169 research outputs found

    MAURICE MARTEL et PAUL MARTEL, La compagnie au Québec. Les aspects juridiques, Montréal, Wilson & Lafleur Ltée/Martel Ltée, 1989, 1019 p., ISBN 2-920831-06-2. Deuxième édition, 1990, 1021 p., ISBN 2-920831-20-8.

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    The seasonal variation of the protozooplanktonic community (ciliates and testate amoebae) was studied in a tropical oligotrophic reservoir in Brazil, which was under the influence of two contrasting climatic seasons (rainy/warm and dry/cold). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of these climatic changes on physical, chemical and biological variables in the dynamic of this community. The highest mean density of total protozoans occurred in the rainy/warm season (5683.2 ind L-1), while the lowest was in the dry/cold (2016.0 ind L-1). Considering the seasonal variations, the protozoan groups that are truly planktonic, such as the oligotrichs (Spirotrichea), predominated in the dry season, whereas during the rainy season, due to the material input and resuspension of sediment, sessile protozoans of the Peritrichia group were the most important ones. The dominant protozoans were Urotricha globosa, Cothurnia annulata, Pseudodifflugia sp. and Halteria grandinella. The highest densities of H. grandinella were associated with more oxygenated and transparent water conditions, while the highest densities of C. annulata occurred in sites with high turbidity, pH and trophic state index (TSI). The study demonstrated that density and composition of protozooplanktonic species and groups of the reservoir suffered seasonal variation due to the environmental variables (mainly temperature, turbidity, water transparency, dissolved oxygen and TSI) and the biological variables (e.g. morphological characteristics, eating habits and escape strategies from predation of the species).Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Portuguese FAQ for Financial Services

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    Scarcity of domain-specific data in the Portuguese financial domain has disfavored the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. To address this limitation, the present study advocates for the utilization of synthetic data generated through data augmentation techniques. The investigation focuses on the augmentation of a dataset sourced from the Central Bank of Brazil FAQ, employing techniques that vary in semantic similarity. Supervised and unsupervised tasks are conducted to evaluate the impact of augmented data on both low and high semantic similarity scenarios. Additionally, the resultant dataset will be publicly disseminated on the Hugging Face Datasets platform, thereby enhancing accessibility and fostering broader engagement within the NLP research community

    Comparative study between wet and dry etching of silicon for microchannels fabrication

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOIn this work we present a comparative study of two processes for the fabrication of an array of microchannels for microfluidics applications, based on integrated-circuit technology process steps, such as lithography and dry etching. Two different methods were investigated in order to study the resulting microstructures: wet and dry deep etching of silicon substrate. The typical etching depth necessary to the target application is 50 mu m.1093015FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO2016/09509-112. Conference on Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics3 a 5 de Fevereiro de 2019San Francisco, CA, Estados UnidosSPIE; Nanoscribe Gmb

    Morphometric Growth Characteristics and Body Composition of Fish and Amphibians

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    Describing animal growth through the nonlinear models allows a detailed evaluation of their behavior, besides revealing important information of the response to a particular treatment. In this chapter, the parameters of mathematical models (Gompertz, Von Bertalanffy, Logistic and Brody) for live weight, feed and protein intakes, total and standard lengths and nutrient deposition are described systematically and comprehensively. Also the relative growth and allometric coefficients of body components in relation to body weight of fish and amphibians are described, explaining better the use of the allometric equation and classifying the growth of the body components

    Aspects Related to Venous Ulcer Healing and its Influence on Quality of Life

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    Nowadays, the varicose ulcers (VUs) are one of the most worrying leg ulcers and are an important global health problem, with high costs related to the treatment and its complications. Moreover, the quality of life (QOL) of the patient could be affected by pain, sleep disorders, functional impairment, depression, and isolation. The VU patient care is complex, and it is necessary to know the aspects that contribute to the healing process for developing effective strategies. The members of the multidisciplinary health team should identify sociodemographic, clinical, and care aspects that interfere in tissue repair and therefore impacting the QOL. Self-efficacy, adherence to treatment, and self-esteem are other important aspects also related to healing and QOL, with implications for health care and the multidisciplinary team. To sum up, the use of multidisciplinary protocols allows the systematization of care for people with VUs in order to standardize therapeutic interventions with the aim to decrease the healing process time and, as a consequence, to improve the QOL

    New segregates from the Neotropical genus Stryphnodendron (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade)

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    Non-monophyly is a prominent issue in mimosoid legumes, even in some of the less speciose genera such as the neotropical genus Stryphnodendron. This genus includes 35 species occurring from Nicaragua to Southern Brazil mostly in humid forests and savannas. Previous taxonomic studies of Stryphnodendron have highlighted morphologically distinct groups within the genus, recognized by differences on leaves (number of pinnae and size of leaflets), inflorescences (a simple or compound thyrse), and fruit types (legume, nucoid legume or follicle). Recent phylogenetic analyses have confirmed the non-monophyly of Stryphnodendron, supporting the recognition of three independent and morphologically well-delimited genera. Here we re-circumscribe Stryphnodendron and propose the two new genera Gwilymia and Naiadendron. In addition, we also provide an updated taxonomic account of the closely related genus Microlobius, including the proposal of a lectotype for the single species in the genus

    Importance of Optimum Water Quality Indices in Successful Frog Culture Practices

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    The optimum quality of water indices is extremely important for successful frog culture. Frogs excrete their excreta and skin debris in water. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly renew the water and clean the tanks and bays of rearing systems. Such care is necessary for the prevention and prophylaxis of diseases, which may cause severe mortalities. Bullfrogs need water of good physical and chemical quality, and thus, water quality indices must be measured before starting a breeding and rearing program. Additionally, the producers should have a good knowledge about the water quality before establishing a rearing system. Aquatic ecosystems are dynamic and even in small rearing water tanks, physical and chemical parameters are interrelated. For example, any change in dissolved oxygen level depends on the water temperature and atmospheric pressure. The dissolved oxygen level is almost 9.08 mg L−1 near sea side at a temperature of 20°C, whereas its concentration rises up to 10.07 mg L−1, if the temperature drops to 15°C, indicating that dissolved oxygen and water temperature are closely interrelated. Thus, physical and chemical parameters of water should be considered and analyzed together because all of these factors have a direct impact on the culture systems

    Evaluation of Microbicidal Activity of Oxygen-Containing Plasmas using Biological Monitors with Different Lumen Calibers

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    New technologies and sterilization agents for heat-sensitive materials are under intense investigation. Plasma sterilization, an atoxic low-temperature substitute for conventional sterilization, uses various gases that are activated by an electrical discharge, generating reactive species that promote lethality in microorganisms. Here, assays were performed using pure O2 and O2 + H2O2 mixture gas plasmas against a standard load of Bacillus atrophaeus spores inoculated on glass carriers inside PVC catheters. The sterilization efficiency was studied as a function of plasma system (reactive ion etching or inductively coupled plasma), biological monitor lumen diameter, gas, radio frequency power, and sub-lethal exposition time. After sterilization, the biological monitors were disassembled and the surviving bacteria were grown in trypticase soy broth using the most probable number technique. Plasma antimicrobial activity depended on the catheter’s internal diameter and radio frequency powers. The O2 + H2O2 mixture exhibited higher microbial efficacy than pure O2 in both plasma systems.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire
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