599 research outputs found

    O judô na prática escolar

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O PIBID Educação Física - UEM é um projeto que possibilita a objetivação da prática escolar da educação física crítico-superadora com o objetivo de ampliar o conhecimento sobre a realidade social por meio do esporte, das lutas, da ginástica, dança e dos jogos, brinquedos e brincadeiras na educação física escolar. Para isso, o projeto propõe a sistematização de conteúdos que possibilitem o acesso e a apropriação pelos filhos da classe trabalhadora do conhecimento historicamente produzido. Dessa maneira, foi elaborada uma proposta inicial de planejamento apresentando o judô como conteúdo estruturante. Sugeriu-se a contextualização histórica da luta, bem como a objetivação de uma prática escolar envolvendo as suas imobilizações , além de conceitos que abrangem seus movimentos básicos, os quais possibilitam o desenvolvimento de habilidades como atenção e concentraçã

    Towards a Practical and Cost-Effective Water Monitoring System

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    In recent years, there has been increasing awareness of the preservation, protection and sustainable use of natural resources. Water resources, being one of the most important, face major threats due to contamination by pollutants of various types and origins. Maintaining the quality of water resources requires more robust, reliable and more frequent monitoring than traditional data collection techniques based on manual sampling methods. This article, which is the result of ongoing research, proposes a practical and cost-effective solution for a surface water monitoring system, using a robotics platform and cloud services. The proposed solution allows for scalability and will accommodate a wide range of end-user specifications. To allow for continuous operation in longer activities, the design of a versatile real-time water quality monitoring system should also take into consideration the question of its energy requirements and self-sufficiency.This work was supported by Centro 2020, Portugal 2020 and European Union (EU) under the grants, CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-024052E – Libélula: Mobile robotic surface water quality monitoring system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo explicar a prática escolar do Pibid de Educação Física da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM-PR), por meio da análise dos planejamentos desenvolvidos para aulas realizadas com o conteúdo “ato humano de rebater” em múltiplas determinações, bem como observação das respectivas aulas. As aulas foram ensinadas para uma turma do 1º ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública do Paraná no ano de 2017. Observou-se a possibilidade de transformação da prática escolar dessa disciplina, por meio da valorização de outros aspectos fundantes da mesma, tais como os aspectos histórico e social. Os pontos refletidos e desenvolvidos nos planejamentos foram de fundamental importância para o desenvolvimento das aulas, assim como na articulação entre teoria e prática. O espaço proporcionado pela CAPES com o projeto, possibilitou o momento de preparação para a prática transformadora do iniciante à docência em Educação Física

    Physiological quality of ‘BRS’ passion fruit seeds grown at different altitudes and storage environments

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    The aim of this work was to study the physiological quality of ‘BRS’ passion fruit seeds grown at different altitudes stored in cold chamber and in natural environment for six months.  Hybrid passion fruit seeds (BRS Gigante Amarelo, BRS Sol do Cerrado and BRS Rubi do Cerrado) grown at three altitudes (104; 711; 1016 meters) in the southern region of the state of Espírito Santo were used. Germination was carried out in germitest paper rolls, placed in BOD-type germination chambers at temperature of 20-30 ºC. The following parameters were analyzed: germination, germination speed index, shoot and root length and dry mass of seedlings. The experimental design used was completely randomized in a factorial scheme with split plot in time 4x(3x3) (four bimonthly analyses x three hybrids x three altitudes), with two independent storage environments and three replicates of 100 seeds. Hybrid Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa seeds can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Flavicarpa can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss.  Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss.The aim of this work was to study the physiological quality of ‘BRS’ passion fruit seeds grown at different altitudes stored in cold chamber and in natural environment for six months.  Hybrid passion fruit seeds (BRS Gigante Amarelo, BRS Sol do Cerrado and BRS Rubi do Cerrado) grown at three altitudes (104; 711; 1016 meters) in the southern region of the state of Espírito Santo were used. Germination was carried out in germitest paper rolls, placed in BOD-type germination chambers at temperature of 20-30 ºC. The following parameters were analyzed: germination, germination speed index, shoot and root length and dry mass of seedlings. The experimental design used was completely randomized in a factorial scheme with split plot in time 4x(3x3) (four bimonthly analyses x three hybrids x three altitudes), with two independent storage environments and three replicates of 100 seeds. Hybrid Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa seeds can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Flavicarpa can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss.  Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss

    Smart monitoring of constructed wetlands to improve efficiency and water quality

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    The Smart monitoring of constructed wetlands to improve efficiency and water quality (SmarterCW) project aims to monitor biological wastewater treatment processes by gathering continuous data from remote water and environmental sensors. The acquired data can be processed and analysed through data science tools to better understand the complex and coupled phenomena underneath wastewater treatment, as well as, to monitor and optimize the system performance. The results will improve the efficiency and control of nature-based wastewater treatment technologies. The methodology comprises the following tasks and activities: Implementation of a set of electrochemical sensors in the input and output flow streams of pilot-scale constructed wetlands; Acquisition of water quality parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, and ionic compounds; Acquisition of environmental parameters, such as temperature and humidity; Application of data analysis tools to design and optimize conceptual models to correlate pollutants removal with operative parameters in green technologies for wastewater treatment. This methodology was applied to a patent-protected pilot-scale modular constructed wetland in which filling media consists of a mixture of solid waste. The system is complemented by a high-level IoT communication layer structure to support remote real-time water and environmental monitoring, system performance, and data dissemination. The project contributes to: Water and Environment through the efficient management and use of water resources and waste reduction, management, treatment, and valorisation; Materials and raw-materials through efficient, secure, and sustainable use of resources; and Environmental Education promoting environmental awareness and best environmental practices through the dissemination of scientific data and results using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools and IoT platforms. The project also contributes to giving response to Societal Challenges, such as Environment protection, sustainable management of natural resources, water, biodiversity, and ecosystems; Enabling the transition to a green society and economy through eco-innovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Study of the requirements of an autonomous system for surface water quality monitoring

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    In recent years, there has been increasing awareness of the preservation, protection and sustainable use of natural resources. Water resources, being one of the most important natural resources, face major threats due to contamination by pollutants of various types and origins. Maintaining the quality of water resources requires more robust, reliable and more frequent monitoring than traditional techniques of data collection based on sporadic, discontinuous and manual processes. The management of large geographical areas, the insufficient spatiotemporal discretization of the values of samples collected by traditional processes and the unpredictability of natural phenomena, require a new approach to data collection procedures. This article, which is the result of ongoing research, defines the technical requirements and technologies used in a continuous and regular monitoring of surface water quality in freshwater systems, whose data acquisition system helps to identify the sources of pollution and the contaminants flow along the waterways. The design of a versatile real-time water quality monitoring system, which, due to its environmental constraints should be based on renewable energies and wireless transfer of energy, will contribute to improve the management and effective protection of water resources.This work was supported by Centro2020, Portugal 2020 and European Union (EU) under the grants, CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-024052E – Libélula: Mobile robotic surface water quality monitoring system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SUAPE: novo polo de crescimento

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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a microrregião de Suape, a partir das ideias de Hirschman sobre estratégias de desenvolvimento regional e a concepção perrouxiana de polos de crescimento, buscando entender o papel desta região como indutora de desenvolvimento regional. Além disso, será realizado um estudo de caso sobre os impactos econômicos potenciais da fase de construção da Refinaria de Abreu e Lima (RNEST), considerada aqui como núcleo relevante da indústria motriz. Para isso, foi utilizada a Matriz de Insumo-Produto Inter-regional Nordeste e Estados (GUILHOTO et al., 2010), ano base 2004. Os principais resultados apontaram que a região de Suape apresenta indícios para a formação de um possível polo de crescimento. A fase de construção da RNEST poderá aumentar em 1,14% a produção total pernambucana, 32,8% os empregos totais do estado, considerando todo o período de obras (2007-2014), e pode gerar um impacto de R$ 4 bilhões de renda adicional das famílias na economia estadual (a preços de 2004). Por outro lado, os efeitos de vazamento desses investimentos foram maiores para o restante do Brasil do que para o restante do Nordeste, o que representa uma incipiente integração econômica com vistas ao desenvolvimento regional. Palavras-chave: Suape; encadeamentos setoriais; polos de crescimento, RNEST; Pernambuco

