69 research outputs found


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        Siti Maria Ulfa Pendidikan Bahasa Daerah, FBS, UNESA ([email protected])     Abstrak Novel Amrike Kembang Kopi (AKK) reriptane Sunaryata Soemardjo nyritakake panguripane wanita sing kebak konflik, konflik karo kaluwarga, lan karo priya. Paraga wanita mau nduweni semangat teguh kanggo ngundhakake konflik sing dialami bisa saya becik saengga narik kawigaten kanggo ditliti. Bab kasebut nuduhake yen paraga wanita mau bisa ngrembakake lan ngowahi kahanan sing dialami sajrone uripe. Gegayutan karo andharan mau, underane panliten sajroning panliten iki yaiku: (1) Kepriye unsur struktur sajrone novel AKK, (2) Kepriye wujud konflik sajrone novel AKK, (3) Kepriye carane paraga anggone mrantasi konflike, lan (4) Kepriye gegambaran dinamika konflik sajrone novel AKK. Mula saka iku, tujuwan panliten ing antarane, ngandharake unsure struktur sajrone novel AKK, ngandharake wujud konflik sajrone novel AKK, ngandharake carane paraga anggone mrantasi konflik sajrone novel AKK, lan ngandharake kepriye gambaran dinamika konflik kang ana sajrone novel AKK. Panliten iki kalebu jinis panliten dheskriptif kualitatif. Jinis panliten iki kanggo ngandharake makna objek kang dadi bahasan panliten. Sumber data arupa Novel Amrike Kembang Kopi anggitane Sunaryata Soemardjo taun 2012. Data kang digunakake sajrone panliten iki arupa tetembungan lan ukara kang ngemot data ngenani unsur struktur sajrone novel AKK, wujud konflik sajrone novel AKK, carane paraga mrantasi konflike, lan dinamika konflik sajrone novel AKK. Instrument panliten yaiku panliti dhewe minangka subjek lan karya sastra minangka objek. Teknik pangumpule data kang digunakake ing panliten iki yaiku telaah pustaka. Teknik analisis data kang digunakake yaiku teknik analisis dheskriptif. Banjur cara panulisane panliten kanthi sistematika panulisane skripsi. Asil saka panliten iki yaiku ing antarane, adhedhasar analisis struktur bisa dimangerteni, kapisan tema sentral sajrone novel AKK, yaiku tema sosial. Dene, tema minore, yaiku mentingake awake dhewe, rasa getun keduwung, rasa gething, lan kasengsarane urip. Kapindho, saka paraga lan pamaragan bisa dimangerteni sing kalebu paraga utama yaiku Tita, dene paraga tambahane yaiku Santi, Soni, Kun, lan ibu sambung. Katelu, alur sajrone novel AKK, yaiku alur walik. Kapapat, latar sajrone novel AKK mung ana loro yaiku latar panggonan lan wektu. Adhedhasar analisis psikologi bisa dimangerteni, kapisan, wujud konflik sing dialami paraga utama sajrone novel AKK, yaiku konflik karana bapake krama maneh, konflik karana anane ibu kuwalon, konflik karana arep diprawasa pacare, konflik karana mangerteni Kun pranyata adhine Soni. Kapindho, carane paraga utama anggone mrantasi konflik sing dialami, yaiku kanthi cara rasionalisasi, regresi, lan represi. Kang pungkasan yaiku ngenani dinamika konflik sing dialami paraga utama, yaiku paraga utama ngowahi konflik sing dialami bisa saya becik.   Tembung-tembung kunci:dinamika, konflik, novel, psikologi sastra. &nbsp


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    Abstract. Portfolio is method which is alternatively can be used to assess students’ ability in English. This study, therefore, aimed to investigate the usefulness of using portfolios as assessment tools in Basic Speaking lesson in higher education. The data were two lecturers who are teaching Basic Speaking in English Education Department. The data were then analyzed qualitatively since this study observe the natural phenomena happen in English language teaching and interview was also used to obtain more information both from students and lecturers. The results revealed several things, such as portfolios provide students to see their own strengths and weaknesses when they produced the tasks, also provide students to look at closer their own learning within a unique way and hereafter as their critical self-analysis, and last but not least, it provides many information both from the students as their language learning process and lecturers enable to impersonate the process of teaching


