2,251 research outputs found

    Using Covariance as a Similarity Measure for Document Language Identification in Hard Contexts

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: C2P99.Existing Language Identification (LID) approaches achieve 100% precision in most common situations, dealing with sufficiently large documents, written in just one language. However, there are many situations where text language is hard to identify and where current LID approaches do not provide a reliable solution. One such situation occurs when it is necessary to discriminate the correct variant of the language used in a text. In this paper, we present a fully statistics-based LID approach which is shown to be correct for common texts and maintains its robustness when classifying hard LID documents. For that, character sequences were used as base features. The Discriminant Ability of each sequence, in each training situation, is measured and used to filter out less important character sequences. Document similarity measure, based on the covariance concept, was defined. In the training phase, document clusters are built in a reduced k uncorrelated dimensions space. In the classification phase the Quadratic Discriminant Score decides which cluster (language) must be assigned to the documents one needs to classify

    Interculturality in an English textbook: A critical teaching alternative

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    The aim of this study is to present some possibilities on the use of an Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching (ICLT) model to teach part of a unit of the textbook English File – third edition, pre-intermediate - under a critical intercultural perspective (CANDAU, 2020; PARDO, 2018; WALSH, 2009). As far as the teaching model is concerned, this study considers Tran and Duong’s (2018) suggestion of ICLT in order to promote, what we call, Critical Intercultural Performativity, by using the textbook and authentic materials. This paper is organized according to the following sections: 1) a reflection on cultural representations in English textbooks; 2) a discussion of the targeted part from the chosen unit under a critical intercultural perspective (PARDO, 2018); 3) the suggestion of an ICLT model to approach the part of this unit considering critical interculturality. The study concluded that cultural representations in the targeted unit of the textbook New English File (NEF) mostly depicted hegemonized knowledge – grounded in the common US-Europe west-centered duality – and it suggests a critical version of Tran and Duong’s (2018) ICLT model to use the textbook according to the realities of Brazilian learners

    Relationships between respiratory parameters and quadriceps strength in subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of a mixed-meal that impacts carotid-body mediated cardiorespiratory and metabolic parameters - a pilot study

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    The carotid bodies (CB) have been recently implicated in the genesis of metabolic diseases in animal models. The CBs respond to circulating insulin to increase heart rate, respiratory rate and blood glucose levels. In humans, this mechanism is not well characterized.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    For the agricultural tractor's best performance, it must be correctly adapted to the job. Among other factors, the adequacy of tire inflation pressure is one of the most important and may influence the operation's efficiency and productivity. This study aimed to evaluate an agricultural tractor's operational performance with different tire inflation pressures in the subsoiling operation. The study was carried out in an experimental area of the Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization Laboratory of the experimental farm “Água Limpa,” belonging to the University of Brasília. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks with the following values, 206.8 kPa (30 psi), 137.9 kPa (20 psi), and 68.9 kPa (10 psi), of inflation pressure for agricultural tractor tires. The mechanized set used was a tractor model TM7020 2WD MFWD pulling a subsoiler with five shanks, SPCR model, in a Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo. The higher inflation pressure resulted in greater slippage, advance, hourly fuel consumption, and lower speed and operational field capacity


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    Convencionalmente a semeadura da soja é realizada distribuindo as sementes de forma individualizada e equidistante ao longo do sulco de semeadura. uma possível alternativa é a dosagem e distribuição agrupada de sementes, apenas rearranjando-as. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as características agronômicas da soja semeada com disco dosador de sementes convencional e agrupado sob diferentes velocidades operacionais. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 3, sendo dois arranjos de semeadura, agrupado e convencional, e três velocidades de semeadura 4,5; 5,2 e 6 km h-1, com quatro repetições cada. Os resultados evidenciam incremento produtivo entre 20,7% e 39,9% para o arranjo agrupado nas velocidades de 5,2 e 4,5 km h-1, respectivamente. A maior velocidade de semeadura limita o agrupamento de sementes para o arranjo agrupado. Conventionally, soybean sowing is carried out by distributing the seeds individually and equidistantly along the sowing furrow. An alternative is the grouped dosage and distribution of seeds, just rearranging them. The aim of this work was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of soybean sown with a grouped and conventional seed metering disc in a pneumatic seeder at different operating speeds. The experimental design adopted was completely randomized (CRD) under a 2 x 3 factorial scheme, with two spatial sowing arrangements, grouped and conventional, and three sowing speeds, 4.5; 5.2 e 6 km h-1, resulting in six treatments with four repetitions each. The results show a productive increase between 20.7% and 39.9% for the grouped arrangement at speeds of 5.2 and 4.5 km h-1, respectively. The higher sowing speed, limits the grouping of seeds to the grouped arrangement

