1,979 research outputs found

    CJK-Improved 5 Flavour LO Parton Distributions in the Real Photon

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    Radiatively generated, LO quark (u,d,s,c,b) and gluon densities in the real, unpolarized photon, improved in respect to our previous paper, are presented. We perform three global fits to the F_2^gamma data, using the LO DGLAP evolution equation. We improve the treatment of the strong coupling running and used lower values of Lambda_QCD, as we have found that the too high values adopted in the previous work caused the high chi^2 of the fits. In addition to the modified FFNS_CJKL model, referred to as FFNS_CJK 1 we analyse a FFNS_CJK 2 model in which we take into account the resolved-photon heavy-quark contribution. New CJK model with an improved high-x behavior of the F_2^gamma(x,Q^2) is proposed. Finally, in the case of the CJK model we abandon the valence sum rule imposed on the VMD input densities. New fits give chi^2 per degree of freedom about 0.25 better than the old results. All features of the CJKL model, such as the realistic heavy-quark distributions, good description of the LEP data on the Q^2 dependence of the F_2^gamma and on F_2,c^gamma are preserved. Moreover we present results of an analysis of the uncertainties of the CJK parton distributions due to the experimental errors. It is based on the Hessian method used for the proton and very recently applied for the photon by one of us. Parton and structure function parametrizations of the best fits in both FFNS_CJK and CJK approaches are made accessible. For the CJK model we provide also sets of test parametrizations which allow for calculation of uncertainties of any physical value depending on the real photon parton densities.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures, FORTRAN programs available at http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~pjank/param.htm

    Nuclear effects in photoproduction of heavy quarks and vector mesons in ultraperipheral PbPb and pPb collisions at the LHC

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    The comparison of photoproduction cross sections for ccˉc\bar{c} and b-b(bar) in PbPb and pPb collisions can give sensitivity to nuclear shadowing effects. The photoproduction of vector mesons is even more sensitive to the underlying gluon distributions. In this study we present the cross sections and rapidity dependence of the photoproduction of heavy quarks and exclusive production of vector mesons in ultraperipheral pPb and PbPb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider at sqrt(s_NN)=5 TeV and sqrt(s_NN)=2.76TeV,respectively.Thepotentialsofusingtheseprocessesforconstrainingnucleargluonshadowingareexplored.Itisfoundthatphotoproductionof TeV, respectively. The potentials of using these processes for constraining nuclear gluon shadowing are explored. It is found that photoproduction of J/\psiand and \Upsilon$ in PbPb collisions in particular exhibit very good sensitivity to gluon shadowing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Synthesis and characterisation of some main-group compounds with bulky electron-withdrawring substituents

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    Several new group 13, 14 and 15 derivatives with the ligands 2,4,6-(CF(_3))(_3)C(_6)H(_2) (Ar), 2,6- (CF(_3))(_2)C(_6)H(_3) (Ar') and / or 2,4-(CF(_3))(_2)C(_6)H(_3) (Ar") have been prepared. They have been characterised by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and, for all isolated compounds, by elemental analysis and, where possible, single crystal X-ray diffraction. Reaction of ArLi or the mixture Ar'Li/Ar"Li with BCI3 has led to the characterisation of several mono- and disubstituted compounds, but attempted substitution in AICI3 was unsuccessful. Reaction of EC1(_4) (E = Si, Ge, Sn) with the Ar'Li/Ar"Li mixture yielded predominantly the less sterically hindered disubstituted product Ar"(_2)ECl(_2) for E = Si and Ge but to Ar'(_2)ECl(_2) for E = Sn. In the case of B or Si, chlorine exchange is observed and Ar(_2)BF, Ar(_2)SiF(_2) and Ar'(_2)SiF(_2) have been synthesised. Ar(_2)SiF(_2) is the only product identified in the reaction of ArLi with SiC1(_4). Reaction of ArLi or the Ar'Li/Ar"Li mixture, in an appropriate ratio, with group 15 derivatives gave rise to several mono-or disubstituted compounds of the type ArEX(_2), Ar(_2)EX, Ar'EX(_2), Ar"EX(_2), Ar"(_2)EX and Ar'Ar"EX (E = P or As; X = H, CI or Br). (^19)F NMR spectra of Ar'Ar"EX show that, for the two ortho-CF(_3) groups of the Ar' moiety, there is free rotation of the aryl group around the central atom. A series of variable temperature studies has been carried out, and allowed the determination of the rotational energy barrier of the molecule. For the first time, the molecular structures of derivatives containing three fluoroxyl ligands have been determined (Ar"(_3)B and Ar'Ar"(_2)Sb).The synthesis of some new platinum complexes has been facilitated by reaction of phosphanes with the platinum dimer [(PtCl(_2)(Pet(_3))](_2) or [(PtBr(_2)(Pet(_3))](_2). Reactions of the platinum dimer with arsane derivatives have not been successful. Halogen exchange was observed between bromophosphane ligands and CI groups on the platinum. Attempts have been made to synthesise new P=E derivatives containing the electron- withdrawing substituents Ar or Ar' via reaction with the chlorine abstractor W(PMe(_3))(_6)- ArP=PAr and Ar'P=PAr' have been prepared. Synthesis of the first phosphaalkyne containing Ar or Ar' has been attempted by reacting a phosphaalkene with a Pt(0) species

