24 research outputs found

    Pengaruh sertifikasi guru terhadap peningkatan kualitas strategi pembelajaran di MAN Simpanggambir Kecamatan Lingga Bayu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah sertifikasi guru berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kualitas strategi pembelajaran di MAN Simpanggambir Kecamatan Lingga Bayu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru yang disertifikasi yang ada di MAN Simpanggambir Kecamatan Lingga Bayu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal sebanyak 17 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dalam bentuk pengukuran korelasi dua variabel. Kemudian instrument yang digunakan sebagai alat pengumpul data adalah angket. Selanjutnya data penelitian dianalisis secara statistic dengan menggunakan “r” Product moment oleh Pearson. Dari hasil analisis data kedua variabel yang diteliti diketahui bahwa sertifikasi guru yang dilakukan terhadap peningkatan kualitas strategi pembelajaran di MAN Simpanggambir Kecamatan Lingga Bayu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal tergolong sedang, yaitu ditemukan 82,35 % sebanyak 14 orang, yang apabila diinterprestasikan berarti sedang. Peningkatan kualitas strategi pembelajaran di MAN simpanggambir Kecamatan Lingga Bayu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal tergolong sedang, yaitu ditemukan skor 76,47 % sebanyak 13 orang, yang apabila diinterpretasikan berarti sedang. Sertifikasi guru memberikan pengaruh terhadap peningkatan kualitas strategi pembelajaran di MAN Simpanggambir Kecamatan Lingga Bayu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, yaitu ditemukan angka korelasi (r xy ) sebesar 0,558. Angka ini lebih besar dari r tabel (r t ), yaitu 0,482, yang berarti pengaruh variabel X terhadap variabel Y signifikan berarti ada pengaruh

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Padi di Kabupaten Langkat

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    Langkat Regency is one of the national rice buffer. The rice needs is increasing every year, as well the population increasing. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the rice production input, land, labor, seed, and fertilizer, on the production of rice in Langkat Regency. Secondary data from 22 districts at Langkat Regency for two years (pooled data) was analyzed to answer the research objectives. The data analyzed with multiple regression by Coob-Douglas production function. The analysis showed that the positively significant impact of variables of land, labor, seed and fertilizer on the rice production. Production elasticity value is 1.671 (elastic). This generally means that rice farming in Langkat Regency in increasing returns to scale. Keywords: production, rice, input, scale, Langkat

    Analisis Pola Konsumsi Rumah Tangga Petani Kelapa Sawit di Kabupaten Labuhanbatu

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    The household is the smallest unit in society, so it can be said that household income means community income. This study aims to determine the determination of the variable income, economic activity, and household members, as well as differences in the location of residence to the consumption of oil palm farmers in Labuhanbatu Regency. The method used to analyze data with multiple linear regression models, by certifying in the Least Square Dummy Variable (LSDV) method. The estimation results found that all independent variables were positive and significantly influenced the amount of food consumption, on the contrary were negative and significant towards non-food consumption expenditure. The estimation results also found that the amount of consumption of various types of foodstuffs in urban communities was smaller than the food consumption of inland communities amounting to Rp.1,248,000. However, greater than the consumption of food for coastal communities is Rp. 1,323,800. While the amount of consumption expenditure for various types of non-food for urban communities is greater than non-food consumption for inland communities Rp.2,782,000. And also greater than non-food consumption of coastal communities, namely Rp. 3776 000. Variation in the ability of independent variables in explaining food consumption by 92.5 percent, and expenditure for non-food consumption by 87.4 percent. The model specification is very good with the model being free from violations of the classical assumptions of multicollinearity and heterokedastisitas. Keywords: Consumption, Income, Socio-economy, Oil palm Farmer

    Farmer Exchange Rate , Government Expenditure On Education And Government Expenditure On Health Of The Human Development Index In North Sumatera Province

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    Human development is one of the factors in increasing the implementation of national development. Human development that is carried out can be calculated with the level of human health and standard of living. Then the level of the human development index can also affect the value of increasing per capita income and economic growth. The use of the model in this article was processed with the multiple linear regression program and classical assumptions test data using SPSS 22.The results of the analysis produce farmer value added (X1) which can significantly affect the human development index (Y) in North Sumatra Province, government spending in the education sector (X2) can significantly affect the Human Development Index (Y) in North Sumatra Province and government spending on health sector expenditures (X3) has no significant effect on the Human Development Index (Y) in North Sumatra Province. It shows that government spending in the health sector (X3) has not been properly realized so that it is not strong enough to increase the Human Development index in North Sumatra Province. The results of the research on government spending in the education sector (X1) have a dominant effect in increasing the human development index in the province of North Sumatera


