separate study in Mexico can be applied to other developing countries. These emission factors will be introduced into the calculation scheme for the National Emission Inventories of unintentional POP's releases ("dioxin toolkit) which is the reporting tool under the reporting obligations laid down in the Stockholm Convention of POPs. Results revealed, that the soils in Mexico are higher contaminated then in South Africa and Kenya, most probably due to the practice of co-incineration of waste (oils), whereas in Africa coal or virgin biomass are used as fuels. In so far the emission factors obtained in Mexico apparently represent the upper range of emission factors for brick making.JRC.D.2-Water and Marine Resource

    The relationships between volcanism and extension in the Mesa Central: the case of Pinos, Zacatecas, Mexico

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    Pinos volcanic complex is an uplifted area that exposes Mesozoic strata and mid-Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Its stratigraphy, deformation style, and volcanism are characteristic of the Mesa Central region of central Mexico and the southeastern segment of the Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) volcanic province. The oldest rocks in Pinos are marine carbonate sedimentary and siliciclastic rocks that underlie a red bed sequence (Pinos red beds) interlayered with felsic volcanic rocks, in turn partially covered by a voluminous lava dome complex. The Pinos red bed sequence is at least 900 m thick and it is formed by well-lithifi ed conglomeratic sandstone and matrix-supported, generally fi ne-grained to medium-grained, polymictic conglomerate. Clasts in the Pinos red beds were derived from the Mesozoic basement, subaerial felsic volcanic rocks of unknown provenance, and tourmaline-bearing muscovite granite. Interlayered volcanic rocks include ash-fall tuffs, a densely welded ash-fl ow tuff, and water-laid or reworked pyroclastic material. The main components of the dome complex are a dark-red, porphyritic potassium-rich trachyte, and a buff-colored, porphyritic rhyolite, for which we report lava mingling (the fi rst one in the SMO volcanic province). Field relations at the Pinos volcanic complex demonstrate a close temporal relationship between felsic volcanism and extension. Faulting in Pinos is complex as it includes arrays of Cenozoic normal faults with NS, NW, and NE trends, for which cross-cutting relations are ambiguous. A combination of mapping, K-Ar geochronology, petrographic work and interpretation of the magnetic polarity of the volcanic units allow us to establish that repeated pulses of synextensional volcanism occurred during the period between ~32 and 27 Ma. These data demonstrate that extension in the Mesa Central is older than 29.27 Ma, the oldest previously recognized episode of extension. The earliest (. 32 Ma) pulse of extension may be related to a regional (~250 km long) NW-trending fault system that divides the Mesa Central into two domains with contrasting stratigraphy and different geomorphic aspect. The Pinos red bed sequence includes clasts of the Penon Blanco granite (40Ar/39Ar = 50.94 ¿} 0.47 Ma), that in addition to providing a minimum age for the end of the Laramide orogeny in the Mesa Central, offers evidence of uplift and denudation of the granite before or synchronous with red bed deposition.El complejo volcanico de Pinos es una region elevada en donde estan expuestas rocas sedimentarias mesozoicas y rocas volcanicas y sedimentarias del Terciario medio. Su estratigrafia, estilo de deformacion y volcanismo son caracteristicos de la Mesa Central de Mexico, asi como de la porcion sureste de la provincia volcanica de la Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO). Las rocas mas antiguas expuestas en Pinos son rocas sedimentarias carbonatadas y siliciclasticas que subyacen a una secuencia de capas rojas intercaladas con rocas volcanicas felsicas, que a su vez son cubiertas por un complejo de domos volcanicos voluminosos. Las capas rojas de Pinos tienen un espesor minimo de 900 m y estan compuestas por areniscas conglomeraticas bien litifi cadas y por capas de conglomerado polimictico soportado por matriz, con tamanos de grano que varian de medio a fi no. Los clastos de las capas rojas de Pinos provienen del basamento Mesozoico, de rocas volcanicas continentales de composicion felsica y proveniencia desconocida, y de un granito con moscovita y turmalina. Tobas felsicas de caida, una ignimbrita densamente soldada y material piroclastico retrabajado se encuentran intercalados con las capas rojas. Los componentes principales del complejo de domos .en los que reconocimos mezcla inhomogenea (mingling) de magmas (el primer caso documentado en la provincia volcanica de la SMO). son derrames de traquita de color rojo oscuro y de riolita porfidica de color paja. Las relaciones de campo en el complejo de Pinos demuestran una asociacion temporal muy cercana entre el volcanismo felsico y el fallamiento normal en la region. El fallamiento en Pinos es complejo, ya que incluye conjuntos de fallas con orientaciones NS, NW y NE con relaciones de corte que en conjunto rinden una cronologia ambigua. Una combinacion de cartografia geologica, geocronologia K-Ar, petrografia y analisis de la polaridad magnetica de las unidades volcanicas nos permitio establecer que hubo varios pulsos de deformacion contemporaneos al volcanismo en el periodo comprendido entre ~32 y 27 Ma. Esta informacion muestra que el fallamiento normal en la Mesa Central es mas antiguo que 29.27 Ma, la edad del pulso de deformacion mas antiguo previamente identifi cado. El primer pulso de deformacion en la region (.32 Ma) posiblemente esta relacionado con un sistema de fallas regional (.250 km de longitud) con orientacion NW y que divide a la Mesa Central en dos dominios con estratigrafia y aspecto geomorfologico distinto. Las capas rojas de Pinos incluyen clastos del granito del Penon Blanco (40Ar/39Ar = 50.94 ¿} 0.47 Ma), que ademas de proporcionar una edad minima para la deformacion laramidica en el area, son evidencia de la edad del levantamiento y denudacion del granito, previo o contemporaneo con la acumulacion de las capas rojas

    Disposiciones psicológicas hacia la corrupción en escolares y universitarios de la ciudad de Lima

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    OBJECTIVE: to know the dispositions psychological, in terms of the explanatory atribucional style towards the corruption in students and college students in function to sex and the chronological age. DESIGN: the study is descriptive cross-sectional comparative. MATERIAL And METHODS: the knowledge of the atribucional style, is the resultant of the combination of three dimensions: externalidad, instability and specificity, were by means of the application of test ASQ-C1DE, of Peterson, adapted towards the corrupt acts, the validity was by the method of content analysis, and the trustworthiness by the method of the test retest. The mentioned test was applied in collective form to non greater groups of twenty-five per time, to a sample selected by layers, students of the secondary level and university, with a margin of error of a 0,05 and level of confidence of the 0.95. RESULTS: the tendency of the studied sample is towards the Internally, instability and specificity that corresponds to the optimistic explanatory style in a 73 percent, whereas the 27 percent shows tendency towards the pessimistic explanatory style towards the corrupt acts. CONCLUSIONS: In the Externally dimension ¬Internally the chronological age raises significant differences, to smaller age greater Externalidad. In the dimension Stability -Instability, also the chronological age raises significant differences where to smaller age there is greater Instability In the dimension Specificity - Totality the chronological age does not raise significant differences, the group as a whole tends towards the Specificity. Finally, sex does not raise differences in the mentioned dimensions, reason why it is encouraging that our young people are optimists to face the corruption acts.OBJETIVO: conocer las disposiciones psicológicas, en términos del estilo atribucional explicativo hacia la corrupción en escolares y universitarios en función al sexo y la edad cronológica. DISEÑO: el estudio es descriptivo transversal comparativo. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: el conocimiento del estilo atribucional, es la resultante de la combinación de tres dimensiones: externalidad, inestabilidad y especificidad, fue mediante la aplicación del test ASQ-CIDE, de Peterson, adaptado hacia los actos corruptos, la validez fue por el método de análisis de contenido, y la confiabilidad por el método del test retest. El mencionado test se aplicó en forma colectiva a grupos no mayores de veinticinco por vez, a una muestra seleccionada por estratos, escolares del nivel secundario y universitario, con un margen de error del 0.05 y un nivel de confianza del 0.95. RESULTADOS: la tendencia de la muestra estudiada es hacia la internalidad, inestabilidad y especificidad que corresponde al estilo explicativo optimista en un 73 por ciento, en tanto que el 27 por ciento muestra tendencia hacia el estilo explicativo pesimista hacia los actos corruptos. CONCLUSIONES: En la dimensión Externalidad ¬Internalidad la edad cronológica plantea diferencias significativas, a menor edad mayor Externalidad. En la dimensión Estabilidad e Inestabilidad, también la edad cronológica plantea diferencias significativas donde a menor edad hay mayor Inestabilidad. En la dimensión Especificidad - Globalidad la edad cronológica no plantea diferencias significativas, el grupo en su conjunto tiende hacia la Especificidad. Finalmente, el sexo no plantea diferencias en las dimensiones mencionadas, por lo que resulta alentador que nuestros jóvenes se muestren optimistas para enfrentar a los actos de corrupción

