388 research outputs found

    Floristic Diversity of the Natural Forests of Dimbokro Region, Centre-Eastern Côte d’Ivoire

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    This study, carried out in three types of forest types (reserve, riparian and of plateaus) in a savannah and forest mosaic region of Côte d’Ivoire, aims to arise up the floristical characteristics of these natural forests. Trees and lianas with DBH≥10 cm were sampled into 30 plots of 50mx20m per forest type and named botanically. The floristic diversity and taxa distribution were analyzed using various coefficients and a Factorial Correspondence Analysis respectively. We found 89 species belonging to 77 genera and 36 families. The most abundant taxa were Verbenaceae family (43%), LeguminosaeCaesalpinioideae subfamily (19%), Leguminosae-Mimosoideae subfamily (6%), Malvaceae family (6%), Sapotaceae family (6%), Moraceae family (4%) and Leguminosae-Papilionoideae subfamily (3%). Both riparian forests and forests of plateaus showed higher species richness and diversity and were similar for these parameters. Average species richness varied from 5 in forest reserve to 9 in both riparian forests and forests of plateaus respectively. Shannon-Weaner’s diversity index was set between 0.832 in the forest reserves and 1.723 in the riparian forests while the equitability index of Pielou varied from 0.516 in the forest reserves to 0.789 in the riparian forests. The forest reserves and of plateaus showed similar spatial distribution of the woody plants with DBH ≥ 10 cm

    O médico veterinário municipal e a sobrepopulação de animais errantes e sinantrópicos : projeto para o controlo de pombos na cidade da Figueira da Foz

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaO médico veterinário municipal é a autoridade sanitária veterinária concelhia, fundamental nas diversas atividades das ciências veterinárias, desempenhando funções importantes na saúde e bem-estar animal, na saúde pública e na higiene e segurança alimentar. Os animais errantes e os sinantrópicos são responsáveis por problemas de saúde pública os quais têm impactos socioeconómicos consideráveis para a maioria das cidades. A atividade humana e a abundância de resíduos nas cidades favorece a proliferação de espécies resistentes e oportunistas. Em excesso, animais sinantrópicos, tornam-se pragas urbanas com impacto na qualidade de vida e salubridade das populações. O presente trabalho apresenta um projeto idealizado para dar resposta à problemática da sobrepopulação columbófila na cidade da Figueira da Foz, com o objetivo de reduzir o seu efetivo em determinados locais. O projeto engloba diferentes passos, durante os quais é feita a seleção dos indivíduos saudáveis e rastreadas doenças que possam apresentar perigo zoonótico, permanecendo num pombal municipal uma população residente controlada. É urgente difundir o conceito de guarda responsável através da sensibilização da população humana, bem como implementar medidas eficazes na resolução de problemas relacionados com o aumento do número de animais, tarefa que não se apresenta fácil mas que se impõe pela sua importância. É da competência da CM e da responsabilidade do médico veterinário municipal adequar estas medidas para que seja garantida a saúde pública.ABSTRACT - The Municipal Veterinarian and the overpopulation of stray and synanthropic animals - Project for the control of pigeons in the city of Figueira da Foz - The local veterinarian is the veterinary health authority of the district council, key-figure in the various activities of veterinary science, playing important roles in animal health and welfare, public health and food hygiene and safety. Stray and synanthropic animals are associated to health problems that have significant economic and social impact in cities. Human activity and the abundance of waste in cities favours the proliferation of resistant and opportunistic species. In excess, the synanthropic animals become urban pests with an impact on the quality of life and health of populations. This paper presents a project designed to address the problem of pigeon’s overpopulation in the city of Figueira da Foz, with the aim of reducing their numbers in specific locations. The project encompasses different steps during which the selection of healthy individuals is done, and zoonotic diseases that may present a potential risk, the resident population is assessed and remains in a controlled municipal dovecote. It is urgent to spread the concept of responsible ownership by raising awareness of human population as well as implement effective measures in for solving problems related to the increased number of animals, a task that does not look easy but it imposes on its importance. It is responsibility of city the council, and the responsibility of the municipal veterinarian to adapt these measures to ensure that public health is guaranteed

