494 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Food Preferences of Adolescents in Aligarh City: Findings from Focus-Group Discussion with Adolescents

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    Objective: To assess adolescents’ perception about factors influencing their food preferences and eating behaviors.Design: Data was collected in focus group discussions.Subjects: The sample size was 100, out of which 50 were boys in S.T. High School and 50 were in Girls High School of A.M.U. AligarhAnalysis: Data was analyzed by using qualitative research methodology, specifically the constant comparative method.Result: Factors perceived as influencing on eating behaviors (including the culture or religion of the family), benefits of food (including health), situation specific factors, mood, and body image, habit, cost, media and vegetarian beliefs. Major barriers to eating more fruits vegetable and dairy products and eating fewer high fat foods included a lack of sense of urgency about personal health in relation to other concern and taste preferences for other foods. Suggestions for helping adolescents eat a more healthful diet include making healthful food taste and look better, limiting the availability of unhealthful food more available and convenient, teaching children good eating habits at an early age and changing social norms to make it cool to eat healthfully.Applications/conclusion: The findings suggest that if program to improve adolescent nutrition are to be effective, they need to address a broad range of factors, in particular environmental factors (eg the increased availability and promotion of appealing, convenient foods within homes schools and restaurants

    Gambaran Perilaku Wanita Dalam Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Strerilisasi Wanita Di Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan

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    Background: TFR in Indonesia since 2002 stagnanted at 2.6. CPR trends Indonesia are increasing but most short term family planning methods. The use of female sterilization contraception in Indonesia is only 2.3%. The female sterilization in Banten province is ranked lowest in Java. Objective: to obtain a description of the user behaviour of sterilization contraception Methods: The design of this study was a RAP (Rapid Assessment Procedure). The informant were 12 wife EFA who used and did not use female sterilization and 14 key informants. Data collection used in-depth interviews and document review. Data is analyzed with content analysis. Result: Behaviour of contraceptive use of female sterilization in Puskesmas Pamulang working area due to medical indication. Support factors include better knowledge, confidence in contraceptive use, positive attitudes and perception of pregnancy risk. Enabling factors include service availability of services and distance perceptions to contraceptive services do not affect contraceptive use, and the cost is affordable and they have access to good information. Reinforcing factors include husband support and advice from doctors. Conclusion: Behaviour of contraceptive use of female sterilization in Puskesmas Pamulang working area due to medical indication. Supporting factors are knowledge, attitude, perception of pregnancy risk, belief, and husband support. Inhibiting factors are expensive cost perception, lack of access to information and lack of support of health workers (PLKB and Midwife)

    An ensemble based approach for effective intrusion detection using majority voting

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    Of late, Network Security Research is taking center stage given the vulnerability of computing ecosystem with networking systems increasingly falling to hackers. On the network security canvas, Intrusion detection system (IDS) is an essential tool used for timely detection of cyber-attacks. A designated set of reliable safety has been put in place to check any severe damage to the network and the user base. Machine learning (ML) is being frequently used to detect intrusion owing to their understanding of intrusion detection systems in minimizing security threats. However, several single classifiers have their limitation and pose challenges to the development of effective IDS. In this backdrop, an ensemble approach has been proposed in current work to tackle the issues of single classifiers and accordingly, a highly scalable and constructive majority voting-based ensemble model was proposed which can be employed in real-time for successfully scrutinizing the network traffic to proactively warn about the possibility of attacks. By taking into consideration the properties of existing machine learning algorithms, an effective model was developed and accordingly, an accuracy of 99%, 97.2%, 97.2%, and 93.2% were obtained for DoS, Probe, R2L, and U2R attacks and thus, the proposed model is effective for identifying intrusion

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Credit Union (CU) Betang Asi Palangka Raya

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    Tujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasi dan motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan baik secara parsial maupun simultan pada Credit Union (CU) Betang Asi Palangka Raya. Desain/Metodelogi/Pendekatan – Penelitian ini meggunakan metode kuantitatif, dengan teknik sampel adalah jenuh, dimana responden berjumlah 30 orang. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner dan kemudian dianalisis dengan alat analisis Regresi Linier Berganda. Software yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah SPSS versi 24. Temuan Penelitian - Hasil analisis diketahui bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional dan motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan baik secara parsial dan simultan

    Structure and Composition of Molecular Clouds with CN Zeeman Detections I: W3OH

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    We have carried out a multi-species study of a region which has had previous measurements of strong magnetic fields through the CN Zeeman effect in order to to explore the relationship between CN and N2_2H+^+, both of which have evidence that they remain in the gas phase at densities of 105^5 - 106^6 cm3^{-3}. To achieve this we map the 1 arcmin2^2 region around the UCHII region of W3(OH) using the Combined Array for Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA). Approximately 105 hours of data were collected in multiple array configurations to produce maps with an effective resolution of \sim 2.5\arcsec at high signal-to-noise in CN, C18^{18}O, HCN, HCO+^+, N2_2H+^+, and two continuum bands (91.2 GHz and 112 GHz). These data allow us to compare tracer molecules associated with both low and high density regions to infer gas properties. We determine that CARMA resolves out approximately 35% of the CN emission around W3(OH) when compared with spectra obtained from the IRAM-30 meter telescope. The presence of strong absorption lines towards the continuum source in three of the molecular transitions infers the presence of a cold, dark, optically thick region in front of the continuum source. In addition, the presence of high-velocity emission lines near the continuum source shows the presence of hot clumpy emission behind the continuum source. These data determine that future high-resolution interferometric CN Zeeman measurements which cannot currently be performed (due to technical limitations of current telescopes) are feasible. We confirm that CN is indeed a good tracer for high density regions; with certain objects such as W3(OH) it appears to be a more accurate tracer than N2_2H+^+.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Family planning through the lens of men: Readiness, preferences, and challenges