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    Abstrak:Tujuan dari peelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan aktivitas guru,  mendeskripsikan aktivitas siswa, mendeskripsikan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS tentang keragaman kenampakan alam dengan menggunakan model kooperatif tipe NHT di Kelas V di SDN Gadingmangu I Perak Jombang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 3 siklus.Setiap siklus dilaksanakan melalui 4 tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi.Subjek penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SDN Gadingmangu I Perak Jombang. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi, tes,respon siswa. Data hasil observasi aktivitas guru dan siswa dianalisis dalam bentuk persentase.Data tes hasil belajar dan respon siswadianalisis berdasarkan persentase ketuntasan belajar secara individu dan klasikal kemudian dijabarkan secara deskriptif.Berdasarkan analisis data penelitian siklus I sampai siklus III diperoleh adanya peningkatan persentase aktivitas guru, siswa dan hasil belajar. Aktivitas guru mengalami peningkatan 34,12% yaitu pada siklus I sebesar 58,88%,pada siklus II sebesar 77,96%,dan pada siklus III sebesar 93%. Sedangkan aktivitas siswa mengalami peningkatan 21,63% yaitu pada siklus I sebesar 64,73%,pada siklus II sebesar 78,57%, dan pada siklus III sebesar 86% . Hasil belajar yang diperoleh siswa kelas V SDN Gadingmangu I Perak Jombang mengalami peningkatan.ketuntasan belajar siswa secara klasikal mengalam peningkatan sebesar 43,33%. Pada siklus I persentase ketuntasan sebesar 43,33%, siklus II sebesar 66,66% dan siklus III sebesar 86,66%. Pada siklus III aktivitas guru dan siswa dinyatakan sangat baik.Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together (NHT) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS materi keampakan alam dan buatan kelas V SDN Gadingmangu I Perak Jombang. Kata Kunci: Model pembelajaran kooperatif NHT, hasil belajar, IPS.     Abstract: The purpose of this research is to describe teacher activity, student activity, improving student learning result in social studies learning about the diversity of natural features using the cooperative model of NHT in Class V in state elementary school Gadingmangu I Perak Jombang. This type of researchisaction researchthat consistsof3cycles. Eachcycleis carried out throughfourstages: planning, implementation, observation, andreflection. The subjects wereall students ofclassVstate elementary schoolGadingmanguIPerakJombang. Datawere obtainedthroughobservation, tests, student responses. Data resulting fromthe activity ofthe teacher and studentobservationsanalyzedin terms of percentage. Achievement testdataandstudent responseswere analyzedbased onthe percentageof mastery learningindividuallyandthenclassicallydescribeddescriptively.Based onthe analysis ofresearch datafirst cycleto third cycleobtainedan increase inthe percentage ofall teachers, studentsandlearning result.Teacher activityincreased34.12%, atthe first cycle of58.88%, thesecond cycle of77.96%, and the third cycleof 93%. While thestudent activityincreased21.63%, onthe first cycle of64.73%, thesecond cycle of78.57%, and the third cycleis 86%. Learning resultacquiredby  fifth class state elementary schoolGadingmanguIPerak Jombanglearningexperienceof studentsin the classicalan increase of43.33%. In thefirst cycle,the percentage of completenessof43.33%, 66.66% forthe second cycleandthird cycleof86.66%.Inthe thirdcycle ofactivitiesteachersandstudentsexpressedverywell. It can be concludedthatby using alearning modelNumbered Heads Together(NHT) toimprove student learning resultinsocial studies learningmaterialsnatural featuresandartificial fifth class Sstate elementary school GadingmanguI PerakJombang. Keywords:cooperative learningmodelNHT, learning result, social studies

    The effectiveness of videoscribe as innovative media to increase students reading comprehension

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    The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of using videoscribe media learning on students' reading comprehension. We can create the content of reading use videoscribe with combine text and image in one video, so teaching learning proses doesnt monotonous and student can enjoyed to read. So it can help improved students reading comprehension. The design of this study was Pre-Experimental design. Thus, one classrooms containing the total of 15 students of eight grade at SMP AN NUR FUADI Bangkalan were selected as the sample. In collecting the data, pre-test and post-test were utilized to assess students’ comprehension abilities before and after the treatment. In analyzing the data, the t-tests (paired sample, and independent sample) were run in SPSS. The result is score post-test students is higher than pre-test score of studets. So the researcher conclude videoscribe media can applied in teaching reading to help teacher improved students reading comprehension

    Inductive Approach Used in Teaching Speaking Skill: A Content Analysis

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    This study aims to determine the feasibility of implementing an inductive approach in teaching speaking skills. The qualitative descriptive was used in this study by using content analysis technique. The technique of obtaining data used documentation. The data were analyzed by coding, display, and verification. The data analysis was carried out in depth by using some theories related to the inductive approach in teaching speaking skills. The results of the study indicate the interrelated of the implementation and responses of the students in using this approach. The results show that the inductive approach is very helpful for students in learning to speak English because it is based on the examples given and they have learnt to find patterns in English speaking. By seeing the examples, they also learn how to imitate the way how people say in English and they are actively involved in the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, it is suggested that inductive approach can be used in speaking class.  

