275 research outputs found

    Model Pemberdayaan Hakim Pengawas dan Pengamat Berbasis Koordinasi dalam Mewujudkan Pengarusutamaan Hak Anak (PUHA) di Lapas Anak Kelas IIa KupangLembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak Kupang (LPKA)

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    Model pemberdayaan Hakim Pengawas dan Pengamat merupakan model yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi kesenjangan yang tampak dalam pelaksanaan pengawasan dan pengamatan oleh hakim di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan termasuk Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Anak/Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) membangun model pemberdayaan yang menghilangkan stigma negatif yaitu “mengintervensi tupoksi lapas anak” dan memperbaharui persepsi bahwa pemberdayaan hakim wasmat dapat mempengaruhi kebijakan dan konsep pemidanaan terutama terhadap pengarusutamaan hak anak (PUHA) di tahapan purna ajudikas. Masalah yang dikemukakan adalah bagaimana kinerja hakim wasmat mewujudkan hak anak di lapas Anak/LPKA. Apakah masalah yang dihadapi dan apakah solusi yang diambil memberdayakan hakim wasmat serta bagaimana model pembedayaan  hakim wasmat. Berdasarkan metode penelitian deskriptif analisis dan bersifat kualitatif diperoleh hasil kajian bahwa kinerja hakim wasmat belum optimal dilaksanakan, dalam memberikan kontribusi perlindungan terhadap hak anak, adapun hambatan yang dihadapi terkait dengan sumber daya baik sumber daya manusia, anggaran, sarana prasarana, waktu,aturan teknis dan pemahaman. Solusi yang diambil, mengusahakan potensi sumber daya yang tersedia dan mengusahakan persepsi yang sama melalui berbagi secara informal dan formal mengenai masalah dan kebutuhan anak. Menemukan model koordinasi yang berbasis berbagi. Model ini diharapkann dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pemidanaan terhadap anak dan pembinaan yang responsif Pengarusutamaan Hak Anak (PUHA) yang menjadi core dari Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak.&nbsp

    Renegotiating Responsibilities in Human-Computer Ensembles

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    This paper proposes discussions for the (re)negotiation of responsibilities in performances that involve a collaboration between human and computer agents. Most of current research is human-hierarchical, leaving the machine the role of a mere tool at performer’s service. In this paper a more balanced distribution of responsibilities between the two agent is proposed. Chimney, a software developed by one of the authors, is proposed as a design probe to reflect on this topic. Chimney allows the composer to control only the musical material of a piece, leaving its evolution to an algorithmic agent whose decisions are unpredictable. This redistribution of responsibilities results in a compositional shift that causes the roles of the composer / performer to overlap. The implications for the experience of the performer operating Chimney are also discussed

    Reconciling multiple societal objectives in cross-scale marine governance: Solomon Islands’ engagement in the Coral Triangle Initiative

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Environmental governance aims to reconcile an expanding set of societal objectives at ever-larger scales despite the challenges that remain in integrating conservation and development at smaller scales. We interrogate Solomon Islands’ engagement in the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security to contribute new insight on the scalar politics of multi-level marine governance. We show how regional objectives are re-interpreted and prioritized as they translate into national policy and practice. Our data suggest that enhanced coordination of finances and activities, integration of objectives in shared protocols and priority geographies, and a subtle shift in power relations between the state, donors, and implementation partners have resulted from processes of re-scaling. We discuss important procedural adjustments in cross-level and cross-scale governance across jurisdictional, institutional, and sectoral scales. We also reflect on the changing role of national governments in shifts toward large-scale, multi-national initiatives.LE acknowledges funding from the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies. PJC and DB undertook this work as part of the CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agrifood Systems (FISH). Funding support for this study was provided by an Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research grant (FIS/2012/074)

    A convenient band-gap interpolation technique and an improved band line-up model for InGaAlAs on InP

