587 research outputs found

    Free amino acids of the blood and some organs in hypokinesia

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    The metabolic fund of amino acids of the blood and tissues of rats under hypokinesia was investigated. The content of free amino acids was determined for the liver, kidney, brain, and the skeletal and cardiac muscles after established periods of hypokinesia. It was found that the total content of free amino acids in the experimental animals was, on the average 19 percent lower than in the controls. The results of the quantity of individual compounds indicate that the level of some were reduced while others were increased. It was also found that there was an unequal content of individual amino acids in the different tissues

    Bases of the system of the legal adjusting of activity of federation of handball of Ukraine

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    The value of the legal providing in efficiency of activity of sporting federations, classification of the legal providing of these structures is certain in Ukrainian sport and essence of fundamental normative-legal acts is described, constituents legal base of activity of Federation of handball of Ukraine in the modern terms of development of domestic athletic motion. The analysis of documentary base rotined that the normative-legal base of activity of sporting federations in Ukraine handball of Ukraine in the modern terms of development of domestic athletic motion. The analysis of documentary base rotined that the normative-legal base of activity of sporting federations in Ukraine had a row of failings. It touches some laws of Ukraine and normative-legal acts of central executive public authority on a physical culture and sport

    Nod1 signaling overcomes resistance of S. pneumoniae to opsonophagocytic killing

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    Airway infection by the Gram-positive pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae (Sp) leads to recruitment of neutrophils but limited bacterial killing by these cells. Co-colonization by Sp and a Gram-negative species, Haemophilus influenzae (Hi), provides sufficient stimulus to induce neutrophil and complement-mediated clearance of Sp from the mucosal surface in a murine model. Products from Hi, but not Sp, also promote killing of Sp by ex vivo neutrophil-enriched peritoneal exudate cells. Here we identify the stimulus from Hi as its peptidoglycan. Enhancement of opsonophagocytic killing was facilitated by signaling through nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-1 (Nod1), which is involved in recognition of γ-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelic acid (meso-DAP) contained in cell walls of Hi but not Sp. Neutrophils from mice treated with Hi or compounds containing meso-DAP, including synthetic peptidoglycan fragments, showed increased Sp killing in a Nod1-dependent manner. Moreover, Nod1-/- mice showed reduced Hi-induced clearance of Sp during co-colonization. These observations offer insight into mechanisms of microbial competition and demonstrate the importance of Nod1 in neutrophil-mediated clearance of bacteria in vivo

    Diploidy-based Genetic Algorithm in Nonstationary Environment

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    Post-operative reflux esophagitis as a predictor of choice of restrictive operation in patients with metabolic syndrome.

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    The purpose of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the retrospective results of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), laparoscopic gastroplication (LGP) and laparoscopic fundogastroplication (LFGP) (simultaneous performance of fundoplication by Nissen and gastroplication) obtained at the follow-up period of 1 year, to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of prevention of short-term postoperative complications, which are manifested in the form of GERD, by performing preventive antireflux procedure in combination with restrictive bariatric surgery. Evaluation of the effectiveness and long-term effects of the presented restrictive operations was carried out on the basis of retrospective data obtained during the supervision of 46 patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome (men / women - 16/30, average age – 41.19±6.07, body weight – 128.26±7.37 kg, abdominal circumference – 133.4±4.71 cm, body mass index (BMI) – 42.66±2.41 kg/m2, I-III ASA). In the preoperative and postoperative periods, during consultations, in all patients measurements of anthropometric indicators were performed, laboratory data and results of instrumental research were considered. All metabolic procedures presented were performed at the basis of the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery of NMAPE named after P.L. Shupik in the period from 2016 to 2019. 13 patients underwent LSG, 20 – LGP and 13 - LFGP. In order to control the results, repeated consultations were carried out at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months of the postoperative period. The average duration of the operation was: LSG – 88.5±6.49 min, LGP - 120±5.42 min, LFGP – 135.38±7.48 min. The average period of hospitalization was: LSG – 3.2±0.63 days, LGP – 3.53±0.62 days, and LFGP – 3.5±0.67 days. After a year, the body mass index (BMI) was: LSG – 31.17±0.31 kg/m2, LGP – 32.48±0.23 kg/m2, LFGP – 32.43±0.21 kg/m2. According to the results of a repeated questio­ning of patients one year after the operation, 3 (23.07%) of the LSG group and 5 (25.0%) of the LGP group had symptoms of GERD, which failed to be eliminated with the help of conservative therapy, life quality of patients became significantly worse. In the group of patients who underwent LFGP, this complication was absent. After the control gastroscopy, 1 year after, de novo signs of reflux esophagitis were detected (according to the Los Angeles clas­sification): in the LSG group – 3 (23.07%) patients (2 - grade A and 1 - grade B), in the LGP group – 5 (25.0%) patients (3 – grade A and 2 – grade B). Among patients who underwent LFGP, there were no signs of reflux esophagitis. Considering the possible development of GERD and reflux esophagitis in one year after the restrictive surgery, the use of preventive measures consisting in the simultaneous performance of antireflux and metabolic operations is relevant, this is demonstrated by the example of LFGP. We recommend to give preference to simultaneous operations for the achievement of not only high rates of weight loss, but also for improvement of the quality of patients` life in the future

