1,542 research outputs found

    Reaction time to judge the temporal inequality of digits numbers

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    Several studies had consistently lighted mechanisms about the relation between spatial and numerical cognition; parallel to this, a separate research line begin to document similar relationships for the representation of time and quantity as well. However there are still few studies that explore cognitive mechanisms subserving this relation. Starting from the evidence of the SNARC effect (Dehaene et al., 1993), here we investigate about the presence of similar effect in the processing of temporal and numerical information. We studied the effects of numerical exposure when participants are asked to perform a visual detection task in which temporal information is explicitly or implicitly conveyed. The main result shows that, during explicit timing, low digits exposure improve reaction time in the judgment of shorter duration whereas big digits exposure improve reaction time in judgment of longer duration. No interaction between temporal and numerical information is documented when participants perform implicit timing task. Results suggest a role quantity exposure for timing task-dependent attentional orientation. 


    High energy terahertz pulses from organic crystals: DAST and DSTMS pumped at Ti:sapphire wavelength

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    High energy terahertz pulses are produced by optical rectification (OR) in organic crystals DAST and DSTMS by a Ti:sapphire amplifier system centered at 0.8 microns. The simple scheme provides broadband spectra between 1 and 5 THz, when pumped by collimated 60 fs near-infrared pump pulse and it is scalable in energy. Fluence-dependent conversion efficiency and damage threshold are reported as well as optimized OR at visible wavelength.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure


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    Eight samples of different varieties of commercial ice-creams sold in Spain were analysed for their fatty acid composition, with relevance on their trans-fatty acid profile. Saturated fatty acids occurred in the largest proportions in all samples (mean=68,1%), followed by monounsaturated (mean=21,1%) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (mean=5,2%). Trans fatty acids were detected in all samples ranging from 0,5%-19%, mean value 5,7%. Statistical analysis (cluster analysis) based on their fatty acid profile (saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated and trans fatty acids) showed three groups of samples, depending on the main source of fat employed.Ocho muestras de distintas variedades de helados comercializados en España han sido analizadas para determinar su contenido en ácidos grasos de cadena media y larga, con especial interés en el contenido en ácidos grasos trans. La fracción mayoritaria en todos los casos, está constituida por los ácidos grasos saturados, que presentan un valor medio del 68,1%, seguido de la fracción de monoinsaturados (media=21,1%) y poliinsaturados (media=5,1%). El contenido en ácidos grasos trans, detectado en todas las muestras, oscila entre 0,5%-19%, con un valor medio de 5,7%. El análisis estadístico (análisis cluster) realizado, basándonos en el contenido en ácidos grasos saturados, monoinsaturados, poliinsaturados y trans, ha permitido diferenciar tres grupos distintos de helados según la fuente de grasa mayoritaria empleada en su elaboración

    Diferencias de género en una muestra de adolescentes a través de la composición del autoconcepto real e ideal

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    [Resumen] Cada vez es más común encontrar publi- caciones, trabajos, estudios, tesis…que abor- dan las diferencias de género en la población adulta y menos en adolescentes. En este tra- bajo se han estudiado las diferencias de género en adolescentes a través de la cons- trucción de su autoconcepto. La finalidad de este artículo es comprobar si los participan- tes de este estudio mantienen rasgos consi- derados propios de los hombres para los chi- cos, y rasgos considerados propios de las mujeres para las chicas, y si eso les gustaría que cambiase o no, es decir, comprobar si mantienen o mantendrían los estereotipos de género. Para ello, analizaremos la composi- ción del autoconcepto de los y las adolescen- tes, tanto el autoconcepto real, cómo son, como el ideal, cómo les gustaría ser. El estu- dio se ha realizado con una muestra de 338 adolescentes, 188 chicos y 150 chicas, de la ciudad de Salamanca, estudiantes de Secundaria y con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 18 años.[Abstract] Publications, projects, researches and the- sis about gender differences in adult popula- tion are becoming more and more common, the ones about adolescent population aren’t so frequent. In this project, gender differences in adolescent population have been studied through the construction of their self concept. The purpose of this article is to prove if the participants of this project own the characte- ristics that are considered to be typical for men concerning the boys and typical for women concerning the girls, to sum up, to prove if the adolescent population owns or would own the gender stereotypes. Therefore, we have analyzed boys and girls’ self concept, their real self concept, how they are, as well as their ideal one, how they would like to be. The study has been realized with 338 students of Secondary School that are between 12 and 18 years old, 188 boys and 150 girls of the city of Salamanca, Spain

    The ORIS Tool: Quantitative Evaluation of Non-Markovian Systems

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    El despertar de la arquitectura moderna a orillas del Mediterráneo: debate y controversia en los contextos de Italia y España

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    Arquitectos y teóricos españoles e italianos identificaron las nuevas tendencias arquitectónicas procedentes de Europa como elementos exógenos. Corrían los años 20 y se presentaba ante ellos el problema de encontrar razones locales que justificasen la adopción de las ideas y las formas de la nueva arquitectura. Para ello acudieron a la tradición que les era propia: la tradición mediterránea, clásica y vernácula. Dilucidar el papel que la arquitectura vernácula tuvo en un proceso de búsqueda común de un lenguaje arquitectónico propio es el principal objetivo de este artículo.In the period studied ( 1920-1940), Italian and Spanish journals raised awareness of international architectural movements. Encouraging the dissemination of modern architecture in their respective environs, they became a key to its consolidation. The journals at issue include Architettura e Arti Decorative, founded in 1921 and later renamed Architettura ( Organo ufficiale del sindicato degli architetti), headed by Marcello Piacentini; Quadrante, with Pier Maria Bardi and Massimo Bontempelli at the helm ( 1933-1936); Casabella, managed by Edoardo Persico and Giuseppe Pagano; and Domus, founded in 1928 and run by Gio Ponti until the nineteen forties. In Spain, works authored by May, Taut, Gropius, Schumacher and others were published in any number of journals, such as Arquitectura, Órgano de la Sociedad Central de Arquitectos, Cortijos y Rascacielos, D’Aci i d’Allá, La Gaceta de les Arts, AC and Documentos de actividad contemporánea. The importance attached by these media to vernacular Mediterranean architecture, in connection in Italy with the debate around Mediterranean culture and in Spain with the national context, sheds light on the impact of the subject on architectural practice, irrespective of the positions adopted by the various journals and the opinions defended by their columnists. As a result of a revisionist approach to the Modernist Movement, a good deal of literature has appeared in recent decades on the development of modern architecture in the Mediterranean context. Drawing from those studies and focusing in particular on documentary sources, the primary aim of this article is to establish the role played by vernacular Mediterranean architecture in the appearance and unfolding of modern architecture in Mediterranean regions through a comparison of developments in Spain and Italy
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