    CJK- Improved LO Parton Distributions in the Real Photon and Their Experimental Uncertainties

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    A new analysis of the radiatively generated, LO quark (u,d,s,c,b) and gluon densities in the real, unpolarized photon, improved in respect to our paper [1], is presented. We perform four new global fits to the experimental data for F2^gamma, two using a standard FFNS approach and two based on ACOT(chi) scheme [2], leading to the FFNS(CJK) and CJK models. We also present the analysis of the uncertainties of the new CJK 2 parton distributions due to the experimental errors, the very first such analysis performed for the photon. This analysis is based on the Hessian method, for a comparison for chosen cross-sections we use also the Lagrange method.Comment: Prepared for Photon 2003: International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon (Including the 15th International Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions), Frascati (Italy), 7-11 April 2003; 10 pages, Latex using espcrc2 style, 1 tex and 5 postscript figures; FORTRAN programs available at http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~pjank/param.htm

    Del Colegio de Boticarios de Barcelona al Real Colegio de Farmacia de San Victoriano: José Antonio Savall y Valldejuli (1752-1831)

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    [spa]El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es conocer más a fondo la historia de los últimos boticarios barceloneses del siglo XVIII, en facetas todavía no estudiadas y al mismo tiempo la vida de la menestralía barcelonesa, en la cual estaban incluidos los maestros boticarios. Por otra parte, y siguiendo algunas de las directrices de estudio que se siguen en el Seminario de Historia de la Farmacia de Barcelona con respecto al Real Colegio de Farmacia de San Victoriano y de la Facultad de Farmacia, convenía conocer con detalle a alguno de los profesores del citado Colegio, y nada mejor que analizar la vida y trayectoria de don José Antonio Savall y Valldejuli (1752-1831) para conjuntar ambas ideas, tanto por lo que atañe a la vida barcelonesa finisecular del dieciocho como por su actuación como profesor. Es sabido que un grupo de boticarios catalanes pretendieron crear unos estudios generales de Farmacia en Barcelona a mediados del siglo XVIII, y también que la Administración central (que recibió esos proyectos con atención pero con lentitud) los incorporó definitivamente a unas enseñanzas que se impartirían en todo el país a través de determinados Colegios de carácter oficial. Todos estos cambios se encuentran presentes en la figura excepcional de Savall, profesor de la Facultad Reunida, primer Ayudante del Ejército de Operaciones durante la Guerra de la Independencia, Doctor en Farmacia y Catedrático del Real Colegio de Farmacia de San Victoriano. En esta tesis hemos buscado establecer un jucio crítico y objetivo de la figura de Savall, en primer lugar como barcelonés, así como las relaciones con su familia, con la Iglesia, con el Colegio de Boticarios, con la Real Academia de Ciencias Naturales y Artes de Barcelona, así como su relación como farmacéutico en la Guerra de la Independencia y como profesor en el Real Colegio. Para ello hemos podido contar con la documentación, hasta ahora inédita, hallada en distintos archivos de la ciudad, principalmente del Archivo General de Protocolos, del que se han consultado expedientes relacionados con una cincuentena de notarios. Dado que la mayoría de los documentos se hallaban escritos en catalán de aquella época, se ha realizado la transcripción, traducción y estudio de los mismos. En su vertiente como farmacéutico, ha sido especialmente interesante el hallazgo de un manuscrito en el Archivo de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Barcelona, numerado con el 1777, que se titula “Llibre de Medicinas per lo Collegi de P.P. Trinitaris Catalçats. Barcelona 1778”, del que se realiza en esta tesis un estudio detallado, incluyendo la transcripción de algunas de las fórmulas que contiene