    Impact of decisions of European court upon legal system of Ukraine

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    Аналізується питання щодо необхідності приведення українського права у відповідність з нормами та принципами міжнародного права — тенденції, що особливо виявила себе після підписання політичної та економічної частини частини Угоди про асоціацію між Європейським Союзом і Україною. Розглядається діяльність Європейського суду з прав людини та вплив даної міжнародної інституції на національну судову практику і сприяння її дотриманню основних прав і свобод людини. Обговорюється вплив рішень Європейського Суду на правову систему України, що потребує реформацій не лише на рівні захисту прав і свобод людини, а й на рівні інституційних змін. Йдеться, зокрема, що певні рішення системи судоустрою і юрисдикції судів України викликають сумнів щодо відповідності положенням Європейській конвенції з прав людини. Зазначається, що правотворчий вплив Суду на українське право виявляється у багатьох аспектах, включаючи принцип автономності термінів та концепцій, що їх використано у тексті Конвенції. Новим для України став інститут апеляційних судів, який розглядається Європейським Судом як один з ефективних засобів захисту прав людини в більшості держав-членів Ради Європи.It is analyzed the question about necessity of bringing Ukrainian law into conformity with the norms and principles of international law — the tendency which especially revealed itself after signing the political and economic part of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. It is considered the activity of the European Court of Human Rights and the influence of this international institution on a national jurisprudence and the promotion of fundamental human rights and freedoms. Discussion is given on the impact of the European Court of Human Rights on the legal system of Ukraine which is of need to be reformed not only upon protection of human rights and freedoms, but also at the institutional level. It s said in particular in this respect, that certain decisions of the judicial system of Ukraine and the jurisdiction of the courts cast doubt according to European Convention on Human Rights. It is noted legislative impact of the European Court on the Ukrainian law in different spheres, including the principle of autonomy of the terms and concepts used in the text of the Convention. New for Ukraine became the Institute of appellate courts which is seen by the European Court as one of the most effective means of protecting human rights in most of the members of the Council of Europe.Анализируется вопрос о необходимости приведения украинского права в соответствие с нормами и принципами международного права — тенденции, которая особенно проявила себя после подписания политической и экономической части Соглашения об ассоциации между Европейским Союзом и Украиной. Рассматривается деятельность Европейского суда по правам человека и влияние данной международной институции на национальную судебную практику и содействие ее соблюдению основных прав и свобод человека. Обсуждается влияние решений Европейского суда на правовую систему Украины которая требует реформации не только на уровне защиты прав и свобод человека, но и на уровне институциональных изменений. Указывается, в частности, что определенные решения системы судоустройства Украины и юрисдикции судов вызывают сомнение относительно положений Европейской конвенции по правам человека. Отмечается, что правотворческое влияние Суда на украинское право проявляется во многих аспектах, включая принцип автономности терминов и концепций, которые использованы в тексте Конвенции. Новым для Украины стал институт апелляционных судов, который рассматривается Европейским судом как один из эффективных средств защиты прав человека в большинстве государств-членов Совета Европы


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    Complex of organizational and prophylactic measures for preventing of SARS delivery and spreading on the territory of Kemerovo region taken during 2003 is presented. Readiness of hospital and desinfectory services for the conducting of anti-epidemic measures is reflected, and problems of Surveillance Centers cooperation with other services and departments, training of medical staff, and also railway and airways staff, guarantee the transportation of passengers