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    The band-gap energy and the band line-up of InGaAlAs quaternary compound material on InP are essential information for the theoretical study of physical properties and the design of optoelectronics devices operating in the long-wavelength communication window. The band-gap interpolation of In1-x-y Ga (x) Al (y) As on InP is known to be a challenging task due to the observed discrepancy of experimental results arising from the bowing effect. Besides, the band line-up results of In1-x-y Ga (x) Al (y) As on InP based on previously reported models have limited success by far. In this work, we propose an interpolation solution using the single-variable surface bowing estimation interpolation method for the fitting of experimentally measured In1-x-y Ga (x) Al (y) As band-gap data with various degree of bowing using the same set of input parameters. The suggested solution provides an easier and more physically interpretable way to determine not only lattice matched, but also strained band-gap energy of In1-x-y Ga (x) Al (y) As on InP based on the experimental results. Interpolated results from this convenient method show a more favourable match to multiple independent experiment data sets measured under different temperature conditions as compared to those obtained from the commonly used weighted-sum approach. On top of that, extended framework of the model-solid theory for the band line-up of In1-x-y Ga (x) Al (y) As/InP heterostructure is proposed. Our model-solid theory band line-up result using the proposed extended framework has shown an improved accuracy over those without the extension. In contrast to some previously reported works, it is worth noting that the band line-up result based on our proposed extended model-solid theory has also shown to be more accurate than those given by Harrison's mode

    Diffusion of Zn into GaAs and AlGaAs from isothermal Liquid-phase epitaxy solutions

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    In this work we present results of zinc diffusion in GaAs using the liquid phase epitaxy technique from liquid solutions of Ga‐As‐Zn and Ga‐As‐Al‐Zn. Using silicon‐doped n‐GaAs substrates, working at a diffusion temperature of 850 °C, and introducing a dopant concentration ranging 1018–1019 cm−3, the most important findings regarding the diffusion properties are as follows: (a) zinc concentration in the solid depends on the square root of zinc atomic fraction in the liquid; (b) the diffusion is dominated by the interstitial‐substitutional process; (c) the diffusivity D varies as about C3 in the form D=2.9×10−67C3.05; (d) aluminum plays the role of the catalyst of the diffusion process, if it is introduced in the liquid solution, since it is found that D varies as (γAsXlAs)−1; (e) the zinc interstitial is mainly doubly ionized (Zn++i); (f) the zinc diffusion coefficient in Al0.85 Ga0.15 As is about four times greater than in GaAs; (g) by means of all these results, it is possible to control zinc diffusion processes in order to obtain optimized depth junctions and doping levels in semiconductor device fabrication

    Securing a just space for small-scale fisheries in the blue economy

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    The vast developmental opportunities offered by the world\u27s coasts and oceans have attracted the attention of governments, private enterprises, philanthropic organizations, and international conservation organizations. High-profile dialogue and policy decisions on the future of the ocean are informed largely by economic and ecological research. Key insights from the social sciences raise concerns for food and nutrition security, livelihoods and social justice, but these have yet to gain traction with investors and the policy discourse on transforming ocean governance. The largest group of ocean-users - women and men who service, fish and trade from small-scale fisheries (SSF) - argue that they have been marginalized from the dialogue between international environmental and economic actors that is determining strategies for the future of the ocean. Blue Economy or Blue Growth initiatives see the ocean as the new economic frontier and imply an alignment with social objectives and SSF concerns. Deeper analysis reveals fundamental differences in ideologies, priorities and approaches. We argue that SSF are being subtly and overtly squeezed for geographic, political and economic space by larger scale economic and environmental conservation interests, jeopardizing the substantial benefits SSF provide through the livelihoods of millions of women and men, for the food security of around four billion consumers globally, and in the developing world, as a key source of micro-nutrients and protein for over a billion low-income consumers. Here, we bring insights from social science and SSF to explore how ocean governance might better account for social dimensions of fisheries

    Collaborative creativity: The Music Room

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    In this paper, we reflect on our experience of designing, developing and evaluating interactive spaces for collaborative creativity. In particular, we are interested in designing spaces which allow everybody to compose and play original music. The Music Room is an interactive installation where couples can compose original music by moving in the space. Following the metaphor of love, the music is automatically generated and modulated in terms of pleasantness and intensity, according to the proxemics cues extracted from the visual tracking algorithm. The Music Room was exhibited during the EU Researchers' Night in Trento, Italy
