2,311 research outputs found

    Tribalism and the plural society: an inaugural lecture given in the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland

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    An iaugural lecture by JC Mitchell on tribalism and the plural society

    Ethnography and analysis: a test of some algorithmic procedures

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    A modern approach to the Heckel Equation: The effect of compaction pressure on the yield pressure of ibuprofen and its sodium salt

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    Despite being heavily criticised in the literature the most widely used and accepted compaction equation is the Heckel equation proposed by Heckel in 1961. Its presence in literature for 55 years is due to the ease in which it can distinguish between plastic and brittle materials. Achieving the correct balance of plastic and brittle materials in a formulation is critical to ensure adequate tablet strength is achieved therefore classifying materials using the Heckel equation is attractive. Despite the importance of this understanding, especially in the design and manufacture of direct compression formulations, there are no set analytical testing standards or materials classification guidelines. Instead many workers have attempted to develop techniques for the measurement and classification of a materials deformation but there is still confusion and contradiction present in this field. In this study we repot on report the effect of compaction pressure on the yield pressure of ibuprofen and its sodium salt. Ibuprofen and its sodium salt were selected as models for study due to the availability of comparative literature yield pressure values. The reported variation in yield pressure can be significant e.g, ibuprofen which has literature values of 21-1139 MPa. This study proposes an approach to determine yield pressure from the Heckel equation using a linear regression method. The full linear regression methodology utilised is described and is used to report the yield pressure of ibuprofen and its sodium salt dihydrate. This technique reveals the most representative compaction pressure in order to derive yield pressure to be 121 MPa. The yield pressure of ibuprofen and its sodium salt have been shown to increase with increasing compaction pressure. The reported values lie between 52-78 MPa for ibuprofen and 48-75 MPa for ibuprofen sodium dihydrate. The slightly lower reported yield pressure values for ibuprofen sodium suggest increased plasticity which could be attributed to the water contained within the structure acting as a plasticiser

    A simple two-module problem to exemplify building-block assembly under crossover

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    Theoretically and empirically it is clear that a genetic algorithm with crossover will outperform a genetic algorithm without crossover in some fitness landscapes, and vice versa in other landscapes. Despite an extensive literature on the subject, and recent proofs of a principled distinction in the abilities of crossover and non-crossover algorithms for a particular theoretical landscape, building general intuitions about when and why crossover performs well when it does is a different matter. In particular, the proposal that crossover might enable the assembly of good building-blocks has been difficult to verify despite many attempts at idealized building-block landscapes. Here we show the first example of a two-module problem that shows a principled advantage for cross-over. This allows us to understand building-block assembly under crossover quite straightforwardly and build intuition about more general landscape classes favoring crossover or disfavoring it

    Superluminal Signals: Causal Loop Paradoxes Revisited

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    Recent results demonstrating superluminal group velocities and tachyonic dispersion relations reopen the question of superluminal signals and causal loop paradoxes. The sense in which superluminal signals are permitted is explained in terms of pulse reshaping, and the self-consistent behavior which prevents causal loop paradoxes is illustrated by an explicit example.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Conservation practice could benefit from routine testing and publication of management outcomes

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    Effective conservation requires a step change in the way practitioners can contribute to science and can have access to research outputs. The journal Conservation Evidence was established in 2004 to help practitioners surmount several obstacles they face when attempting to document the effects of their conservation actions scientifically. It is easily and freely accessible online. It is free to publish in and it enables global communication of the effects of practical trials and experiments, which are virtually impossible to get published in most scientific journals. The driving force behind Conservation Evidence is the need to generate and share scientific information about the effects of interventions

    Parity (and time-reversal) anomaly in a semiconductor

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    The physics of a parity anomaly, potentially observable in a narrow-gap semiconductor, is revisited. Fradkin, Dagotto, and Boyanovsky have suggested that a Hall current of anomalous parity can be induced by a Peierls distortion on a domain wall. I argue that a perturbation inducing the parity anomaly must break the time reversal symmetry, which rules out the Peierls distortion as a potential cause. I list all possible perturbations that can generate the anomaly.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. Sign errors fixe

    The visual sociogram in qualitative and mixed-methods research

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    The paper investigates the place of visual tools in mixed-methods research on social networks, arguing that they can not only improve the communicability of results, but also support research at the data gathering and analysis stages. Three examples from the authors’ own research experience illustrate how sociograms can be integrated in multiple ways with other analytical tools, both quantitative and qualitative, positioning visualization at the intersection of varied methods and channelling substantive ideas as well as network insight in a coherent way. Visualization also facilitates the participation of a broad range of stakeholders, including among others, study participants and non-specialist researchers. It can support the capacity of qualitative and mixed-methods research to reach out to areas of the social that are difficult to circumscribe, such as hidden populations and informal organisations. On this basis, visualization appears as a unique opportunity for mixing methods in the study of social networks, emphasizing both structure and process at the same time

    Playing safe: Assessing the risk of sexual abuse to elite child athletes

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    Young athletes frequently suffer from being seen as athletes first and children second. This has consequences for their legal, civil and human rights as children (Kelly et al., 1995) and for the way in which sport organisations choose to intervene on their behalf to protect them from physical, psychological and sexual abuses (Brackenridge, 1994). Sport careers peak at different ages depending on the sport: in some, children as young as 12 or 13 may reach the highest levels of competitive performance; in others, full maturity as an athlete may come late into adulthood or even middle age. Recognition of this variation has given rise to the concept of ‘sport age’ (Kirby, 1986) referring to sport-specific athlete development. This concept is of significance in helping to identify the developmental process in terms of athletic, rather than chronological, maturity. The risk of sexual abuse in sport, formerly ignored or denied, has now been documented in a number of studies, using both quantitative and qualitative methods (Kirby & Greaves, 1996; Brackenridge, 1997; Volkwein, 1996). Drawing on data from these studies and from the previous work on sport age and athletic maturation, this paper proposes a possible means of identifying and assessing relative risk of sexual abuse to elite young athletes in selected sports. The concept of a ‘stage of imminent achievement’ (SIA) is proposed as the period of peak vulnerability of young athletes to sexual abuse