    Atividades de gestão na empresa Cingel Atlântico - Informação e Gestão, Lda

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 23 abril de 2019, Universidade dos Açores.O estágio que conduziu à elaboração do presente relatório realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais da Universidade dos Açores, decorreu entre 1 de outubro de 2017 a 31 de agosto 2018, na empresa Cingel Atlântico - Informação e Gestão, LDA, localizada no concelho da Praia da Vitória, na ilha Terceira e que tem como atividade serviços de contabilidade, informação, gestão e elaboração de estudos económicos para investimentos. O estágio teve como principal objetivo a aplicação e aprofundamento de conhecimentos adquiridos, tanto ao longo da licenciatura em Gestão como também do mestrado com especialização na área de Finanças e ainda o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais visando assim a preparação para o mundo do trabalho. Primeiramente, o relatório descreve o grupo Cingel bem como todas as suas áreas funcionais que desenvolve no mercado. De seguida, consta o capítulo dedicado às atividades desenvolvidas ao longo do estágio, nomeadamente na área da Contabilidade e Fiscalidade. Por fim, é apresentada uma análise crítica e conclusões do relatório, onde irei expor todos os conhecimentos e as mais valias que contribuíram para a minha vida profissional e pessoal.ABSTRACT: The internship that conducted to this report, carried out under the Master's degree in Economic and Business Sciences of the University of the Azores, was held from October 1, 2017 to August 31, 2018, at the company Cingel Atlântico - Information and Management, LDA, located in the municipality of Praia da Vitória in the island of Terceira and whose activities are accounting, information, management and economic studies for investments. The main objective of the internship was to apply and deepen the knowledge acquired during the bachelor’s degree in Management and also the master’s degree with specialization in the area of Finance, while developing professional skills aiming at preparing for the world of work. Firstly, the report describes the Cingel Group as well as all its functional areas that it develops in the market. Following is a chapter dedicated to the activities developed during the internship, namely in the area of Accounting and Taxation. Finally, a critical analysis and conclusions of the report is presented, where I will present all the knowledge and the added value that have contributed to my professional and personal life

    Vascular endothelial growth factor promoted endothelial progenitor cell mobilization into the peripheral blood of a patient with POEMS syndrome

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    We assessed the percentage of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) in the peripheral blood of a patient with POEMS with elevated VEGF plasma levels. High VEGF plasma levels were associated with increased EPC concentration and treatment with an anti-VEGF antibody induced a consensual decrease of both parameters. In vitro cultures of the patient BM cells suggested that the stromal compartment could be responsible for VEGF overproduction

    Experimental and numerical evaluations on palm microwave heating for Red Palm Weevil pest control

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    The invasive Red Palm Weevil is the major pest of palms. Several control methods have been applied, however concern is raised regarding the treatments that can cause significant environmental pollution. In this context the use of microwaves is particularly attractive. Microwave heating applications are increasingly proposed in the management of a wide range of agricultural and wood pests, exploiting the thermal death induced in the insects that have a thermal tolerance lower than that of the host matrices. This paper describes research aiming to combat the Red Palm pest using microwave heating systems. An electromagnetic-thermal model was developed to better control the temperature profile inside the palm tissues. In this process both electromagnetic and thermal parameters are involved, the latter being particularly critical depending on plant physiology. Their evaluation was carried out by fitting experimental data and the thermal model with few free parameters. The results obtained by the simplified model well match with both that of a commercial software 3D model and measurements on treated Phoenix canariensis palms with a ring microwave applicator. This work confirms that microwave heating is a promising, eco-compatible solution to fight the spread of weevil

    Modelling transpiration of greenhouse gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii H. Bolus) grown in substrate with saline water in a Mediterranean climate

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    Gerbera plants were grown in semi-closed rockwool culture under greenhouse conditions in different seasons in a Mediterranean climate. The plants were irrigated using either fresh (FW; 1.0 mol m−3NaCl)or moderately saline (SW; 9.0 mol m−3NaCl) water. In autumn, NaCl concentration did not influence significantly plant growth, flower production and transpiration (E), which instead were reduced in springin the plants irrigated with SW. In both seasons, water salinity did not affect leaf stomatal resistance (rl),which was determined by the inversion of the Penman–Monteith (PM) equation or measured with a diffusion porometer. The PM formula and two regression equations were calibrated and validated for estimating the hourly rate of daytime transpiration (Ed); a regression model was also fit to nocturnal transpiration (En). Regression models predicted Edas a function of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and/or the radiation intercepted by the canopy. Leaf area index (LAI), which is required by all the equations, was modelled as function of crop thermal time (i.e. growing degree days). The PM model predicted Ed using a constant value of rl. Model calibration and validation were performed using independent data sets. The irrigation with FW or SW did not require a different calibration of transpiration models. Both PM formula and regression equations provided accurate estimates of Ed; fitted equations explained between 80% and96% of the variance in measured Ed. A linear regression of En against (LAI·VPD) accounted for 92% of measured En

    Investigating the role of capacitive coupling between the operating table and the return electrode of an electrosurgery unit in the modification of the current density distribution within the patients’ body

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    Background: Electrosurgery units are widely employed in modern surgery. Advances in technology have enhanced the safety of these devices, nevertheless, accidental burns are still regularly reported. This study focuses on possible causes of sacral burns as complication of the use of electrosurgery. Burns are caused by local densifications of the current, but the actual pathway of current within patient's body is unknown. Numerical electromagnetic analysis can help in understanding the issue. Methods: To this aim, an accurate heterogeneous model of human body (including seventy-seven different tissues), electrosurgery electrodes, operating table and mattress was build to resemble a typical surgery condition. The patient lays supine on the mattress with the active electrode placed onto the thorax and the return electrode on his back. Common operating frequencies of electrosurgery units were considered. Finite Difference Time Domain electromagnetic analysis was carried out to compute the spatial distribution of current density within the patient's body. A differential analysis by changing the electrical properties of the operating table from a conductor to an insulator was also performed. Results: Results revealed that distributed capacitive coupling between patient body and the conductive operating table offers an alternative path to the electrosurgery current. The patient's anatomy, the positioning and the different electromagnetic properties of tissues promote a densification of the current at the head and sacral region. In particular, high values of current density were located behind the sacral bone and beneath the skin. This did not occur in the case of non-conductive operating table. Conclusion: Results of the simulation highlight the role played from capacitive couplings between the return electrode and the conductive operating table. The concentration of current density may result in an undesired rise in temperature, originating burns in body region far from the electrodes. This outcome is concordant with the type of surgery-related sacral burns reported in literature. Such burns cannot be immediately detected after surgery, but appear later and can be confused with bedsores. In addition, the dosimetric analysis suggests that reducing the capacity coupling between the return electrode and the operating table can decrease or avoid this problem

    Emergency groin hernia repair: implications in elderly

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    BACKGROUND: Groin hernia is one of the most frequently encountered pathologies occurring in old age and it is often the cause of emergency procedures. In our study we evaluate the impact of emergency procedures in over 75 patients compared to younger patients. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study about patients who underwent emergency hernioplasty between September 2007 and January 2013. Bilateral hernias and recurrences were excluded. We divided patients into two groups by age (under and over 75 years old) and then analyzed the early postoperative surgical complications. RESULTS: A total of 48 patients were enrolled, 18 were included in under 75 group and 30 in over 75. In the older group we found a higher rate of comorbidity and also a significant higher rate of postoperative complications. Two patients of over 75 group died. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggests that a quick diagnosis and elective surgical procedures are desirable in order to avoid the complications that occur in emergency operations

    Modelling plant yield and quality response of fresh-market spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) to mineral nitrogen availability in the root zone

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    Spinach is one of the most important green-leafy vegetables, consumed worldwide, and its intake is beneficial for human beings. In this crop, produce yield and quality are closely related to plant nitrogen (N) nutrition. A precise supply of N is also essential for high environmental and economic sustainability. Main aims of the work were: i) to establish relationships between produce yield or quality and mineral N availability in the root zone; and ii) to define an optimal mineral N level to be maintained in the root zone for spinach. Eight experiments were carried out during a four-year-long period under typical Mediterranean climate conditions. Different amounts of N fertilisers were supplied leading to twenty different levels of mineral N in the root zone. Experimental measurements included climate parameters, plant growth, tissue and soil analyses, produce yield and quality indicators. A segmented linear model significantly represented the relationship between crop yield (1.7 to 21.7 t ha–1) and soil mineral N concentration (7.6 to 41.0 mg kg–1). Basing on this model, an optimal mineral N threshold was fixed at 23.4 mg kg–1. Above this threshold, crop yield did not show any significant variations as well as tissue characteristics and produce quality. Plants grown under suboptimal N levels showed reduction in growth, tissue mineral (nutrients) content, and SPAD index. The proposed models could be implemented in fertilisation protocols for the optimization of N supply and the estimation of spinach growth and yield
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