295 research outputs found

    Health & homelessness in Aberdeen City: a report for the Scottish Health Council.

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    1. Background According to the latest official figures, 1900 households presented themselves as homeless in Aberdeen City in the year 2005/2006 (Scottish Executive 2006). The problems faced by homeless people in Aberdeen and elsewhere have already been documented in terms of inadequate housing, family and relationship breakdown, unemployment, multiple debt, reliance on benefits and low income. (Love, 1993, 1997, 2002; Spicker, Love, Strangward, McLaverty & Strachan, 2002). Such multiple and linked problems serve to marginalise homeless people relegating them to ways of life outside of mainstream society. A corollary of such exclusion is the relatively high levels of poor health (both physical and mental) found among the homeless population. Hence, physical hardship, accidents, inadequate resources to practice personal hygiene, poor diet, stress, difficulty registering with a GP, a lack of preventative care, a lack of (suitable) health information and stigma combine to increase the rates of morbidity and mortality among homeless people. 2. Research The study examined the health status and health behaviours of homeless people in Aberdeen. It sought to find out how well NHS services engage with homeless people in the city. The intention was to explore how patient and public involvement could be developed meaningfully to ensure that the views of homeless people are actively sought, listened to and acted upon. The definition of homelessness used corresponded to that used by the Homelessness Task Force (see Appendix A) and covered the statutory homeless and non statutory homeless (e.g. roofless, houseless, temporarily housed, those living in insecure accommodation etc.)

    Health & ethnicity in Aberdeenshire: a study of Polish in-migrants; a report for the Scottish Health Council.

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    In Scotland as a whole, around 2% of the population are from minority ethnic backgrounds, although the distribution of people from such backgrounds is uneven across the country. In Aberdeenshire, out of a total population of 232,850, 1,165 people come from ethnic minority backgrounds, around 0.5% of the total population. According to the 2001 Census, there are nine main ethnic minority groups in Aberdeenshire, the largest of which is Chinese, comprising around a quarter of the total ethnic minority population of the area (n=277, 24%). The remaining groups are made up of Indians, Pakistanis, other South Asians, Africans, Black Scottish and people from the Caribbean. However, around 29% come from other minority ethnic groups. With respect to the latter, there has been a noticeable influx of people from Eastern Europe, particularly Poland, Lithuania and Latvia following the accession of ten new member states to the European Union on the 1st April 2004. It has been estimated that around 800 migrant workers and their families are now coming to Grampian each month (400 of whom are Polish), if levels of applications for National Insurance numbers are indicative in this respect (NHS Grampian, 2005). The health needs of migrants is becoming increasingly recognised. As such, the International Organization for Migrations most recent World Migration Report (2005) argued that, the social and economic costs of neglecting migration health, also as a public health issue, can be immeasurable. The experience of migration can lead to increased vulnerability to ill health as well as ill health, which arises after arrival. Poorer migrants are often lowly paid, living in damp conditions, badly nourished and exposed to higher risks in working environments yet under-utilise health services. In addition, the stigma generated from wider perceptions of poor migrant health can contribute to an undermining of the benefits of migration. In short, migration is a public health issue, which seems likely to endure in an emerging age of migration (Castles and Miller 2003). Finally communication is considered fundamentally important to the health of migrants due to language barriers having adverse effects on the accessibility of care, the quality of care received, patient satisfaction and patient health outcomes (Bischoff 2003). To help in-migrants settle into Scotland generally and Aberdeenshire in particular the Scottish Executive and a range of national and regional bodies have introduced a range of policies. Within healthcare, NHS Grampian (2005) aims to make genuine and lasting improvements in the quality of services provided to the local ethnic communities and to make NHS Grampian the leader, for other Health Boards to follow. To this end a range of policies are being implemented. These include, interpretation and translation services, training for NHS Grampian staff to better understand the needs of the local ethnic communities, access and service delivery, racial equality within NHS Grampian, appointments procedures, training procedures, actively promoting health within the ethnic communities and meeting the healthcare needs of recently arrived migrant workers and their families and asylum seekers

    A YAC contig in Xp21 containing the adrenal hypoplasia congenita and glycerol kinase deficiency genes