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    Family planning (FP) is urgently needed in Pakistan but progress remains slow. In its 2002 Population Policy, the country pledged to reduce its total fertility rate to 2.2 by 2020; at the London Summit in 2012, it committed to increase the contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) to 55 percent by the same year. Despite important achievements, Pakistan’s current CPR is only 35 percent, the total fertility rate is 3.8, and 20 percent of married couples of reproductive age express unmet need for FP. FP programming has largely been directed at women, and husbands have been regarded, at best, as interested bystanders. However, recent research indicates that men’s attitudes are changing and they are eager to be involved. In several recent studies, the Population Council has focused on men’s perspectives of FP to support an evidence-based agenda that brings men into mainstream FP programming. This policy paper synthesizes the data from these studies, and other research, on Pakistani men’s readiness to be more involved in FP, the challenges they face in FP adoption, and the preparedness of the health sector to respond to their needs

    Soil Adhesion Preventing Mechanism of Bionic Bulldozing Plates and Mouldboard Ploughs

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    Soil adheres to the surfaces of soil engaging components of various tools. The adhesion of soil increases the draft and adversely affects the quality of work. For example, up to 50% of the gross energy required for tillage operations may be consumed by adhesion and friction between soil and tillage tools. Therefore, it is important to find out the ways to reduce adhesion of soil to the surfaces of various tools. Soil animals such as ground beetles stay in moist sticky soils for extended periods without soil sticking to their bodies. The soil adhesion preventing mechanisms of such animals can be used as guide for improving the scouring properties of various tools. Both the surface morphology and chemical composition of soil animal’s cuticle play important role in preventing adhesion of soil to their bodies. The surfaces of mouldboard ploughs and bulldozing plates were modified based on the surface morphology of ground beetle and tested in the laboratory. Two materials such as Steel-45 and Ultra High Molecular Weight – Polyethylene (UHMW-PE) were used for convexes. The modified ploughs and plates have better scouring properties and required less draft than conventional tools. The size of convexes, their arrangement and the material of these convexes played important role in reducing adhesion and scouring soil. UHMW-PE had better scouring properties and improved wear resistances than steel-45. This paper covers the modified ploughs and bulldozing plates where UHMW-PE convexes were used for modification. The distribution of these convexes on the surfaces of bulldozing plates and mouldboard ploughs resulted in changes in mechanical characteristics and the state of water film at soil-tool interface. The unsmoothed surface morphology broke down the continuity of water film, reduced the area of contact and increased pressure at soil tool interface. The higher pressure squeezed out more water and reduced the water tension. This process was helpful in reducing friction and adhesion of soil to the surfaces of modified tools. The drafts of modified plough by bionic using UHMW-PE convexes were reduced by 25% and 30% at 3.6 km/h and 4 km/h working speeds respectively. The draft reductions in bionically modified bulldozing plates were 27%, 27% and 29% less than the conventional plates operating at 0.01, 0.02 and 0.06 m/s speeds. Key words: adhesion; bionic; unsmoothed; mouldboard ploughs; bulldozing plates; draf

    Luminescent, sorptive and antibacterial potential of bismuth-organic framework

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    Metal organic frameworks are formed by the three-dimensional linkage of metal cores and organic linkers. In this work, bismuth-based metal organic framework (Bi-MOF) has been synthesized by using 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid (H2HIA) as linker via hydrothermal method. The said MOF was structurally characterized by UV/Vis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 1H NMR, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction technique. This MOF showed highly porous structure with surface area 1096 m2/g as determined by BET analysis. A model batch adsorption experiment was performed to evaluate the efficiency of methylene blue (MB) dye removal from aqueous media. It was found that monolayer adsorption capacity calculated from the Langmuir isotherm was 0.6240 mg/g. Bi-MOF was also screened for its antibacterial and luminescent behavior.                     KEY WORDS: Bismuth, Metal-organic Frameworks, Luminescence, Sorption   Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2021, 35(1), 119-128. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v35i1.1

    2-Methyl-3,5-dinitro­benzoic acid

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    In the title compound, C8H6N2O6, the O atoms of the nitro groups, the methyl H atoms and the carboxyl C=O and C—OH groups are disordered over two sets of sites with an occupancy ratio of 0.595 (16):0.405 (16). In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by pairs of O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds arise for both carboxyl disorder components and C—H⋯O bonds and weak C—H⋯π inter­actions consolidate the packing