88 research outputs found

    Occurrence of a Gynandromorphic Bombus bimaculatus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Southeastern Ohio

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    Herein, we introduce the first reported case of gynandromorphy in the bumblebee Bombus bimaculatus (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), a relatively common North American species found east of the Mississippi River. The specimen was collected in Marietta, Ohio as part of a bee diversity assessment project for Washington County. Gynanders exhibit discrete male and female characters in a single individual. We discuss the potential causes of gynandromorphy exhibited by this specimen, which has differing antennal segments (12 and 13), facial maculation, abdominal hair coloration, and the presence of a corbicula – secondary sex characters that are characteristic for the genus Bombus

    The Effect of Consumer Confusion Proneness on Word of Mouth, Trust, and Customer Satisfaction

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    High-tech products (such as smartphones, notebooks, and tablets) have been characterized as beingincreasingly similar between brands, having too many slightly different choices, and providing complexinformation. In buying these products, many consumers fi nd it diffi cult to differentiate between brands, evaluateover alternatives, and make a good purchase decision. Such situation is known as consumer confusionphenomenon. Previous studies have revealed that consumer confusion is becoming a problem for bothconsumers and marketers. However, the topic still needs further examination, especially in the context of adeveloping country.The present study aims to examine consumers’ general tendency to become confused and its effect onword of mouth, trust and consumer satisfaction. The product context is smartphones, while the sample consistsof 150 university students who had experiences in using or buying smartphones. Nine research hypotheseswere tested using multiple regression analyses. The results indicate that only two of the three consumerconfusion dimensions (i.e. similarity confusion and overload confusion) have signifi cant negative impacts onword of mouth, trust and consumer satisfaction. The other dimension (i.e. ambiguity confusion) was found tohave insignifi cant impacts on the three dependent variables

    Analisis Strategi Customer Engagement Terhadap Loyalitas Pada PT. Nasmoco Magelang

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    PT. Nasmoco Magelang menyadari bahwa customer merupakan aspekpenting dalam mempertahankan Perusahaan untuk jangka panjang. Oleh karenaitu, Perusahaan perlu memfokuskan strategi dalam menjaga hubungan baikdengan customer. PT. Nasmoco Magelang berupaya untuk melakukan kegiatancustomer relationship management yang mampu mengembangkan customerengagement.Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pelaksanaan StrategiCustomer Engagement PT. Nasmoco Magelang untuk membangun loyalitaspelanggan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus.Data dikumpulkan lewat wawancara mendalam terhadap narasumber, observasidan dokumentasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui,menggambarkan pelaksanaan program Customer Engagement melalui aktivitasCRM dan Involvement di Nasmoco Magelang serta pengaruhnya terhadaployalitas.Hasil penelitian menunjukan pelaksanaan program Customer Engagementdi Nasmoco Magelang, yaitu pada aktivitas CRM melalui tiga tahapan yaitumendapatkan pelanggan baru, mempertahankan pelanggan dan mengembangkannilai-nilai pelanggan. Serta penerapan Involvement dengan cara meningkatkanminat pelanggan untuk terlibat dengan memberikan hadiah, dan hiburan kepadapelanggan yang datang ke event. Selain itu pelanggan yang dilibatkan sesuaidengan ketegorisasinya. Terdapat empat kriteria pengukuran customerengagement yaitu absorption, dedication, vigor, dan interaction, serta strategicustomer engagement yang dilakukan dapat menciptakan loyalitas pelanggan

    Use of laboratory-developed assays in global HIV-1 treatment-monitoring and research

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    There has been a surge in the emergence of HIV-1 drug resistance in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) due to poor drug-adherence and limited access to viral load testing, the current standard for treatment-monitoring. It is estimated that only 75% of people living with HIV (PLWH) worldwide have access to viral load testing. In LMICs, this figure is below 50%. In a recent WHO survey in mostly LMICs, 21 out of 30 countries surveyed found HIV-1 first-line pre-treatment drug resistance in over 10% of study participants. In the worst-affected regions, up to 68% of infants born to HIV-1 positive mothers were found to harbour first-line HIV-1 treatment resistance. This is a huge public health concern. Greater access to treatment-monitoring is required in LMICs if the UNAIDS "third 95" targets are to be achieved by 2030. Here, we review the current challenges of viral load testing and present the case for greater utilization of Laboratory-based assays that quantify intracellular HIV-1 RNA and/or DNA to provide broader worldwide access to HIV-1 surveillance, drug-resistance monitoring, and cure-research

