34 research outputs found
First Report of Equine Leishmaniosis in the State of Sergipe, Brazil
Background: Leishmaniasis is caused by an obligate intracellular protozoan of the genus Leishmania. In Brazil, the species Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum is reported as an etiological agent of leishmaniasis. Transmission of the disease occurs through bite of the sand fly mosquitoes Lutzomyia longipalpis and Lutzomyia cruzi, present in several regions of Brazil, including the state of Sergipe, where they are considered endemic. Although few cases have been reported in other states of Brazil, no case of cutaneous leishmaniasis in horses has been reported in Sergipe. The objective of this study was to report a case of cutaneous leishmaniasis in a horse in the municipality of Itaporanga d'Ajuda, Sergipe, Brazil.Case: A 2-year-old female quarter-horse was examined by a private veterinarian due to the presence of a nodular lesion on the mucocutaneous region of the lips. Macroscopically, the nodule was alopecic with depigmented areas, measuring approximately 1.0 cm in diameter, and there was a focal ulcer in the region of the labial commissure. Excisional biopsy was performed as follows; the material obtained was fixed in 10% buffered formalin and sent for histopathological examination. Further, it was subjected to routine histological processing by embedment in paraffin and hematoxylin-eosin staining. Microscopically, there were intense multifocal to coalescent lymphohistioplasmocytic infiltrates with epithelioid macrophages and multinucleated giant cells, both containing amastigote forms comparable with Leishmania spp. Morphological diagnosis was defined as extensive multifocal to coalescent chronic granulomatous dermatitis with intracytoplasmic amastigote forms. Furthermore, for positive controls, immunohistochemical examination was performed using serum from dogs naturally infected with L. (L.) infantum, which resulted in a strongly positive immunostaining of innumerable intracytoplasmic amastigote structures, confirming infection by Leishmania infantum.Discussion: Leishmaniasis is a public health problem and is frequently studied. In the biological cycle of the parasite, canids are considered as reservoirs, and humans are considered as accidental hosts. However, in endemic rural areas, several species of mammals can be infected. Microscopic lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis are compatible with granulomatous dermatitis, characterized by lymphohistioplasmocytic inflammatory infiltrates with epithelioid macrophages containing amastigote forms. Age, breed, and sex are not considered predisposing factors for this disease and their transmission depends on the existence of the vector in the environment. The diagnosis is based on serological, molecular, and immunohistochemical techniques; in the present study, immunohistochemistry was performed for diagnostic confirmation using serum from dogs naturally infected with L. (L.) infantum. It was found that this antibody can be successfully applied in the immunohistochemical diagnosis of leishmaniasis in tissues of horses. Histopathological examination including immunohistochemical analysis was essential to confirm the diagnosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of Leishmania infantum infection in a horse in the state of Sergipe, Brazil. It is essential to carry out epidemiological studies to define control measures to be implemented in the state since it is important for public health.
A importância da análise imuno-histoquímica e microscópica para diagnóstico e tratamento cirúrgico da doença de Castleman forma plasmocítica unicêntrica, após encaminhamento com suspeição e biópsia inicial indicando adenocarcinoma pulmonar: The importance of immunohistochemical and microscopic analysis for diagnosis and surgical treatment of Castleman's disease unicentric plasmacytic form, after referral with suspicion and initial biopsy indicating adenocarcinoma pulmonar
A doença de Castleman (DC), também conhecida como hiperplasia nodular gigante ou hiperplasia angiofolicular linfoide, é uma doença rara de surgimento controverso, dividida em duas síndromes clínicas: unicêntrica e multicêntrica. Na forma unicêntrica, apenas um linfonodo é acometido e não existem sintomas clínicos. Na forma multicêntrica, pode-se apresentar variada sintomatologia clínica incluindo anemia, fadiga, anorexia, suores noturnos, perda de peso, febre e hepatoesplenomegalia. Já a análise histológica dos linfonodos classifica a DC em três formas: variante hialinovascular, variante plasmocítica e doença associada ao vírus HHV-8. A realização do diagnóstico adequado possibilita indicação de acompanhamento e condutas terapêuticas assertivas para a patologia. As informações apresentadas neste relato de caso advêm de revisão de prontuário, registros fotográficos dos procedimentos realizados e revisão da literatura
Cutaneous habronemosis is a pathology that affects several species of animals, including horses. It is caused by the nematodes of the genus Habronema spp. and Draschia megastoma, where the adult worms of these species release eggs in the feces of horses, since these turn into larvae and are ingested by the flies of the species Stomoxys calcitranse and Musca Doméstica. These contaminated flies deposit their larvae in open wounds or humid regions, presenting a predilection for the eyes and lips. The presumptive diagnosis is given by the history of lesions that are difficult to heal, which is confirmed by histopathological examination or even scraping of the lesion. Despite the higher frequency of conventional treatments, healing has a long period and there is a possibility of parasitic resistance and relapses. Therefore, some professionals opt for new therapies and new drugs, in order to have a better result and not develop resistance to certain drugs. In view of this, this article aims to present a brief study bringing several therapeutic ways to treat cutaneous habronemosis.A habronemose cutânea é uma patologia que acomete diversas espécies de animais, entre elas os equinos. É causada pelos nematódeos do gênero Habronema spp. e Draschia megastoma, onde os vermes adultos dessas espécies liberam ovos nas fezes dos equinos, uma vez que esses se transformam em larvas e são ingeridos pelas moscas da espécie Stomoxys calcitranse e Musca Doméstica. Essas moscas contaminadas, depositam suas larvas em feridas abertas ou regiões úmidas, apresentando predileção pelos olhos e lábios. O diagnóstico presuntivo se dar pelo histórico de lesões de difícil cicatrização, o qual é confirmado através do exame histopatológico ou até raspado da lesão. Apesar da maior frequência dos tratamentos convencionais, a cicatrização tem um período demorado e há possibilidade de resistência parasitária e recidivas. Logo, alguns profissionais optam por novas terapias e novos fármacos, afim de ter um melhor resultado e não desenvolver resistência a certos fármacos. Diante disso, o presente artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar um breve estudo trazendo diversas formas terapêuticas para tratar a habronemose cutânea. 