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    With this research we can find out the effect of accountability on the management and allocation of village funds on direct cash assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic with the poor as moderators. Purposive sampling technique was used in this study, this technique is sampling with certain considerations and criteria, while the method used in this study is a quantitative method with primary and secondary data and data collection is done by questionnaires, interviews and observation. The phenomenon that occurs in this study is the lack of responsibility of village officials in providing direct cash assistance, meaning that the incoming funds are not the same as the outgoing funds and the receipt of the assistance is not on target. This study shows the following results that management accountability has a negative but significant effect on direct cash assistance. Allocation of village funds has a positive and significant effect on direct cash assistance. The poor have a significant and positive effect on direct cash assistance. The poor can moderate the management Accountability for Direct Aid. Poor residents can moderate the allocation of village funds to direct cash assistance. Poor residents can moderate Accountability for management and allocation of village funds simultaneously affects direct cash assistance in Sei Bingai District&nbsp


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    This study aims to determine the effect of applying government accounting standards, information technology and internal control to the quality of financial reporting information in SKPK in Langsa City. The method used in this study is a quantitative method using the help of SPSS 24. The population in this study were all 30 SKPK in Langsa City. Methods of data collection by distributing questionnaires and by using measuring tools in the form of validity and reliability tests. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis using hypothesis testing, namely t test and F test. The results of the t test show that (1) the application of government accounting standards has a significant effect on the quality of financial reporting information, (2) information technology has a significant effect on the quality of financial reporting information, (3) Internal control has no significant effect on the quality of financial reporting information. The results of the F test show that the application of government accounting standards, information technology and internal control simultaneously has a significant effect on the quality of financial reporting information. &nbsp


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    With this research, we can find out the effect of the application of accrual basis SAP and HR capacity on the quality of local government financial reporting and information technology as a moderating variable in Sibolga City. Saturated sampling is used as a method that makes research easier and faster where the entire population is used as a sample. The number of samples in this study were 30 SKPD and data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. Based on the results of the study, the regression equation Y = 25.786 -4.404 X1 + 4.405 X2 + 0.421 M + 0.119 X1. M -0.111 X2.M + e in this equation there is a regression coefficient that is -0.111, this explains that there is a negative influence between HR capacity and information technology as a moderating variable which means that if HR Capacity with Information Technology as a moderating variable decreases, the quality of financial reporting local government will decrease by 0.111. The phenomenon studied is that several problems were found in the preparation of LKPD which were not in accordance with the SAP regarding the transfer of budget functions in the Sibolga city financial reports for the 2020 fiscal year. The results of the study show that one by one both the application of accrual-based government accounting standards and HR capacity affect the quality of local government financial reporting, with the use of information technology can strengthen the influence between the application of accrual-based SAP, and HR capacity on the quality of regional government financial reporting. Overall, the existence of Information Technology can strengthen the influence between the application of accrual basis SAP and HR Capacity on the quality of PEMDA financial reporting.   &nbsp


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    Petani kopi di daerah Kabupaten Mandailing Natal mempunyai pengetahuan tentang pengelolahan tanah dalam sistem pertanian berbasis kopi. Pengetahuan petani didapatkan dari wawancara langsung kepada petani, baik secara individu maupun secara kelompok. Pengetahuan masyarakat didapatkan berasal dari pengalaman dan petani mempelajarinya dari lingkungan sekitar serta didapat dari pelatihan yang sering diadakan oleh pemerintah setempat dengan tujuan pengembangan produksi petani secara maksimal. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari pemahaman petani kopi tentang konservasi, di sini petani sudah melakukan teknik konservasi seperti pembuatan teras, tanaman pelindung dan sebagainya. Walaupun para petani telah memahami tentang sistem konservasi dan pengolahan tanah, tetapi masih banyak juga petani yang tidak menerapkan sistem konservasi tersebut. Hal tersebut dikarenakan harga jual kopi yang rendah sedangkan biaya untuk menerapkan sistem konservasi dan pengolahan tanah mereka anggap mahal dan akan menambah biaya produksi kopi. Hal tersebut menjadi salah satu hambatan bagi petani untuk melakukan teknik konservasi

    Effect of Nutrition Education and Supplementary Food on the Weight of Wasting Toddlers in Percut Sei Tuan

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    The aim of the study was to analyze changes in body weight after an intervention. The research design was a quasi-experimental pre- and post-test with a sample of 40 wasting toddlers divided into a group that received tuna meatballs mixed with moringa leaves supplemented with nutrition education and a group that received nutrition education only for 4 weeks. The test results obtained an average weight gain in the first group was 0.79 kg and in the second group was 0.37 kg. The study conclude that meatballs consumption and nutrition education can increase nutritional intake and weight gain in wasted toddlers

    The Factors in the Emergence of Smallholder Rubber Plantation in Tapanuli: 1906 - 1942

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    Latex has become more useful ever since the discovery of vulcanization methods, for it is used for the automotive industry and the manufacturing of electrical appliances. This then makes the price of latex soar as a result of high market demand for this white sticky thick ‘liquid’. Thus, it makes people interested in investing in rubber plants because they are considered to have a significant economic impact. Apart from the economic factors offered, there are other factors that are no less important, namely land, capital, laborer, and the existence of a market place for trade. These factors should be the main factors. Because, if these factors do not hold, the people in Tapanuli will still not be able to enjoy it however high the price of rubber is