    L'apotecari catalĂ  Josep Antoni Savall i la seva reivindicaciĂł d'una nova farmacopea a la ciutat de Barcelona i principat de Catalunya l'any 1788

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    En aquesta comunicació es dóna a conèixer la tasca realitzada per l’apotecari Josep Antoni Savall, considerat figura rellevant en la transició de l’apotecari al farmacèutic, així com la seva reivindicació d’una farmacopea nova a la ciutat de Barcelona i principat de Catalunya a l’any 1788 després de més de cent anys de  l’edició de la Farmacopea Catalana de Joan d’Alós (1686) i de dos-cents de la última edició de la “Concordia Apothecariorum Bardrinonensium “(1587).En esta comunicación se da a conocer la labor realizada por el boticario Joan Antoni Savall, considerado figura relevante en la transición del boticario al farmacéutico, así como su reivindicación de una nueva farmacopea en la  Ciudad de Barcelona y Principado de Catalunya en el año 1788, después de más de cien años de la Farmacopea Catalana de Juan de Alós (1686) y  doscientos de la última edición de la “Concordia Apothecariorum Bardrinonensium” (1587)

    Controlled Flavour Changing Neutral Couplings in Two Higgs Doublet Models

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    We propose a class of Two Higgs Doublet Models where there are Flavour Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) at tree level, but under control due to the introduction of a discrete symmetry in the full Lagrangian. It is shown that in this class of models, one can have simultaneously FCNC in the up and down sectors, in contrast to the situation encountered in BGL models. The intensity of FCNC is analysed and it is shown that in this class of models one can respect all the strong constraints from experiment without unnatural fine-tuning. It is pointed out that the additional sources of flavour and CP violation are such that they can enhance significantly the generation of the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe, with respect to the Standard Model.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    Symmetry Constrained Two Higgs Doublet Models

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    We study Two-Higgs-Doublet Models (2HDM) where Abelian symmetries have been introduced, leading to a drastic reduction in the number of free parameters in the 2HDM. Our analysis is inspired in BGL models, where, as the result of a symmetry of the Lagrangian, there are tree-level scalar mediated Flavour-Changing-Neutral-Currents, with the flavour structure depending only on the CKM matrix. A systematic analysis is done on the various possible schemes, which are classified in different classes, depending on the way the extra symmetries constrain the matrices of couplings defining the flavour structure of the scalar mediated neutral currents. All the resulting flavour textures of the Yukawa couplings are stable under renormalisation since they result from symmetries imposed at the Lagrangian level. We also present a brief phenomenological analysis of the most salient features of each class of symmetry constrained 2HDM.Comment: 30 pages, 5 Table

    Estudi de l'especialitat farmacèutica ferroi-iodose-Ferrer en el context de la sanitat del segle XX

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    L'objectiu d'aquesta comunicació és donar a conèixer l'estudi de l'evolució de l'especialitat ferro-iodose-ferrer dins el context històric en el que va començar el seu desenvolupament. Destaca per ésser una especialitat premiada amb la medalla d'or de l'Exposició Internacional de Barcelona, l'any 1929
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