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    The gene loci for adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) and glycerol kinase deficiency (GK) map in Xp21 distal to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), and proximal to DXS28 (C7), by analysis of patient deletions. We have constructed a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig encompassing a 1.2 Mb region extending distally from DMD, and containing DXS708 (JC-1), the distal junction clone of a patient with GK and DMD. A pulsed-field gel electrophoresis map of the YAC contig identified 3 potential CpG islands. Whole YAC hybridization identified cosmids both for construction of cosmid contigs, and isolation of single copy probes. Thirteen new single copy probes and DXS28 and DXS708 were hybridized on a panel of patients; the deletion mapping indicates that the YAC contig contains both GK and at least part of AHC, and together with the physical map defines a GK critical region of 50-250 kb. In one AHC patient with a cytogenetically detectable deletion we used the new probes to characterize a complex double deletion. Non-overlapping deletions observed in other unrelated AHC patients indicate that the AHC gene is large, extending over at least 200-500 kb. This mapping provides the basis for the identification of the AHC and GK gene

    The Effect of Male Incarceration on Rape Myth Acceptance: Application of Propensity Score Matching Technique

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    The aim is to assess the effect of imprisonment on rape myth acceptance. The research used a sample of male prisoners incarcerated for non-sexual crimes (n = 98) and a sample of males drawn from the general population (n = 160). Simple linear regression did not indicate a significant effect of incarceration on rape myth acceptance. After controlling for background covariates using propensity score matching, analysis revealed a positive significant effect of incarceration on rape myth acceptance. Although further research is required, results indicate that being subject to incarceration has a significant positive effect on stereotypical thinking about rape

    A YAC contig in Xp21 containing the adrenal hypoplasia congenita and glycerol kinase deficiency genes

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    The gene loci for adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) and glycerol kinase deficiency (GK) map in Xp21 distal to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), and proximal to DXS28 (C7), by analysis of patient deletions. We have constructed a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig encompassing a 1.2 Mb region extending distally from DMD, and containing DXS708 (JC-1), the distal junction clone of a patient with GK and DMD. A pulsed-field gel electrophoresis map of the YAC contig identified 3 potential CpG islands. Whole YAC hybridization identified cosmids both for construction of cosmid contigs, and isolation of single copy probes. Thirteen new single copy probes and DXS28 and DXS708 were hybridized on a panel of patients; the deletion mapping indicates that the YAC contig contains both GK and at least part of AHC, and together with the physical map defines a GK critical region of 50-250 kb. In one AHC patient with a cytogenetically detectable deletion we used the new probes to characterize a complex double deletion. Non-overlapping deletions observed in other unrelated AHC patients indicate that the AHC gene is large, extending over at least 200-500 kb. This mapping provides the basis for the identification of the AHC and GK gene

    Developing expert scientific consensus on the environmental and societal effects of marine artificial structures prior to decommissioning

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    This work was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council and the INSITE programme [INSITE SYNTHESIS project, grant number NE/W009889/1].Thousands of artificial (‘human-made’) structures are present in the marine environment, many at or approaching end-of-life and requiring urgent decisions regarding their decommissioning. No consensus has been reached on which decommissioning option(s) result in optimal environmental and societal outcomes, in part, owing to a paucity of evidence from real-world decommissioning case studies. To address this significant challenge, we asked a worldwide panel of scientists to provide their expert opinion. They were asked to identify and characterise the ecosystem effects of artificial structures in the sea, their causes and consequences, and to identify which, if any, should be retained following decommissioning. Experts considered that most of the pressures driving ecological and societal effects from marine artificial structures (MAS) were of medium severity, occur frequently, and are dependent on spatial scale with local-scale effects of greater magnitude than regional effects. The duration of many effects following decommissioning were considered to be relatively short, in the order of days. Overall, environmental effects of structures were considered marginally undesirable, while societal effects marginally desirable. Experts therefore indicated that any decision to leave MAS in place at end-of-life to be more beneficial to society than the natural environment. However, some individual environmental effects were considered desirable and worthy of retention, especially in certain geographic locations, where structures can support improved trophic linkages, increases in tourism, habitat provision, and population size, and provide stability in population dynamics. The expert analysis consensus that the effects of MAS are both negative and positive for the environment and society, gives no strong support for policy change whether removal or retention is favoured until further empirical evidence is available to justify change to the status quo. The combination of desirable and undesirable effects associated with MAS present a significant challenge for policy- and decision-makers in their justification to implement decommissioning options. Decisions may need to be decided on a case-by-case basis accounting for the trade-off in costs and benefits at a local level.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Stage-Specific Pathways of Leishmania infantum chagasi Entry and Phagosome Maturation in Macrophages

