188 research outputs found

    A escrita viajante: narrativas dos cientistas sobre a ilha de Santa Catarina – Séculos XVIII e XIX

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    Nosso objetivo neste artigo é analisar como se constituíram as obras escritas pelos viajantes naturalistas. Para isto utilizaremos os relatos produzidos pelos cientistas que visitaram a região da Ilha de Santa Catarina durante os séculos XVIII e XIX. Da mesma forma como a formação do viajante influenciou no modo de observar a região no qual se encontrava, também influenciou na forma de organizar sua escrita. A maneira como os relatos foram organizados, os temas, a seqüência na qual eram descritos o que era visto são alguns dos aspectos que serão interpretados. Além disso, o tipo de material (diário, relatório científico ou carta) e o público a quem eram voltados estes textos, contribuíram para definir os recursos estilísticos a serem utilizados na escrita do viajante

    Federalistas: Os herdeiros da tradição farroupilha de liberdade

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    From the proclamation of Republic, the Liberal Partycommanded by Gaspar Silveira Martins was deposed from the RS government and replaced by the menbers of PRR controlled by Julio de Castilhos. The same way the power possessors use the symbols and mithys in order to legitimaze their government, the oppositions use the same discursive resourses in order to contest them. One of the main enunciation of the federalistis was to constitue themselves as farrapo’s heirs

    Post mortem changes: challenges in drug analysis in the diagnosis of deaths from intoxication

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    In forensic toxicology, alternative matrices and sampling sites are required for a correlation of antemortem and postmortem concentrations with the least possible error. Postmortem redistribution phenomena and biochemical changes inherent to these processes are possible, and represent interferences in these analyses. This study aimed to perform a bibliographic review through Pubmed database within a 10-year period of time, using the keywords: forensic analysis AND redistribution. We observed that for quantitative analyses the preferred matrix is blood from peripheral vessels, and when it is not available, vitreous humor is a great specimen for choice.

    Livro Didático e Ensino de História

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    Expectativa de futuro e juventudes: a escolha profissional dos jovens nas reportagens da imprensa (Brasil, 1980-2000)

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    Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar como os jovens e suas escolhas profissionais para o futuro são apresentadas na imprensa brasileira. Para isso, serão analisados, dentre peças publicitárias, reportagens e entrevistas, documentos que tenham como tema específico o vestibular, publicados nas revistas IstoÉ e Veja entre o começo da década de 1980 e o final da década de 1990. Busca-se, com a pesquisa, identificar que imagem de juventude então se construiu, tendo como parâmetro a estreita relação da preocupação com o futuro a partir de um conjunto de reportagens cujo tema eram a escolha profissional e a aprovação no vestibular. Para esta análise, recorremos, aos conceitos de juventudes: a Margulis e Urresti (1996) e de Leccardi (2005); de expectativa de futuro, a de Koselleck (2006; 2014); de representação, a Chartier (1991; 2011) e de imprensa, a de Luca (2006) e Abreu (2002)


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    Resumo Este artigo investiga como o Mundo Jovem se posicionou ante a redemocratização do País em relação aos processos políticos que ocorreram na década de 1980. Para isto, serão analisadas as matérias veiculadas e que tinham os jovens como seus principais leitores. Foram selecionados artigos e seções voltados exclusivamente a temas como história da política brasileira, criação dos novos partidos e suas ideologias, além da apresentação dos principais candidatos que concorreram à presidência da República em 1989. Este artigo é resultado da pesquisa "A imprensa e os jovens: representações sobre a juventude veiculadas na imprensa brasileira (1960-2000)" e dispôs de financiamento da FAPESC. Palavras-chave: Juventudes católicas. Imprensa. Mundo Jovem. Década de 1980.   Abstract This article investigates how the Mundo Jovem positioned itself at the redemocratization of the country in relation of the political process that occurred on the 1980 decade. Will be analyzed all the newspaper stories whose teenagers are the main readers. Were selected articles and sections turned to subjects such as the brazilian political history, the creation of new political parties and their ideologies, beyond the presentation of the main candidates who run for republic president in 1989. This article is the result of the research “The Press and the Youth: representations of youth published by the Brazilian press (1960-2000)” has the financing of the FAPESC. Keywords: Catholic youths. Press. Mundo Jovem. 80’s

    Impact of soil moisture over Palmer Drought Severity Index and its future projections in Brazil Avaliação da umidade do solo e do Índice de Severidade de Seca de Palmer no Brasil e suas projeções futuras

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    Soil moisture is a main factor for the study of drought impacts on vegetation. Drought is a regional phenomenon and affects the food security more than any other natural disaster. Currently, the monitoring of different types of drought is based on indexes that standardize in temporal and regional level allowing, thus, comparison of water conditions in different areas. Therefore, in order to assess the impact of soil moisture during periods of drought, drought Palmer Severity Index was estimated for the entire region of the territory. For this were used meteorological data (rainfall and evapotranspiration) and soil (field capacity, permanent wilting point and water storage in the soil). The data field capacity and wilting point were obtained from the physical properties of soil; while the water storage in soil was calculated considering the water balance model. The results of the PSDI were evaluated during the years 2000 to 2015, which correspond to periods with and without occurrence of drought. In order to assess the future drought projections, considering the set of the Coupled Model Intercomparison rainfall data Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). Climate projections precipitation in CMIP5 for the period 2071-2100 was extracted generating entitled forcing scenarios Representative Concentration Pathways - RCPs, and referred to as RCOP 8.5, corresponding to an approximate radiative forcing the end the twenty-first century of 8.5 Wm-2. The results showed that the PDSI is directly associated with climatological patterns of precipitation and soil moisture in any spatial and temporal scale (including future projections). Therefore, it is concluded that the PDSI is an important index to assess soil moisture different water conditions, as well as the association with economic and social information to create risk maps for subsidies to decision makers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Sensitivity to Soil Moisture and Observation Geometry of Spaceborne GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Maps

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Thanks to the successful operations of the UK TDS-1 and NASA CYGNSS GNSS-R missions, a wealth of Delay-Doppler Maps (DDM) are being measured from the ocean, but also from land reflections. Using the land reflected DDM, several studies are being conducted to retrieve the land geophysical parameters, such as soil moisture, vegetation depth, and biomass. Although they have shown the dependence of the land geophysical parameters on the DDM, it is also shown that many other parameters impact the DDM. This work presents the impacts of some parameters on the DDM. For the systematical and efficient study, an E2E simulator is used. The simulator generates the synthesized DDM reflected over land varying the input parameters, which are the specular point position on the Earth, the elevation angle at the specular points, soil moisture, etc. From the simulation results, the relation between the input parameters and the DDM is individually analyzed, providing the clue to the retrieval algorithm of the geophysical parameters.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft