64 research outputs found

    Modeling of microbial gas generation: application to the eastern Mediterranean “Biogenic Play”

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    Biogenic gas is becoming increasingly important as an exploration target in the petroleum industry because it occurs in geologically predictable circumstances and in large quantities at shallow depths as free gas or gas hydrates. As accumulations of biogenic gas result in a subtle synchronization between early generation and early trapping, we integrated a macroscopic model of microbial gas generation within a 3D basin and petroleum system forward simulator. The macroscopic model is based on a microscopic model, which consists in a 1D sedimentary column that accounts for sedimentation, compaction, Darcy flow and Diffusion flow. The organic carbon is the only non-soluble element considered in this version of the model. The dissolved elements are O2, SO4 2-, H2, CH3COOH, and CH4. Methane is dissolved in water or present as a free phase if its concentration exceeds its solubility at given pressure and temperature. In this microscopic model, the transformation of substrate into biomass is described through a set of logistic equations coupled with the transport equations (advection and diffusion). Based on the microscopic considerations we developed the macroscopic model of low maturity/biogenic gas generation in which hydrocarbons are generated through first order kinetic reactions at low maturity. This macroscopic model is adapted to petroleum system modeling at basin scale with TemisFlow®, which aims to understand and predict hydrocarbon generation, migration, and accumulation. It is composed of: i) A source rock criteria which allow defining the biogenic gas source rocks potential and ii) A kinetic model of methane generation. The previous model has been successfully applied on different basins such as the Carupano Basin from the offshore Venezuela, the Magdalena Delta (offshore Colombia) and the offshore Vietnam where direct observations of low-maturity gas were available. Furthermore, it has been applied in the offshore Lebanon in order to check the viability of a biogenic gas system

    Modeling of microbial gas generation : application to the eastern Mediterranean "Biogenic Play"

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    Biogenic gas is becoming increasingly important as an exploration target in the petroleum industry because it occurs in geologically predictable circumstances and in large quantities at shallow depths as free gas or gas hydrates. As accumulations of biogenic gas result in a subtle synchronization between early generation and early trapping, we integrated a macroscopic model of microbial gas generation within a 3D basin and petroleum system forward simulator. The macroscopic model is based on a microscopic model, which consists in a 1D sedimentary column that accounts for sedimentation, compaction, Darcy flow and Diffusion flow. The organic carbon is the only non-soluble element considered in this version of the model. The dissolved elements are O2, SO4 2-, H2, CH3COOH, and CH4. Methane is dissolved in water or present as a free phase if its concentration exceeds its solubility at given pressure and temperature. In this microscopic model, the transformation of substrate into biomass is described through a set of logistic equations coupled with the transport equations (advection and diffusion). Based on the microscopic considerations we developed the macroscopic model of low maturity/biogenic gas generation in which hydrocarbons are generated through first order kinetic reactions at low maturity. This macroscopic model is adapted to petroleum system modeling at basin scale with TemisFlow®, which aims to understand and predict hydrocarbon generation, migration, and accumulation. It is composed of: i) A source rock criteria which allow defining the biogenic gas source rocks potential and ii) A kinetic model of methane generation. The previous model has been successfully applied on different basins such as the Carupano Basin from the offshore Venezuela, the Magdalena Delta (offshore Colombia) and the offshore Vietnam where direct observations of low-maturity gas were available. Furthermore, it has been applied in the offshore Lebanon in order to check the viability of a biogenic gas syste

    Landscape effects on the population dynamics of small mammal communities: A preliminary analysis of prey-resource variations