Projeto arte e vida de Van Gogh / Van gogh's art and life Project
O projeto “Arte e Vida de Van Gogh” foi realizado na Escola Municipal das Acácias, escola pública localizada na Rua das Camélias, Parque Primavera, Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro, durante o primeiro semestre de 2021. O projeto foi coordenado pelo professor Fábio De Macedo, sob a supervisão da professora Elinete Nascimento, contando com oito licenciandos do Pibid-Belas Artes 2020 da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro com bolsa da CAPES. Devido ao período da Pandemia da Covid 19 que impossibilitou atividades educativas presenciais com os alunos do 6° ao 9° ano do Ensino Fundamental, utilizamos as tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação. Para tanto, buscamos na literatura especializada conhecer sobre Metodologias Ativas, Sala de Aula Invertida, Ensino Híbrido e Gamificação, possibilidades metodológicas e uso de ferramentas não presenciais. Para basearmos as habilidades e competências a serem desenvolvidas consideramos os marcos normativos vigentes, como a Base Nacional Comum Curricular de 2018, o Plano Pedagógico do curso de Licenciatura em Belas Artes e o Projeto Político Pedagógico da citada escola. Os alunos foram devidamente sensibilizados a fazer a inscrição através do Google formulário que contou com aulas síncronas através do Google Meet e assíncronas a partir de videoaulas postadas no canal do Youtube criado para o projeto e disponibilizadas no grupo do WhatsApp e plataforma Google Sala de aula. Além das videoaulas foram disponibilizados quiz, imagens, links e textos. Os trabalhos dos alunos foram expostos em mural virtual através do Padlet. Os alunos foram avaliados através da participação, formulários, jogos e dos trabalhos recebidos. Realizamos avaliações diagnósticas, antes da realização do projeto, avaliações formativas e avaliação qualitativa durante todo o processo de ensino-aprendizagem mediado por debates em uma relação pedagógica horizontal. A experiência se demonstrou um desafio enriquecedor à formação de todos os atores envolvidos: pesquisadores, docentes, licenciandos, alunos e direção da unidade escolar.
Influence Of The Conditioning Factors Of Cardiac Transplant Patients To The Self-Care Engagement Profile
Background: This study aimed to identify the conditioning factors that influence the self-care practice of heart transplant patient after discharge and relate the conditioning factors to the Engagement Profile of Self Care.
Methods: Cross-sectional study, undertaken at a transplantation unit of one public hospital, in Fortaleza-Ceará. There was the participation of 63 heart transplant patients.
Results: The majority of the patients were men (88.9%), aged 40-59 years (68.3%), catholic (81.0%), married (77.8%), elementary school (71, 4%), retired or not working (82.5%); income below minimum wage (47, 6%); diagnosis to transplantation was chagasic cardiomyopathy (28.6%), post-transplant time between one and three years (39.7%). The determinant for self-care had significant difference (p<0.05) was the time of transplantation, because patients who have higher scores on Engagement Profile Self-Care had performed transplantation between 3 and 5 years.
Conclusion: The professional team of heart transplant should consider the conditioning factors of patients transplanted cardiac in establishing strategies for promoting self-care
O registro dos limites da cidade: imagens da várzea do Carmo no século XIX
Este trabalho debruça-se sobre a iconografia paulistana do século XIX, em suas pinturas, aquarelas e litografias. Partindo da constatação da existência de um privilegiamento das áreas dos arredores do centro nas representações da cidade, especificamente uma região, a várzea do Carmo, e dessa permanência ainda na virada do século, quando a cidade sofre um processo de urbanização e crescimento grande, e a fotografia já está registrando as áreas centrais, quisemos investigar os sentidos dessas representações, tanto a presença desse espaço - a várzea do Carmo - no imaginário da época (cronistas, legisladores, memorialistas), quanto as imagens da cidade que estão sendo produzidas a partir desse ângulo de registro. Escolhemos analisar algumas imagens dessa região, concentrando-nos no final do século, contrapondo com outros discursos produzidos sobre a área por cronistas, jornalistas e memorialistas, na tentativa de entender um pouco mais a sociedade que as produziu
Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research
Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4
While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge
of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In
the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of
Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus
crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced
environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian
Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by
2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status,
much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio