2,566 research outputs found

    Using Self-Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithms to Evolve Dynamism-Oriented Maps for a Real Time Strategy Game

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    9th International Conference on Large Scale Scientific Computations. The final publication is available at link.springer.comThis work presents a procedural content generation system that uses an evolutionary algorithm in order to generate interesting maps for a real-time strategy game, called Planet Wars. Interestingness is here captured by the dynamism of games (i.e., the extent to which they are action-packed). We consider two different approaches to measure the dynamism of the games resulting from these generated maps, one based on fluctuations in the resources controlled by either player and another one based on their confrontations. Both approaches rely on conducting several games on the map under scrutiny using top artificial intelligence (AI) bots for the game. Statistic gathered during these games are then transferred to a fuzzy system that determines the map's level of dynamism. We use an evolutionary algorithm featuring self-adaptation of mutation parameters and variable-length chromosomes (which means maps of different sizes) to produce increasingly dynamic maps.TIN2011-28627-C04-01, P10-TIC-608

    Visualising Multiplayer Game Spaces

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    We investigate four different sets of statistics as ‘game-spaces’ in which to embed 2, 3 and 4 player modern board-games, and show how each can provide distinct insight. Using statistics gained from multiple optimisation runs of MCTS parameters creates a game-space that is particularly interpretable to show what algorithmic settings work well for different games. Using classic game-tree attributes to define a game-space does not correlate with these findings. For each game-space we visualise the distribution of games and ask if there are differences as the number of players, or opponent type, varies. We find this does occur for some games in the sample set. Visualising games using the different sets of statistics can help understand their commonalities and differences, but can hide the detail of a specific game's response to changing player count. A more detailed game ‘fingerprint’ using the statistics based on optimised MCTS parameters is better at distinguishing which games exhibit significant changes with player count or opponent

    General Video Game AI: Learning from screen capture

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    General Video Game Artificial Intelligence is a general game playing framework for Artificial General Intelligence research in the video-games domain. In this paper, we propose for the first time a screen capture learning agent for General Video Game AI framework. A Deep Q-Network algorithm was applied and improved to develop an agent capable of learning to play different games in the framework. After testing this algorithm using various games of different categories and difficulty levels, the results suggest that our proposed screen capture learning agent has the potential to learn many different games using only a single learning algorithm

    Population seeding techniques for Rolling Horizon Evolution in General Video Game Playing

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    While Monte Carlo Tree Search and closely related methods have dominated General Video Game Playing, recent research has demonstrated the promise of Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms as an interesting alternative. However, there is little attention paid to population initialization techniques in the setting of general real-time video games. Therefore, this paper proposes the use of population seeding to improve the performance of Rolling Horizon Evolution and presents the results of two methods, One Step Look Ahead and Monte Carlo Tree Search, tested on 20 games of the General Video Game AI corpus with multiple evolution parameter values (population size and individual length). An in-depth analysis is carried out between the results of the seeding methods and the vanilla Rolling Horizon Evolution. In addition, the paper presents a comparison to a Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm. The results are promising, with seeding able to boost performance significantly over baseline evolution and even match the high level of play obtained by the Monte Carlo Tree Search

    Bandit-based Random Mutation Hill-Climbing

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    The Random Mutation Hill-Climbing algorithm is a direct search technique mostly used in discrete domains. It repeats the process of randomly selecting a neighbour of a best-so-far solution and accepts the neighbour if it is better than or equal to it. In this work, we propose to use a novel method to select the neighbour solution using a set of independent multi-armed bandit-style selection units which results in a bandit-based Random Mutation Hill-Climbing algorithm. The new algorithm significantly outperforms Random Mutation Hill-Climbing in both OneMax (in noise-free and noisy cases) and Royal Road problems (in the noise-free case). The algorithm shows particular promise for discrete optimisation problems where each fitness evaluation is expensive

    Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms for General Video Game Playing

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    IEEE Game-playing Evolutionary Algorithms, specifically Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms, have recently managed to beat the state of the art in win rate across many video games. However, the best results in a game are highly dependent on the specific configuration of modifications introduced over several papers, each adding additional parameters to the core algorithm. Further, the best previously published parameters have been found from only a few human-picked combinations, as the possibility space has grown beyond exhaustive search. This paper presents the state of the art in Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms, combining all modifications described in literature, as well as new ones. We then use a parameter optimiser, the N-Tuple Bandit Evolutionary Algorithm, to find the best combination of parameters in 20 games from the General Video Game AI Framework. Further, we analyse the algorithm's parameters and some interesting combinations revealed through the optimisation process. Lastly, we find new state of the art solutions on several games by automatically exploring the large parameter space of RHEA

    Game AI Research with Fast Planet Wars Variants

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    © 2018 IEEE. This paper describes a new implementation of Planet Wars, designed from the outset for Game AI research. The skill-depth of the game makes it a challenge for game-playing agents, and the speed of more than 1 million game ticks per second enables rapid experimentation and prototyping. The parameterised nature of the game together with an interchangeable actuator model make it well suited to automated game tuning. The game is designed to be fun to play for humans, and is directly playable by General Video Game AI agents

    Evolving Game Skill-Depth using General Video Game AI agents

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    Most games have, or can be generalised to have, a number of parameters that may be varied in order to provide instances of games that lead to very different player experiences. The space of possible parameter settings can be seen as a search space, and we can therefore use a Random Mutation Hill Climbing algorithm or other search methods to find the parameter settings that induce the best games. One of the hardest parts of this approach is defining a suitable fitness function. In this paper we explore the possibility of using one of a growing set of General Video Game AI agents to perform automatic play-testing. This enables a very general approach to game evaluation based on estimating the skill-depth of a game. Agent-based play-testing is computationally expensive, so we compare two simple but efficient optimisation algorithms: the Random Mutation Hill-Climber and the Multi-Armed Bandit Random Mutation Hill-Climber. For the test game we use a space-battle game in order to provide a suitable balance between simulation speed and potential skill-depth. Results show that both algorithms are able to rapidly evolve game versions with significant skill-depth, but that choosing a suitable resampling number is essential in order to combat the effects of noise

    General video game AI: Competition, challenges, and opportunities

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    The General Video Game AI framework and competition pose the problem of creating artificial intelligence that can play a wide, and in principle unlimited, range of games. Concretely, it tackles the problem of devising an algorithm that is able to play any game it is given, even if the game is not known a priori. This area of study can be seen as an approximation of General Artificial Intelligence, with very little room for game-dependent heuristics. This short paper summarizes the motivation, infrastructure, results and future plans of General Video Game AI, stressing the findings and first conclusions drawn after two editions of our competition, and outlining our future plans

    Evaluating and modelling Hanabi-playing agents

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    Agent modelling involves considering how other agents will behave, in order to influence your own actions. In this paper, we explore the use of agent modelling in the hidden-information, collaborative card game Hanabi. We implement a number of rule-based agents, both from the literature and of our own devising, in addition to an Information Set-Monte Carlo Tree Search (IS-MCTS) agent. We observe poor results from IS-MCTS, so construct a new, predictor version that uses a model of the agents with which it is paired. We observe a significant improvement in game-playing strength from this agent in comparison to IS-MCTS, resulting from its consideration of what the other agents in a game would do. In addition, we create a flawed rule-based agent to highlight the predictor's capabilities with such an agent