    The Language Relativity on Students' Essay Writing by Utilizing Mind Mapping Technique in EFL Learning

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    This article discusses essay writing techniques, preposition and transitional words, and terms that cannot be lexically or syntactically comprehended but can be culturally understood. The purpose of this study is to discover language relativity in students' essay paragraphs utilizing a mind mapping technique in EFL learning. The researcher employed a descriptive strategy, observing and documenting the writing process in class. The participants were distinguished by their diverse living, educational, and professional backgrounds.  These writings were descriptively assessed using appropriate literature, and observations were also undertaken to arrive at a reasonable interpretation. As a result, mind mapping with language relativity integrates meaningful students' knowledge such as history, linguistics such as preposition and transition word usage, and Indonesian cultural types and values such as Sarabi, Gempol Ice, and Rujak Cingur are Indonesian  iconic culinary to organize and structure into essay writing fluently in EFL learning

    Argumentative Essay Patterns Produced by University Students

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    This study aims to discover patterns in students' argumentative essays in writing class. As is well known, argumentative writing in higher education has been difficult over the years, with students performing poorly compared to other papers required by the curriculum. A qualitative survey was conducted to obtain in-depth answers about students' argumentative essays, and the participants were 28 students. Still, only 12 essays were considered due to the quality of the writing itself. As a result, the students' argumentative writing results in three different looks. The first is that it was discovered that there was good surface structure but poor quality of reasoning; failure to rebut all of the counterarguments; good surface structure but the poor quality of reasoning, particularly with non-aligned rebuttals; good surface structure but poor rebutting undermining the overall quality of reasoning; and essays that conformed well to surface design because they contained two or three reasons. To summarize, students' knowledge of text content is determined by their ability to construct their thoughts based on false facts and, as a result, claim figures and invent experts in making their arguments. Therefore, students need instruction on what they are expected to accomplish in their writing


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) berbasis Kurikulum 2013, (2) ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa, (3) respon siswa setelah diajar dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) berbasis Kurikulum 2013 pada mata pelajaran dasar-dasar elektronika. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Untuk rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan desain One Shot Study Design. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) keterlaksanaan model kooperatif tipe STAD berbasis pada Kurikulum 2013 dalam penelitian ini keseluruhan terlaksana dengan baik. Siswa dapat mencapai tujuan-tujuan pembelajaran penting dalam model pembelajaran kooperatif, adanya pendekatan ilmiah yang terlaksana dengan baik menjadikan siswa lebih mudah memahami dan menerapkan konsep yang diperoleh; (2) persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar kompetensi pengetahuan dan keterampilan proses kd 1 sebesar 83.33%, persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar kompetensi keterampilan proses kd 2 sebesar 94.44%, dan persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar kompetensi keterampilan psikomotor kd 1 dan kd 2 sebesar 100%. Diketahui bahwa hasil belajar kompetensi pengetahuan thitung 2.26 > ttabel 2.10, ketuntasan hasil belajar kompetensi keterampilan proses KD 1 thitung 3.15 >ttabel 2.10, dan ketuntasan hasil belajar kompetensi keterampilan proses KD 2 thitung 4.38 >ttabel 2.10, lebih lanjut ketuntasan hasil belajar kompetensi keterampilan psikomotor KD 1 dan KD 2 nilai signifikansi 0.000 < 0.05 sehingga terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai rata-rata ketuntasan hasil belajar di setiap kompetensi, maka hipotesis H0 ditolak atau H1 diterima. Disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD berbasis Kurikulum 2013 menghasilkan rata-rata ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa lebih besar dari KKM sekolah (75) pada seluruh kompetensi; (3) sikap siswa terhadap seluruh kegiatan menunjukkan respon positif, hal tersebut terbukti dari data yang diperoleh dari hasil angket. Kata kunci: Kooperatif Tipe STAD, Kurikulum 2013.   Abstract The purpose of this research were to describe:(1) feasibility of cooperative learning model type STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) based in Curriculum 2013 on basics of electronics subjects, (2) the students learning completeness, (3) the response of students.The type of research was Pre-Experimental Design. Design of the test used “One Shot Study Design”. The results of this research were (1) feasibility of cooperative learning model type STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) based in Curriculum 2013 can be done well. Students can achieve the important learning goals in cooperative learning model, the existence of a scientific approach which also can be done well to make the students easier to understand and apply the concepts learned; (2) The percentage of students learning completeness of knowledge competenciesand 1st KD process skill competencieswere 83.33%, the percentage of students learning completeness of 2nd KD process skill competencies was 94.44%, and the percentage of students learning completeness of phychomotor skill competencies was 100%. Known that tvalue of students learning completeness of knowledge competencies was 2.26 > ttable was 2.10, tvalue of students learning completeness of 1st KD process skill competencies was 3.15 > ttable was 2.10, tvalue of students learning completeness of 2nd KD process skill competencies was 4.38 > ttable was 2.10, and signification value of students learning completeness of phychomotor skill competencies was 0.000 was < 0.05, so there were different between students learning completeness after the application of cooperative learning model type STAD based in Curriculum 2013. Based on the hypothesis that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted, so students learning completeness after the treatment of the application of cooperative learning model type STAD based in Curriculum 2013 on the basics of electronics subjects was greater than KKM (75); (3) response of students was a positive response and pleasure. Keywords: Cooperative Learning Type STAD, Curriculum 2013