    Моделирование кинетики прямого амидирования жирных кислот диэтаноламином

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    BACKGROUND: , Aims and Scope. In oil spill investigations, one of the most important steps is a proper choice of approaches that imply an investigation of samples taken from different sedimentary environments, samples of oil contaminants taken in different periods of time and samples taken at different distances from the oil spill. In all these cases, conclusion on the influence of the environment, microorganisms or migration on the oil contaminants' composition can be drawn from the comparison of chemical compositions of the investigated contaminants. However, in case of water contaminants, it is very important to define which part of organic matter has been analyzed. Namely, previous investigations showed that there were some differences in chemical composition of the same oil contaminant depending on the intensity of its contact with ground water. The aim of this work is to define more precisely the interactions between oil contaminant and water, i.e. the influence of the intensity of interaction between the oil contaminant and water on its chemical composition. The study was based on a comparison of four fractionated extracts of an oil pollutant, after they had been analyzed in details. Methods. Oil polluted surface water (wastewater canal, Pancevo, Serbia) was investigated. The study was based on a comparison of four extracts of an oil contaminant: extract I (decanted part), and extracts 2, 3 and 4 (extracted by shaking for 1 minute, 5 minutes and 24 hours, respectively). The fractionated extracts were saponified with a solution of KOH in methanol, and neutralized with 10% hydrochloric acid. The products were dissolved in a mixture of dichloromethane and hexane, and individually fractionated by column chromatography on alumina and silica gel (saturated hydrocarbon, aromatic, alcohol and fatty acid fractions). n-Alkanes and isoprenoid aliphatic alkanes, polycyclic alkanes of sterane and triterpane types, alcohols and fatty acids were analyzed using gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). delta C-13(PDB) values of individual n-alkanes in the aliphatic fractions were determined using gas chromatography-isotope ratio monitoring-mass spectrometry (GC-irmMS). Results and discussion. Extracts 1 and 2 are characterized by uniform distribution of n-alkanes, whereas extract 3 is characterized by an even-numbered members dominating the odd-ones, and extract 4 showed a bimodal distribution. Extract I is characterized by the least negative delta C-13(PDB) values of C-19-C-26 n-alkanes. Sterane and triterpane analysis confirmed that all extracts originated from the same oil contaminant. n-Fatty acids, C-19-C-24, in all extracts are very low, being somewhat higher in extract 4. Even-numbered n-alcohols, C-12-C-16, were identified in the highest concentration in extract 3. It was assumed that algae were responsible for the composition of extract 3. Furthermore, a possible reason for higher concentrations of C-19-C-26 n-alkanes and C-19-C-24 fatty acids in extract 4 is the formation of inclusion compounds with colloidal micelles formed between the oil contaminant's NSO-compounds and water. Conclusion. It was undoubtedly confirmed that there were specific differences in the compositions of the different extracts depending on the intensity of the interaction between the oil contaminant and the surface water. Recommendation and Outlook. When comparing the composition of oil contaminants from different water samples (regardless of the ultimate investigation goal) it is necessary to compare the extracts isolated under the same conditions, in other words, extracts that were in the same or very similar interaction with water. Recommendation and Outlook. When comparing the composition of oil contaminants from different water samples (regardless of the ultimate investigation goal) it is necessary to compare the extracts isolated under the same conditions, in other words, extracts that were in the same or very similar interaction with water

    Thermal Decomposition of CxF2 x+1C(O)OONO2(x = 2, 3, 4)