    O processo de implantação das unidades de pronto atendimento no Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar o processo de implantação das unidades de pronto atendimento no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se análise documental, entrevistas com 24 coordenadores estaduais de urgência e um painel de especialistas. Analisaram-se questões relativas a: antecedentes e trajetória da política; atores envolvidos na implantação; processo de expansão; avanços, limites e dificuldades de implantação; e capacidade de coordenação estadual. Utilizou-se o referencial teórico da análise da conduta estratégica da teoria da estruturação de Giddens. RESULTADOS: As unidades de pronto atendimento foram implantadas a partir de 2007, inicialmente na região Sudeste, e em 2016 existiam 446 unidades de pronto atendimento considerando todas as regiões. Atualmente, há 620 unidades de pronto atendimento em construção, indicando expectativa de expansão. O financiamento federal foi um forte indutor da implantação. Os estados planejaram suas unidades de pronto atendimento, mas a existência de negociação direta entre os municípios e a União contribuiu com o significativo número de unidades de pronto atendimento construídas que não funcionam. Em relação à rede de urgência, há tensão com o hospital pela insuficiência de leitos no país, gerando internação na unidade de pronto atendimento. A gestão das unidades de pronto atendimento é predominantemente municipal, com a maioria das unidades de pronto atendimento localizadas fora das capitais e classificadas como Porte III. Os principais desafios identificados foram: o sub-financiamento e a dificuldade de contratar médicos. CONCLUSÕES: A unidade de pronto atendimento tem o mérito de ter recursos tecnológicos e ser arquitetonicamente diferenciada, mas só será bem-sucedida dentro de uma rede de urgência. A indução federal gerou respostas contraditórias, pois nem todos os estados consideram a unidade de pronto atendimento como prioritária. O fortalecimento da gestão estadual foi identificado como desafio para a implantação da rede de urgências.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the process of implementation of emergency care units in Brazil. METHODS: We have carried out a documentary analysis, with interviews with twenty-four state urgency coordinators and a panel of experts. We have analyzed issues related to policy background and trajectory, players involved in the implementation, expansion process, advances, limits, and implementation difficulties, and state coordination capacity. We have used the theoretical framework of the analysis of the strategic conduct of the Giddens theory of structuration. RESULTS: Emergency care units have been implemented after 2007, initially in the Southeast region, and 446 emergency care units were present in all Brazilian regions in 2016. Currently, 620 emergency care units are under construction, which indicates expectation of expansion. Federal funding was a strong driver for the implementation. The states have planned their emergency care units, but the existence of direct negotiation between municipalities and the Union has contributed with the significant number of emergency care units that have been built but that do not work. In relation to the urgency network, there is tension with the hospital because of the lack of beds in the country, which generates hospitalizations in the emergency care unit. The management of emergency care units is predominantly municipal, and most of the emergency care units are located outside the capitals and classified as Size III. The main challenges identified were: under-funding and difficulty in recruiting physicians. CONCLUSIONS: The emergency care unit has the merit of having technological resources and being architecturally differentiated, but it will only succeed within an urgency network. Federal induction has generated contradictory responses, since not all states consider the emergency care unit a priority. The strengthening of the state management has been identified as a challenge for the implementation of the urgency network


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender a portabilidade de dados pessoais, sob a perspectiva da infraestrutura e do mercado das plataformas digitais. A partir de um estudo de caso Microsoft Bing vs Google Adwords apreciado pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) sobre o tema, em uma análise qualitativa, apresentam-se as perspectivas para implementação da portabilidade na esfera digital. Discute-se, ainda, os efeitos que essa implementação possui para o direito concorrencial, quando o usuário tem a liberdade de portar os seus dados de uma plataforma para outra concorrente


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender a portabilidade de dados pessoais, sob a perspectiva da infraestrutura e do mercado das plataformas digitais. A partir de um estudo de caso Microsoft Bing vs Google Adwords apreciado pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) sobre o tema, em uma análise qualitativa, apresentam-se as perspectivas para implementação da portabilidade na esfera digital. Discute-se, ainda, os efeitos que essa implementação possui para o direito concorrencial, quando o usuário tem a liberdade de portar os seus dados de uma plataforma para outra concorrente


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender a portabilidade de dados pessoais, sob a perspectiva da infraestrutura e do mercado das plataformas digitais. A partir de um estudo de caso Microsoft Bing vs Google Adwords apreciado pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) sobre o tema, em uma análise qualitativa, apresentam-se as perspectivas para implementação da portabilidade na esfera digital. Discute-se, ainda, os efeitos que essa implementação possui para o direito concorrencial, quando o usuário tem a liberdade de portar os seus dados de uma plataforma para outra concorrente