    Genomic Profile in a Non-Seminoma Testicular Germ-Cell Tumor Cohort Reveals a Potential Biomarker of Sensitivity to Platinum-Based Therapy

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Despite having a favorable response to platinum-based chemotherapies, ~15% of Testicular Germ-Cell Tumor (TGCT) patients are platinum-resistant. Incidence and mortality of this disease has remained unchanged in Latin populations unlike the rest of the world. To date, the search for genetic variants in our population remains unexplored. The aim of this study is to identify predictive biomarkers of resistance to platinum-based therapy, whether general or specific to the Latin population. We observed that sensitivity to chemotherapy does not seem to be explained by any of the mutations detected. However, we identified amplifications on segment 2q11.1 as a novel variant with chemosensitivity biomarker potential. Our data shed light into understanding platinum resistance in a Latin-origin population. ABSTRACT: Despite having a favorable response to platinum-based chemotherapies, ~15% of Testicular Germ-Cell Tumor (TGCT) patients are platinum-resistant. Mortality rates among Latin American countries have remained constant over time, which makes the study of this population of particular interest. To gain insight into this phenomenon, we conducted whole-exome sequencing, microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization, and copy number analysis of 32 tumors from a Mexican cohort, of which 18 were platinum-sensitive and 14 were platinum-resistant. We incorporated analyses of mutational burden, driver mutations, and SNV and CNV signatures. DNA breakpoints in genes were also investigated and might represent an interesting research opportunity. We observed that sensitivity to chemotherapy does not seem to be explained by any of the mutations detected. Instead, we uncovered CNVs, particularly amplifications on segment 2q11.1 as a novel variant with chemosensitivity biomarker potential. Our data shed light into understanding platinum resistance in a Latin-origin population

    The Evolutionary Landscape of SARS-CoV-2 Variant B.1.1.519 and Its Clinical Impact in Mexico City

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is one of the most concerning health problems around the globe. We reported the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.519 in Mexico City. We reported the effective reproduction number (Rt) of B.1.1.519 and presented evidence of its geographical origin based on phylogenetic analysis. We also studied its evolution via haplotype analysis and identified the most recurrent haplotypes. Finally, we studied the clinical impact of B.1.1.519. The B.1.1.519 variant was predominant between November 2020 and May 2021, reaching 90% of all cases sequenced in February 2021. It is characterized by three amino acid changes in the spike protein: T478K, P681H, and T732A. Its Rt varies between 0.5 and 2.9. Its geographical origin remain to be investigated. Patients infected with variant B.1.1.519 showed a highly significant adjusted odds ratio (aOR) increase of 1.85 over non-B.1.1.519 patients for developing a severe/critical outcome (p = 0.000296, 1.33–2.6 95% CI) and a 2.35-fold increase for hospitalization (p = 0.005, 1.32–4.34 95% CI). The continuous monitoring of this and other variants will be required to control the ongoing pandemic as it evolves

    The Evolutionary Landscape of SARS-CoV-2 Variant B.1.1.519 and Its Clinical Impact in Mexico City

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is one of the most concerning health problems around the globe. We reported the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.519 in Mexico City. We reported the effective reproduction number (Rt) of B.1.1.519 and presented evidence of its geographical origin based on phylogenetic analysis. We also studied its evolution via haplotype analysis and identified the most recurrent haplotypes. Finally, we studied the clinical impact of B.1.1.519. The B.1.1.519 variant was predominant between November 2020 and May 2021, reaching 90% of all cases sequenced in February 2021. It is characterized by three amino acid changes in the spike protein: T478K, P681H, and T732A. Its Rt varies between 0.5 and 2.9. Its geographical origin remain to be investigated. Patients infected with variant B.1.1.519 showed a highly significant adjusted odds ratio (aOR) increase of 1.85 over non-B.1.1.519 patients for developing a severe/critical outcome (p = 0.000296, 1.33–2.6 95% CI) and a 2.35-fold increase for hospitalization (p = 0.005, 1.32–4.34 95% CI). The continuous monitoring of this and other variants will be required to control the ongoing pandemic as it evolves