253 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Asupan Energi Dengan Status Gizi Pada Wanita Usia Subur Di Desa Kema II Kecamatan Kema Kabupaten Minahasa Uatara

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    HUBUNGAN ANTARA ASUPAN ENERGI DENGAN STATUS GIZI PADA WANITA USIA SUBUR DI DESA KEMA II KECAMATAN KEMA KABUPATEN MINAHASA UATARA Melian palallo1), Nancy S.H Malonda1), Maureen I. Punuh1) 1)Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Univeritas Sam ratulangi ABSTRACT Humans need energy to sustain life to support the growth process and perform daily activities. The imbalance of energy input to the long-term ongoing needs would cause problems (Department of Nutrition and Public Health, 2012). Basic Health Research Data (Riskesdas 2013) about nutrition status of the population age (ā‰„ 18 years) shows that nationally, about 8.7% is underweight, 13.5% is overweight and 15.4% is obese. In North Sulawesi, thin is 5.6% and 24.0% is obese. This study is conducted to determine the relationship between energy intake and nutrition status on women in fertile age at Kema II Village, Kema District North Minahasa Regency. This research is obeservasional analytic with cross sectional design. The subjects are women in fertile age at Kema II Village, Kema District North Minahasa Regency, the number of respondents to be studied is as many as 146 women in fertile age who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data tabulation uses Spearman statistical test with ɑ = 0.05 and confidence level=95%. The results shows that the majority of women in fertile age obtained an average yield of energy intake is equal to 1876.7 kcal for age 18-29 years old and 1884.9 kcal, for age 30-49 years old and the average BMI is 27.2 kg / mĀ².Statistical analysis shows a significant relationship between energy intake and nutrition status on women in fertile age at Kema II Village, Kema District North Minahasa Regency (p = 0.000). it's recomended for Women at Kema II Village, Kema District North Minahasa Regency to increase their physical activity by exercising regularly and hey need to be given a socialization of balanced nutrition for women in fertile age and family. Keywords: Nutritional status, energy intake, women of childbearing age ABSTRAK Manusia membutuhkan energi untuk mempertahankan hidup guna menunjang proses pertumbuhan dan melakukan aktivitas harian. Ketidakseimbangan masukan energi dengan kebutuhan yang berlangsung jangka lama akan menimbulkan masalah (Departemen Gizi dan Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2012). Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas 2013) tentang status gizi penduduk usia ( ā‰„ 18 tahun) menunjukkan bahwa secara nasional sekitar 8,7% kurus, 13,5% berat badan lebih dan 15,4% obesitas. Di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara kurus 5,6% dan 24,0% obesitas. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara asupan energi dengan status gizi pada wanita usia subur di Desa Kema II Kecamatan Kema Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian obeservasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Subjek penelitian adalah wanita usia subur di Desa Kema II Kecamatan Kema Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, jumlah responden yang akan diteliti adalah wanita usia subur sebanyak 146 orang wanita yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Pengolahan data menggunakan uji statistic Spearman dengan ɑ = 0,05 dan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar wanita usia subur didapat hasil rata-rata asupan energi yaitu sebesar 1876,7 kkal umur 18-29 tahun dan 1884,9 umur 30-49 tahun dan rata-rata IMT yakni sebesar 27,2 kg/mĀ². Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara asupan energi dengan status gizi pada wanita usia subur di Desa Kema II Kecamatan Kema Kabupaten Minahasa Utara (p= 0,000). Bagi Wanita Usia Subur Di Desa Kema II Kecamatan Kema Kabupaten Minahasa Utara disarankan meningkatkan aktivitas fisik dengan berolahraga secara teratur serta perlu diberikan sosialisasi tentang gizi seimbang bagi wanita usia subur dan keluaraga

    Crotonaldehyde hydrogenation on Rh/TiO2 catalysts. In situ DRIFTS studies

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    The surface and catalytic properties in the vapor-phase hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde on Rh/TiO2 has been studied. It was found that a partial reduction of the support produces a surface decoration of the metal component. Thus, interfacial sites are created, which are responsible of an increase in the selectivity to crotyl alcohol, via enhancement of the polarization of the C=O bond. Photoelectron spectra revelead that rhodium is in different oxidation states, with a contribution of ca. 20 % Rhd + and 80 % RhĀŗ species for LTR catalyst and only a slight increase of Rhd + for HTR catalyst. TEM studies revelead that Rh has metal particle size close 3 nm with small increases in the catalyst reduced at high temperature. DRIFTS essayed carried out under reaction conditions allowed to identify crotonaldehyde species strongly adsorbed through the C=C bond and weakly coordinated through both the C=C and C=O bonds. After reduction at 723 K an increase in the peak at 1660 cm-1 ascribed to an interaction between the carbonyl group and the surface, was observed. This peak seems to be stabilized at interfacial Rh/TiOx sites The deactivation in crotyl alcohol formation can be ascribed to the generation of strongly chemisorbed asymmetric carboxylate species detected by band at 1740 cm-1. This band grows at expense of crotonaldehyde O s - bonded intermediate chemisorbed on coordinatively unsaturated sites (Lewis acid sites) responsible of the crotyl alcohol obtaintion (detected by a band at 1653 cm-1). Additionally, a small band at 2068 cm-1 assigned to CO adsorbed on transition metals, which increases with time on-stream may explain the deactivation of the catalysts in flow systems