    Hubungan Beban Kerja Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Stres Kerja Pada Polisi Satlantas Polres Bantul

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    In Indonesia cases of stress due to workload in the work environment of the police have occurred in several areas and have had quite serious impacts.  The Research was conducted at the traffic police Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2019. This Research is a quantitative non experimental research with correlational descriptive. Data analysis techniques using multiple linier regression analysis. Respondents as many as 50 police Bantul Police Traffic Unit, the sample uses a saturated sample.The Study aims to determine the relationship of workload and work environment to work stress of Bantul Police Traffic Unit. The results of the study stated that the traffic police unit that has a light workload of 3 people (6%) moderate 39 people (78%) and weighs 8 people(16%) while the traffic unit police who have a light work environment are 6 people (12%) moderate work environment as many as 31 people (62%) and high work environment as many as 13 people (26%). While the traffic police who have low work stress are 6 people (12%) moderate are 34 people (68%) and heavy are 10 people (20%). Data Analysis using multiple linier regression with a coefficient of deternination. 1,907 and F calculated 49,41 and F table 3,23. The results of the study concluded that there was a relationship between workload and worke nvironment on the work stress of the traffic police at Bantul Region Police Station in Yogyakarta Keywords : Load, environment, Stress, Traffic Police uni


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    AbstractThe breakthrough in Information Communication Technology (ICT) has brought new opportunities to restructure language learning. At present, ICT has opened new avenues and brought new challenges for language learners and also teachers. The responsibility of the learning task has shifted towards students and this has dramatically changed the role of the teacher. However, it should be noted that modern language teachers determine the quality of the learning process, not ICT itself. This paper tries to highlight the potential of ICT as a powerful tool for teaching foreign languages and the effect of this technology on second language learning. The community service program emphasizes the use of the Lets Read link as a forum to find teaching materials for Excellent Course teachers. Along with the development of technology as it is today, teachers must also be more flexible in finding teaching materials for their students, especially in learning English. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to know useful links that can be used in learning in their class.Keywords: Language Learning, ICT, Let’s Read Application  AbstrakTerobosan Teknologi Komunikasi Informasi (TIK) telah membawa peluang baru untuk merestrukturisasi pengaturan pembelajaran / pengajaran bahasa. Saat ini, TIK telah membuka jalan baru dan membawa tantangan baru bagi pembelajar bahasa dan juga guru. Tanggung jawab tugas belajar telah bergeser ke arah peserta didik dan ini telah secara dramatis mengubah peran guru. Namun, perlu dicatat bahwa guru bahasa modern menentukan kualitas proses pembelajaran, dan bukan TIK. Makalah ini mencoba untuk menyoroti potensi TIK sebagai alat yang kuat untuk pengajaran bahasa asing dan efek dari teknologi ini pada pembelajaran bahasa kedua. Program pengabdian masyarakat menekankan pada pemanfaatan link Lets Read sebagai wadah pencarian bahan ajar bagi guru-guru LKP Excellent Course. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi seperti sekarang ini, guru juga harus lebih luwes dalam mencari bahan ajar untuk siswanya kususnya dalam pembelajaran Bahas Inggris. Maka dari itu, perlu bagi guru-guru mengetahui link yang bermanfaat yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran dikelas mereka.Kata kunci: Pembelajaran Bahasa, Telnologi Komunikasi dan Informasi,l Aplikasi Let’s Rea
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