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    The life stages of Leishmania spp. include the infectious promastigote and the replicative intracellular amastigote. Each stage is phagocytosed by macrophages during the parasite life cycle. We previously showed that caveolae, a subset of cholesterol-rich membrane lipid rafts, facilitate uptake and intracellular survival of virulent promastigotes by macrophages, at least in part, by delaying parasitophorous vacuole (PV)-lysosome fusion. We hypothesized that amastigotes and promastigotes would differ in their route of macrophage entry and mechanism of PV maturation. Indeed, transient disruption of macrophage lipid rafts decreased the entry of promastigotes, but not amastigotes, into macrophages (P<0.001). Promastigote-containing PVs were positive for caveolin-1, and co-localized transiently with EEA-1 and Rab5 at 5 minutes. Amastigote-generated PVs lacked caveolin-1 but retained Rab5 and EEA-1 for at least 30 minutes or 2 hours, respectively. Coinciding with their conversion into amastigotes, the number of promastigote PVs positive for LAMP-1 increased from 20% at 1 hour, to 46% by 24 hours, (P<0.001, Chi square). In contrast, more than 80% of amastigote-initiated PVs were LAMP-1+ at both 1 and 24 hours. Furthermore, lipid raft disruption increased LAMP-1 recruitment to promastigote, but not to amastigote-containing compartments. Overall, our data showed that promastigotes enter macrophages through cholesterol-rich domains like caveolae to delay fusion with lysosomes. In contrast, amastigotes enter through a non-caveolae pathway, and their PVs rapidly fuse with late endosomes but prolong their association with early endosome markers. These results suggest a model in which promastigotes and amastigotes use different mechanisms to enter macrophages, modulate the kinetics of phagosome maturation, and facilitate their intracellular survival

    Sooty Mangabey Genome Sequence Provides Insight into AIDS Resistance in a Natural SIV Host

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    In contrast to infections with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in humans and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in macaques, SIV infection of a natural host, sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys), is non-pathogenic despite high viraemia. Here we sequenced and assembled the genome of a captive sooty mangabey. We conducted genome-wide comparative analyses of transcript assemblies from C. atys and AIDS-susceptible species, such as humans and macaques, to identify candidates for host genetic factors that influence susceptibility. We identified several immune-related genes in the genome of C. atys that show substantial sequence divergence from macaques or humans. One of these sequence divergences, a C-terminal frameshift in the toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) gene of C. atys, is associated with a blunted in vitro response to TLR-4 ligands. In addition, we found a major structural change in exons 3-4 of the immune-regulatory protein intercellular adhesion molecule 2 (ICAM-2); expression of this variant leads to reduced cell surface expression of ICAM-2. These data provide a resource for comparative genomic studies of HIV and/or SIV pathogenesis and may help to elucidate the mechanisms by which SIV-infected sooty mangabeys avoid AIDS

    Growth-inhibitory effects of the chemopreventive agent indole-3-carbinol are increased in combination with the polyamine putrescine in the SW480 colon tumour cell line

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    BACKGROUND: Many tumours undergo disregulation of polyamine homeostasis and upregulation of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity, which can promote carcinogenesis. In animal models of colon carcinogenesis, inhibition of ODC activity by difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) has been shown to reduce the number and size of colon adenomas and carcinomas. Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) has shown promising chemopreventive activity against a range of human tumour cell types, but little is known about the effect of this agent on colon cell lines. Here, we investigated whether inhibition of ODC by I3C could contribute to a chemopreventive effect in colon cell lines. METHODS: Cell cycle progression and induction of apoptosis were assessed by flow cytometry. Ornithine decarboxylase activity was determined by liberation of CO(2 )from (14)C-labelled substrate, and polyamine levels were measured by HPLC. RESULTS: I3C inhibited proliferation of the human colon tumour cell lines HT29 and SW480, and of the normal tissue-derived HCEC line, and at higher concentrations induced apoptosis in SW480 cells. The agent also caused a decrease in ODC activity in a dose-dependent manner. While administration of exogenous putrescine reversed the growth-inhibitory effect of DFMO, it did not reverse the growth-inhibition following an I3C treatment, and in the case of the SW480 cell line, the effect was actually enhanced. In this cell line, combination treatment caused a slight increase in the proportion of cells in the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle, and increased the proportion of cells undergoing necrosis, but did not predispose cells to apoptosis. Indole-3-carbinol also caused an increase in intracellular spermine levels, which was not modulated by putrescine co-administration. CONCLUSION: While indole-3-carbinol decreased ornithine decarboxylase activity in the colon cell lines, it appears unlikely that this constitutes a major mechanism by which the agent exerts its antiproliferative effect, although accumulation of spermine may cause cytotoxicity and contribute to cell death. The precise mechanism by which putrescine enhances the growth inhibitory effect of the agent remains to be elucidated, but does result in cells undergoing necrosis, possibly following accumulation in the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle
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