    Coke formation in the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene by TEOM

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    A packed bed microbalance reactor setup (TEOM-GC) is used to investigate the formation of coke as a function of time-on-stream on gamma-Al2O3 and 3P/SiO2 catalyst samples under different conditions for the ODH reaction of ethylbenzene to styrene. All samples show a linear correlation of the styrene selectivity and yield with the initial coverage of coke. The COX production increases with the coverage of coke. On the 3 wt% P/SiO2 sample, the initial coke build-up is slow and the coke deposition rate increases with time. On alumina-based catalyst samples, a fast initial coke build-up takes place, decreasing with time-on-stream, but the amount of coke does not stabilize. A higher O-2 : EB feed ratio results in more coke, and a higher temperature results in less coke. This coking behaviour of Al2O3 can be described by existing "monolayer-multilayer" models. Further, the coverage of coke on the catalyst varies with the position in the bed. For maximal styrene selectivity, the optimal coverage of coke should be sufficient to convert all O-2, but as low as possible to prevent selectivity loss by COX production. This is in favour of high temperature and low O-2 : EB feed ratios. The optimal coke coverage depends in a complex way on all the parameters: temperature, the O-2 : EB feed ratio, reactant concentrations, and the type of starting material.</p

    Health Hazard from Gas Emissions in the Quaternary Volcanic Province of Latium (Italy)

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    The Quaternary Volcanic Province of Central Italy is characterized by zones with a huge endogenous degassing where frequent, sometimes lethal, accidents occur to people and animals. The emitted gas has a deep origin (volcanic or mantle) and is mainly composed by CO2 (up to 98%) and H2S (1-4%), which may reach dangerous concentrations both in open air and indoor. Here we present the results of a multiparametric geochemical study carried out in 2007-2009 in the Provinces of Rome and Viterbo (Latium), with the aim of assessing the health hazard of their main gas emission sites (GES). Three types of GES were investigated: 1. natural, open-air thermal pools, 2. within natural reserves, 3. near to inhabited zones. More than 15 GES have been studied, and here we will illustrate some of the cases with the highest hazard. Results are presented for the sites of Vejano and Mola di Oriolo (Viterbo), Caldara di Manziana, Tor Caldara and Solforata di Pomezia (Rome). Cava dei Selci is a well-known inhabited area of the volcanic complex of Colli Albani (Rome). In each site, multi-technique surveys have been carried out to estimate the total gas output and its concentration in air, by measuring: CO2 and H2S viscous and diffuse flux (the latter by accumulation chamber), CO2 and H2S concentration in air (by TDL profiles and punctual Draeger measurements); moreover, the chemical and isotopic composition of the gas was determined in each site. In all these zones, lethal air concentrations may be reached by both H2S and CO2, but more frequently by the first. Recommendations for risk reduction were given to Civil Protection authorities.Comission of Cities and Volcanoes (CaV) of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) Agencia EspaƱola de CooperaciĆ³n Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), Gobierno de EspaƱa Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĆ³n (MICINN), Gobierno de EspaƱa Unidad Militar de Emergencias (UME), Ministerio de Defensa, Gobierno de EspaƱa Agencia Canaria de InvestigaciĆ³n, InnovaciĆ³n y Sociedad de la InformaciĆ³n (ACIISI), Gobierno de Canarias ViceconsejerĆ­a de Infraestructuras y PlanificaciĆ³n, Gobierno de Canarias ConsejerĆ­a de Turismo, Gobierno de Canarias ConsejerĆ­a de Medio Ambiente y OrdenaciĆ³n Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias ViceconsejerĆ­a de Cultura y Deportes, Gobierno de Canarias Instituto EspaƱol de OceanografĆ­a (IEO)Instituto GeolĆ³gico y Minero de EspaƱa (IGME)Instituto GeogrĆ”fico Nacional (IGN)Academia Canaria de Seguridad FederaciĆ³n Canaria de Municipios (FECAM) Universidad de La Laguna (ULL)Instituto de Estudios HispĆ”nicos de Canarias (IEHC) CajaCanariasPublishedPuerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain1.2. TTC - Sorveglianza geochimica delle aree vulcaniche attive4.5. Studi sul degassamento naturale e sui gas petroliferiope