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    The atmospheric degradation of molecules containing the CxF2x+1C(O) moiety, such as perfluoroaldehydes CxF2x+1C(O)H (x = 2-4) formed in the degradation of telomeric alcohols, could lead to the formation of perfluoroacyl peroxynitrates CxF2x+1C(O)OONO2. The thermal decomposition of the CxF2x+1C(O)OONO2 family (x = 2, 3, 4) was investigated by infrared spectroscopy and computational models. Each peroxynitrate synthesis was performed through the photolysis of gas mixtures of the corresponding perfluoroaldehyde, chlorine, nitrogen dioxide, and oxygen. Kinetic analysis for the thermal decomposition of peroxynitrates were performed in the range from 297.0 to 313.7 K at a total pressure of 1000 mbar and the activation energy was experimentally determined. Experimental data were complemented with theoretical data using the Gaussian09 Program Suite. The structures of peroxynitrates were optimized using DFT methods. The activation energies were calculated and investigated taking into account the stereoelectronic effects and using theoretical calculations as well as NBO analysis. The influence of anomeric interaction over the O-N bond was evaluated for all the molecules. Analysis of the results shows that CxF2x+1C(O)OONO2 stability is independent of CxF2x+1 chain length, in contrast to the behavior for perfluoroalkyl peroxynitrates (CxF2x+1OONO2).Fil: Vila, Jesús Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Iriarte, Ana Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Chiappero, Malisa Susana. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: Malanca, Fabio Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; Argentin

    Ectopic Expression Of Pericentric HSATII RNA Results In Nuclear RNA Accumulation, MeCP2 Recruitment, And Cell Division Defects

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    Within the pericentric regions of human chromosomes reside large arrays of tandemly repeated satellite sequences. Expression of the human pericentric satellite HSATII is prevented by extensive heterochromatin silencing in normal cells, yet in many cancer cells, HSATII RNA is aberrantly expressed and accumulates in large nuclear foci in cis. Expression and aggregation of HSATII RNA in cancer cells is concomitant with recruitment of key chromatin regulatory proteins including methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2). While HSATII expression has been observed in a wide variety of cancer cell lines and tissues, the effect of its expression is unknown. We tested the effect of stable expression of HSATII RNA within cells that do not normally express HSATII. Ectopic HSATII expression in HeLa and primary fibroblast cells leads to focal accumulation of HSATII RNA in cis and triggers the accumulation of MeCP2 onto nuclear HSATII RNA bodies. Further, long-term expression of HSATII RNA leads to cell division defects including lagging chromosomes, chromatin bridges, and other chromatin defects. Thus, expression of HSATII RNA in normal cells phenocopies its nuclear accumulation in cancer cells and allows for the characterization of the cellular events triggered by aberrant expression of pericentric satellite RNA

    Immunopathogenesis of Progressive Scarring Trachoma: Results of a 4-Year Longitudinal Study in Tanzanian Children.

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    Trachoma is initiated during childhood following repeated conjunctival infection with Chlamydia trachomatis, which causes a chronic inflammatory response in some individuals that leads to scarring and in-turning of the eyelids in later life. There is currently no treatment to halt the progression of scarring trachoma due to an incomplete understanding of disease pathogenesis. A cohort study was performed in northern Tanzania in 616 children aged 6 to 10 years at enrollment. Every 3 months for 4 years, children were examined for clinical signs of trachoma, and conjunctival swabs were collected for C. trachomatis detection and to analyze the expression of 46 immunofibrogenic genes. Data were analyzed in relation to progressive scarring status between baseline and the final time point. Genes that were significantly associated with scarring progression included those encoding proinflammatory chemokines (CXCL5, CCL20, CXCL13, and CCL18), cytokines (IL23A, IL19, and IL1B), matrix modifiers (MMP12 and SPARCL1), immune regulators (IDO1, SOCS3, and IL10), and a proinflammatory antimicrobial peptide (S100A7). In response to C. trachomatis infection, IL23A and PDGF were significantly upregulated in scarring progressors relative to in nonprogressors. Our findings highlight the importance of innate proinflammatory signals from the epithelium and implicate interleukin 23A (IL-23A)-responsive cells in driving trachomatous scarring, with potential key mechanistic roles for PDGFB, MMP12, and SPARCL1 in orchestrating fibrosis