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    This study aims at estimating the effect of landscape composition on the availability of small mammal preys (in terms of biomass) to predators on a sectorial scale (n x 1 km2). Four study sites, representative of different stages of agriculture intensification, were selected in eastern France according to landscape composition. The population dynarnics of Microtus arvalis, Arvicola terrestris, Clethrionomys glareolus and Apodemus sp. were monitored from 1992 to 1996 by using index methods and trapping. M. arvalis and A. terrestris population biomasses were stable in landscapes with low percentage of permanent grassland. M. arvalis populations displayed greater biomass variations with sharp declines in the sites where the proportion of permanent grassland to farmland was greater than 50 %. A. terrestris populations were very unstable in one study site where the proportion of permanent grassland to farmland was greater than 85 %. Synchronic patterns between M. arvalis populations and the populations of hedgerow rodents were suspected at sites with large fluctuations of M. arvalis: every decline of the populations of hedgerow rodents was concomitant with the M. arvalis decline. These results suggest that two kinds of ecological systems in terms of prey-resource variations for mammalian predators can be distinguished: (i) stable in landscapes with lower proportion of permanent grassland, and (ii) unstable, with grassland species crashes and synchronous declines of the rodent community, in landscapes with higher proportion of permanent grassland. Moreover, the population dynamics of small mammals were asynchronous between the four sites situated at relatively short distance (some tens kilometres)L'objectif de cette étude est d'estimer l'effet de la composition du paysage sur les variations de disponibilité en biomasse de micro-mammifères pour les prédateurs, à l'échelle sectorielle (n × 1 km2), Quatre sites d'étude représentatifs d'un gradient d'intensification agricole ont été choisis dans l'est de la France en fonction de la composition du paysage. Les fluctuations de biomasses de Microtus arvalis et Arvicola terrestris (espèces prairiales), de Clethrionomys glareolus et Apodemus sp. (espèces de milieux fermés) ont été suivies de 1992 à 1996 par méthodes indiciaires et piégeage. Les synchronies entre les populations de M. arvalis et celles de rongeurs de milieux fermés ont été recherchées. Les fluctuations de biomasse de M. arvalis et A. terrestris sont stables dans les sites où la proportion de prairie permanente est la plus faible. Les populations de M. arvalis présentent les plus larges amplitudes de variation de biomasse et les déclins les plus prononcés dans les sites où la proportion de prairie permanente sur la surface agricole est supérieure à 50 %. Les populations d'A. terrestris ne sont instables que dans un site, là où la proportion de prairie permanente sur surface agricole est supérieure à 85 %. Les déclins de populations de rongeurs de milieux fermés (Clethrionomys glareolus et Apodemus sp.) sont concomitants de ceux de M. arvalis dans les sites à fortes variations de biomasse de cette dernière espèce. Ces résultats suggèrent deux types de fonctionnement, en terme de variation de disponibilité en proies pour les prédateurs: (i) stable dans les paysages à faible proportion de prairie permanente, et (ii) instable, avec des déclins prononcés et rapides des populations d'espèces prairiales, entraînant des déclins synchrones du peuplement de micro-mammifères étudié, dans les paysages à forte proportion de prairie permanente. Aucune synchronie dans les dynamiques de population de ces micro-mammifères n'est observée entre les sites d'étude, éloignés de quelques dizaines de kilomètres seulement

    Modeling of microbial gas generation : application to the eastern Mediterranean "Biogenic Play"

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    Biogenic gas is becoming increasingly important as an exploration target in the petroleum industry because it occurs in geologically predictable circumstances and in large quantities at shallow depths as free gas or gas hydrates. As accumulations of biogenic gas result in a subtle synchronization between early generation and early trapping, we integrated a macroscopic model of microbial gas generation within a 3D basin and petroleum system forward simulator. The macroscopic model is based on a microscopic model, which consists in a 1D sedimentary column that accounts for sedimentation, compaction, Darcy flow and Diffusion flow. The organic carbon is the only non-soluble element considered in this version of the model. The dissolved elements are O2, SO4 2-, H2, CH3COOH, and CH4. Methane is dissolved in water or present as a free phase if its concentration exceeds its solubility at given pressure and temperature. In this microscopic model, the transformation of substrate into biomass is described through a set of logistic equations coupled with the transport equations (advection and diffusion). Based on the microscopic considerations we developed the macroscopic model of low maturity/biogenic gas generation in which hydrocarbons are generated through first order kinetic reactions at low maturity. This macroscopic model is adapted to petroleum system modeling at basin scale with TemisFlow®, which aims to understand and predict hydrocarbon generation, migration, and accumulation. It is composed of: i) A source rock criteria which allow defining the biogenic gas source rocks potential and ii) A kinetic model of methane generation. The previous model has been successfully applied on different basins such as the Carupano Basin from the offshore Venezuela, the Magdalena Delta (offshore Colombia) and the offshore Vietnam where direct observations of low-maturity gas were available. Furthermore, it has been applied in the offshore Lebanon in order to check the viability of a biogenic gas syste

    Évaluation de la performance de métriques Lidar orienté-objet pour la modélisation de l'habitat d'oiseaux forestiers

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    International audienceHabitat suitability models (HSMs) are widely used to plan actions for species of conservation interest. Models that will be turned into conservation actions need predictors that are both ecologically pertinent and fit managers' conceptual view of ecosystems. Remote sensing technologies such as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) can describe landscapes at high resolution over large spatial areas and have already given promising results for modeling forest species distributions. The point‐cloud (PC) area‐based LiDAR variables are often used as environmental variables in HSMs and have more recently been complemented by object‐oriented (OO) metrics. However, the efficiency of each type of variable to capture structural information on forest bird habitat has not yet been compared. We tested two hypotheses: (1) the use of OO variables in HSMs will give similar performance as PC area‐based models; and (2) OO variables will improve model robustness to LiDAR datasets acquired at different times for the same area. Using the case of a locally endangered forest bird, the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), model performance and predictions were compared between the two variable types. Models using OO variables showed slightly lower discriminatory performance than PC area‐based models (average DAUC = -0.032 and -0.01 for females and males, respectively). OO-based models were as robust (absolute difference in Spearman rank correlation of predictions ≤ 0.21) or more robust than PC area-based models. In sum, LiDAR derived PC area-based metrics and OO metrics showed similar performance for modeling the distribution of the capercaillie. We encourage the further exploration of OO metrics for creating reliable HSMs, and in particular testing whether they might help improve the scientist-stakeholder interface through better interpretability