    Finite to infinite steady state solutions, bifurcations of an integro-differential equation

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    We consider a bistable integral equation which governs the stationary solutions of a convolution model of solid--solid phase transitions on a circle. We study the bifurcations of the set of the stationary solutions as the diffusion coefficient is varied to examine the transition from an infinite number of steady states to three for the continuum limit of the semi--discretised system. We show how the symmetry of the problem is responsible for the generation and stabilisation of equilibria and comment on the puzzling connection between continuity and stability that exists in this problem

    Muon-spin relaxation investigation of magnetic bistability in a crystalline organic radical compound

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    We present the results of a muon-spin relaxation (Ī¼+\mu^{+}SR) investigation of the crystalline organic radical compound 4-(2-benzimidazolyl)-1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl (HbimDTDA), in which we demonstrate the hysteretic magnetic switching of the system that takes place at T=274Ā±11ā€‰KT = 274 \pm 11\,\mathrm{K} caused by a structural phase transition. Muon-site analysis using electronic structure calculations suggests a range of candidate muon stopping sites. The sites are numerous and similar in energy but, significantly, differ between the two structural phases of the material. Despite the difference in the sites, the muon remains a faithful probe of the transition, revealing a dynamically-fluctuating magnetically disordered state in the low-temperature structural phase. In contrast, in the high temperature phase the relaxation is caused by static nuclear moments, with rapid electronic dynamics being motionally narrowed from the muon spectra

    Hazardous gas emissions from the flanks of the quiescent Colli Albani volcano (Rome, Italy)

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    Gas hazard was evaluated in the three most important cold gas emission zones on the flanks of the quiescent Colli Albani volcano. These zones are located above structural highs of the buried carbonate basement which represents the main regional aquifer and the main reservoir for gas rising from depth. All extensional faults affecting the limestone reservoir represent leaking pathways along which gas rises to the surface and locally accumulates in shallow permeable horizons forming pressurized pockets that may produce gas blowout when reached by wells. The gas, mainly composed by CO2 (>90 vol.%), contains appreciable quantities of H2S (0.35-6 vol.%), and both represent a potentially high local hazard. Both gases are denser than air and accumulate near ground where they may reach hazardous concentrations, and actually lethal accidents frequently occur to animals watering at local ponds. In order to evaluate the rate of degassing and the related hazard, CO2 and H2S diffuse soil flux surveys have been repeatedly carried out by accumulation chamber. The viscous gas flux of some important discrete emissions has been also evaluated and the CO2 and H2S air concentration measured by portable devises and by Tunable Diode Laser profiles. The minimum potential lethal concentration of the two gases (250 ppm for H2S and 8 vol.% for CO2) is 320 times higher for CO2, whereas the CO2/H2S concentration ratio in the emitted natural gas is significantly lower (15-159). This explains why H2S reaches hazardous, even lethal, concentrations more frequently than CO2. A relevant hazard exists for both gases in the depressed zones (channels, excavations) particularly in the non-windy early hours of the day

    Comparative Analysis of Primary and Secondary Metabolites in the Peel of Eight Blood Orange Varieties

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    The global cultivation of blood oranges is experiencing an increase due to their remarkable nutritional properties. Blood orange by-products, especially the peel, have a high concentration of bioactive compounds with exceptional antioxidant potential, making them an ideal choice for incorporation into various food products. This study aimed to determine the morphological parameters and primary and secondary metabolite content of peel of eight blood orange varieties using 1H NMR and HPLC-ESI-DAD-MSn. ā€œTarocco Meliā€ had the highest weight (367.83 g), caliber (94.13 mm and 88.87 mm), peel thickness (6.73 mm), and peel weight (155.0 g). ā€œTarocco Rossoā€, ā€œSanguinelliā€, and ā€œTarocco Galloā€ had the highest levels of total amino acids (25.57 g kgāˆ’1 DW), total organic acids (29.99 g kgāˆ’1 DW), and total sugars (68.56 g 100 gāˆ’1 DW), respectively. The peel of ā€œMoroā€ had significantly higher concentrations of total anthocyanins, hydroxycinnamic acids, and flavones (650.67, 263.33, and 449.85 mg kgāˆ’1, respectively) compared to the other varieties. In conclusion, ā€œTarocco Meliā€ had the most interesting values for morphological parameters, ā€œTarocco Rossoā€, ā€œSanguinelliā€, and ā€œTarocco Galloā€ for primary metabolites, and ā€œMoroā€ for secondary metabolites. With the increasing interest in utilizing co-products, these findings could be useful in developing functional food products that meet consumer demands for healthier and more sustainable food choice
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