    The effectiveness of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against hypoxic pneumonia in children in Lao People's Democratic Republic: An observational hospital-based test-negative study

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    Background: Pneumococcal pneumonia is a leading cause of childhood mortality. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) have been shown to reduce hypoxic pneumonia in children. However, there are no studies from Asia examining the effectiveness of PCVs on hypoxic pneumonia. We describe a novel approach to determine the effectiveness of the 13-valent PCV (PCV13) against hypoxia in children admitted with pneumonia in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Methods: A prospective hospital-based, test-negative observational study of children aged up to 59 months admitted with pneumonia to a single tertiary hospital in Vientiane was undertaken over 54 months. Pneumonia was defined using the 2013 WHO definition. Hypoxia was defined as oxygen saturation <90% in room air or requiring oxygen supplementation during hospitalisation. Test-negative cases and controls were children with hypoxic and non-hypoxic pneumonia, respectively. PCV13 status was determined by written record. Vaccine effectiveness was calculated using logistic regression. Propensity score and multiple imputation analyses were used to handle confounding and missing data. Findings: There were 826 children admitted with pneumonia, 285 had hypoxic pneumonia and 377 were PCV13-vaccinated. The unadjusted, propensity-score adjusted and multiple-imputation adjusted estimates of vaccine effectiveness against hypoxic pneumonia were 23% (95% confidence interval: -9, 46%; p=0•14); 37% (6, 57%; p=0•02) and 35% (7, 55%; p=0•02) respectively. Interpretation: PCV13 is effective against hypoxic pneumonia in Asia, and should be prioritised for inclusion in national immunisation programs. This single hospital-based, test-negative approach can be used to assess vaccine effectiveness in other similar settings. Funding: Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    The evolution of pyrimethamine resistant dhfr in Plasmodium falciparum of south-eastern Tanzania: comparing selection under SP alone vs SP+artesunate combination

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    BACKGROUND\ud \ud Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) resistance is now widespread throughout east and southern Africa and artemisinin compounds in combination with synthetic drugs (ACT) are recommended as replacement treatments by the World Health Organization (WHO). As well as high cure rates, ACT has been shown to slow the development of resistance to the partner drug in areas of low to moderate transmission. This study looked for evidence of protection of the partner drug in a high transmission African context. The evaluation was part of large combination therapy pilot implementation programme in Tanzania, the Interdisciplinary Monitoring Programme for Antimalarial Combination Therapy (IMPACT-TZ) METHODS: The growth of resistant dhfr in a parasite population where SP Monotherapy was the first-line treatment was measured for four years (2002-2006), and compared with the development of resistant dhfr in a neighbouring population where SP + artesunate (SP+AS) was used as the first-line treatment during the same interval. The effect of the differing treatment regimes on the emergence of resistance was addressed in three ways. First, by looking at the rate of increase in frequency of pre-existing mutant dhfr alleles under monotherapy and combination therapy. Second, by examining whether de-novo mutant alleles emerged under either treatment. Finally, by measuring diversity at three dhfr flanking microsatellite loci upstream of the dhfr gene.\ud \ud RESULTS\ud \ud The reduction in SP selection pressure resulting from the adoption of ACT slowed the rate of increase in the frequency of the triple mutant resistant dhfr allele. Comparing between the two populations, the higher levels of genetic diversity in sequence flanking the dhfr triple mutant allele in the population where the ACT regimen had been used indicates the reduction in SP selection pressure arising from combination therapy.\ud \ud CONCLUSION\ud \ud The study demonstrated that, alleles containing two mutations at the dhfr have arisen at least four times independently while those containing triple mutant dhfr arose only once, and were found carrying a single unique Asian-type flanking sequence, which apparently drives the spread of pyrimethamine resistance associated dhfr alleles in east Africa. SP+AS is not recommended for use in areas where SP cure rates are less than 80% but this study reports an observed principle of combination protection from an area where pyrimethamine resistance was already high