    Spatial spillovers of the cultural employment growth in Brazilian municipalities

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    The Brazilian cultural sector is rarely explored in the literature, especially considering all municipalities at the same time in an economic and spatial perspective. This paper aims to measure the level of specialization, urbanization and diversification externalities on the cultural employment growth rate in Brazilian municipalities between 2006 and 2016. To do so, spatial econometric models are used. The main results indicate there are no spatial associations regarding cultural employment growth in Brazil. The lack of complementarity of this sector, associate with the lack of incentives for its development, particularly in small municipalities, helps to explain our results

    Spatial spillovers of the cultural employment growth in Brazilian municipalities

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    The Brazilian cultural sector is rarely explored in the literature, especially considering all municipalities at the same time in an economic and spatial perspective. This paper aims to measure the level of specialization, urbanization and diversification externalities on the cultural employment growth rate in Brazilian municipalities between 2006 and 2016. To do so, spatial econometric models are used. The main results indicate there are no spatial associations regarding cultural employment growth in Brazil. The lack of complementarity of this sector, associate with the lack of incentives for its development, particularly in small municipalities, helps to explain our results

    No-tillage system of flooded rice genotypes in succession to winter cover crops

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    A adoção do sistema de semeadura direta de arroz em sucessão a espécies de cobertura de solo no inverno é uma importante alternativa para possibilitar o cultivo em uma mesma área todos os anos. Com o objetivo de avaliar espécies de cobertura do solo no inverno mais apropriadas para participarem de um sistema de sucessão de culturas com semeadura direta de genótipos de arroz irrigado, conduziu-se um experimento na Estação Experimental do Arroz do Instituto Rio Grandense do Arroz, em Cachoeirinha, RS, nas estações de crescimento de 1996/97, 1997/98 e 1998/99. Os tratamentos constaram de quatro genótipos de arroz irrigado (BRS6, BR-IRGA 409, IRGA 416 e IRGA 417) instalados em semeadura direta, sobre parcelas com as coberturas de aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Scheib), aveia-branca (Avena sativa L.), azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), serradela nativa [Ornithopus micranthus (Benth.) Arechavaleta] e de vegetação espontânea e com solo desnudo (testemunha). Quanto ao rendimento de grãos, houve interação entre sistemas de cobertura de solo e estações de crescimento. Nas três estações de crescimento, somente o arroz cultivado em sucessão à leguminosa serradela nativa apresentou rendimento de grãos similar ao obtido no sistema de cultivo convencional. Por outro lado, o arroz cultivado em sucessão ao azevém foi o único a apresentar rendimento de grãos inferior em relação ao sistema de cultivo convencional nas três estações de crescimento.The intensive use of the paddy soils in the production of flooded rice becomes more and more necessary. In this sense, the adoption of the no-till system of rice in succession to winter cover crops is an important alternative to facilitate the cultivation in the same area every year. A trial was conducted with the purpose to identify more appropriate cover crops for cold season to participate of a succession system with no-till system of flooded rice genotypes at the Estação Experimental do Arroz of Instituto Rio Grandense do Arroz, in Cachoeirinha, RS, Brazil, in the 1996/97, 1997/98 and  1998/99 growing seasons. The treatments consisted of four flooded rice genotypes (BRS6,  BR-IRGA 409, IRGA 416 and IRGA 417) installed in no-till system on plots with the grasses black oat (Avena strigosa Scheib), white oat (Avena sativa L.) and rye grass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.); with the legumen "serradela nativa" [Ornithopus micranthus (Benth.) Arechavaleta]; with spontaneous vegetation and with nude soil (check). For grain yield there was interaction between cover crops and growing seasons. In the three growing seasons, only the rice cultivated in succession to the legumen "serradela nativa" presented similar grain yield to that one obtained in the control. On the other hand, the rice cultivated in succession to the rye grass was the only one presenting inferior grain yield in relation to the check in the three growing seasons