4,099 research outputs found

    On the calibration of the relation between geometric albedo and polarimetric properties for the asteroids

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    We present a new extensive analysis of the old problem of finding a satisfactory calibration of the relation between the geometric albedo and some measurable polarization properties of the asteroids. To achieve our goals, we use all polarimetric data at our disposal. For the purposes of calibration, we use a limited sample of objects for which we can be confident to know the albedo with good accuracy, according to previous investigations of other authors. We find a new set of updated calibration coefficients for the classical slope - albedo relation, but we generalize our analysis and we consider also alternative possibilities, including the use of other polarimetric parameters, one being proposed here for the first time, and the possibility to exclude from best-fit analyzes the asteroids having low albedos. We also consider a possible parabolic fit of the whole set of data.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    BFM-SI: A new implementation of the biogeochemical flux model in sea ice

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    This work describes a novel implementation of the Biogeochemical Flux Model (BFM) in a sea ice system (BFMSI). The chosen representative groups of the sea ice food web rely on the same dynamics as the BFM. The main differences between BFM and BFMSI stand in the type and number of functional groups, in the parameters assigned to several physiological and ecological processes and in the dimensional size classes they represent. The differential equations of BFMSI are written here according to the nomenclature associated to the new sea ice state variables. At the boundaries, the sea ice system is also coupled to the atmosphere and to the ocean through the exchange of organic and inorganic matter. This is done by computing the entrapment of particulate and dissolved matter and gases when sea ice grows and release to the ocean when sea ice melts to ensure mass conservation. The implementation of the BFM in sea ice and the coupling structure in General Circulation Models will add a new component that may provide new adequate estimate of the role and importance of sea ice biogeochemistry in the global carbon cycle

    Arctic cut-off high drives the poleward shift of a new Greenland melting record

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    Large-scale atmospheric circulation controls the mass and energy balance of the Greenland ice sheet through its impact on radiative budget, runoff and accumulation. Here, using reanalysis data and the outputs of a regional climate model, we show that the persistence of an exceptional atmospheric ridge, centred over the Arctic Ocean, was responsible for a poleward shift of runoff, albedo and surface temperature records over the Greenland during the summer of 2015. New records of monthly mean zonal winds at 500 hPa and of the maximum latitude of ridge peaks of the 5,700±50 m isohypse over the Arctic were associated with the formation and persistency of a cutoff high. The unprecedented (1948–2015) and sustained atmospheric conditions promoted enhanced runoff, increased the surface temperatures and decreased the albedo in northern Greenland, while inhibiting melting in the south, where new melting records were set over the past decade

    A remark on the BRST symmetry in the Gribov-Zwanziger theory

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    We show that the soft breaking of the BRST symmetry arising in the Gribov-Zwanziger theory can be converted into a linear breaking upon introduction of a set of BRST quartets of auxiliary fields. Due to its compatibility with the Quantum Action Principle, the linearly broken BRST symmetry can be directly converted into a suitable set of useful Slavnov-Taylor identities. As a consequence, it turns out that the renormalization aspects of the Gribov-Zwanziger theory can be addressed by means of the cohomology of a nilpotent local operatorComment: 11 pages, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Simulated Greenland Surface Mass Balance in the GISS ModelE2 GCM: Role of the Ice Sheet Surface

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    The rate of growth or retreat of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets remains a highly uncertain component of future sea level change. Here we examine the simulation of Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance (GrIS SMB) in the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) ModelE2 General Circulation Model (GCM). GCMs are often limited in their ability to represent SMB compared with polarregion Regional Climate Models (RCMs). We compare ModelE2 simulated GrIS SMB for presentday (19962005) simulations with fixed ocean conditions, at a spatial resolution of 2 latitude by 2.5 longitude (~200 km), with SMB simulated by the Modle Atmosphrique Rgionale (MAR) RCM (19962005 at a 25 km resolution). ModelE2 SMB agrees well with MAR SMB on the whole, but there are distinct spatial patterns of differences and large differences in some SMB components. The impact of changes to the ModelE2 surface are tested, including a subgridscale representation of SMB with surface elevation classes. This has a minimal effect on ice sheetwide SMB, but corrects local biases. Replacing fixed surface albedo with satellitederived values and an agedependent scheme has a larger impact, increasing simulated melt by 60100%. We also find that lower surface albedo can enhance the effects of elevation classes. Reducing ModelE2 surface roughness length to values closer to MAR reduces sublimation by ~50%. Further work is required to account for meltwater refreezing in ModelE2, and to understand how differences in atmospheric processes and model resolution influence simulated SMB
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